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An announcement from New England


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We would like to announce to the world that, starting immediately, New England will be withdrawing all of its military forces, administrators, and civil servants from Rhode Island. Army soldiers and Stasi troopers, as well as Stasi operatives, will be vacating their bases within the now-former State immediately. Rhode Island has been granted independence with the Consent of the Federal Government and the States. A statement will be made by the new state soon.


This is all. Have a nice day.

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October 28, 2016

The sun was just beginning to set behind the tall, golden dome of the new governmental complex. Richard Mercton walked briskly down the streets of the city. He scanned the horizon and saw numerous New England flags dotting the skyline. “Not in my city,” he said quietly as he continued walking. Of course, he didn’t really have a problem with the New England Government. They had been extremely fair in permitting the J Andres government to continue. Of course, what kind of existence was this? When Richard was born, J Andres was a force to be reckoned with throughout the world. It dominated eastern North America. There was a time when Richard was first in line to take the throne, first in line to be King of J Andres, and it’s Empire, just like his father. Back then, of course, the Empire spanned across continents, the small little colony in Portugal, Porto Pacis in Australia, even Bermuda was shortly held by J Andres for a time. Now his sister was first in line to the throne, but he was President, and had been since the passage of Adrik Annan the previous year. Although most called his Presidency pointless, he was about to reclaim his city, his land, and his nation.

As he rounded the corner, he saw a much larger crowd than usual. Typically the leader of a pretend country doesn’t draw large crowds, but everyone knew that something big was coming. It was hard not to notice the exodus of New England officials. Also, Richard wouldn’t have spent such a large portion of his personal wealth constructing a governmental complex for his own little delusions. He smiled as he began to approach the crowd as he walked up the steps and neared the podium. He quickly scanned the crowd and saw television cameras. This was the first time his actions actually necessitated cameras since Annan’s funeral. He gave a quick glance around to the back to identify the people sitting behind him. Nearly anyone who had been important over the course of J Andres history was there. Josef Mercton, Jack Bosco, Benjamin Richards, Alex Miller, Mickey Bethesda, Nobaru Yoshiro, Roger Ahmadinejad, and Oscar York, as well as most of the members of the Royal Family.

He turned to face the crowd once more. “Greetings, my fellow New Englanders. For the past five years, us inhabitants of ‘this state of Rhode Island,’ have lived under President Kennedy and his tree-emblazoned banner. The Maritime Anchor which so proudly flew on every flagpole within this great city is now hidden from view. I have no hatred for those who proudly call themselves New Englanders, for we were once the same. We shared the same history as those who call themselves New Englanders. However, I do not call myself a New Englander. I have always been a citizen of J Andres.”


“I come forth to you today, not to preach a message violence and hate towards our New England brethren who are content with their lives, but rather, a message of strength and unity, for those of us who are not content. I stand upon the steps of the Adrik Annan Governmental Centre, the new home to the J Andres Commune, and all governmental offices,” President Mercton paused for a quick moment, “But, the question is why? Why do we still need a Commune when we have the Rhode Island General Assembly in Providence? Why do we still need a President when we have Governor Carcieri, and President Kennedy? Why do we need J Andres when we have New England?”

“We need J Andres for the same reason that we have always needed J Andres. When the United States was in a downward spiral, we as Rhode Islander’s realized that we needed to leave, so we formed the Maritime Colony of Rhode Island. After nearly a year of that, we realized that that wouldn’t work either, so my father organized a small community into the Nation of J Andres. That great nation ruled this area for 30 years before we fell into ruin.”

“Once again, that independent mindset, that is inherently Andrean, flows through our veins. Our capital is Endor Cuidad. Our King is Josef I. Our Nation is the Maritime Republic of J Andres.”

Just as Mercton delivered his last line, the J Andres flag sped up the flag pole directly in front of him. He paused until it reached its peak, and then continued, “I have spoken to the Honorable President Kennedy, and although we will live under different banners, we will cooperate in the defense of this land and our brothers. We have regained our sovereignty over this territory. This is the grand first step in reprising our role on the world stage.” He took a small step back from the podium and yelled the old rallying cry from the early days with the coalition, “Pro Ordo, Pro Vox, Pro Pacis!”


