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Empire's withdrawal of Claims to France.

Colerich Krieg

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*The Emperor gathered before a Crowd of supporters. Still eccentric from the Centralist speech he gave days ago, he was about to give more good news.*


"My People, Sons, and Daughters of Krieg, Today marks a great day in the fight for Peace in Europe. The French Government-in-Exile as come back with a roaring vengeance and SMITED the Anarchist scum from their country! France lives once again!"

*The Crowd Cheers*

"Oh the best is yet to come! The Empire hereby gives up our claims to the French Providences of Langudoc-Roussilion, Midi-Pyrenes, and Aquitiane! Long live a united and peaceful France! Long live peace in Europe!"

*The Crowd Cheers 'Long live Peace in Europe!'*

"Other then our Mining facilities in those regions, all Military forces stationed in these regions while they were under Imperial Control will now return home with 4 weeks leave with their Families!"

*The Emperor steps down from the Podiumn and walks towards his Office. He sits at his desk, clicks on the TV, and begins watching the World news. Every so often his eyes will drift towards the Phone..*

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*The Emperor takes out a piece of paper, and scribbles in messy German a message to his Foriegn Affairs Minister Karl Königen:*

"Seek out the French, Karl. A pact or friendship with France will help out immensely for our conquest for European Peace.. Make haste,"


*The Messenger arrives at Minister Königen's office minutes later and delivers the message. He picks up the phone and attempts to place a call to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs.*

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Jean-Baptiste Cheysson sit in his small office, the same one he had when he was a communications officer for the Aquitaine region. He can't wait to get back to Paris, but with the chaos up north he could scarcely risk his life. He flipped a page in his H.P. Lovecraft Omnibus edition, absorbed in the writing... and promptly let out a squeal when the phone rang all of a sudden.

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The Imperium of Poliz congratulates both parties on an expedient and peaceful secession, and endourse the Krieg Empire's move, which shows the true virtue of the fine nation

We thank the Imperium of Poliz for their positive comments.

OOC: Im going to bed for now, but feel free to make that ODP thread tonight or tommorow, and if Im not on PM me the link and ill reply ASAP.

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"Yes, who is this?" Jean-Baptiste composed himself and asked hastily. "This is Minister Cheysson speaking. What business may you have with France?"

OOC: I guess ill hold off on sleep until this is done xD

IC: (The Minister was very Fluent in French after years of study at the University of Berlin.) "Yes, this is Minister Königen.. The Emperor requested that I talk to you about possible Pacts and Friendships. We want our nations to be united in everlasting peace."

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"Ugh, well, this is a bit sudden," Cheysson was genuinely surprised. "Considering the recent dispute, especially. More to the point, France have barely got back on her feet. We've yet to get our house in order, foreign affairs is not exactly our top priority.

"Of course we won't rule out any possibilities. But depending on what you have in mind, I think you would understand that in some cases we might be a little reluctant in making sweeping committments. Our nations should have an opportunity to get to know each other a little bit first, won't you agree?

"But by all means, let me know what you have in mind."

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"Ugh, well, this is a bit sudden," Cheysson was genuinely surprised. "Considering the recent dispute, especially. More to the point, France have barely got back on her feet. We've yet to get our house in order, foreign affairs is not exactly our top priority.

"Of course we won't rule out any possibilities. But depending on what you have in mind, I think you would understand that in some cases we might be a little reluctant in making sweeping committments. Our nations should have an opportunity to get to know each other a little bit first, won't you agree?

"But by all means, let me know what you have in mind."

*The Minister listened quitely while performing paperwork on his desk, signing, sealing envelopes, etc. He seemed to be a valid Multitasker..*

"We understand your stance. And we dont want to 'Sweep' You into anything. However the Emperor is determined to make sure our nations are at peace, and on good terms, last time he tryed to do that with a neighbor, they built a wall on our border, encasing their citizens as well as ours like animals.. A Shame, really. All we want is to exist with our neighbors in friendship and prosperity..

The Emperor has allowed me to reach any and all treaty and pact agreements. We could start off with Trade agreements, Friendship pacts, and if after awhile you feel comfortable we can engage in a possible ODP, MDP, MDoAP, etc. Of course the latter are necessary to insure that we countries in Europe can assure eachother's help in evading outside forces, -And Im sure your well known with the European tradition of keeping European Affairs in Europe- as well as Expantionalistic maniacs who try to conquer and grab as much land as they can get.. *The Minister pauses for a moment while he has a flash back of the Nordreich conquests, when he was a child.* Err.. Anyways, what say you?"

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"I must admit I'm not familiar with most of your history, seeing as I had spent my time in exile gambling studying. What is this wall you speak of? As far as I am aware the construction of walls in a nation's own territories is really nothing objectionable. And to be honest, border walls and defensive fortificatios of some sort have been on the table for my colleagues across the street in the Ministry of Defence.

