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Operation Rick-Roll


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Somewhere in Great Lakes State, in an underground military base:

"Hacked into their computer systems yet?" asked a person masked with a cracked ski mask. "Yeah, it only took a few minutes. All I needed to do is insert a rick-roll video file into the firewall and overload it to the point where it shuts down without a warning. Inserting a worm into their server to maintain control of their server in case if they fire up the firewall again." replied the hacker.

"Good." was all the ski masked person replied as he walked away and pulled out a check list.


"Currently on step one..." the masked person mumbled as he tucks the checklist away and entered the vehicle depot bay and watched the building of the F-22 airplanes.

"You text messaged me to come here, correct sir? asked an unknown person with metal plating on his head and large stitch marks all over his exposed skin as he limped toward the masked boss. "Yes. You are in the sabotage op team. Your job is to plant bombs in the President House, the Legislative building, Supreme Court, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, and the Federal Police Agency HQ. The team will provide more information when you meet them. They are currently in a meeting on the 5th floor in conference room 107." replied the masked boss. "Yes sir." replied the unknown person as he limped away.

"And this time, I won't miserably fail. The rick roll torture did a decent job of forcing all of my soldiers to train hard to the point where they are better than the pansy Great Lakes State military soldiers and forced all of the pansies in my organization to commit suicide so they won't mess up my goals." the masked man said to himself.


OOC: I am wondering if I can RP airplanes for just this topic?

Also, this will be not RPed in the same style that I used to do, so don't expect many sheer stupidity and epic fail moments.

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OOC: I assume you mean militray aircraft like bombers and fighters? I wouldn't have any problem with that, as long as they are somehow scrapped/made useless in the course of this thread, or at the end of it.

OOC: Yes, fighter and bomber jets. Eventually, those fighter and bomber jets will be left in abandoned TUO bunkers toward the end of the TUO-GLS war.

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TUO's history in a nutshell:

The United Organization was formed by dozens of various criminal organizations and gangs that were being hit hard by the Great Lakes State's law authorities' activities. Their goal was to weaken the government so their activities won't be threaten. However, after two failed assassinations on the president, they had begun to crumble due to their weak field operatives that were often inexperienced and undisciplined. Their spending grew more than their income and soon found themselves in heavy debt with various loan shark gangs.

Displeased with the progress, nearly half of the TUO members left. They then demanded their money back, which the TUO refused to give back. As a result, they joined with the Hello Kitty Gang to bring down the TUO. Eventually, the remaining TUO members were slaughtered by the loan shark gangs due to the $170 million debt and their leadership was nowhere to be seen after their armored train was demolished by trying to ram a heavily armored tank parked on the train tracks (by one of GLS's operatives). The Hello Kitty Gang was also nowhere to be seen.

However, TUO's leader, the masked man, survived the train crash and went on to hide TUO's activities from the world while building up their cash reserves.


Main conference room:

"After our last attempt in fighting the government, I have noticed their strengths and weaknesses. The government's strength is in their sneaky bas(insert rest of the inappropriate word) field operatives, especially their sabotage operatives. Plus, the FPA and the Department of Homeland Security were decent at sniffing out our members who were in the government even though we controlled a large chunk of the government.

However, now, we are going to step onto the GLS government's weak spot, firepower. We are going to disable their computer systems and shut down the entire nation's communication system, such as telephone, cellphone, and internet. Then, we are going to attack while their defense systems are disabled and much of the nation unaware of what is going on.

They lack an air force and a navy, has the weakest military force in North America, and their battle military technology are inferior to what we have right now.

Currently, we have 20,000 soldiers, 2,000 tanks, 489 of all types of helicopters, 1,670 artillery guns, 140 F-22 jets (without radar absorbing skins), 40 F-22 jets (with radar absorbing skins), 300 Su-30 MKI jets, 560 Tupolev Tu-160 jets, 400 B-1B Lancer jets, and 4,000 other types of vehicles.

