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Partially OOC Topic from Kreig

Colerich Krieg

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OOC: Mkay, Im going to try to summarize things real quick. First off, I recgonzie and take FULL Responsibility for any IC, OOC, or any of the such Arrogant remarks, curses, or rule breakings I have done. I ask you all to please look at it from my perspective. I join a game, with someone who promises to protect me incase of attack. Then, another larger nation freaks out because of my make believe Government and begins incasing me in a wall. At the same time, Im bombarded with IC insults from Lubeck and Top Gear. I think this would make anyone feel nervous and the world is against them.

SO, After that of course happened, I was freaking out. Bad. My "Protecter" Came on MSN and told me to calm down. However I freaked out and called him out for not helping me. This is due in part to Scotland WORDING their IC statements to make it sound like an Invasion. This is the main reason I was freaking.

After all this, my Protecter gets pissed at me, and declares war on me ICly for OOC reasons. This now also has be confused as some nations are follwing suit.

I must remind everyone that I am not 100% fully aware of the RP rules, and you must look at it from my stance over the past few days, and how it must feel to be thrown into this equation and only after being 2 days old, the world is literally marching on your doorstep.

I will admit that by me being freaked I may have dug this hole for myself. However I can also safely say that the otehr nations were not helping the situation at all. I am only 2 days old to this game and Im expected to counter a World war. Blah.

Anyways, This is my apology if I did anything wrong. Once again, You cannot expect me to handle all this being new.


Also I wont be posting any more topics for awhile, yes I know Ive been spamming, and I apologize for that, and Ill make sure I use moderation.

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OOC: I feel I owe you an out of character apology, I have not been behaving my best today. I understand that you are new and it is difficult to grasp the way the game works, and I shall be a little less harsh in future while you are still learning the ropes.

None the less, that doesn't excuse your disrespect towards your protector, however what seems almost like an apology from your end based on that is appreciated.

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OOC: I feel I owe you an out of character apology, I have not been behaving my best today. I understand that you are new and it is difficult to grasp the way the game works, and I shall be a little less harsh in future while you are still learning the ropes.

None the less, that doesn't excuse your disrespect towards your protector, however what seems almost like an apology from your end based on that is appreciated.

OOC: I appreciate it and I did apologize for all "IC And OOC remarks etc etc" I did freak out but I think he is taking it way to seriously. And thats coming from ME. >>

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OOC: Aye. I feel there's nothing left to add to what Stiggy and Kreig already said.

As a side note, CNRP can be rather cut-throat at times. Don't let it get to ya. ;) I know I've certainly flew off the handle before (see: The Italian Mess) but overall, I try to keep a positive, clear mind when I RP so I don't do stupid crap like this.

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OOC: Aye. I feel there's nothing left to add to what Stiggy and Kreig already said.

As a side note, CNRP can be rather cut-throat at times. Don't let it get to ya. ;) I know I've certainly flew off the handle before (see: The Italian Mess) but overall, I try to keep a positive, clear mind when I RP so I don't do stupid crap like this.

OOC: I've been there too mate. Remember the whole Altea thing in the beginning, then my more catastrophic failure of the UAS. Which is STILL having an effect on North American politics.

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OOC: My very first RP was the unannounced declaration of independence from an island that was part of an existing nation (not even a protectorate). This based on my assumption that the first RP had to take place within my SoI, and it didn't occur to me to change the location of my capital before enthusiastically posting a DoE :D

But hey, everybody survived and i still got my nation in the end... Far, FAR away from the initial nation i tried to annex an island of XD

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Can someone please clarify according to the rules what is happening?

Is he allowed to steam roll me for OOC reasons?

No. That is hugely frowned on here. But dude, don't sweat it. Nobody'll let it happen. And if it does, you're allowed to come back as a different nation.

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OOC: It's all good. Apology accepted. CNRP is hard out. I remember when I first joined...

Also, this is in the wrong forum. OOC threads should be in "open national forums"


OOC: Seeing as how the people who want to take my nation over are here, I thought I let them know all this before I'm wiped out. >.>

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I'm not even gonna bother to put up OOC markers in this topic. But basically he can't use any OOC stuff IC, but the question here is, does he use OOC in his IC actions? Until this answer becomes clear I'm still gonna recognize that a war is happening. IC there are troops moving atm, and a DoW was issued.

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No. That is hugely frowned on here. But dude, don't sweat it. Nobody'll let it happen. And if it does, you're allowed to come back as a different nation.

OOC: Honestly I think that invading for what ever reason is really underhanded. He got his feelings hurt because of an OOC conversation.. Also I don't think that I should have to come back as anything because this shouldnt be allowed to happen. Yes I understand I was being Paranoid but this is in no way a responsible response even after Ive settled down and come to the realization that I was over reacting.

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I'm not even gonna bother to put up OOC markers in this topic. But basically he can't use any OOC stuff IC, but the question here is, does he use OOC in his IC actions? Until this answer becomes clear I'm still gonna recognize that a war is happening. IC there are troops moving atm, and a DoW was issued.

yeah he does ill get the post and link it for you

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OOC: I'm curious. How is it that you people all find a way to turn everything upside down when I'm away? I was gone for Nordland's collapse, and I was gone for everyone beating down Krieg. What is wrong with you people? >_<

OOC: I guess it's all about timing. :P

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OOC: I'm curious. How is it that you people all find a way to turn everything upside down when I'm away? I was gone for Nordland's collapse, and I was gone for everyone beating down Krieg. What is wrong with you people? >_<

We just don't like you in our big big wars :P;).

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OOC: I'm curious. How is it that you people all find a way to turn everything upside down when I'm away? I was gone for Nordland's collapse, and I was gone for everyone beating down Krieg. What is wrong with you people? >_<

OOC: I think it has to do with them being European i guess...

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OOC/tl;dr: Declaring war on The Krieg Empire, Protectorate Cancelled, etc. My plans after the short war shall be to revert the Krieg Empire to a Chimairan Protectorate, until a suitable, non-insane nation is ready to take the land.

Cole has insulted me personally, and insulted my nation via MSN. I'm tired of protecting someone who continues to call me a betrayer.

Although he kinda overexaggerated that statement, its still an OOC motive.

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OOC: In theory the war is still ongoing until either the combatants pull out or a GM charges in and ends things.

Also @ Krieg: If you return as a different nation, try adopting a different ideology and see how you fair.

OOC: Sorry Sitg I wont appease any nations by changing my government. I made my government the way it is as an example of how Right winged governments can function without being Evil Tolitarian regimes

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OOC: Sorry Sitg I wont appease any nations by changing my government. I made my government the way it is as an example of how Right winged governments can function without being Evil Tolitarian regimes

OOC: So make it a feakin Republic with a Conservative government.

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OOC: So make it a feakin Republic with a Conservative government.

OOC: Not the point. But I dont want to get into it. My country never did anything evil or Totalitarian, I wanted to show we could function peacfully etc

Also, what fun is if the game is full of governments only YOU see fit?

In that case I dare to say those who are trying to dictate what governments stay and which ones go, Totalitarian/Fascists. ;p

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