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Kitex VS Dranagg


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OOC: OK. With this war let's lay down some ground rules so it doesn't devolve into OOC bad stuff.

1. When using time frames, keep them as realistic as possible.

2. No nukes

3. No god-modding

4. Keep OOC crap to a minimum

5. Keep casualties as realistic as possible (example: No saying that you lost no troops when an entire battalion attacks you, no always keeping your soldiers alive and screwing over the other guy)

BEWARE: YOU ONLY GET 3 CHANCES!!!! These rules may be updated at anytime if anything gets out of hand, I'll send a PM to all combatant nations if the rules do change. If you violate these rules, everything after your 3rd mess up will be ignored

Seriously, I don't want this to devolve as the Netherlands war did, it is my first RP war after all.

Thank you guys so much,


OOC Thread: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=67331

IC: The soldiers were ready and willing to go in. 2nd Infantry Divison would enter Dranagg to the left, 3rd Infantry Divsion down the middle, and 2nd Marines Division from the right. The objective for the first day was to go 5 miles in and then stop, reinforce your makeshift bases (OOC: they will be buildings) and rest up for the next day. Artillery would fire 10-30 miles inland. 100 M1A2 tanks would go with each division but stay behind around 3 miles so that they'll be protected.

Here is the ROE:

Engage enemy combatants at will. No killing civilians.

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OOC: Apologies. Sorry, but Dranagg is already fighting a war...see "Dranagg in the Netherlands" thread.

OOC: I know this, I declared war on him in that thread, after he is done in the Netherlands, then he'll come to this thread to fight me.

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OOC: yay ooc already. subtle i didn't send my entire army out. So stop now.

also I assume by "by the middle" you mean across the pole? Or from the Ross sea?


All borders that the Kitex entered on were completely flat desolate wasteland that had been simply claimed by Dranagg. The massive stretches of ice and snow absorbed artillery fire and filled the new craters will the ever wind driven snow. Distant mountains glowered at the forces on the edge of their domain.

At the pole the wind blew so hard and so cold that temperatures drop below -120 F. Here there were no mountains. Just drifts and drifts of snow and ice matched by an endlessly white sky.


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Official Declaration of War.

The Alliance to which the Malvinas and the Nation of Kitex are involved in together has been activated by this war in the Antarctic Continant.

As of now , a state of war exists Between the Isle De Malvinas and the Nation of Dranagg.

20000 Malvinian Soldiers have been Moving to Dranaggs Western Border in Preperation for any attack on Kitex or an Dranagg.

with a further 25000 being called up to active duty.. (OOC gotta buy some more troopers tomorrow)

Malvinian Military ROE or as follows

*any and all military personel in Dranagg are open season with the expection of clearly marked medical personel.

*civilian casualties will be expected, but any soldier caught commiting warcrimes will face a military tribunal with punishment of execution and public display.

*armed civilian militias can be fired on.

Malvinian Military Protocol

*safety of Civilians comes first.

*dont pick fights you cant win, if you cant win go back in force.

*women and children take priority for extraction to a safer area.

Our soldiers should arrive on Kitexes eastern borders somepoint tomorrow for transportation to the frontlines.

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Western Front

2nd Infantry moved up another five miles and sent out 1st brigade (2,000 soldiers) to occupy a near by town. Once 1st Brigade reached the town and had gone in about 1 mile, they encountered resistance. With the exception of 10 men that died, everyone else found cover and fired back. Also 2 M1A2 tanks were called up.

Middle Front

3rd Infantry sent out 3rd platoon (100 soldiers) to check out a town nearby, once there they were told about what happened to 1st Brigade, 2nd Infantry and to hold up in any building.

Southern Front

2 squads from 1st Platoon, Alpha Company, 1st Batt, 3rd Brigade were sent out 15 miles to do recon. Once there, they saw an entire armored company along with mech infantry.

Also Malvinian soldiers arrive at the front lines today. We are currently talking with their military command to discuss what they will do.

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The 500 Malvinian Grenadier guards based in the Military encampment in Kitex, have been deployed to the frontline for reconoitering possible enemy supply routes etc, with strict orders to to engage unless fired on.

broken down into 50 man companys and then down into 10 man squads they could cover a wide area and remain undetected.

Alpha One, the lead squad had been marching across the Antarctic Tundra for roughly several hours on a patrol, the Freezing cold biting at the exposed flesh on their bodies, which due to the pain, was swiftly covered.

