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War Declared on Molakia!


Fallowing the Imperial Air Force’s stunning assault on Molakian defenses Parliament unanimously approved the Prime Minister’s official Declaration of War on Molakia. Premier Medvedev sited the causes for war, which did not include Molakia’s invasion of Finland. Instead he focused on several threats the Molakains made against Slavorussia dating back to the signing of the Romanov pact. In his report the Prime Minister said,

“On several occasions Molakia has threatened Slavorussia with nuclear attacks, air strikes, and infiltration. Though we ignored these threats at first it has become apparent that Molakia is a threat to the Slavorussian people.”

The report also went into great detail showing Molakian armed forces were responsible for the death of 23 Slavorussian peacekeepers, who had not yet had the chance to deploy. Slavorussian SVR agents provided evidence that Molakian snipers had been ordered infiltrate Slavorussia to kill peacekeepers who were planning to put stop Molakia’s attacks in Finland.

The SVR also provided proof that Molakia was planning on using Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weaponry on the Slavorussian Empire, the Republic of Finland, the German Democratic Republic, and possibly Deutschland. Although Slavorussian forces were too late to stop the use of WMD’s on Finland, the military is confident that Molakia’s ability to attack again has been successfully neutralized.

The Declaration of War was approved one hour before Slavorussian ground forces began their push into southern Molakia. Military commanders were unable to give details, but they implied that the assault on Molakia would be done in several phases. Operation Bear’s Romp, the current stage is only stage two. They did say that fallowing Bear’s Romp, Operation: Dominant Wind would entail the consolidation of allied power in Molakia.

So far all reports from Molakia iseem to indicate that the opposing military force has been completely decimated. The initial attacks from Finland’s allies, including Slavorussia decapitated Molakia’s military structure and has left the Molakian military reeling in pain. Now the hunt is on for the Tsarina, who the Slavorussian Imperial Family says has no interest in protecting.

A palace spokesperson gave reporters the fallowing statement, “The Tsarina has violated several articles of the Romanov Pact, therefore the alliance is essentially void. The Tsar has no intent to use his political power to save the Tsarina from a fate she brought upon herself.”

Despite Slavorussian forces meeting little resistance in Molakia the commanders all agree that there’ll be more work to do once the Tsarina has been captured. The backlash from arresting her could be more dangerous than fighting an organized army. The government has advised the Fins approach the issue with extreme caution.

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The Ministry of Transportation’s Maritime and River Transport Agency (MRTA) officially took control of the Baltic Sea-White Sea canal this morning, and immediately sent several groups of surveyors to investigate the possibility of widening the canal to allow transportation of naval vessels. The prospect of making the canal wider has some St. Petersburg worried their homes will have to be demolished.

“When the Minister of defense and the Naval authorities contacted me about building a second larger lane I was sure it could be done, but I told them the citizens of all the cities that the canal intersects would have to be part of the decision making process” said Minister of Transportation Igor Levitin in response to a question posed by Mayor of St. Petersburg at an impromptu city council meeting.

Despite citizens concerns the MRTA plans to continue its investigation, which the director believes will definitely lead to the navy’s second lane. The Director of the MRTA has already petitioned Parliament to activate eminent domain laws, and appropriate funds to buy the buildings and property in the canal’s path.

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Slavorussians Honor The Beloved Monarchy


Last night the Tsar and his family celebrated, with the nation, as they marked Tsar Justinian’s third year as Tsar of the Slavorussian Empire. It’s been a rocky year for the Romanov family. Wars forced cousins to fight each other on the battlefield, scandals shook the solid foundation and family values, and a kidnapping nearly brought the entire country to it’s knees, but through it all the Imperial Family has regained the regal dignity for which it is renown for.

Over half a year ago the Tsar had gone missing and the Imperial family was exiled and the fate of the monarchy was unknown. For the second time in 100 years it seemed as though the Romanov Dynasty would cease to exist. This time the will of foreign invaders, not the Slavorussian people nearly ended the proud reign of the Romanovs in Russia.

