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The Red Council: The Daily Actions of the Red Sands Cabal


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I agree, coming out to the middle of the desert to talk will get quite tiresome.

We've upped our internal Defcon to 3 at the moment. We shouldn't look like it to outsiders though, as all that entails is our missiles are ready and our troops know theres something coming. If this gets any hotter though I may start getting citizens underground and out of Raochin. I'm sure Nod would be very accommodating for the eritrean citizens as the underground Bunkers aren't ready for the total population of Eritrea.

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I agree, coming out to the middle of the desert to talk will get quite tiresome.

We've upped our internal Defcon to 3 at the moment. We shouldn't look like it to outsiders though, as all that entails is our missiles are ready and our troops know theres something coming. If this gets any hotter though I may start getting citizens underground and out of Raochin. I'm sure Nod would be very accommodating for the eritrean citizens as the underground Bunkers aren't ready for the total population of Eritrea.

The Undercities (the underground portion of the NoN, not a subclassed area at all, but a foundation of the NoN) will be open to any Roachinians that have not been corrupted by this unknown Rebel force. We can also erect temporary housings to accomodate any extra civilians.

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A message had been transferred over to Zarfef... a response from the Rebel Army.

***Message to the Aether Empire***

"You do realize that we are letting James broadcast what he wants and we won't arrest him? As for your petty threats, molon labe. If you think you can stop our ships, military or civilian, you have another thing coming. Shoot them once and we will be at war with one and other."

Zarfef: My God. This, (Zarfef Reads the statement) THIS, is a formal declaration of war. Is it not? They have declared that they are willing to incite violence within Raochin and they declare they are trying to stop violence from spilling over into the Rebel Army. Are they idiots, don't they at least have the ability to form some kind of complex thought process. Anyone can infer from these a great host of easy conclusions.

Zarfef: IF THE REBEL ARMY IS LETTING THESE PEOPLE BROADCAST THIS TO INCITE A REVOLUTION. Then Rebel Army feels it can control that revolution on its own. Therefore, because it is controlling the revolution, the only reason they are mobilizing forces is to make sure the revolution succeeds. Raochin, one does not start a revolution to over-throw the dictatorship, one starts the revolution to ensure it. We are against a giant here, but we MUST defeat these imperialists. I request the opinions of my fellow nations on the floor. Our forces stand at DEFCON 2 but we will not attack without a proper plan. WE MUST have a plan, without strategy, we are at a disadvantage against these men in every other way. Raochin, keep on eye on their forces and begin to give us the data we need for our intel.

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Thank you EM. If he were too attack, I'd expect the main focus would be on me. Therefore I think it would be to our benefit to organize a plan of attack, or rather, defense. At the moment the First, second and partially the third layers of the Fortress system are ready to go. Not as much as I'd like but It should be enough to cause damage or atleast annoy them. Then whatever forces I can spare and your two main forces can harass the rebel Army. With my air support we should be able to make some good hard strikes against them. However we are fairly vulnerable at sea. I unfortunately think that he can land ships wherever he wants, unless he chooses to run them into my Sea fortresses, which I doubt. I have some surprises if he decides to invade from the red sea though, which is really likely. We have one advantage if this war ever comes, and that is he underestimates us.

Any thoughts?

Edited by Lord Zephyr
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Thank you EM. If he were too attack, I'd expect the main focus would be on me. Therefore I think it would be to our benefit to organize a plan of attack, or rather, defense. At the moment the First, second and partially the third layers of the Fortress system are ready to go. Not as much as I'd like but It should be enough to cause damage or atleast annoy them. Then whatever forces I can spare and your two main forces can harass the rebel Army. With my air support we should be able to make some good hard strikes against them. However we are fairly vulnerable at sea. I unfortunately think that he can land ships wherever he wants, unless he chooses to run them into my Sea fortresses, which I doubt. I have some surprises if he decides to invade from the red sea though, which is really likely. We have one advantage if this war ever comes, and that is he underestimates us.

Any thoughts?

