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Slavorussian Events

Justinian the Mighty

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During his visit to Yacrania Deputy Premier Putin had a chance to speak with German, Russian and Nenets leaders about the future fate of Yacrania. One of the topics that drove the discussions was the fate of Yacrania’s army which still remains in limbo. Deputy Premier Putin made it clear that the separatist laws enacted by Markus Wilding’s government regarding military service and political office would be repealed immediately. Mr. Putin encouraged Russian German and Nenets leaders to push for equality in the new Yacrania. The Deputy Premier was overall pleased with the amount of progress made this weekend. He says he’s sure the Yacranians are on the proper road to recovery.

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Tensions Rise in Yacrania


Tensions in Yacrania, especially in Wildingrad have been increasing in the past few days. Both internal and external observers agree the tensions are resulting from former Yacranian government officials who oppose Slavorussia’s decision to repeal laws enacted during the Wilding regime. The laws in question are a series of edicts aimed at suppressing Russian rights in the country, as well as a nationwide ban on all firearms. The first sign of trouble arose earlier today when a group of rowdy government officials rallied outside the Yacranian Parliament to protest General Orlov’s enforcement of Slavorussia’s goals in Yacrania. Witnesses claimed the rally lasted less than an hour as Slavorussian troops were forced to arrest the leaders and disperse the crowd.

In his press conference General Orlov’s called the rally leaders political agitators attempting to derail the reconstruction and recovery of Yacrania. He also assured the Yacranian people that the Slavorussian military is entirely devoted and prepared to accomplish the task of improving the Yacranian condition, and ending the racial politics that nearly destroyed the country. He told reporters that the Slavorussian army has not yet set a timetable for withdrawal, but if this month’s scheduled elections go as planned Troops could begin withdrawing as early as January.

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General Orlov takes extra precautions.


Recent intelligence has Slavorussian forces on Bely Island beefing up security procedures. 2,500 troops have been pulled out of mainland Yacrania and stationed throughout the island and anti-aircraft guns are being deployed along the island’s northern shores. The scientific research station in the northwest tip of the island is being militarized to defend from a potential and unknown threats. General Orlov isn’t elaborating on the threat to Bely Island, but he alluded to the fact that pirate activity has been increasing in the North. All news from Moscow confirms this claim.

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Tensions Arise Over Bely Island


Moments ago Primer Dmitry Medvedev delivered an impromptu address to both houses of Parliament. In the address the Prime Minister confirmed accounts that the socialist government of Vauleo-Buryatia had just expelled all Slavorussian diplomats and citizens from Vauleo-Buryatian territory, effectively severing diplomatic ties. The recent reaction came just after Slavorussia increased troop numbers in Bely Island to combat illicit drug/weapons trafficking and pirating near Yacrania’s northern shores. Vauleo-Buryatian officials reacted by claiming the island as their protectorate, and cut relations soon after. Officially Vauleo-Buryatian are permitted to remain in Slavorussian borders by the Slavorussian government, but they have been recalled by their own government.

General Orlov, the commander of the imperial troops in Yacrania released official military reports that showed several tiny pockets of Yacranian soldiers stationed on Bely Island, as proof that Yacranian had indeed some claim to the island. He even said that as late as mid October Yacranian troops were surrendering in the southern tip of the island.

Nobody knows exactly where the idea that Bely is a Vauleo-Buryatian protectorate came from. “Apart from the Zhukov Doctrine, which was enacted after Yacrania’s foundation, and the fact the Yacranian government forfeited any right to give away it’s territory during the duration of Slavorussia’s occupation the Vauleo-Buryatians have no real claim to Bely Island or Yacrania as a whole,” remarked Deputy Primer Putin. DPM Putin had gone to Yakutsk earlier this year to discuss the fate of Yacrania with then Buryatian officials, and they proposed a division of Yacrania that was downright refused. These claims were supported by Premier Medvedev, who also spoke of his correspondence with Buryatian officials just weeks ago.

In response to Vauleo-Buryatia’s actions Premier Medvedev says Slavorussia will not continue to take part in diplomatic negotiations with Vauleo-Buryatia concerning Yacrania, even if they decide to restore ties. His final words on the matter were “the Yacranian issue has been solved.”