Right now, here are all of our bunkers." said the masked man as he pointed toward the map being displayed by the projector in front of the TUO military generals, commanders, lieutenants, officers, captains, and sergeants.


"Light green are our bunkers, dark green is our main one. We will begin the attack in 48 hours. It is your job to command our forces to defeat the government. Failure, is, not, an, OPTION!" he finished.

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In the TUO's main bunker:

"Attack." was all the masked man ordered over on his phone.


In the Department of Defense:

"What the?..." asked one of the office workers when the computer suddenly disconnected from the server. The office worker attempted to reconnect, only to get to see this:


Meanwhile, in the Department of Homeland Security:

"Um, sir? Our defense software seems to be, gone..." said one of the server technicians. "WHAT?! Are you saying that a multi-million dollar software just simply got up and walked away!?" roared the administrator technician. "It appears so, and, what the?" replied the server technician as a box popped up on the server controller computer's screen.

Box's message: "This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions. Please contact YouTube for any questions."


All over the nation, the telephone and internet services failed unexpectedly as all of the government computers received the rick roll videos, including the ones that were "disabled" due to the TUO's mistake of direct linking some of the videos to YouTube to reduce the chance of being noticed in their hacking.

It would only be a few minutes from now before the TUO strikes with full force...

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OOC: Oho, the ensuing instability would give New England an excuse to intervene in take over annex the GLS. :awesome::ph34r:

OOC: But, are you ready for TUO's air force and the defense systems they hijacked? :awesome:



In one of GLS's air and missile defense stations:

"Hey Bobby, is there something wrong with our server?" asked a worker.

"It appears to be. All of the computers are not responding..." replied Bobby.

Rick roll videos pop up on the computer screens



If any nation was watching Great Lakes State via satellite, they would notice a large number of aircrafts taking off from their underground bunkers (slanted runways) and flying. 260 Tupolev Tu-160 jets and 400 B-1B Lancer jets were deployed to bomb GLS's military buildings, with an escort of 60 Su-30 MKI jets and 15 F-22.


OOC: Gah, I gotta go now. I will finish this later.

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New City, capital city of GLS:

It was indeed chaotic. All communication lines were down, bombs were being dropped from the sky all over the place, and there is a freaking army of 15,000 unknown troops with various vehicles marching into the bombed northern part of the city.

"Where is the military?" asked one of the police officers as he attempts to stop a division of TUO soldiers with a pistol. "We have no way of communicating to them!" replied another police officer as he attempts to call the police station with his cell phone, which failed.

"All citizens of Great Lakes State, you have a choice. Surrender, or fight against a force that will crush you!" shouted the TUO's megaphones.


Meanwhile, in the President House:

"Sir, we are under attack by an unknown force!" gasped one of the security officers as he barged into President Jake's office. "Is the communication lines back up and why is our missile and aircraft defense system isn't operating?" he asked. "No sir, not at all. The missile and air defense system is down since all of the stations' servers were hijacked and brought under control by someone remotely." replied the security guard.

"Activate the backup communication line, that means start sending the messages on airplane, train, car, bus, anything that still works." replied President Jake.

Suddenly, the bullet proof, reinforced windows shattered from the impact of missiles fired from a helicopter. As the dust and smoke begin to clear, the helicopter flew toward the building, turned 90 degrees, and a masked man hoped out.

"Hostiles!" the security guard shouted as he fires his pistol at the masked man while President Jake attempted to get up after his legs were shattered from the explosions. There were no effect on the masked man, since he was wearing bullet proof armoring. "Wimp." the masked man replied as he headshots the guard with his assault rifle. "You're next. This is revenge for my family you corrupted old hag." the masked man laughed as he empties the entire clip of bullets into the president's chest.