Zarfef: He also underestimates, where he has to fight his battles. Rebel Army is surrounded on two fronts with us, so we can cut his forces in half from day one and take a chunk of his land if we launch an intimidate offensive operation on Egypt. A rapid strike could allow us to push them back to a pinch point where their numbers would be nothing. Hold that pinch point and continue to daily bombard them with cruise missiles and it will be so humiliating in the public sphere that they will have to pull back just to deal with that front... If Krieg restricts his naval activity at the Straits of Gibralter and we can implement a means of cutting him off from the other directions, we could starve him out of resources save that he can access from across Europe. We do need to amp up our respective missile launch capabilities each, our ability to provide long range bombardment of his forces is critical.

Zarfef: With this phrase alone, we have our justification for war, I see no reason why we shouldn't activate every chain of MDPs we have at our disposal. This is a most critical battle for the world, as it sets a president that smaller nations can be eaten by larger ones whenever they see fit. History if we understand the science behind it, will prove to be on our side in the long run, we can NEVER surrender to this kind of action.

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...We have one advantage if this war ever comes, and that is he underestimates us.

Any thoughts?

"We fight till the end." Nyani sighed. Yet again the NoN seemed to be on the brink of war... its populace currently complacent... used to the long weeks their nation had been at DEFCON 1.

"Iacta alea est..."

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Hmm, well the best defense is a good Offense. Heres my suggestion anyway.

We shall go to defcon 2 immediately. Nod Eritrean Province citizens will begin evacuating as soon as your ready to take them. Seeing as you don't have any land on the peninsula, I want the majority of your force protecting that province. Zarfef and I will begin soldier movements to guard the north border. EM if you can get a few of your troops into Jizan you could help defend the western border. Zarfef if you could send the majority of your force on the eastern border that would be nice, and I will defend the north. God forbid they come from the south.

How many troops do we have total and how many does he have total? I don't want us attacking him and leaving our western or even southern flank open to attack.

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Zarfef: Agreed. *Suddenly Krieg pops out of existance and no one notices* Although I still think that we should mount an offense against them on their western front. A strong kick into Egypt would pull them back from their primary objective within Raochin and divide their forces in two. Otherwise they can throw their whole weight against us. If we pull them to that pinch point we can gut them with artillery before pounding them through. Perhaps we can catch them off-guard too and come out of the tunnels within Raochin striking them while they're least expecting it, are their ways to lightly camouflage the tunnel entrances?

Meanwhile, Zarfef has ordered that measures begin immediately to set up the Red Sands Virtual Environment, work commences on this immediately.

Edited by Zarfef
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In most places the entrances need only be covered with a layer of sand to conceal them. But they are to far apart and not wide enough(most are enough for two cars to fit through) to have a large force appear out of nowhere, we could attack small groups easily, but not the main army that way. But we need to utilize them anyway, I have a few nasty tricks up my sleeves if they decide to move a large force down there. Also the forts are connected to the system by Rail cars and a few by the main roads.

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In most places the entrances need only be covered with a layer of sand to conceal them. But they are to far apart and not wide enough(most are enough for two cars to fit through) to have a large force appear out of nowhere, we could attack small groups easily, but not the main army that way. But we need to utilize them anyway, I have a few nasty tricks up my sleeves if they decide to move a large force down there. Also the forts are connected to the system by Rail cars and a few by the main roads.

Zarfef: Well, that is indeed good, however, checking up on the progress, it does seem as though things have quieted down, at least for the time being. Why don't we adjourn this meeting and meet back up as soon as the system we've discussed is set up, we can convene under emergency circumstances in the future before the system is up and running or in case it fails, but I believe we should be able to set it up with some amount of speed. Same with everyone else.

OOC: Also guys, I can't get on #CNRP because Sargun finds it funny to ban random people without giving them an explanation. I'm planning on maintaining #Red_Sands in the future. If I'm on IRC, that is where I can be found. Frankly being banned from #CNRP by him should be taken as an honor. Thank you Sargun, you made my day.

:P- I stick my tongue at you and pull down my eyelid while making monkey mockery sounds.

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Zarfef: I believe the standard channels will work, don't you Executive Minister? We'll keep private lines to our phones using the underground infrastructure present in our nations and some of my lair infrastructure to make it work asap, nothing fancy, just make sure it's private and no one know's it's there. In the meantime, we'll keep building the new structures that should (to the world) hold our meetings but work also on a separate internal "virtual" meeting room.

OOC: Because they are avatars on there, we can DEFINITELY do funny things in the virtual world we could never do in the real world.