"Now, a military treaty is not really something France will commit to as of now. But, some general discussion on trade is certainly an option. Before all of that however we have to clear up our ties. For one thing, I'm receiving reports of your forces around various mining sites. Before we escalate this to another public dispute, like what happened during the expansion, I'd like to hear from you directly what is going on."

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"I must admit I'm not familiar with most of your history, seeing as I had spent my time in exile gambling studying. What is this wall you speak of? As far as I am aware the construction of walls in a nation's own territories is really nothing objectionable. And to be honest, border walls and defensive fortificatios of some sort have been on the table for my colleagues across the street in the Ministry of Defence.

"Now, a military treaty is not really something France will commit to as of now. But, some general discussion on trade is certainly an option. Before all of that however we have to clear up our ties. For one thing, I'm receiving reports of your forces around various mining sites. Before we escalate this to another public dispute, like what happened during the expansion, I'd like to hear from you directly what is going on."

OOC: thought we agreed that I could keep my mining when I gave back my french lands >>

IC, Karl Köingen: It was preagreed that we would be allowed to maintain our Mining sites we completed, and are not wishing to build anymore.

Also, Yes, Military fortifications and some sort of Walls on ones nation are not object able. However I advise you to take a long walk down the Scottish Procterate-Krieg border, and see the massive wall that was created by the Scottish, per their excuse to "Keep the Fascist Scum out", When we are clearly not a Fascist country and have not been for awhile. Also, if your implying that your intending on encasing our northern border with a wall, that is completely unacceptable. We would be cut off from Europe as a result. We have shown no aggressive actions towards your government, we are a declared peaceful country, and such a move would be a clear action of prejudice and ignorance, assuming we are an "Evil Fascist Regime" and need to be "Shut out from the world." You and the Emperor have already Im sure clarified the Krieg Force's use and reason why they were in France.

I would hope you are wiser then that, dear friend. Dont let the Scottish or anyone else try to persuade you into thinking such horrible falsifications. The Krieg Empire is on good standing as of late with the Majority of the International Community."

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"So, you are saying that Normandy granted krieg control over these sites for mining purposes? How many, and where, are such territories? Understandably we are a bit concerned with documenting who has what in our country. It is particularly worrying for us to hear of reports of possible military presence in these zones, this is what we want to request clarification on the most. Legal agreements made by the Norman government while they control these territories will be in the most part respected by France, since on a local level we are almost like a successor state. Not that we are, of course, since we've always been around somewhere. But the point stands.

"Further, I can't understand your reaction against the Scots building a wall in their own land. Surely you agree that it is the sovereign right of any nation to control acess across their own border? Certainly a massive wall like you described is a more stringent control than is usual, but it is well within their rights. They are not doing anything to you, it's not as if your citizens could freely pass throgh the borders anyway. At least not legally.

"And yes, I'm aware that the Empire have send word discussing what your forces have invaded our borders for. But we don't know why the empire think it would have been an ok thing to do, nor do we think it is. We are willing to drop the subject and move on; I know it must be awkward for Krieg to defend their actions. But you should appreciate that it certainly left an impression."

OOC: thought we agreed that I could keep my mining when I gave back my french lands >>

OOC: Eh... I don't think we said anything about it, you just went on to talk about access to Normandy. But regardless nothing has happened about them IC, so I'm responding as if you meant its the Normandy government that made the arrangements.

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"So, you are saying that Normandy granted krieg control over these sites for mining purposes? How many, and where, are such territories? Understandably we are a bit concerned with documenting who has what in our country. It is particularly worrying for us to hear of reports of possible military presence in these zones, this is what we want to request clarification on the most. Legal agreements made by the Norman government while they control these territories will be in the most part respected by France, since on a local level we are almost like a successor state. Not that we are, of course, since we've always been around somewhere. But the point stands.

5 Total in the lands we had claim over. Also we have no Military presence in France. We pulled out.


"Further, I can't understand your reaction against the Scots building a wall in their own land. Surely you agree that it is the sovereign right of any nation to control acess across their own border? Certainly a massive wall like you described is a more stringent control than is usual, but it is well within their rights. They are not doing anything to you, it's not as if your citizens could freely pass throgh the borders anyway. At least not legally.

Yes it is their right to do so. Hence why we dont bother arguing about it, but we simply do point out how inhumane it is to seperate families and friends from each other. Also, last time I checked Krieg Citizens could not pass, and if they can, thats only because of a recent change. You have to high a moral seeing of your friends actions.

"And yes, I'm aware that the Empire have send word discussing what your forces have invaded our borders for. But we don't know why the empire think it would have been an ok thing to do, nor do we think it is. We are willing to drop the subject and move on; I know it must be awkward for Krieg to defend their actions. But you should appreciate that it certainly left an impression

The Emperor has contacted me personally, and told me that one- We did not get a confirmation of your government attempting to take back the country. two- we are attempting to drop the subject however you are continually bringing it up and passively trying to slander us in front of the world when our intentions were not to harm or do anything wrong. three- We have defended our actions quite clearly and can refer you to our statements if you have forgotten.

