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Operation Der Reise

Markus Wilding

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ooc: Sorry about all that, I kinda got sidetracked. I know you already rerolled, but are you going to finish the war with me? ^_^

Even while facing down the enemy onslaught middle positions stubbornly refuse to give an inch. They focus all their firepower remaining might on the center of the enemy ranks, while flanking positions furiously attack the enemy from both sides trying to force them into a bottleneck. Meanwhile in Vorkuta Sovetsky transport and cargo planes carrying the first wave of reinforcements, equipment and supplies arrive. Their arrival couldn’t have been timed better. The defense line is about to break, and when it does the city of Vorkuta be wide open for attack. A division of 10,000 soldiers and a few dozen tanks take up defensive positions in the city and wait for the inevitable attack.

While soldiers fight on land and in the skies to protect their country the battle on the northern shores is just beginning. Slavorussian soldiers take position on the hilltops surrounding the landing grounds. They deploy their Pecheneg machine guns set loose a storm of bullets on the soldiers below.

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ooc: Sorry about all that, I kinda got sidetracked. I know you already rerolled, but are you going to finish the war with me? ^_^

Even while facing down the enemy onslaught middle positions stubbornly refuse to give an inch. They focus all their firepower remaining might on the center of the enemy ranks, while flanking positions furiously attack the enemy from both sides trying to force them into a bottleneck. Meanwhile in Vorkuta Sovetsky transport and cargo planes carrying the first wave of reinforcements, equipment and supplies arrive. Their arrival couldn’t have been timed better. The defense line is about to break, and when it does the city of Vorkuta be wide open for attack. A division of 10,000 soldiers and a few dozen tanks take up defensive positions in the city and wait for the inevitable attack.

While soldiers fight on land and in the skies to protect their country the battle on the northern shores is just beginning. Slavorussian soldiers take position on the hilltops surrounding the landing grounds. They deploy their Pecheneg machine guns set loose a storm of bullets on the soldiers below.

As slow as they are, the Tiger II's finally manage to catch up with the battle, and unleash potentially devastating cannon blasts, coupled with the Panzer IVs already firing, it would make for quite and interesting battle. In the air, one ME-109 is clipped on the wing by a passing SAM missile, and fearing death if he survives the wreck and is captured, he attempts to pilot his aircraft inot the main line of Slavorussian troops, opening fire with the MG9s as he does.

As soon as the machine guns open fire, the Kreigsmarine attempts to lay down suppresing fire with the MG9s to allow the Wehrmacht to advance onto the beaches.

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After extreme fighting in open fields and along roads Slavorussia’s poorly assembled defense finally breaks. The Yacranians psychological warfare tactics had been worn down the soldiers almost as much as their guns had. At the beginning of the battle the enemy had been surrounded on three sides by divisions of 5,000 soldiers, but now the center force was cut down to less than half of what they started with. The commanders of the middle line order full retreat to Vorkuta, while the other two divisions draw enemy fire by attacking their flanks.

The battle on the landing grounds appears to be going much better for the Imperial Army. They have a large array of weapons, from machine guns, assault rifles and snipers, to tanks and artillery pieces. They also use their position on the high ground to their advantage. Artillery and tanks give the infantry cover by shelling the beach, at the same time machine gunners saturate the landing area with bullets. Enemy suppressive fire has little effect on the vicious assault coming from the hills.

“Cut down every man!” shouts one enthusiastic soldier as he reloads his gun “Send them to hell where they can pay for their crimes against the Russian people!”

The soldier’s voice is drown out by the roaring sound of machine gun fire, but the everyone around him who hear him shout in unison “URA!” The battle cry quickly spreads as more and more soldiers, and that soon becomes a “Za Rodinu!” meaning “For the Motherland!”

ooc: lol I had no idea what to do after that outburst of patriotism, so it feels to me like it kinda got cut off too soon.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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After extreme fighting in open fields and along roads Slavorussia’s poorly assembled defense finally breaks. The Yacranians psychological warfare tactics had been worn down the soldiers almost as much as their guns had. At the beginning of the battle the enemy had been surrounded on three sides by divisions of 5,000 soldiers, but now the center force was cut down to less than half of what they started with. The commanders of the middle line order full retreat to Vorkuta, while the other two divisions draw enemy fire by attacking their flanks.