Somewhere else in the President House:

"All these rick rolls, must be one outrageously insane jerk's job." Ryan Jake mumbled as he flipped through the TV channels, all of them portraying of the rick rolls set on a loophole. Suddenly, the building rumbled as two security guards knocked on the door. "Its unlocked, come on in." replied Ryan Jake as the guards stormed in, panting. "We need to evacuate you. There is a bombing raid by an unknown force in this city and a group of heavily armed masked people had stormed into this building." said one of the guards.

"Oh, can I try beating them up? I want to practice my karate skills on someone so badly." asked Ryan

"No, they are armed with automatic shotguns, assault rifles, rocket launchers, and flamethrowers." replied the other guard.

"That makes it even more fun. Using weapons against them." replied Ryan.

"No." replied both of the guards.

"You aren't my boss. What's going to stop me?" asked Ryan.

"Us, right now." replied both of them.

"Kay." Ryan replied as he charged at them, jumped up, and did a split kick mid-air, knocking both of the guards out. He then dashed out of the bedroom toward the noise of gun fires and screams.

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OOC: Yes, I would be. :awesome:

Want to plan a war or something? :ph34r:

Oh and by the way, is this public? I'm not sure...


Not yet. TUO knocked out all of the telephone and internet services and hijacked all of the TV stations with their hacking. You would notice that all of TV channels from Great Lakes State only display rick roll videos that constantly repeats and there are no telephone or internet communications from the nation. If you are watching via satellites, there would be large number of aircrafts, vehicles, and the citizens' movements in the central part of the nation, not to mention areas that have bomb craters in them, burning wreckage, and clouds of smoke.

We can plan a war, TUO vs Great Lakes State and New England.

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Not yet. TUO knocked out all of the telephone and internet services and hijacked all of the TV stations with their hacking. You would notice that all of TV channels from Great Lakes State only display rick roll videos that constantly repeats and there are no telephone or internet communications from the nation. If you are watching via satellites, there would be large number of aircrafts, vehicles, and the citizens' movements in the central part of the nation, not to mention areas that have bomb craters in them, burning wreckage, and clouds of smoke.

We can plan a war, TUO vs Great Lakes State and New England.

OOC: Aha, I see...thanks. :)

Yus, we can


The local city hall in the city of Buffalo received complaints from various citizens regarding "rick-roll videos" that continued on to no end in channels from the neighboring GLS. The same went for neighboring Rochester, as well as most of the nation. Various state governments forwarded the information to the federal government in Boston, who ordered the Stasi to investigate the matter further.


Meanwhile, in Boston, the Department of Defense was alerted by the movement of large numbers of aircrafts, vehicles, and people within GLS through their satellites orbiting the planet. Through classified lines, the Department of Defense ordered the Army Strategic Command to place any troops based near the GLS border on a state of heightened alert. Boston was going to be watching very closely.

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OoC: Yay! :awesome:

IC: Disparueans living near the Disparu-GLS border would also complain about the endless stream of rick-rolls from GLS's radio and television broadcasters. Towns and cities near the border would send an inquiry about the rick-rolls to the nearest GLS stations.

Unfortunately, Disparu does not have any satellites in orbit, and will not be able to see the developments in central GLS.

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OoC: Yay! :awesome:

IC: Disparueans living near the Disparu-GLS border would also complain about the endless stream of rick-rolls from GLS's radio and television broadcasters. Towns and cities near the border would send an inquiry about the rick-rolls to the nearest GLS stations.

Unfortunaetly, Disparu does not have any satellites in orbit, and will not be able to see the developments in central GLS.

Except, those TV and radio stations were already in chaos, kind of. They discovered they could not retake control of any equipments that were directly or indirectly connected to the internet without ripping out the power supplies, and they couldn't send or receive any messages since all communication lines were down. As a result, the people who sent the inquiry through the telephone lines would get an error message stating that the number can not be contacted and if by internet, they could not access to any of the stations' websites, including the entire GLS internet system.

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In TUO's HQ:

"What is our progress?" asked the masked leader as he spoke over the phone.