The Maritime Republic has made a list of its Government Officials available to the public.

President: Richard Mercton

Monarch: King Josef I

Minister of War & Defense: Joel Brunel

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mickey Bethesda

Minister of Domestic Affairs: Brian Wilfork

Minister of Energy: Vacant

Foreign Affairs Minister Mickey Bethesda welcomes any and all nations to open diplomatic missions with J Andres. For nations wishing to occupy an embassy in Endor Cuidad, you must agree with the provisions set forth by SPEED. Submit an application here with the following information, so it can be processed. The J Andres Foreign Ministry will automatically assume to send a diplomat to all nations submitting an application, unless otherwise stated.

Nation Name:

Current Head of State:

Other Relevant Government Heads:

Name of Ambassador sent to Endor Cuidad:

Edited by J Andres
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"The Government of Disparu welcomes J Andres back to the world stage, and wish them luck in their endeavours."

Nation Name: Disparu (short form) Federation of Disparu (long form)

Current Head of State: Lance Pikachurin (Monarch)

Other Relevant Government Heads: Cynthia Celeste (Chancellor, head of government)

Name of Ambassador sent to Endor Cuidad: Eddie Lacourse

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"New England, of course, recognizes and welcomes J Andres back to the world. We look forward to working together with the new state to ensure the stability and prosperity of the North American continent.

On a related note, J Andres will be under our 'protection' while it reasserts its independence and sovereignty on the world stage. Meaning, any aggressive actions against J Andres will be treated as the same against New England and dealt with accordingly. Lastly, we will fill apply for an embassy in Endor Cuidad in accordance with SPEED."

Nation Name: Republic of New England

Current Head of State: John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Other Relevant Government Heads: Lyndon Baines Johnson (Vice President), Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Secretary of State)

Name of Ambassador sent to Endor Cuidad: Sean Bryan

Edited by JEDCJT
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From the office of Mickey Bethesda, Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Maritime Republic of J Andres is happy to establish embassies for the Republic of New England and the Federation of Disparu. Thankfully, establishing Embassies is much easier these days considering we built them all about 20 years ago. New England has been provided with an embassy at One Embassy Circle. Ambassador Scott Cooley has been tapped to serve as the representative from J Andres to New England. Disparu has been granted the embassy at Two Embassy Circle. Douglas Perry has been granted the job of Chief Ambassador to Disparu. Both embassies are established and ready for the diplomatic teams to move in. We anxiously await to send our own diplomats to Boston and Jubilife respectively, upon receiving notice that embassies are ready for them as well.

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OOC: Oh, wait...this is where I was supposed to submit the Embassy Application?

IC: "This puts paid to Xaristan's claims that New Ebngland is deliberately expansionist. If they were truly expansionist, they would not have permitted J Andres its freedom."

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From the office of Mickey Bethesda, Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Maritime Republic of J Andres is happy to establish embassies for the Republic of New England and the Federation of Disparu. Thankfully, establishing Embassies is much easier these days considering we built them all about 20 years ago. New England has been provided with an embassy at One Embassy Circle. Ambassador Scott Cooley has been tapped to serve as the representative from J Andres to New England. Disparu has been granted the embassy at Two Embassy Circle. Douglas Perry has been granted the job of Chief Ambassador to Disparu. Both embassies are established and ready for the diplomatic teams to move in. We anxiously await to send our own diplomats to Boston and Jubilife respectively, upon receiving notice that embassies are ready for them as well.

"Thank you. We shall send the Disparuean Ambassador and his staff to Endor Cuidad as soon as possible.

You may also send your ambassador and staff to Jubilife. J Andres's embassy is located at 7 Anrise Drive in Jubilife's Diplomatic Quarters."

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OOC: Oh, wait...this is where I was supposed to submit the Embassy Application?

ooc: the application could have went in either thread. I kinda figured a thread started by JEDCJT would attract more attention so i put it here as well. IC acceptance of new applications will occur later tonight.

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