The battle on the landing grounds appears to be going much better for the Imperial Army. They have a large array of weapons, from machine guns, assault rifles and snipers, to tanks and artillery pieces. They also use their position on the high ground to their advantage. Artillery and tanks give the infantry cover by shelling the beach, at the same time machine gunners saturate the landing area with bullets. Enemy suppressive fire has little effect on the vicious assault coming from the hills.

“Cut down every man!” shouts one enthusiastic soldier as he reloads his gun “Send them to hell where they can pay for their crimes against the Russian people!”

The soldier’s voice is drown out by the roaring sound of machine gun fire, but the everyone around him who hear him shout in unison “URA!” The battle cry quickly spreads as more and more soldiers, and that soon becomes a “Za Rodinu!” meaning “For the Motherland!”

ooc: lol I had no idea what to do after that outburst of patriotism, so it feels to me like it kinda got cut off too soon.

OOC: T'is fine by me.

IC: Seeing the enemy retreat before them, they turn their full attention to the flanks, rushing forward and attempting to secure the area before more casualties are taken. Flammenwerfer crews move up, burning any unlucky Slavorussian who isn't quick enough to escape the flamethrower's wrath.

Devastation. That was the only word that could describe what happened on the beaches that day. With nearly all of the invading force dead, what remains of the invasion force quickly drop their weapons, hold up their hands and beg for mercy. Ships that somehow survived the assault turn back instantly, not wanting to deal with more lost men.

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The remaining two divisions stay in place long enough to buy enough time for the second line to get set up. They use the little artillery vehicles they have left to hold back the Yacranians, but they’re outnumbered and casualties are beginning to rise. Since both flanks are needed for the next battle, Slavorussian commanders order the retreat. As the northern and southern flank units start to retreat they sabotage any equipment they’re forced to leave behind to prevent it from falling into enemy hands. The Slavorussian army admits defeat in the battle, but the Yacranian's dreams of winning the war will soon be crushed.

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The remaining two divisions stay in place long enough to buy enough time for the second line to get set up. They use the little artillery vehicles they have left to hold back the Yacranians, but they’re outnumbered and casualties are beginning to rise. Since both flanks are needed for the next battle, Slavorussian commanders order the retreat. As the northern and southern flank units start to retreat they sabotage any equipment they’re forced to leave behind to prevent it from falling into enemy hands. The Slavorussian army admits defeat in the battle, but the Yacranian's dreams of winning the war will soon be crushed.

Seeing the retreat, Yacranian soldiers hold off and reload, devise a plan, etc. They come up with one in minutes.

MG teams would find any cover and deploy their MG42s and MG9s to provide covering fire to the soldiers as they advanced. Flammenwerfer teams did their best to not get hit while at the ame time seek and burn dangerous targets, such as those was assault rifles or sniper rifles or those aiming for the MG teams. The Slavorussians will soon hear the familiar squeaking of Panzer IV tanks treads as they approach and open fire. No target is too smal, too unimportant. Anything that can be used as an anti-tank weapon or to get the edge on the tanks is shattered to bits by tank fire, be it an apartment building or anti-tank emplacements.

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Most of the residents of the city of Vorkuta have been evacuated, or moved to a safe location for the anticipated battle. The city and it’s nearby suburbs are now home to roughly 100,000 soldiers. Despite news that the enemy is only a few kilometers away from the city most of the soldiers aren‘t even remotely concerned. Inside the local coffee shop a unit of soldiers enjoy a cup of coffee while they go through the channels to see if they‘ve made the news. One excited shouts to get his comrades to be quiet, “Shhh! Primer Medvedev is on the news, I think he‘s talking about us.”

Another soldier sarcastically replies, “Aww who cares about that, all they ever do is talk about a bunch of political nonsense. I don’t even think these politicians know what they‘re saying half the time.”

The soldiers all shush their lone comrade as the Primer closes his speech, “…and even though the Yacranians know they’re going to loose they war they continue to fight in a feeble attempt to wipe the Russian nation from the face of the planet. Their army is only hours from being expelled from our borders and after that the full might of great Russian army will be on their doorstep. It’s important that we all support the brave men and women serving in the military, who defend our country from those who wish to do us harm. God bless you and God bless the Empire.”

Just as the camera switches from the Primer’s office back to the news room, the soldiers notice the faint sound of enemy tanks firing their guns. The quiet city springs to life when the Slavorussian army rises to fight the invaders head on. Artillery lets loose a seemingly unending barrage of shells at the approaching invaders.

