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Candle in the Wind

Sarah Tintagyl

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OOC: :(

IC: Golgothais sad to see their protector leave, however, will not recognise the land as an international protectorate, simply because we believe this will damage the citizens living there (OOC: New nations? How are they supposed to join precisely, if we ALL lay claim to her previous lands as a protectorate? Hello???? :OOC). Our own nation will provide the land to the east of our island as a protectorate of our own lands, but we do not believe in a so-called "international protectorate".


Jonathan Sinclaire

EDIT: Ninja edit!

Edited by Pacifism
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OOC: :(

IC: Confucianism is sad to see their protector leave, however, will not recognise the land as an international protectorate, simply because we believe this will damage the citizens living there (OOC: New nations? How are they supposed to join precisely, if we ALL lay claim to her previous lands as a protectorate? Hello???? :OOC). Our own nation will provide the land to the east of our island as a protectorate of our own lands, but we do not believe in a so-called "international protectorate".


Jonathan Sinclaire

OOC: Wait...when did you revert from being Golgotha?

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: Sarah, you already know what I think from #cnrp. At least this way, Bio won't get lost. Much.

IC: "We recognize the Hanseatic Commonwealth as a world protectorate, but we forfeit our rights to deciding on the region's fate. It is sad to see the Hansa fall."

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OOC: way to ditch the HEU :P

IC: Dranagg is shocked by this statement. Not only will it likely destroy most of our export market, but also force a change in currency back to the old system. If there is no government backing up the Hanseatic Mark then it is quite frankly worthless.

Actions on how to handle this impending economic crisis are being deliberated.

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OOC: way to ditch the HEU :P

IC: Dranagg is shocked by this statement. Not only will it likely destroy most of our export market, but also force a change in currency back to the old system. If there is no government backing up the Hanseatic Mark then it is quite frankly worthless.

Actions on how to handle this impending economic crisis are being deliberated.

Dranagg need not worry, Aiginor will now back the Hanseatic Mark. Our economy is as strong, if not stronger, than the Hanseatic Commonweath's was. The value of the Hanseatic Mark will not change. The headquarters of the HEU will also be moved to Agrona if there are no objections.

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For all of the hustle and commotion in the Xaristani War Bunkers, Louis Egon felt a strange and disturbing silence. This was unexpected, and Sarah was not one to act rashly. He felt that this could only mean trouble for him, for she knew his secret. He could not help but wonder if Tom Dobbs had something to do with it, as he had not seen him since the war began. Despite his uneasiness, he sent out a brief message.

The Lady Protector knows that she is always welcome in Xaristan. Hopefully we shall see her once again under happier circumstances.


Louis Egon


In an apartment building in Vinson, with troops, bombs, tanks, and guns going off around him, Tom Dobbs wept.

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The Holy Imperium is offering, until a suitable substitute can be found to offer the solvency of it's own Imperial Credit as means to keep the Hanseatic Mark at its' original value. This can be the case until either the HEU countries adopt their own currencies or begin negotiations with the Imperium for a shared currency.

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The Holy Imperium is offering, until a suitable substitute can be found to offer the solvency of it's own Imperial Credit as means to keep the Hanseatic Mark at its' original value. This can be the case until either the HEU countries adopt their own currencies or begin negotiations with the Imperium for a shared currency.

That is not needed. We have already stated that Aiginor will back the Hanseatic Mark, keep using it, and keep it at it's original value.

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Aiginor has not the sheer population base, the economic solvency, or the massive industries of the Holy Imperium. As such we are backing the currency. So yes, it is necessary.

The currency is that of the Hanseatic Economic Union. The Imperium has no right to interfere in this way. In addition, Aiginor is perfectly capable of backing the Hanseatic Mark, and we are welcome to having other HEU nations back it with us, but interference from non-HEU nations will not be accepted. By attempting to back the Hanseatic Mark, you are infringing on Aiginor's sovereignty. You will back off or we will take action to protect our sovereignty.

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OOC: And now...my goverments response.

Statement from the Office of the Tsarina, Anna Romanov


As many of you have already heard, Sarah Tintagyl, the former "Valkyrie of Peace", The Lady Protector and various other names, has stepped down from public office. Her nations fate is truely unknown. Before anyone gets ideas, Molakia will not be annexing any land, making any protectorates...we simply wish Sarah the best of luck in her adventures. She will always have a home in Molakia.