Slavorussia remains at DefCon 1 since the end of the war with Yacrania. The northern Military districts in Nenetsia, Arkhangelsk, and Komi are on high alert.

the remainder of Slavorussia's Northern Fleet is departing the White Sea to patrol Slavorussia and Yacrania's northern shores. Missile defense, anti-air and anti-ship defenses are fully operational.

EDIT: @ Molakia: Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Communists Marching in the Streets!


Despite some difficulties last month, which included financial troubles, infighting and pressure from the right and center-left, the Communist Party of the Slavorussian Empire still managed to move on with their planned parade in celebration of the Red Army’s victory during the October Revolution of 1922. The parade was an annual event during the Soviet years, but it stopped after the fall of the USSR. It began again several years ago as a fundraising event, gained popularity since then.

Even though with all military hardware removed it couldn’t compare to the grandeur of parades past, there was a fair turnout. Moscow authorities estimated a respectable number of spectators lined the parade’s path. First Secretary and Chairman of the CPSE, Gennady Zyuganov, summed up the occasion with these words:

“Eighty-seven years ago (four score and seven years ago :awesome: ) this country was changed forever. The glorious party of Comrade Lenin ousted a the tyrants and freed the peoples of Russia from the icy grip of the absolute monarchs and birthed the Soviet Union. Today, even though the union no longer exists it‘s legacy lives on, so let us celebrate in hopes that communism will bring change around the globe!”

In spite of reports that the CPSE was on the verge of collapse party officials say the parade is proof that the Communist Party isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Slavorussia Enforces Yacrania Gun Ban


Residents of a Wildingrad suburb are outraged today. They submitted a formal complaint to the Slavorussian government claiming troops literally invaded several Yacranian homes. Commander Orlov told reporters that imperial troops did go into the neighborhood vicinity, but only to confiscate a cache of illegal firearms the residents had hidden in a nearby armory. Upon hearing the news on lower house member said, “It’s funny how nobody had a problem with the Yacranian laws restricting Russians from owning firearms, until it was extended to the entire population.” referring of course the events that succeeded the Yacranian civil war.

Overall General Orlov called the operation a success. Although there were snags in the execution of the mission, nobody has harmed, and all illegal weapons were removed, despite the best efforts of the residents. It sends a clear message to Yacranians that Slavorussia is in control and that all laws and penalties imposed for starting the war will be imposed.

Parliament wants to see charges filed against the residents responsible for hiding the weapons, but General Orlov claims his forces would be unable to arrest anyone, since there’s not enough evidence linking any one resident to the crime. The only way he could be sure to arrest the right people would be to arrest all the residents which he says would damage Slavorussia’s moral reputation in Yacrania, and jeopardize the occupation. Kremlin officials said nobody would be charged for possession of illegal weapons, because the weapons were found in a public facility, and not private residences.

Despite the Kremlin’s position many Yacranian’s are against most of the laws, and are beginning to demand repatriation to the German states. Moscow officials said anyone who wants to is free to leave whenever they wish, but that the Slavorussian government will not shoulder the financial responsibility for citizens wanting to return to their homelands. The Foreign Minister says the most that will be done is to Yacranians to locate the Nearest German speaking embassy or consulate and request help from their native governments. The news has given Russian Yacranians renewed hope, that the peninsula will once again be a Russian homeland.

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Yacranian Border Gets Makeover


Today General Orlov ordered that the remainder of Yacrania’s outdated Flak-88 anti-aircraft go to the scrapheap, so Slavorussia’s S-400 anti-aircraft missiles could be put in their place. The military hopes that better equipment will make it easier to defend Yacrania. The Army is planning to deploy 75 S-400 Triumf launch systems within the next two weeks. The Ministry of Defense claims that the threat to Yacrania’s safety is no longer limited to smuggler and pirate activity, and that new credible threats have arisen that will require stronger defense measures. Defense Minister Serdyukov said he wouldn’t confirm or deny any media rumors, but he warned that if the threat makes a move Slavorussian defensive measures could and would put it down quickly. Unfortunately this could pose a problem for the military’s plans for downsizing operations in Yacrania in 2010, but for now things remain up in the air.

