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Candle in the Wind

Sarah Tintagyl

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OOC: ...The ironic part is that you can actually see the decline of international relations as you read the posts from page 1 up to here.


Lol actually j/k But yes it is sad to see the world slowy but surley engulfing in Nuclear Holocaust

Oh the fireworks.. the fireworks..

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Incorrect. It is not your currency, it is the currency of the defunct Hanseatic Commonwealth. An international currency, not one of your own nation.

Incorrect. It WAS the currency of the now defunct Hanseatic Commonwealth, and it is the currency of Dranagg, Aiginor, and (I think) Yuktobania. But it is not the currency of the Imperium. Therefore, you have no right to say you will back it. If you want to invest in it, that is your choice, but you will not be backing it.

A shame you won't stop infringing ours.

A shame you don't have any evidence to prove this.

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So New England endorses letting powerful nations stomp all over the sovereignty of the weaker and peaceful nations?

"No, we endorse letting our ally do whatever it wishes. How would you feel if another nation told you couldn't do this and that?"

We have the right to do whatever we damn well please. Unless you're saying that every bank backing the Hanseatic Mark is part of the HEU. Which they aren't. -_-

If said weaker and 'peaceful' nations would take the time to be polite to their more powerful counterparts, 9/10 wars would be avoided.


We realize they aren't, but the MAJORITY of them are. Including the National Bank of Aiginor. We are open to negotiation, but the Imperium will not be backing the Mark by itself. It is our currency and we have the right to back it.

If said "more powerful counterparts" would stop infringing on the sovereignty of other nations, 9/10 wars would be avoided.

"If Aignor would stop infringing on the sovereignty of the Holy Imperium, 11/10 wars would be avoided."

A shame you won't stop infringing ours.

"A shame, indeed."

A shame you don't have any evidence to prove this.

"A shame you continue on infringing the sovereignty of the Holy Imperium."

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Fine. Aiginor will cease use of the Hanseatic Mark in favour of the Aigin Pound, a currency the we can back ourselves without the Imperium and New England freaking out because a small nation took the initiative to actually do something.

OOC: I give up.

Edited by Arkantos
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Congratulations. We frankly don't care what currency you use.

You apparently cared enough to back the currency despite any and all attempts Aiginor made to clarify your assistance was not required. As their economy used the Hanseatic Mark -- and yours does not -- in our opinion their say in the matter supersedes yours... And ours, for that matter.

Also, we would like to remind both the Imperium as well as New England that their sovereignty is not in question... But neither is Aignors. None of you is in a state of Anarchy, therefore the choice to accept an offer of (economic) support would lie by the nations whose economies rely on the stability of the Mark (a.k.a. the ones using it), not with the Imperium.

You made an offer for help, it was not appreciated. There is no need to force aid down the throat of a stable, sovereign nation if it does not want it, and making such actions would indeed infringe on Aignors sovereignty quite a bit.

Just shrug, and move on. I'm certain that if the Hanseatic Mark needs help the nations using it will not hesitate to let you know.

Edited by Amyante
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Acca Dacca's base was formed around Hansa. If the world cried a little inside when they received thier letter, The people of Acca Dacca died a little bit. Our entire culture is the same, politics, views, and so on. We have years of shared heritage with The Hansa. To see it crumble with the loss of the Lady Protector was no suprise. She has done so much for the world, so much for Acca Dacca.

Yet, this is not a Eulogy. There has been no blood spilt. Our Lady Protector is still out there, and the Hansa remain the peacekeeping leaders they are. Thier people, ungoverned, have taken it upon themselves to make thier nation a peacekeeping land for events of world stature. We, therefore, protect our brothers and sisters in thier mission for continuation of peacekeeping. We will continue what the Lady Protector started.

We will keep peace in this world, and we will protect it when diplomacy fails. If you have the power to do something just, then you have the responsibility to do something just.

As we are a successor state of Hansa, we shall continue to use the Hanseatic Mark.

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