This time using their greater numbers the Slavorussians divide up their numbers sending several divisions of soldiers to make their way behind the enemy, encircle them and crush them. They learned several lessons from the last engagement. The first is to use snipers if possible to kill the flamethrowers, the second take cover in the IFV’s, and use them to shield themselves from enemy attack, but most importantly be prepared to defend against the Stuka dive bombers. At least 20% of the casualties had been caused because the army underestimated the enemy’s air force. With full confidence and no fear the Slavorussians prepared for the fight. They know that if, rather when they win this engagement the war will be as good as won.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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It suddenly became cold. Very cold, colder than cold. It was snowing now.

And the Wehrmacht had summer uniforms on.

Soldiers were visibly cold, some not even firing so they could warm up their hands or guns. The MGs stopped firing, not able to handle the Russian winter. The Wehrmacht now realizes why you should never fight a landwar in Russia. Flamothrowers move up, being the only guns that actually work. They run up to the positions, but without fire support, they don't last long. The order is given to fall back, regroup and figure out how to get the guns working again. Tank guns still managed to fire, but are stuck in their positions thanks to snowfall. The Wehrmacht doesn't even try to fight, they just run as far away as they can before they are ripped to shreds.

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As the enemy tries to retreat the army chases after them. three divisions of the Slavorussian army fallow from behind, while at the same time two other divisions travel at full speed to get in front of the fleeing army if at all possible. Infantry equipped with anti-tank grenades and Kornet missiles destroy the stationary tanks while IFV’s mow down enemy flamethrowers. Although accused of being overly aggressive Slavorussia’s military commanders are hell bent on sending a clear message to the Yacranian government and any other governments who may have plans to invade the Empire’s territory. The ground forces continue to chase, capture or kill retreating enemy forces, and have clearance to fallow them into Yacrania if necessary.

While ground forces pursue the invaders the air force launches a full scale attack on the Yacranian’s homeland. Mulitrole MiG-35’s strike the Voronin Wall with unrelenting force. They can launch their payload of guided missiles from well outside the Flak 88’s operational range, and destroy the enemy’s air defense abilities so that Slavorussia’s supersonic Tu-160’s can strike strategic targets deeper inside the country. Their list of targets include communication’s towers, power plants, military airfields and radar towers, government buildings as well as oil and natural gas pipelines. Water supplies, civilian airports, and enemy transportation systems receive secondary status, since reconnaissance data hadn’t been completely clear on what civilian infrastructure would be used to support the enemy’s military.

ooc: we gotta finish this. :\

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Still retreating, the Wehrmach think they have reached the safety of the Voronin Wall, only to see it be destroyed before their very eyes. MGs that had been given winter warming kits open fire on any Slavorussian they see, hoping to give their comrades some covering fire. Heavy casualties are taken as the Wehrmacht retreats. In the air, Stuka fighters are scrambled, alowing for some air offensive, but not much. In a last-ditch effort, the Wehrmacht readies their grenades and tosses them behind, in an attempt to slow down the Slavorussians.

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The casualties suffered by the Slavorussian ground forces are small in comparison to the massive numbers of foot soldiers and tanks spilling over the border. The majority of the ground forces are safe from enemy gun fire inside their APC’s and IFV’s, but the armored vehicle’s treads and tires are vulnerable to the grenades the Wehrmach throws at them. Regardless of the obstacles in their way the ground forces push on, troops abandon their wrecked vehicles and attack on foot, while surviving vehicles take the lead. Meanwhile the sky over Yacrania begins to get dark, as dozens of Slavorussian transport craft, filled to capacity with paratroopers fly over head. Thousands of troops are only minutes away from touching down in the central regions of the Yamal peninsula, and from there they’ll spread out, and destroy the Yacrainian army from within.

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With nearly all of Yacrania's forces strongholded on the border, only a small garrison is left to hold back the paratroopers. Despite this, the Yacranians hold strong, building makeshift fortifications and creating "flamezones" designed to trap the Slavorussians in a ring of fire. On the border, it's a completely different story. Panzershreck crews move up and attempt to eliminate the IFVs and tanks, though in the freezing cold, not many can fire their rockets. The troops on the Voronin Wall do have an advantage, and that is winter uniforms. Heavy casualties are taken everywhere, and now Markus Wilding is literally pulling teenaged men from the civillian population and arming them with Kar98k's and bayonets, telling them to charge their opponents whenever possible.