The secretary reported, "Our forces had captured half of New City within 20 minutes. Light resistance from police forces and civilians but nothing else. No signs of the military coming in, it appears they have no idea what is going on. Bombs could no be planted and set off in time due to the short time period the sabotage team was given so they stormed the President House and managed to kill President Jake. Entire telephone and internet service in the nation has been shut down. All Great Lakes State's defense systems are online and under our control now. Traffic jams has been reported at the border crossing stations due to the failure of all communication systems. Those border stations' computers are unable to operate without access to the Department of Homeland Security server. Same thing with the airports."

"Good. Remember to also shut down the harbors." replied the masked leader.

"We can't do that, the hackers completely forgot to hack all of the harbors' computer systems." replied the secretary.

"Why not?" replied the masked leader.

"The entire internet service system has been shut down, remember?" replied the secretary.

"Just bomb the harbors then." replied the masked leader as he facepalmed.


Few minutes later:

Detriot Shipping Harbor:

"All telephones are down, internet is down, radio and TV stations are blaring out endless amount of rick rolls. Just what is going on?" the warehouse manager asked herself as she enters in the data in the storage list in his computer.

A loud explosion shatters the warehouse A2, right next to the warehouse office and the manager is thrown out of her chair

"What the?" she asked herself as she steps out of her office, walks down the stairs, and exits out onto the street.

"We are under attack!" one of the workers screamed as a missile flashed by, smashing into an oil tanker and the oil tanker explodes into a ball of fire.

A cluster of bombs are seen falling through the sky and exploded onto a large cargo loading crane, knocking it over and crushing dozens of trains in the train yard.



TUO had launched a carpet bombing on all of the harbors in Great Lakes State. You should ICly see plenty of pretty fireworks going off if those harbors are close to your borders.

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The bombings of all of the GLS's harbors was, indeed, witnessed by the federal government through the satellites. Alarmed, the Department of Defense immediately issued orders for ports and harbors along the shores of Lakes Ontario and Erie in Ohio and Pennsylvania to be placed on high alert. The borders with the GLS was sealed off and shoot-to-kill orders issued to Stasi Border Troops and Army soldiers.

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OOC: I am still coming up with ideas in typing out Ryan's fight with the TUO members...


IC: GLS International Airport:

Chaos was everywhere. The GLS military stationed in nearby bases finally noticed the situation and rolled into New City, only to get carpet bombed, and rolled back out of the city with a majority of them destroyed and the TUO military laughing in the distance. However, some of the GLS military was stubborn to retreat, they were defending the airport as long as possible to evacuate all civilians.

A large airliner capable of carrying up to 300 passengers, PA6910, took off from the airport as the TUO military finally broke through the GLS military defenses. The airliner's passengers? Mostly children, nearly 500 of the boarded. The TUO fighters were busying shooting down other airplanes that took off from the airport.

After about 10 minutes of flying, PA6910 was close to the New England's border on most eastern part of Great Lakes State. Then a disaster struck, TUO F-22 fighters had tracked down and locked onto the PA6910 with the passenger airliner's pilots unaware.


"This is PA1690, we are requesting an emergency landing since we are dangerously low on fuel." the co-pilot spoke into the radio as the airplane flew over Lake Ontario.

Four F-22 jets zoom past by

"We may also need escorts, as soon as possible..." the pilot added in.

Suddenly, loud and shattering explosions erupted throughout the airliner as heat seeking missiles fired from the TUO F-22 jets impacted all four of the airliner's engines.

"Mayday, mayday, mayday! We have been hit by missiles and all four of our engines are out! We have children on board! Someone help us, please!" screamed the co-pilot as the pilot struggles to land the airplane onto the water below.


One of the TUO's F-22 pilots' radio transmissions:

"Screw this, just blow this airplane to pieces. I wanna see fireworks."