Also again on the issue of the wall - Doing such a thing would have huge consequences for your country, Economically, and politically. Im sure the world will not be too excited to welcome another wall attempting to separate citizens from our borders. Our borders have been fine for the past month. Also, the Krieg Empire is a developing nation and as so relies on ground transportation. We cannot afford to ship by air or sea goods and supplies into our country. You would systematically be destroying both of our economies by doing so, and I hope you realize this before you make a rash, unneeded descison.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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The Republic of Euzkadi urges France to reassert full control over all assets including any mining concessions Krieg maybe laying claim to, we further urge them to ignore any protestations regarding the border and any plans you may have as you have our full backing on all levels.

The Krieg Empire is in no position to make any sort of claims or demands.

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The Republic of Euzkadi urges France to reassert full control over all assets including any mining concessions Krieg maybe laying claim to, we further urge them to ignore any protestations regarding the border and any plans you may have as you have our full backing on all levels.

The Krieg Empire is in no position to make any sort of claims or demands.

The Republic of the United Netherlands now wonders what has happened to the moderate leadership of Euzkadi. Their government now basically announced that the sovereignty of their southern neighbor has no value to them while they so fiercely defend their own. We consider this stance to be hypocritical and ask Euzkadi for a moment of reflection.

And when Euzkadi noted borders. Then we sincerely hope that it does not refer to the borders between France and your allies in Brittany that it does not refer to the borders between France and Italy, that it does not refer to the borders between France and Prussia and that it does not refer to the borders between Euzkadi and France and that it does not refer to the borders between the Republic of the United Netherlands and France as we seek to establish excellent ties with the government of the French Republic.

We are going to put it even more strongly. If Euzkadi does seek the destruction of the Krieg Empire- then why doesn't it declare war itself ?

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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We see no reason to moderate our tone, the partition of France was in our eyes an illegal act (despite protestations of it being a ''peacekeeping'' mission) and any agreement regarding mining concessions while the French government was defunct is null and void as far as we are concerned. Any decision France takes regarding its border is within its remit, we have not urged any infringement of the Kreig Empire's territorial integrity...if that had been our desire we would have rolled our troops in, that has not happened.

Our comment on borders was in response to the Kreig Empire's assertion of consequences for France should the southern border be closed, we find that assertion laughable considering economic interaction between the nations of the Iberian pact is flourishing and that all of us hold coastlines in which to conduct our respective trading with the rest of the world. We see it as scaremongering by a primitive state that must be unequivocally quashed.

Edited by Cataduanes
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Very well. The statement shocked the Republic at first but we are particularly happy to hear that "borders" does not concern ours. Perhaps the Republic can play a role in determining Krieg's, France's and your countries jurisdiction and formalize borders ?

We think that Krieg's intention in France was good- but that it went too far. But he shouldn't be punished more then is now the case. The Netherlands also advices Euzkadi to recognize the Krieg Empire and to support it's newly centralist government and lead it on a path towards democracy as it feels that continues hostility might strengthen the Fascists. The last thing that the Iberian Pact needs is a full blown Fascist regime on the Iberian Peninsula.

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"The Empire thanks the Netherlands for its comments, and urges you to follow our lead in not letting the Euzkadi government's radical tone get to you. If anyone is a Fascist it is them, for all they want is to have heated and hostile tensions in Iberia, while all we want is to co exist. It is obvious that they have this hostile stance for a reason. They are not a peaceful nation, and do not want peace. We have come to accept this fact, and we do not worry for we have many friends who would defend our nation if they seek to attack, which I will say is highly improbable, Although they may not want peace with us, Im sure they do not want to start a war over their arrogant ego.. Arrogance doesnt equal ignorance. At least, we hope so in this case."

"Even though we are sad that Scotland and Euzkadi do not at this time wish to have peaceful co exsistance, our offer stands for peaceful and friendly talks with them at any time."

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"We fully encourage France to proceed in walling the aggressive Krieg off from the rest of Europe, lest their fascist taint linger as an unwelcome guest. Furthermore, Krieg has no right to claim or demand anything from the French and we fully support both of our allies sharing a border with this Krieg menace."

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"We fully encourage France to proceed in walling the aggressive Krieg off from the rest of Europe, lest their fascist taint linger as an unwelcome guest. Furthermore, Krieg has no right to claim or demand anything from the French and we fully support both of our allies sharing a border with this Krieg menace."

"Once again we merely laugh at this statement. Only the Scottish government.. and perhaps Biohazard.. Has such a smeared view of what our nation is really like.. "

OOC: And I did say specificly in IRC That Ill give my French regions to Teri but I want to keep my 4 or 5 Mining sites. And No Military personel are there. Dont know where you got that from, I never RP'd having Military at the Mining sites. Just.. Miners.

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