Now, only eight months later, in truly majestic fashion the resilient Imperial Family has bounced back from the abyss. In celebration of his family’s fortunes Tsar Justinian hosted a lavished ball that rivaled those of the 19th century royal courts. Over 500 nobles, politicians, powerbrokers, businesspeople, and celebrities came to the palace to mark an occasion many thought wouldn’t come.

People from all over the country came to Moscow and bestowed upon the Imperial Family their everlasting faith and loyalty. Those who converged in Red Square were treated to an elaborate concert and fireworks display.

This morning to commemorate the lasting reign of our Tsar, Parliament created a national holiday on December 13th along with a statement, “We the Parliament of the Empire of Slavorussia, congratulate, His Majesty, Tsar Justinian for his courage and strength while leading the country through the most difficult era since the Russian Civil War. For his efforts defending the empire from the dark enemies of liberty, for bravery, strength and courage, as well as the sacrifice he has made to ensure the lasting prosperity and glory of Great Russia we hereby present Tsar Justinian the Parliamentary Medal of Exemplary Service. May His Majesty reign be happy, long and glorious.”

Although His Majesty wasn’t able to accept the medal in person, his spokesperson said he was honored to be presented with the award, and he shares the Parliament’s hopes that the fallowing years of his reign will steadily improve.

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Bioterrorism Threatens Slavorussia


The Prime Minister has recalled the Northern Fleet from Yacrania to their port in Severodvinsk tonight because of a report from the Imperial Security Service (ISB) which appears to have uncovered a plot to use cargo ships to smuggle biological weapons into Slavorussia.

According to the ISB’s director, intelligence agents discovered the plot when they raided an old Dark Hand warehouse storage facility near the Caucasian border. An unnamed extremist group, some think is a branch of the Dark Hand, has been operating inside Slavorussia for several months. Evidence provided by the ISB supports the belief that the group is heavily involved in trafficking of weapons to terror and mercenary groups around the world.

The Director of the ISB says a number of files that were found point to a potential biological attack taking place in any number of Slavorussian cities. Hoping to combat the threat of biological terrorism Premier Medvedev has increased the threat level to severe.

The government is asking citizens to help fight domestic terrorism. If you see something suspicious or out of place report it to the authorities immediately. Local authorities are being instructed to respond to all reports no matter how minor they seem. Some things to look for include: unattended packages, suspicious looking people, or odd smells or smoke. The government stresses the importance of personal vigilance in combating terrorism. If you’d like to know more about what to look for contact your local police department of visit the ISB’s website.

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Victory Tower Completed


The Mayor of Moscow presided over the long awaited grand opening of the Victory Tower today. Hundreds of city residents came out to witness the end of the project that many believe will stabilize Slavorussia’s unpredictable post-war economy. Moscow’s city government says since the first building was completed Moscow’s economy has been steadily improving.

“The idea for the Moscow International Business Center is nearly two decades old,” said the mayor, “I‘m just glad to see the skyline really taking shape.”

Moscow’s new skyline and the wealth the business district has brought to the capital has other cities planning their own economic development projects. Building projects like the Greater Okhta Center in Petersburg, and the Unity Project in Ekaterinburg.

The Slavorussian government is giving support to the prospect of modernizing many of the country’s old industrial cities, hoping that doing so will make a more eco-friendly economy. Despite strict environmental laws, Slavorussia’s dependence on fossil fuels means it has one of the largest environmental footprints among the world’s developed countries. The Environmental Minister has scheduled a meeting with Moscow’s government in hopes that they will give their support at the Parliaments’ next Environmental Committee discussion.

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Reconstructing Molakia


The reconstruction of Molakia began this morning in the city of Petrozavodsk when the appointed Viceroy, Nikolai Fomin broke ground on a complex that will house a number of government buildings, including the new Parliament Building. When it’s completed the new government complex will hold several buildings for government offices all situated around the legislative building.

Groundbreaking of the new capitol building coincides with numerous other projects taking place in Molakia, including the new economic center also in Petrozavodsk, the canal expansion project, and the nationwide modernization initiative.

Slavorussia’s Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Trade shared said the Slavorussian government had earmarked the initial 10 billion ruble aid package for rebuilding Molakia and reviving it’s shattered economy. Parliament intends for the money to bring Molakia up to the same standards as Slavorussia’s economy with additional funding being awarded to businesses who are capable of exploiting the wealth of resources that the native businesses have failed to do.