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Invading Yacrania is more difficult than expected. Slavorussian vehicles have a difficult time getting over the rubble and debris left over from the bombings, but this is little more than an annoyance compared to the barrage of bullets coming from the enemy army. Casualties on the ground are higher than originally projected, but that doesn’t slow down the Slavorussian army’s offensive. Soldiers keep firing their assault rifles, and tanks keep firing their turrets. The paratroopers have their own complications to deal with. Some had missed their drop points, and have to survive long enough to regroup before they can start seizing important military installations, notably enemy airfields.

By now the Yacranian government and military command should be learning the full scope of the counter attack. Roughly 50,000 soldiers 800 tanks 125 artillery guns and enough supplies to support the army moving on the ground, while an additional 10,000 soldiers, parachuting inland, mostly near airfields that the army can use to send another 25,000 soldiers tanks and artillery into the country. As refueled bombers take off for another run at the Yacranian's military infrastructure the Primer Medvedev makes a statement:

“The government and military of Yacrania began this war when they attempted to blindside us during what they perceived as a moment of weakness. However due to the determination, might and superior technology of the Slavorussian Armed Forces the enemy invaders have been successfully repelled, and our ideals of liberty justice and equality have been preserved for future generations. At this time the full force of the Slavorussian military is engaging Yacranian forces in their borders. There is however a way out, if the Yacrania surrenders, but if not I fear we will only see more death and destruction, and it will be on your hands. The decision is yours."

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Finally able to get guns working again after the freeze, Yacranian soldiers set up hasty defense, designed to funnel the enemy into killing zones. The teenagers that Wilding recruited continually make suicide runs into the Slavorussian ranks, hoping to at least stab some Russians before they die for their fatherland. Flammenwerfer crews continue to move up, but are quickly shot down by snipers and rarely by their own guns. Stuka dive bombers try to inflict casualties, but air superiority has been lost. In a last ditch attempt, FlaK 88 crews turn their guns away from the coast and fire on IFVs and incoming tanks. As slow firing as they are, the FlaK shells designed for aircraft quickly devastate any enemy vehicle it come across.

But every defense is fallible in some way, and the Yacranian's is no different. Taking heavy casualties, they are forced to retreat to Wildingrad. Weapons once thought to be better than anything in Slavorussia's arsenal quickly become obsolete in the face of defeat. In a desperate attempt, some even raid science facilities and rush out with a what they believe to be working Wunderwaffe DG-1, only to shoot it with no effect. They quickly drop the weapon and flee before being shot. Yacranian soldiers also booby-trap buildings with satchel charges. When the moment is right, they pull the plunger and a building falls, both blocking the path and maybe inflicting casualties in the process.

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Slavorussia has reached full deployment of 100,000 soldiers in Yacrania, most entering via land, because the invasion by air had devastating consequences. The bulk of the army marches toward the capital, while smaller branches fan out to capture or destroy important targets in the country. Their main focus are airports that can be used to support the massive army that’s sweeping through Yacrania. Despite the overwhelming numbers Slavorussian ground forces are forced to slow their advance to clear paths, or avoid being caught in enemy kill zones. During their downtime they’re constantly attacked by young enemy suicide attackers. Although soldier’s armor protects them from most damage some are unlucky enough to be stabbed where they have minimal protection.

“Status report lieutenant.”

“Sir, the enemy have retreated to their capital Wildingrad, where they’ll most likely make their final stand. We currently have air superiority over the southern and western regions of the country up to Voroningrad. However our ground forces are being slowed by enemy booby traps. That coupled with suicide attacks, and flamethrower infantry are causing the bulk of our casualties, which are slightly higher than anticipated.”

“Send troops to capture Voroningrad, then have them support the attack on Wildingrad from the northwest. Order all aircraft in the area to target those Flak88’s, and focus artillery fire in the center of Wildingrad and enemy troops concentrations. I want to this war to be over before Sunday mass.”

Upon the general’s orders Slavorussian artillery unleash havoc. They begin constant bombardment of Wildingrad and it’s surrounding areas. Slavorussia’s Msta artillery guns position themselves south and west of the city, guarded by infantry armor and anti-aircraft guns. They relentlessly bombard troop encampments inside the city, only stopping to reload.

Meanwhile two divisions of mechanized infantry begin to converge on Voroningrad. The screeching of Slavorussian fighters and bombers in the sky make the beginning to the battle for the city. Tactical missiles are launched from the sky with the intent of devastating all the military infrastructure in the city. If successful the ground forces will surge forward into the city and clean out all enemy soldiers units.