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OOC: Already noted, I've started a new thread for our joint projects as together we can really achieve alot. All technology developed by the way IS shared and we can each access these resources which will prove quite useful.


The thread is located here, feel free to RP your own scientific and major projects there and you have my permission to use any Aether Empire resources to get it done :P. That is, what you think is remaining while we work on all the stuff we're RPing


Zarfef: We've already worked out the plans for that for quite some time, actually the time has come to really break the ground work for that. I think it should start right away given the state of the world.

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OOC: Awesome, and from now on post progress on the "Chunnel" in the Red Masonry thread. I'll kick start the construction on my side from the port city I took during the EAW... i think the name was Tadjoura.

IC: Minister Nyani raised an eyebrow. While such an endeavour was done in Europe, she had every belief that the three nations of the Red Sands could pull off a similar move.

"Excellent. The NoN will commence construction on our side at the Gulf of Tadjoura."

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A classified message was sent to the leader of the NoN.

Zarfef: I am planning on heading south into the NoN, given the current circumstances, I am sure you can understand why. I'd like to discuss our current military plans.

Edited by Zarfef
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  • 3 weeks later...

OOC: I don' know. I mean, technically they would ALL be done given the fact that so much time has passed but the RP with Rebel Army has brought my nation to a grinding halt (we're going to have to get in the habit of posting more updates in the Red Masonry thread once the battle is over with in order to catch our RPing up to speed).

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OOC: I don' know. I mean, technically they would ALL be done given the fact that so much time has passed but the RP with Rebel Army has brought my nation to a grinding halt (we're going to have to get in the habit of posting more updates in the Red Masonry thread once the battle is over with in order to catch our RPing up to speed).

OOC: We can make a statement saying all of this is AFTER the Arabian War... Something tells me we won't get to enact our grand master plan :'(

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OOC: We can make a statement saying all of this is AFTER the Arabian War... Something tells me we won't get to enact our grand master plan :'(

We could... but there is no use having a tunnel to Raochin if there is no Raochin :P or in Aether Empire for that matter if they nuke us out of oblivion. I suppose we could start up the communications channel though.

EDIT: With the recent events, I think it's best to take this in a different direction.


The room was dark, open towards one end upon a cliff high above the desert floors with literal red sand blowing below. It was night time and a myriad of stars twinkled among the pixels on the visor that Zarfef was wearing. The ruins stood with pieces of stained glass that reflected the dark night and the sound of the sand from the movement he made would almost make one believe they were really standing on the edge of a giant cliff. He took a seat upon a stone chair set aside for the Aether Empire around a great stone table as the wind blew sand accross it's surface.

Zarfef's Avatar was something more muscular then he looked in reality and he somehow managed to make himself look like something from WoW with a giant metal shoulder guard, a massive black cloak that was embroided in pseudo-3d textures and eyes that glowed bright red... he even had leather boots on and a massive staff and overly-sized sword, which he would annoyingly have to un-equip if he sat at the table to make sure the surfaces didn't rip through one another.

He had hoped this would be a happy experience, and he was excited to discuss their plans in a virtual enviroment... but now they may as well have met in person. Zephyr was dead.

The assassination that shook the sands was followed by a worse deed however, as Merlin, Zephyr's loyal commander rushed to conclusions and made a full force rush leading a charge into enemy territory where they would be slaughtered. Von Zuk would have went into details, but it was a bit more then Zarfef could handle at the moment. He did after all have a massive force in the area and such a foolish military move would bring disaster not only for Raochin but also for his own men... and then there was his promise, his promise that by the end of the battle "Rebel Army would bleed". That needed to be taken care of as well, but the outcome was almost certainly defeat as the small alliance would have a hard enough time achieving victory with such a small force to fight with... but if Raochins defensive military force was wiped out, that strength would be even less.

As a result, things had to move fast and Zarfef needed to consult with the Nation of Nod before he decided what he would be doing himself. At the moment however, he had ordered even his reserves into military combat to mount a defensive operation to allow for the regroup of any Raochin Soldiers to survive the attack. Then, with duel guidance and workings between Raochin and Aether commanders he planned on reinstating the defense of Raochin and performing operation Moses. But what of the Nation of Nod... what would they have to say?

Edited by Zarfef
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