The government hopes that providing aid to Molakia along with providing economic development opportunities will prevent another economic crisis like the one the region is suffering from now. Economists predict recovery might take a while but with proper guidance and governance recovery will come.

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Navy Attacks a Cargo Ship


The Slavorussian navy ships on patrol in the Dvina Bay were forced to fire on and disable a cargo ship that wasn’t responding to hails. The navy picked the ship as it was entering the White Sea near the Kanin Peninsula, and tracked it 300 kilometers until it reached Dvina Bay.

According to the report, after the unidentified cargo ship entered Slavorussian waters early this morning and failed to respond to the coast guard’s hails a duo of battlecruisers was dispatched to intercept the trespassing ship. After several hours of unanswered hails battlecruiser The Scorpion fired a warning shot across cargo ship’s bow. Naval officials say the ship still continued on it’s path so they ordered the ship’s propeller destroyed and the ship disabled.

Investigators who boarded the ship reported to have found crates filled with guns and explosives hidden among the ship’s other cargo. The discovery of illegal weapons gave the navy the right to confiscate the ship and it’s contents as well as arrest the crew. The incident has prompted the Slavorussian government to close Slavorussian waters non allies and non trading partners. According to the Prime Minister, all ships entering the country’s territorial waters must stop and be inspected by Slavorussian investigators regardless of their final destination.

The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to the crews of the Scorpion and the Leviathan for the efforts defending the nation’s seas.

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Deputy Premier Putin appointed to New Position


Fallowing the severe lack of intelligence sharing between internal and external branches of the Slavorussian intelligence community, which led to the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg harbor, The Prime Minister announced he will be adding an added measure of control to the hierarchy to the nation’s intelligence community. Premier Medvedev signed a law which would create the office of the Deputy Minister of Defense for Intelligence.

The government expressed it’s sarrow over the attack which left several plane passengers dead, including members of the Molakian Royal Family and their Finnish guards. The Prime Minister vowed to find a solution to the gaps in the country’s security, one which many think the new office will help.

The new position will coordinate the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Imperial Intelligence Service (ISB), and the military intelligence community under one intelligence head. Kremlin officials say the current directors of the ISB and SVR will get to keep their jobs, but now there’ll be a solid chain of command for them to report to.

Speculation over who would be the first to head the unified intelligence community was ended earlier today. Although The position technically allows the Minister of Defense to appoint the new DMDI, but the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense have both agreed that the first deputy would be chosen by Premier Medvedev himself. The Kremlin has confirmed that Deputy Premier Vladimir Putin would serve dually as the Deputy Prime Minister and the Deputy Minister of Defense for Intelligence.

Deputy Premier Putin graciously accepted the nomination and according to those closest to him, went right to work reforming the country’s intelligence services. “By the time I‘m done here no terror attack conceived will penetrate Slavorussia‘s national defense measures.” he remarked.

Parliament has thrown itself behind Premier Medvedev and his government, but the cautiously remind the country that change takes time.

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When Molakia is restablished and our Intelligence/Security forces are ready, we would like to join with Slavorussia in the hunt for these terrorist. The blood of our Sovereign is on their hands. We wish to have their heads on display in our capital!

-Eugene Roe, President of Molakia

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We’ll now go live to the Krmelin where the Prime Minister will give his annual New Years address…

[camera fades to the Prime Minister standing with the Kremlin in the background.]


Greetings, friends and fellow citizens. The New Year means something different for us all. For some it can be a chance to start fresh with a new life, for others it’s a time of celebration, and spending time with family to celebrate the closing of one year and the opening of another. For me and many others it all these things and more, but I think most importantly it’s a time when we reflect on our past decisions so that we can look forward to future ones.

The past year was certainly not our easiest. As a people we had to fight to remain free, and as a country we had to fight to stay alive. We faced the darkness and the unknown with full faith in one another, we pulled together and conquered our obstacles.

In the year to come, I know we will continue to strive for greatness. As long as we’re united no force can discourage or harm us.