Eight heat seeking missiles were fired and zoomed toward the burning PA1690. The explosions completely destroyed the wings and igniting the fuel tanks, reducing the airplane into a massive fireball as the children in the airplane screamed...


TUO's F-22 radio transmissions:

"Mission accomplished. Lets see if we have anymore of those cumbersome fireworks loaded airplanes we can hunt down. Wee!"

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Disparuean air control would notice the drama that was happening over Lake Ontario, which was being displayed on the edge of their radar screens. They would instantly inform the Disparuean Ministry of Defence about this, since it was part of the procedure.


"Due to a recent threat near the Disparu-GLS border, on GLS's side of course, we are shutting down our side of the border. Disparueans are advised to avoid all travel to the GLS. We will also be evacuating our citizens residing in the GLS.", said Minister of Defence Terry Palkia during a speech in front of the New Parliament Building. The MoD did not comment on what exactly was the threat.

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"Due to a recent threat near the Disparu-GLS border, on GLS's side of course, we are shutting down our side of the border. Disparueans are advised to avoid all travel to the GLS. We will also be evacuating our citizens residing in the GLS.", said Minister of Defence Terry Palkia during a speech in front of the New Parliament Building. The MoD did not comment on what exactly was the threat.

In TUO's HQ:

"Aw crap, they noticed it..." mumbled the masked leader. "What can we do?" asked the assistant. "Well, we can try piecing together a video with President Jake in it and make it look like everything is fine. Time to tell our tech workers and programmers to start moving their rear ends." replied the masked leader.


OOC: Da fake video of President Jake (now dead) assuring that everything is fine is coming soon! :awesome:

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Public broadcast from the GLS government via satellite (OOC: It's fake by the way, the TUO managed to piece together a video with President Jake in it. :OOC) :

Our neighbors who are becoming worried about the disturbance in our nation is understandable. We have a minor uprising where some groups of criminals decided to band together and fight against Great Lakes State. So far, the situation is being controlled. We apologize for the rickrolls that were being transmitted via TV and radio signals. There has been a nation-wide communication system shutdown that we believed someone or a group is responsible for it. The explosions in our harbors were caused by agents deployed by those criminal groups.

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Public broadcast from the GLS government via satellite (OOC: It's fake by the way, the TUO managed to piece together a video with President Jake in it. :OOC) :

Our neighbors who are becoming worried about the disturbance in our nation is understandable. We have a minor uprising where some groups of criminals decided to band together and fight against Great Lakes State. So far, the situation is being controlled. We apologize for the rickrolls that were being transmitted via TV and radio signals. There has been a nation-wide communication system shutdown that we believed someone or a group is responsible for it. The explosions in our harbors were caused by agents deployed by those criminal groups.


Ministry of Defence

Jubilife, Disparu

Minister of Defence Terry Palkia scowled as he watched the broadcast from the GLS. This is worse than I thought. It wasn't just some random terrorist attack, there's actually an entire crisis in the GLS. Hopefully they'll be able to resolve this, he thought.

"Well, this confirms our suspicions. We're still shutting down the border until they've fixed this.", said Palkia. "Also, strengthen the security at the border, and heighten the Security Risk Level.", he continued.

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In New City:

The airport was bombed, enemy forces attacking from all direction, no communication, and the GLS military was vastly outnumbered. Despite the setbacks, the GLS military made the last attempt to hold off the unknown enemy forces from entering Mackinaw city by blocking the Mackinaw bridge.


In TUO's HQ:

"Those pansy GLS soldiers are blocking the bridge so we can't bomb them without knocking down the bridge. If the bridge goes down, we are going to have to use boats or take a detour." mumbled the masked leader as he views the observance aircraft's camera video. "We can try using incendiary rounds, they will only burn the bridge..." suggested his assistance. "Steel softens when it gets too hot, numb skull. There are large amount of abandoned vehicles on the bridge, enough to further soften the steel and force the bridge to collapse. Looks like we are going to bring in the meat shields" replied the masked leader.