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Military Exercises or Preparation?


The Belomorsky Military District is operating under DefCon 1 conditions tonight in preparation for a series of naval and aerial exercises that will take place in the White/Barents Seas and in the skies over Arkhangelsk, Nenetsia and the Komi provinces, called Operation White Forrest.

To prepare for the exercises the entire northern fleet has been transported to Port Anjou, Kolguyev Island. From there they’ll meet up with the remaining Yacranian Kriegsmarine ships and begin naval exercises in the Barents sea, and later on in the opening to the White Sea. Admiral Popov’s flagship, the aircraft carrier Pyotr Velikiy, will be launching a series of aerial exercises over the island, and near the shore to test the targeting/tracking abilities of the military’s anti-aircraft systems.

Although the military is calling it just a routine exercize there’s widespread speculation that the northern fleet could be deployed to Western Europe to aid in Lubeck’s defense. A recent leak from the Ministry of Defense confirms that the situation brewing at the gates of the Baltic Sea are being monitored by submarines in the North Sea. The Defense Minister refuted the allegations contained in the leak, and claimed the exercises are purely to test the defensive capabilities of the Imperial Navy and Air Force.

Despite the Defense Ministry’s initial attempts to keep a lid on the size and scope of the operation, they stated that White Forrest is the largest undertaking taken by the Slavorussian armed forces during peacetime in a decade. By the end of the week roughly ¾ of the Imperial Air Force in the Belomorsky District will have participated in the exercises, making it the one of the largest peacetime mobilizations in Slavorussian history. The Defense Ministry will publish a public version of the report in December.

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Molakia was rather shocked to see allied forces using war tactics near our territory. Some warning about the War games would have been appreciated. Molakia, however, would like to join these exercises as our naval ships and fighter craft (namely the Carrier Based planes we cannot use at the moment) need practice in joint operations.

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ooc: Actually that post was the warning.

Opening With A Bang


ic: Military exercises in the Barents sea kicked off with a bang, literally! To commense the drills The Slavorussian military detonated what it says is the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in Slavorussia’s arsenal, but just as effective as a small nuclear device. After witnessing the detonation near the coast of Kolguyev Island, the Pyotr Veliky deployed it’s aircraft for aerial operations. The military intends to carry out a number of operations over the next 5 days, and are making arrangements for the Molakian Navy to join in.

“Hell yeah, the more the merrier!” said Admiral Popov in response to Molakia’s request to join Operation White Forrest. Although there has been a few reservations expressed about conducting joint operations, the General Staff So far the navy has been very happy with the results from today’s exercises, and hope that the fallowing days will be just as positive.

“We were just having fun today, but tomorrow things should heat up. That‘s when the real action starts” commented a MiG-35 pilot moments after landing his aircraft on the flight deck of the Pyotr Veliky, and he may be right. Naval officials want to push the navy as far as it can go in peacetime.

“I have no doubts we’ll meet our aspirations and then some” replied Admiral Popov. “Our sailors and pilots have been training for months, and this is our chance to test the capabilities.”

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ooc: going a little out of chronological order. This one goes back in August, around the anouncement of Slavorussia's space program.

Emperor Justinian and Princess Christina to Marry!


The Tsar and Princess Christina of the prominent Radziwill Family ended weeks of speculation and media hype two nights ago during a private dinner at the palace. At 10:00 Moscow time the palace made it official.

A spokesperson for the palace said to reporters, “His Majesty and the Princess are very happy as are their respective families to see the couple taking this huge step in their lives.”

Tsar Justinian proposed between dinner and desert Friday night in the presence of both their parents, when he gave her a stunning diamond and sapphire engagement ring. The Tsar said he wanted to propose earlier in the evening, before the couple were to go to a performance at Bolshoi Theatre but chose to wait for a better time.

“I‘ve never been a master in the matters of love, but I guess I finally did something right.” He said to a group of media representatives in the reception room of the palace.

The news of the engagement certainly has members of Parliament happy. It’s a well known fact that Parliament has been insisting the Tsar settle down for months now, and produce an heir. The palace hopes this will help to quell tensions between the legislature and the royal family, which have been shaken up ever since the Tsar’s coronation at just 17 years old.