Fellow Citizens in a few moments we will bring in the New Year, and as we do I ask that you take a moment to reflect. Remember those we’ve lost this year, the great citizens who gave their lives in service of the Empire. Honor their memories and keep their dreams alive.

In the year 2010 I wish you all peace and joy, and may all your dreams come true. Happy New Year!


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Yacranians Become Slavorussians


Tsar Justinian returned from his one day visit to former Yacrania today. The purpose for his trip was to formally welcome Yacrania into the empire. At noon Tuesday afternoon the Emperor signed the Treaty of Tsarigrad which renamed Yacrania to Yamalia, renamed the city Wildingrad to Tsarigrad and made Yamalia a semi-autonomous province with republic status.

In conjunction with Yacrania becoming part of Slavorussia, Prime Minister Medvedev announced a steep decline in Slavorussian troops in the next few months. Army officials expect the bulk of troops to be withdrawn by the end of February, and the number of troops reaching normal levels by the middle of the year.

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[u][b]Economic Crisis 2010[/b][/u]

The economic crisis that Premier Dmitry Medvedev took office under back in 2009 seemed like it would be a past memory as we entered 2010, but economic experts say otherwise.

On the eve of 2010 the nation’s economy was growing steadily, thousands of jobs were being created and millions who were out of work 6 months before found new hope in the nation’s growing infrastructure projects. That all changed last week, when construction on the White Sea-Baltic Sea canal was halted by a worker’s strike.

The company, which ordered it’s workers to work though the frigid winter appeared to be ignoring all Parliamentary imposed labor laws, especially those related to safety. Tensions came to a head last week when 3 workers were killed in an accident that investigators say was completely preventable.

Pasha Arkhipov the president of the St. Petersburg Council of Construction Workers announced that all 2000 workers working in the canal region would walk off the job at noon. They were joined by several other unions in the Petergrad and Karelia Provinces. Moderate estimates indicate that there are currently 100,000 workers on strike in the north, and tens of thousands more expected to begin striking in the next few days. Economic analysts fear the crisis in the north could become national.

The question on everyone’s mind is, who’s to blame for the economic downturn? The far left and right are both blaming the middle, more specifically the Prime Minister and his cabinet. General Secretary of the CPSE accused the Prime Minister of irresponsibly spending and allowing employers to mistreat their workers.

“The Prime Minister, and the Emperor for that matter, sit in their palaces eating caviar and drinking while their capitalist cronies mistreat the working people.” The remarks made by the General Secretary at Parliament stirred up more than a few leftist groups. He went on to say “They have the power to stop this, but they don’t. We‘ve been down this road before. Nothing but pain and suffering will come from it.”

The Prime Minister’s party fired back by accusing the left and right of slowing down the process with petty arguments and refusing to work with the Prime Minister instead of against him. The Prime Minister has called for an emergency session of Parliament to present his new economic reform plan.

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[u][b]Economic Crisis Worsens[/b][/u]

The economic situation worsened today after hundreds of thousands of labors nationwide walked away from their jobs. Among the industries that were hit the hardest are the lumber, coal mining and construction industries.

Economists were initially terrified by the thought of the coal industry closing down citing Slavorussia’s dependence on fossil fuels, but the government is assuring the public that is no longer the case. The Ministry of Energy claims that the coal worker’s strike won’t have the dramatic effect that it would have a year ago.

“We have the Rebel Army Prussia and former Canada to thank for our energy efficiency.” says Minister of Energy Sergei Shmatko, “When Germany cut us off from the oil lines after the war, the Rebel Army and Canada helped us reduce our dependency on polluting fuels like oil, coal and natural gas. After Nordland collapsed we worked very closely with the Prussian government to overhaul our civilian infrastructure.”

Despite assurances by the government, municipal authorities are already preparing to respond to any breakdown in civil order that might arise as a result of the growing economic crisis. Police in the capital have already increased their presence in highly populated areas while the Kremlin attempts to deal with the crisis. So far no further information has been released by the Kremlin.

