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The Red Council: The Daily Actions of the Red Sands Cabal


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What steps will you undertake to ensure our Cabal's safety and anonymity from other, larger superpowers?

"Hmm, Im not sure which of two things you meant, so I will answer both of them --

If you ment Cabal's stationed in our country, then they are treated as foriegn allies and will defended and respected to the upmost, and trust me -- our soldiers will to repel invaders is the strongest of any man in the world.

If however you meant another nation would be invading you -- then, we will immediately deploy forces in an attempt to defend your nation and people. Im sure by the upcoming weeks, our weapons research in Antarctica will be producing such utter weapons of mass destruction that any invaders would be vaporized in moments..."

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"Hmm, Im not sure which of two things you meant, so I will answer both of them --

If you ment Cabal's stationed in our country, then they are treated as foriegn allies and will defended and respected to the upmost, and trust me -- our soldiers will to repel invaders is the strongest of any man in the world.

If however you meant another nation would be invading you -- then, we will immediately deploy forces in an attempt to defend your nation and people. Im sure by the upcoming weeks, our weapons research in Antarctica will be producing such utter weapons of mass destruction that any invaders would be vaporized in moments..."

Minister Nyani shook her head.

"No, I was referring to the Red Sands Cabal, the treaty signatories... what Actions will you undertake to ensure that unwanted attention towards our nations from larger, potentially hostile superpowers does not occur?"

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Minister Nyani shook her head.

"No, I was referring to the Red Sands Cabal, the treaty signatories... what Actions will you undertake to ensure that unwanted attention towards our nations from larger, potentially hostile superpowers does not occur?"

Then I think this answer better fits your question:

then, we will immediately deploy forces in an attempt to defend your nation and people. Im sure by the upcoming weeks, our weapons research in Antarctica will be producing such utter weapons of mass destruction that any invaders would be vaporized in moments..."
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Zarfef: I think Nyani was referring to linking us together. This is a somewhat private organization, we tend not to bring attention to it's existence because doing so allows the enemy to realize what they are up against before it is too late. They may expect that we have allies, but they should never know precisely WHO. The anonymous nature has its... advantages. We're not girl scouts, we're world leaders and if do something evil, we wouldn't want the press to have something they can focus on. It's better to leave them with something anonymous and abstract they can't focus on and are thus left to fall apart too. You understand correct?

Zarfef: And if we're not connected, some of us can always supply the other in private while not taking a direct part in the fighting itself, that way our factories stay running while the enemy doesn't even know where we are getting our supplies FROM. It complicates matters for those who would... harm our plans you see.

Edited by Zarfef
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"Hmm, We have Radar jamming vehicles and a Satlillite command shared with CAU. It would be easy to secretly launch Ballistic or Cruise missiles at invading armies approaching your nation, and avoid detection..

Perhaps you would like to send Researchers and Military personel to our Antarctic base? Dont worry, we have an Adequet Military presence and Radar and GPS scrambling equipment.."

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"If the Krieg Empire promises to act with discretion on the world stage, the NoN sees no reason the Krieg wouldn't be a trust worthy and productive member of the Red Sands."

Zarfef: I think I might agree on that note, all the same, they are not our pet, they have their own independence and will shortly be a force to be reckoned with. It is only a matter of time before they will be well capable of hold back the hordes of Europe.

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Zarfef: Well, I certainly won't argue. Aye it is. Then, given that I opened up this first topic, I will give pause for other members to suggest further topics. However, unless someone else brings it up first, I do have other pressing issues for consideration.

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OOC: Do you have a link to something we would actually see? I saw the post myself but realized that without some kind of visual confirmation (we lack satellites at the moment) we can't do much. Lavo has kept his own understanding of our interactions as OOC material, I think we should pay him the same favor. All the same, when he does come to play, I think that it will prove to be an interesting battle... I'm afraid we'll lose, but we can make it a fascinating conflict and realize, he can break up some imaginary toys, but your nation and ours will only get stronger. I also think we could actually push him back because the conflict would prove... well interesting. I'm afraid Krieg would have to stick it out, but it could actually be used IC to improve his world image and such would be brought up. In the meantime though, we can make no such statements.

*sigh* respected.

OOC: I know how painful it can seem watching someone plot the destruction of your nation, but that's why I play the bad guy, the good guy can only lose once because he lacks persistance, the bad guys have to make it on their own and so they can try and try again. Lavo may be able to take you down this time, but there is no garuntee he'll be able to do it the next or the time after that... and you can always think of it like this... YOU'VE ATTRACTED ENOUGH ATTENTION (Although I don't know why) TO GET BULLIED BY ONE OF THE LARGEST COUNTRIES ON THE PLANET! Unstated yes, but play the war out in a good manner and you can make the top ten!


If the good guys said that, we would know it was the end.

Edited by Zarfef
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OOC: Thats kinda a dick move by sargun, I mean that just saying "Oh I want your land and I'm more powerful than you so I get it."

IC: Indeed, if Kreig chooses to defend his allies then we shall aid them as well, we would not be honoring our treaty if we didn't.

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Zarfef: Wait... we haven't even left the room and already Krieg is mobilizing.... this isn't a good show of things Krieg. I think you should hold off for now and work on getting your own nation under control first. You can join in once you have a substantial force to play with, it won't be long but hold off for the time being.

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There was a long pause and so, Zarfef figured no one else had anything to say, or they were waiting for something. Perhaps him again? Well that was odd. Either way he decided to proceed.

Zarfef: I suppose that puts the ball that in my court for the time being. I would like to recommend that we continue to hold regular meetings like this, but take a different stance on them other then pulling ourselves out to the middle of the desert every day. Instead I have a plan to keep our meetings more private and allow us all to attend without ever leaving the comfort or protection of our own most trusted lairs.

Zarfef: The goal is to create two version of the Red Council, one that the public can see and one that only we can see. The public version will involve structures within each of our nations set up for our arrival and traffic will take place with our look-alikes to make it appear as though we are actually going there. However, the real meetings can occur at any time and will take place on a less physical plane. Instead, we will each have a chamber within our private quarters where we can attend and have our visual images and voice sent in an encrypted, protected line through a private network to each other.

Zarfef: We will meet in a virtual world and discuss matters there with a host of tools and representational abilities that will vastly improve our status as an organization. The advent of lightweight 3d immersible goggles will allow us to move and interact in a completely unique environment that no one can enter, no matter how many explosives they may have. In this manner, we will be able to meet with greater convienence and strength in terms of sharing our ideas in the near future, where such meetings may prove critical.

Zarfef: First I wanted your opinion on the matter though. There is also the issue of Rebel Army who appears to be acting somewhat naughty lately. An investigation of the matter is the least we need to do, but we may need to operate some military procedures in order if they decide to escalate. We cannot allow them to infringe on the territory of Raochin, our unity is our greatest strength.

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