However there are still some bumps in the road. The Radziwills have been a devout Roman Catholic family for centuries, and the Romanovs Russian Orhtodox. Parliament is now insisting that the Princess convert to Orthodoxy before the wedding can take place. With his hands tied by the Romanov Succession Act Tsar Justinian can do nothing to argue in her favor if she refuses to convert.

In the meantime Princess Christina, a student at the University of Moscow will be withdrawing from campus life, and moving to a secure royal apartment inside the Kremlin Walls. She’ll live there until the wedding, which has been set for the fall, in November.

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OOC: Well, Kevz, this supposedly happened before Helzan fell (again :P), so take it as you will...

IC: A note of congratulations was addressed to the Tsar and his new fiance, signed by Administrator Anderson.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Moscow’s Metro customers might be glad to know the Moskovsky Metropoliten is planning add several lines as well as extend the metro to a number of towns and cities surrounding Moscow which have seen increasing frequency of traffic jams.

With Moscow’s population beginning to grow again city officials are learning from the past and trying to counter traffic concerns before they arise. The ambitious plan will create two new lines, and extend existing lines several kilometers.

Moscow transport officials hope doing this will decrease traffic on inner city roads, and thereby cut down dramatically on traffic jams and other traffic concerns.

*** Classified ***

As a result of the increasing number of nuclear capable powers in the world the Slavorussian government is expanding and upgrading the bunkers under the Kremlin, Parliament, Palace, and dozens of other government buildings. as well as using construction of the Metro to hide the construction of several secret rail lines connecting the bunkers.

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Conservatives Threaten War; Tsar Threatens to Dissolve


By now everyone is aware of the war between our allies in the Holy Roman Empire, and our other allies in Deutschland. As Europe’s uneasy peace spirals out of control conservatives in Parliament are demanding Slavorussia send troops to Deutschland, not to defend, but to punish them for their role in the Russo-Nordic wars.

That much is expected, but seeing communist party leaders stand beside the conservatives surprised even the most seasoned Moscow politician.

“I‘ve seen many things in my life, tanks and soldiers attacking the Soviet Politburo, to terrorists attacking the palace, but I‘ve never seen conservative‘s standing side by side with communists.” said a 90 year old Deputy from Petrograd’s 2nd district. “Hell I‘m old enough to remember when the Bolsheviks stormd the winter palace, but this takes the cake!”

Despite having both right-wing and extreme left-wing parties of the parliament united the Liberal Democrats, still hold the majority of votes that it would require for any act of war. That coupled with the Tsar’s threats to dissolve Parliament have cooled some heads, but now the SNP is accusing the Tsar of attempting to violate the constitution.

Some extreme right-wingers are threatening to lead a rebellion against the Tsar. Tsar Justinian has been attending Parliament meetings for several months now hoping to once again prove his worth to the legislature that he can reign again, and today he took the stand and addressed threats of a rebellion.

While addressing a joint session he said, “I am not the empire, nor is this legislature. The power of the empire comes from the citizens. I, like you, am but a servant to the empire and if the people wish for my abdication they need only to ask.”

All of this comes only days before Tsar Justinian and Princess Christina are planning to marry, but the couple says, nothing short of an assault on Moscow will stop the wedding.

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ooc: going a little out of chronological order. This one goes back in August, around the anouncement of Slavorussia's space program.

Emperor Justinian and Princess Christina to Marry!


The Tsar and Princess Christina of the prominent Radziwill Family ended weeks of speculation and media hype two nights ago during a private dinner at the palace. At 10:00 Moscow time the palace made it official.

A spokesperson for the palace said to reporters, “His Majesty and the Princess are very happy as are their respective families to see the couple taking this huge step in their lives.”

Tsar Justinian proposed between dinner and desert Friday night in the presence of both their parents, when he gave her a stunning diamond and sapphire engagement ring. The Tsar said he wanted to propose earlier in the evening, before the couple were to go to a performance at Bolshoi Theatre but chose to wait for a better time.

“I‘ve never been a master in the matters of love, but I guess I finally did something right.” He said to a group of media representatives in the reception room of the palace.