"Excuse me?" asked the assistant. "Oh, you will see what I am talking about..." replied the masked leader as he picked up the phone. "TUO forces in New City, use the meat shields."


In New City:

The GLS military had set up dozens of machine gun, fully automatic shotgun machine gun, sniper, anti-tank, and mortar nests. The results were horrifying for the TUO forces, the two divisions they sent were completely ripped to shreds or burned to death by the abandoned vehicles scattered all over on the bridge's road. The air force could not bomb the GLS forces without risk damaging or destroying the bridge.

"Bring out the meat shields!" the general ordered. A few minutes later, hundreds of captured GLS soldiers, police officers, and civilians were marched toward the entrance of the bridge. About 3,000 TUO soldiers were ordered to strap those "meat shields" with front body armors and C-4 underneath the body armors. After that, each "meat shields" were organized into dozens of groups.

The "meat shields" were then ordered to run toward the GLS military position or face being torture to death, used in medical experiments without pain killers and still alive, or working in labor camps with horrifying conditions and work to death. If a group of "meat shields" got close enough to the GLS position, the TUO soldiers stationed in observance airplanes, boats, or surviving tall structures press the ignite button which will blow up the entire group. When can the "meat shields" can stop running?

Until the GLS forces no longer pose a threat to the TUO forces...

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In the President House:

Ryan was sprinting through the hallway toward the gun fires. He knew he would be outnumbered and had no guns to fight against the hostiles, but he might able to knock them around and use their weapons against them. After turning a corner, he saw the hostiles, a group of armored masked people with impressive guns, and one of them was armed with a flamethrower.

Thankfully, those masked people were facing the other direction and fighting the security guards, allowing Ryan to launch an ambush. "Take out that person with the flamethrower and set all of the other hostiles on fire. That's easy." Ryan thought as he charged toward the masked people, jumped over some of them, and did a split kick in mid-air, knocking out the flamethrower and the light machine gun armed hostiles.

"Who the freak is that kid?" one of the masked people asked. "It's President Jake's son, I think he is a professional karate kid. Just take him out, he isn't armed at all." replied another masked person.

The moment the group of remaining masked people pointed their guns at Ryan, Ryan shouted, "You think?!" as he pointed the flamethrower toward them, pressed the fire button, and quickly jumped away to avoid being shot at by the now-on-fire armored and masked people.

"AAAHHHH! Get the fire extinguisher! The pain!" one of the masked people screamed. "Lulz, you guys should have invested in fireproof armors and masks." chuckled Ryan as he walks away, only to be grabbed by the throat by one of the masked people who managed to put out his/her fire by rolling around on the floor.

"You think it is over? Think again, lets play." mumbled the masked person as he ferociously kicked Ryan in the head right after letting him go, sending Ryan flying across the hallway and smash into a wall.


Meanwhile, outside of the President House:

The GLS soldiers on the Mackinaw bridge were utterly confused when they saw a group of people wearing armors running toward them. When the group of the armored people reached close enough toward the GLS soldiers, one of the TUO soldiers in an observance plane pressed the ignite button.


"They are suicide bombers! Kill em' when you see the whites of their eyes!" yelled the commander after some of the machine gun and large automatic shotgun nests were damaged or destroyed and as the pieces of bodies and debris rained back down.

The next group of "meat shields" charged, only to get cut down and blown up when they got close enough.

After that, a constant wave of "meat shields" charged at the GLS soldiers.

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Mackinaw bridge:

The GLS military forces holding the bridge realized they were running low on ammo, and had only two options left.

1. Keep on mowing down the suicide bombers.

2. Rig the bridge with bombs and retreat. Ignite the bombs after the enemies attempt to cross the bridge.

They picked option two and immediately begin rigging the bridge. To avoid alerting the enemies, they would cram explosives and oxygen cylinders in the high speed rail tunnels (all of them were sealed off due to the the steel framing supporting the roads falling apart) that were underneath the roads, rig the ignite explosive package to a remote controlled detonator, and then retreat.