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[u][b]National Socialist Revolutionary Vanguard Party is Formed[/b][/u]

A group of former communists who broke with the party last September announced that they would be forming the National Socialist Revolutionary Vanguard Party. According to the party’s leaders the idea to form a new party arose shortly after the original 12 communist deserters left the party. After becoming disenfranchised with the current status quo in the communist party many chose to split and try to go back to the roots of Marxism-Leninism.

In the first meeting of the Party Congress members elected Sasha Nikitin as the General Secretary and main spokesperson. Nikitin served in the Supreme Soviet in the late 80’s and up until last year was a fiercely loyal to the communist party. Many consider him to be the visionary behind the formation of the party and some within his party have elevated him to the ranks other socialist thinkers, especially Lenin, who he bears a slight resemblance to.

Nikitin and his party believe they have their foot in the door. They’ve put forward 10 parliamentary candidates so far in clear opposition to several of the weaker Constitutional Democratic (Kadets) candidates. Without a strong voter base the party isn’t expected to pick many, if any seats, but they remain confident that they can get their message out before election day.

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[u][b]Socialist Rally Turns Violent[/b][/u]

Imperial Soldiers of the Petrograd Special Military District, encompassing St. Petersburg and several surrounding suburbs, were called to the city to put down an NSRVP rally that turned violent. Tensions spurring from the Socialist’s extremist and seemingly racist views toward non Russians provoked the ire of opposition groups from both the left and the right. What began as a anti-rally quickly grew into a street brawl, with participants wielding a variety of weapons, from sticks and rocks to knives and guns.

Local authorities initially stepped in to break up the fight themselves, but were greatly outnumbered. Socialist Party agitators turned their aggression away from fellow citizens and toward the police prompting the mayor of St. Petersburg to request help from the military.

According to witness reports, when military convoys arrived at the scene, downtown St. Petersburg had already taken on a war zone like appearance. The military used armored vehicles to force lawbreakers off the streets and into the hands of waiting police, where they were arrested and hauled off to jail.

Local hospitals are currently flooded with injured St. Petersburgers and the city is reporting that the death toll from the violent episode has caused 8 deaths so far. Local authorities confirmed that 2 of the deaths were police officers who were providing security for the rally. The mayor’s office released a statement after the situation had been restored to normal, in which the mayor personally promised to seek justice against those responsible.

The Imperial Government has put the city under a state of emergency and deployed more troops to maintain law and order.

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[u][b]Baltic Fleet Annihilated![/b][/u]

The Kronstadt Naval Base was the scene of a devastating attack from an unknown group of assailants early this morning. Shortly before sunrise the crew onboard the aircraft carrier The Alexander III were awakened by an explosion on the ship. According to statements made by the Ministry of the Navy the explosion caused a massive fire that spread to nearby destroyers the Vindicator and the Vigilant. Only a few minutes later more explosions were heard from several more ships and crippling the Baltic Fleet.

Despite there was no visual evidence that the attack was from another nation Naval officials have completely ruled out the possibility that this mornings events were an accident. Naval authorities have not identified the perpetrators of the attack, but say they are certain there is no mistake, the attack was planned and executed by a one or more attackers.

Minister of the Navy Paul Pavlov said about that attack, “Simultaneous explosions on several ships isn‘t a coincidence or an accident. Someone deliberately attacked our fleet at Kronstadt right under our noses. The person or persons responsible shall be dealt with.”

When questioned about the number dead from the attack the Navy avoided giving an definite number since they were still attempting to put out a number of devastating blazes. However a source inside the navy who preferred to remain anonymous said officials are fearing the worst.

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"We suspect the FSA is involved based on that photograph of the incident. If one looks closely there is a blurry, yet distinct FSA flag being waved in the middle. We urge the Slavorussian government to look into this insight carefully and offer our condolences to all the sailors who perished."

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[quote name='Californian' date='15 February 2010 - 09:18 PM' timestamp='1266297483' post='2184734']
"We suspect the FSA is involved based on that photograph of the incident. If one looks closely there is a blurry, yet distinct FSA flag being waved in the middle. We urge the Slavorussian government to look into this insight carefully and offer our condolences to all the sailors who perished."

"We wonder why the Northern Republic has the need to accuse the FSA of partaking in such a dastardly just because the FSA flag was depicted in the photograph. Why would we commit such a horrible attack against a honorable nation of which we have peaceful, yet little communication, relations with?