The news of the engagement certainly has members of Parliament happy. It’s a well known fact that Parliament has been insisting the Tsar settle down for months now, and produce an heir. The palace hopes this will help to quell tensions between the legislature and the royal family, which have been shaken up ever since the Tsar’s coronation at just 17 years old.

However there are still some bumps in the road. The Radziwills have been a devout Roman Catholic family for centuries, and the Romanovs Russian Orhtodox. Parliament is now insisting that the Princess convert to Orthodoxy before the wedding can take place. With his hands tied by the Romanov Succession Act Tsar Justinian can do nothing to argue in her favor if she refuses to convert.

In the meantime Princess Christina, a student at the University of Moscow will be withdrawing from campus life, and moving to a secure royal apartment inside the Kremlin Walls. She’ll live there until the wedding, which has been set for the fall, in November.

We are beyond happy for you! Hope you send the invitation soon!

Tsarina Anna Ivanova-Romanov and Vice Royal Katrina Zykova

Conservatives Threaten War; Tsar Threatens to Dissolve


By now everyone is aware of the war between our allies in the Holy Roman Empire, and our other allies in Deutschland. As Europe’s uneasy peace spirals out of control conservatives in Parliament are demanding Slavorussia send troops to Deutschland, not to defend, but to punish them for their role in the Russo-Nordic wars.

That much is expected, but seeing communist party leaders stand beside the conservatives surprised even the most seasoned Moscow politician.

“I‘ve seen many things in my life, tanks and soldiers attacking the Soviet Politburo, to terrorists attacking the palace, but I‘ve never seen conservative‘s standing side by side with communists.” said a 90 year old Deputy from Petrograd’s 2nd district. “Hell I‘m old enough to remember when the Bolsheviks stormd the winter palace, but this takes the cake!”

Despite having both right-wing and extreme left-wing parties of the parliament united the Liberal Democrats, still hold the majority of votes that it would require for any act of war. That coupled with the Tsar’s threats to dissolve Parliament have cooled some heads, but now the SNP is accusing the Tsar of attempting to violate the constitution.

Some extreme right-wingers are threatening to lead a rebellion against the Tsar. Tsar Justinian has been attending Parliament meetings for several months now hoping to once again prove his worth to the legislature that he can reign again, and today he took the stand and addressed threats of a rebellion.

While addressing a joint session he said, “I am not the empire, nor is this legislature. The power of the empire comes from the citizens. I, like you, am but a servant to the empire and if the people wish for my abdication they need only to ask.”

All of this comes only days before Tsar Justinian and Princess Christina are planning to marry, but the couple says, nothing short of an assault on Moscow will stop the wedding.

The Molakian Military is on high Alert, with 2000 Troops of the Imperial Guard on standby to intervene on any rebellion, with the rest of the army on 24 hours notice. Romanov Pact protocols are set. The Air Force is fueled for immediate scrambling.

We hope these moves will help shut down anyone trying to take down our ally. As for who to back...Molakia holds no love for either country, but even less so for the former Nordland. Molakia opts not to enact its OAP in the case of an attack.

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All of this comes only days before Tsar Justinian and Princess Christina are planning to marry, but the couple says, nothing short of an assault on Moscow will stop the wedding.

OOC: Must...resist...urge. :ph34r:


IC: "Alright then," Prince James II said tiredly, turning off the TV.

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New Challenges in Yacrania


Thousands of German-Yacranians just barely beat the freezing chill of the notorious Russian winter which finally made its mark last week. Quite a few international airlines reported that over 60% of their weekend passengers were heading for either Deutschland, Rhinemark, or the German Democratic Republic. Although most are just hoping to be repatriated to their homelands, some complained that Slavorussia’s interference with Yacranian politics is ruining the country

“I haven‘t seen any evidence to prove the claims that Yacrania is being harmed by Slavorussia in any way.” remarked Grand Duke Paul Denisovich, the Tsar’s cousin and official advisor on Yacranian matters. “we‘ve cut out the race driven laws enacted by the former regime, upgraded the nation‘s defense systems and subdued a global threat.”