"Retreat." was all was said over the GLS soldiers' radios after the rigging was done. As they begin to retreat, the TUO forces noticed the activity and their commanders ordered to charge across the bridge.

"Oh they are going to eat their own medicine now..." mumbled General John as he pressed the detonator button when the TUO soldiers reached close toward the exit of the bridge to Mackinaw City.

The explosions underneath the bridge rocked it upward and sideways in various directions, basically lifting the bridge off it's concrete supports for less than a second. The bridge broke into pieces and fell back down, further fracturing as the bridge parts snapped when they landed on the concrete supports. A few seconds later, most of the bridge parts sank into the lake, only leaving the blasted and fractured concrete supports standing.


In TUO's HQ:

"Bring out the reserves, all 50,000 of them. It's time we start attacking them from all direction since 18,000 soldiers stuck in the northern part of GLS aren't going to cut it. Those pansy GLS soldiers blew up the Mackinaw bridge." ordered the leader as he spoke over the phone while watching the video feed from the observance airplane's camera.

A few minutes later, the GLS military forces that haven't being alerted by the invasion of an unknown force would soon get rolled, literately.


In the President House:

Ryan ducked the masked TUO agent's punch as he pulled himself back up. "I wanna play." Ryan mumbled as he kicked both of the masked TUO agent's ankles, sending him falling down and doing the side way split. "Damn you son of a (insert inappropriate word)!" roared the masked TUO agent as he falls backward and attempts to get back up, only to get hit in the head with a fire extinguisher thrown by Ryan. Meanwhile, a helicopter appeared in front of the hallway's window with an opened door. The pilot was waiting for the TUO agents to smashed down the windows and board the helicopter, but failed to realize that they were all dead or knocked out.

When the agent attempted to get back up again, the security guards opened fire and filled the agent's chest with dozens of bullets. "Be right back, I need to hijack that helicopter in front of me." said Ryan as he dashed toward the window, smashing through it, and landed into the TUO helicopter.

"ZOMG! Hijacker! Get off!" yelled the pilot. "Mine!" replied Ryan as he unbuckled the pilot's seat belt, hauled him out of the seat and threw the pilot out of the helicopter, leaving the pilot to fall four stories toward the ground.

"What are you guys waiting for? Get on the helicopter." asked Ryan as he takes over the controls.

After all of the surviving security guards boarded the helicopter, Ryan piloted the helicopter toward the south, in hope of finding somewhere safe to land.

Back in the building...

The masked TUO agent who took dozens of bullets into his chest slowly pushed himself back up and screamed, "(insert inappropriate word) you stupid kid! I am Kale Rak, undefeatable!"

(OOC: Kale Rak was the blood thirsty manic who attempted to hijack an airplane: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=62983 :OOC)


Several days later:

TUO reserve forces emerged from their secret bases all over Great Lakes State. Lacking any communications, the GLS military forces attempted to fight against the invading TUO reserve soldiers, but many of them retreated or surrendered after believing that all of the other GLS military bases were overwhelmed and being mass carpet bombed.

Unfortunately for the masked TUO leader, despite the major success in the attacks; stealth was the key ingredient in holding his new empire. The mass outbreak of bombing, fires, and destruction would be highly noticeable if seen by satellite and the massive amount of retreating soldiers and fleeing civilians (including government members) heading for the borders would alert the neighboring nations of what is going on in Great Lakes State. No amount of fake videos are going to help him now when there are thousands of refugees reporting what happened...


Dark blue: The United Organization held areas

Red: Great Lakes State held areas


OOC: Pikachurin and JEDCJT, your CNRP nations should notice thousands of refugees breaking through GLS border stations on the land and attempting to enter your nations. Plus, there will be hundreds of boats loaded with refugees attempting to flee over water.

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