This woman...she has worked endless for peace...and for nothing. Peace will never come to Mother Europe, Nor Asia, Nor the Tahoe Hemisphere. Not unless we all do some drastic actions. Peacekeepers from several nations are offered to broker truces, secure borders and provide fair judgement, but are never taken. We as a race, the HUMAN race, Not Nordic, not Slavic, not Irish or Scottish, need to start using these options more. Molakians will die for the cause of peace if it comes to it.

Sarah Tintagyl is an example not only for the champions of peace, but of Women across the world. He actions show that, while we may be considered "Weaker", we are still able to kick the holy vox out of the world. Never again, atleast in our nation, will Gender Bias ever see rise. I was told a story by a Senator how his daughter said in class that she wanted to be president. High Asperations indeed! A boy in her class said that only boys become powerful. She then stuck out her tongue and replied "If Sarah can do it, I can!"

This lady has done much for our Planet, and hopefully still will. For her actions past, present and future, Molakia bestows its higest Civilian Honor, Hero of the Kingdom of Molakia:


In addition, for her and her nations peoples, willingness to fight and die for peace, we also give the Molakian Medal of Honor to Sarah Tintagyl and The People of Hansa:


Thank you Sarah. You have changed the world by your action. You have changed Europe and Molakia aswell. Most of all, you have changed this humble Queen. Good Luck.

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OOC: /me weeps


President Collier wrote this in reply to Lady Tintagyl's letter:

"Lady Tintagyl,

We may not have met, but I have always held you in the highest regard. You are my hero. You have done so much for the world, it cannot be described in one letter or even a thousand. You were the Lady Protector, not just of the Hansa, but of the World. You spoke, and all of the world stopped to listen. You were the greatest leader. Better than Charlemagne, better than George Washington, and better than King William I. You deserve to be honored. To honor you, August 21 has been declared "Hanseatic Day". It will be a day when the Aigin remember their Hanseatic roots, and flags fly at half staff to honor the Commonweath's memory. Now I can only hope and pray that Aiginor has learned it's lesson from Gabriel Bevan, that giving up your ideals only leads to bad things. And I can only hope the World has learned from you and your ideals, and that your mark on history will ring out through the ages like the first shot of the American Revolutionary War in 1775.


Robert Collier"

Edited by Arkantos
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By attempting to back the Hanseatic Mark, you are infringing on Aiginor's sovereignty. You will back off or we will take action to protect our sovereignty.

"By threatening our ally like this, you are infringing on your own sovereignty. Back off, and let the Imperium do whatever it pleases.

On a related note, we would like to note that Sarah Tintagyl is always welcomed in New England, always."

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Take whatever action you please to protect the sovereignty of a multi-national currency. We'll have fun beating you into the (radioactive) ground.

A multi national currency used only by the HEU nations. You are not an HEU nation, therefore, you do not have the right to back the Hanseatic Mark.

"By threatening our ally like this, you are infringing on your own sovereignty. Back off, and let the Imperium do whatever it pleases.

So New England endorses letting powerful nations stomp all over the sovereignty of the weaker and peaceful nations?

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A multi national currency used only by the HEU nations. You are not an HEU nation, therefore, you do not have the right to back the Hanseatic Mark.

We have the right to do whatever we damn well please. Unless you're saying that every bank backing the Hanseatic Mark is part of the HEU. Which they aren't. -_-

So New England endorses letting powerful nations stomp all over the sovereignty of the weaker and peaceful nations?

If said weaker and 'peaceful' nations would take the time to be polite to their more powerful counterparts, 9/10 wars would be avoided.

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We have the right to do whatever we damn well please. Unless you're saying that every bank backing the Hanseatic Mark is part of the HEU. Which they aren't. -_-

We realize they aren't, but the MAJORITY of them are. Including the National Bank of Aiginor. We are open to negotiation, but the Imperium will not be backing the Mark by itself. It is our currency and we have the right to back it.

If said weaker and 'peaceful' nations would take the time to be polite to their more powerful counterparts, 9/10 wars would be avoided.

If said "more powerful counterparts" would stop infringing on the sovereignty of other nations, 9/10 wars would be avoided.

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We realize they aren't, but the MAJORITY of them are. Including the National Bank of Aiginor. We are open to negotiation, but the Imperium will not be backing the Mark by itself. It is our currency and we have the right to back it.

Incorrect. It is not your currency, it is the currency of the defunct Hanseatic Commonwealth. An international currency, not one of your own nation.

If said "more powerful counterparts" would stop infringing on the sovereignty of other nations, 9/10 wars would be avoided.

A shame you won't stop infringing ours.

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