This false accusation has been noted. Besides, we offer our condolences to the families of the sailors and hope these responsible for this cowardly attack will be apprehended and brought to justice."



"The attack was highly successful, sir, although you need to be more discreet. Our flag is on the freaking photograph!"

"Sorry sir, but it was a success, nevertheless."

"Heh, yes. The Tsar must be brought down! Send a figure called Lenin in a sealed train through Germany to St. Petersburg. When he arrives, he should contact his agents to launch a uprising in Saint Petersburg and Moscow. When these cities are taken, and the government overthrown, instruct Lenin to establish a new government that will petition us to admit Russia as a state in the Union. Our quest for world domination must continue. Today Russia, tomorrow the world!"

Edited by JEDCJT
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Our investigation will certainly take into account all external and internal threats, and rule out each one until the culprits are found. However the flag seen in the picture is not being flown from any FSA vessel, it’s a historical artifact that was formerly displayed in the Navy History Museum which was also destroyed in the attack.

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[u][b]High Ranking Navy Official Assassinated![/b][/u]
The Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Navy Nikolai Godunov, was assassinated this morning outside the navy's administrative building at the Kronstadt Naval Base. According to reports two assailants approached him as he was exiting the building and stabbed him multiple times before fleeing the scene. Authorities have identified the assassins as Vladimir Efimov and Sergei Malinsky, two well known socialists and until recently employed as sailors in the navy.

Government officials say this is just the latest in a string of attacks which until now have only been targeting lower profile administrators and government workers in the Petrograd Province. Government authorities are asking anyone with knowledge about the assassinations to please come forward with their information.

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[u][b]Memorial Service Held for Former Soviet Leader[/b][/u]

Today marked fifty-seven years since the death of former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. Crowds of people gathered at Stalin’s gravesite throughout the day to honor his memory.

The memorial service had what some opponents of Stalin’s policies referred to as ‘a disturbing nostalgic atmosphere.’ Visitors, which included former soviet loyalists and communist party officials arrived throughout the day to lay flowers and wreaths on his grave at the Kremlin wall.

Citing the large turnout at the memorial services the communist party has introduced a proposal for the official rehabilitation of Stalin and his policies during his time of service to the Soviet Union.

“Say whatever you want about his policies but the man transformed Russia into a global superpower. I think we owe it to him to have his image rehabilitated.” commented Roy Smetkov, a professor of history at the University of Moscow.

The Kadet controlled Parliament vehemently refused to even consider the motion. Kadets were joined in their opposition to the motion by the Coalition of Conservative Parties.

“Stalin was a tyrant! He shed more blood for the so called revolution than the autocracy he replaced ever could. Leave his reputation where it belongs. In the mud!” shouted Sergey Ivanov, 68 year old conservative Duma Deputy.

Thought the debate would seem to be a lost cause for the communist party, there is at least a silver lining. The current government under Premier Medvedev says it will be creating a committee to investigate political prisoners and disenfranchised ‘victims’ of the Tsarist and Soviet regimes. The committee will have the power to rehabilitate all those found wrongly imprisoned of stripped of their rights. Government officials say Stalin will be put up for investigation, but the likelihood of his image being repaired is poor.

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[u][b]Emperor Justinian Turns 21[/b][/u]

Over 1,000 people gathered outside the gates of the palace in Moscow on Sunday to celebrate Emperor Justinian’s 21st birthday. Visitors came from across the country offer gifts and blessings to His Majesty. In the past few days the palace has received 10,000 letters, cards and emails to the Emperor for his birthday.

Unfortunately the Imperial Family had spend the weekend at Peterhof Palace, so he wasn’t able to personally express his thanks, but a spokesperson from the palace delivered a statement from His Majesty to his subjects: “I‘m very touched at the show of support and affection which the people have for me. I am truly flattered to know there are so many people who traveled so far to make this day a very special one.”

Although, taken somewhat off guard Kremlin officials offered an impromptu fireworks show in Red Square for all the people who came to Moscow. The Imperial Family says they will make plans for an official celebration when the weather improves.

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