Squad leader Sgt Harkin called his men together in a depression in the snow:

"ok lads, its fugging freezing out here and we need to sleep out here, so dig yourselfs a small pit in the snow and pitch your tents, remember lads. Enemy territory, no torches and no fires, in this flat ground it can be seen for miles"

"no fires? come on how are we ment to survive without fire?" piped up the shortest bloke in the squad, Private smith, and being the smallest man in squad, he was assigned the biggest weapon, the GIMPY, or general purpose machinegun, its an old warhorse, 7.76 MM and its a bullet dragon.

"shutup smith, no fires, i will not have my arse captured so you can warm some damn water up for a brew, tomorrow morning at first light we can put a fireup and have some food, a brew and then carry on to our objective" responded Harkin rather testily.

"speaking of which, the map shows a small settlement about 9 miles north west of here, its a small whaling village on the coast, big rock formations all around it and deep caves so we can get a fire up, we can camp up there and observe the village and then we will move in with the Kitexian Infantry brigade heading this direction" added the sergent, oblivious to the fact his men were freezing to death.

"sergeant?... can i dig my damn pit now so i can put the tent up and get warm? my nuts feel blue" chattered Blackburn, hugging himself tight inside his winter uniform.

"erm, yeah right get to it lads, long march tomorrow, and then a hot meal at the end of it" which brought about a ragged cheer.

Looking out across the Wilderness, the vast expanse of snow and ice, knowing that somewhere to the east lies the belly of the beast.

sorta beautiful he thought, a blood red sky on one side, and the distant flashes miles behind of Artillery fire in the blackness of the night.

Harkin dug his pit, and settled down, making sure his 9 milly was close at hand, and his SA80mk2 was resting across his chest waiting for be christened with its first kill.

He had jsut settled down when the radio crackled into life

"alpha one alpha one respond"

*this is alpha one copy, orders?*

"return back to Kitexian lines, i repeat pull back at first light, get your men rested and come home for debrief, we are in breach of the Antarctic federation article VI"

* damn, roger that sir, pulling back at first light*

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"Malvinas you have wrongly declared war on Dranagg as your treaty is a mutual defense one not agressive. If Kitex was the defender you could come to their aid but seeing as they are the aggressor your treaty is not activated".

myself and Kitex are in a seperate MDP. Not to mention an alliance.

i am quite in my right to follow Kitex into war.

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The Kitexian government, on realization that it has violated an Article in the Antarctic Confederation Pact, is currently shipping all soldiers and tanks home and advises Malvinian troops to do the same.

Article VI.

Antarctica shall remain a peaceful continent. No military activity is permitted on the continent mainland at any time by any nation. The Antarctic Federation Peace Corps shall be established to maintain peace in the region, consisting of 1,000 soldiers contributed from each signatory, permanently based across the continent.

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OOC: well I was going to say that there are no "towns" in Dranagg, and that you were over two hundred miles from even the first military outpost.

I only RPed having just two ports, one city, and anything that Kevz had left in the east. <.< but if you're all leaving thats cool too.

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OOC: well I was going to say that there are no "towns" in Dranagg. Just two ports, one city, and anything that Kevz had left in the east. <.< but if you're all leaving thats cool too.

OOC: Out of curiosity, How do you have such a high population and military and squeeze them all into one City :P

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OOC: Out of curiosity, How do you have such a high population and military and squeeze them all into one City :P

OOC: The military is spread out over about 250 miles of mountains :P. They city is as large as it is because half of it lives under ground, and the city itself is in the lee of mountains. Also the Ports are quite large. I think I list Port Kurast as a million population?

of course since no one is actually GOING to Dranagg now I can't really involve them in a RP about the issues internally :P

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OOC: Out of curiosity, How do you have such a high population and military and squeeze them all into one City :P

OOC: The same way Imperial Center, the largest surface-city on the planet houses 45 million people. Yes, it's something like 35,000 square kilometers, but that's not much bigger then New York City.

IC: The idiocy of all nations involved has been rather astounding.

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OOC: The same way Imperial Center, the largest surface-city on the planet houses 45 million people. Yes, it's something like 35,000 square kilometers, but that's not much bigger then New York City.

IC: The idiocy of all nations involved has been rather astounding.

You just figured that out now? They used a nuclear device. On Antarctica. Can't get much more imbecilic than that.

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