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As men set up in Wildingrad, they know that this war is over. Flamethrowers set up in basements near major roads, machine guns are deployed in chokepoints, streets are cleared of debris so that there is no cover left. All of the cover would be hogged, so to say, by the Wehrmacht.

In Voroningrad, however, it's a completely different story. Entire battalions surrender, pleading to treat their wounded and to just get them out. They even offer to exchange infomation about Markus's whereabouts in Wildingrad just so they can stay alive.

OOC: Sorry for short post, I can't think of much when I'm on the defensive.

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The Slavorussian army quickly transports the Yacranian soldiers captured in Voroningrad to POW camps in various provinces of the Empire, most are situated in Tver, Vologda, Arkhangelsk and Komi. Captured soldiers in the POW camps generally get the same treatment as loyal Slavorussian soldiers. Low rank soldiers are housed in barrack like buildings, and officers have their own separate quarters and showers. The food might not taste good, but at least enemy POW’s won’t starve.

Meanwhile Slavorussian troops depart Voroningrad, on their way toward Wildingrad, which is already under siege by the Slavorussian army, and air force. Artillery bombardment and Air strikes on enemy position are carried out every few hours. After a little recon and intelligence gathering, a few elite forces and sniper teams infiltrate the city and prepare to support the invasion force. At the same time thousands of soldiers, dozens of tanks and IFV’s converge on the city for the final attack on Wildingrad.

A few hours later, as ground forces begin to move in and take the city, loudspeakers attached to armored vehicles play the national anthem at full blast, focusing the sound toward the city. As the song plays Slavorussian soldiers salute the flag that they plan to raise over the city when the battle is over. When the song ends the battle begins, the main force enters from the southeast, while two more branches attack from the south and northeast. To protect foot soldiers from enemy flamethrowers they march between columns of armored vehicles. within minutes the outer parts of the city become flooded with Slavorussian soldiers. They go building to building checking for enemy soldiers, or snipers, then advance. With each step Slavorussian soldiers take, means Yacrania’s defeat becomes more and more imminent.

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The anthem rings in the ears of the Wehrmacht as they prepare for the final assault. Squads fall back inot the Parliament Building where Markus is also believed to be. Their commitment to Markus shows as they set up inside the building to defend him to their last breath. Grenade booby-traps are made, S-mines are planted outside in the ground, machine guns are set up and a last war cry is yelled. As the Slavorussians begin to advance, numerous rifle and machine guns open up, and another suicide run is made by the teenaged recruits.

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Slavorussia’s Mi-24 series attack helicopters descend from the sky onto Wildingrad. They support ground forces perform reconnaissance missions. The information they gather is extremely valuable for the Slavorussian army. The Yacranian suicide attacks are carried out with varying degrees of success, S-mines and booby traps kill or maim hundreds of unprotected infantry, or disable armored vehicles, but the Slavorussian army has built up too much momentum to be stopped. Troops and tanks fan out throughout the city, securing almost all North south and west exit routes. They plan to leave the east open, so that the Yacranian Wehrmacht will have the option to retreat and be captured later, rather than possibly force them to fight harder. As they press into the city their main target becomes apparent. Yacrania’s Parliament Building must be captured or destroyed. Slavorussian commanders opt to capture it, but wont hesitate to destroy it and everything within a city block if it becomes absolutely necessary.

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Opting not to retreat under strict orders from Wilding, the following message is played so every Slavorussian soldier can hear:

Honorable soldiers of Slavorussia,

You have nothing to fear of surrender. We will provide good food, shelter, warm clothing and a warm place to sleep. All you have to do is approach the nearest Wehrmacht patrol with your weapons down and your hands behind your heads. It is truly that simple!

Honorable soliders of Slavorussia, your leaders show no care of you. They leave you to die in the cold winters, on the frontlines with little but a rifle to keep you safe. They drop you, and forget about you. They kill you for retreating and taking cover! This is no way to fight in an army!

Last week, a Wehrmacht squad saved over 300 chidren from a burning orphanage! Do you want to kill the honorable men that could have died for the life of another?

Again, you have no fear of surrender. Simply approach the nearest Wehrmacht patrol and surrender. It is really that simple!

As the Slavorussians near, every man picks up the heaviest weapon he can find, and rushes inside the Parliament building. It is clear that if the Slavorussians decide to clear the building out, it wil be a long and bloody battle.

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