Despite the Prime Minister’s objections to the notion, some Yacranians still claim the treatment they’re receiving is unfair. Charles Baum, a spokesperson for the Association for the Restoration of Yacrania is scheduled to meet with the Prime Minister at his vacation home in St. Petersburg over the weekend to discuss several main issues ARY has with Slavorussia’s presence.

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A letter was addressed to the Slavorussian Imperial Family and the Prime Minister from the Queendom of Australia

Your Imperial Highness,

For a time that I cannot remember, the Hanseatic Commonwealth has considered the people of Northern Asia extending to Eastern Europe as some of our closest friends, allies, and supporters. Your lands have also had ties with the Promised Land government as well and therefore the Queendom sees itself as a continuation of that friendship. In addition to Slavorussia, we maintain close ties with the people of Vaulo-Buryatia and in recent times I cannot feel at ease with the recent troubles between yourselves and your eastern neighbors over the Yacrania issue could very well lead to a conflict that neither Slavorussia or Vaulo-Buryatia could afford, in addition to bringing in Asia and possibly the rest of the world over such a tiny piece of land.

With the change in power in the Vaulo government as well as Australia's own consolidation we can once again begin to watch and care for our allies as they would do to us. Recently I received a letter from the Vaulian President asking for my help in mediating talks between your two nations. I realize that this is no doubt a sore spot for both of your countries, given history and all. However I also believe in the ability that you will be able to, in the best interests of your people find peace with one another and this is where I would like to help, before this exchange of words escalates into an exchange of firearms.

Before negotiations can begin however, the Vaulos have requested two demands be met these are:

1) Bely Island must be returned to Vauleo-Buryatian sovereignty

2) The negotiations must not and can not include a requirement to restore diplomatic relations either before the negotiations are complete or immediately thereafter.

However I also realize that those demands could possibly be everything you are fighting for as well and it would be a detriment to my diplomatic skills to say that those are final and that you cannot list your own demands for what you believe should happen. I anxiously await your response to those demands that the Vaulos have set and your own demands so that we may begin negotiations as soon as possible. Please do not believe me to come off as a talking head as I assure you that is not the case, I stress again that the states comprising of Australia have looked at your two noble counties as friends in the past and Australia will do so in the future. It is that reason that conflict of any kind mus be avoided. Please reply as soon as you can.



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A letter was addressed to the Slavorussian Imperial Family and the Prime Minister from the Queendom of Australia

The Tsar is infuriated that Vauleo-Buryatians would use the Australians as a proxy to dictate terms to him. The sheer audacity of some people is always astounding. Nevertheless tells Premier Medvedev he'll reply to the Asutralians. Despite his better judgement Dmtiry allows him to write a reply to the Queen. Even though he doesnt want to involve the Australians in the dispute, or make them choose sides he writes the letter with a hint of spite toward the Vauleo-Buryatians.

It soothes my mind to know that you think of Slavorussia as a friend. Sadly these days it’s nearly impossible to be sure who is friend and who is foe. In these dark days we seem to be surrounded on all sides by maniacs, and unfortunately Vauleo-Buryatia is one of them.

Vauleo-Buryatia’s claim to Yacrania is based solely on a doctrine that was formed after Yacrania declared independence. Furthermore I believe the Zhukov Doctrine imposes on the sovereignty of all the nations which Vauleo-Buryatia says it does. Coming from a nation that constantly complains at the slightest issue that could even faintly threaten it’s absolute authority over their own territory and citizens, I find this highly hypocritical. 

The problem that we have here is that the Zhukov doctrine is not a binding contract between Slavorussia, or Yacrania with Vauleo-Buryatia. They know very well, because the Prime Minister has told them, it’s never been our position to abide by the doctrines such as this. We made that clear to the Byzantines, and the Prime Minister isn’t going to change his policy now.

An additional problem arose when tensions flared over Bely Island, which for the record we have no intention of turning over now. I assume you know the argument, we say it was part of Yacrania, they say it wasn’t. In the end when we presented proof Vauleo-Buryatia in a stunning display of tact and maturity they withdrew all their diplomats and citizens and officially severed all ties. To us this means two things. Either Slavorussia is no longer a recognized nation in their eyes, or they’re preparing for war.

These are the actions of a child Your Highness, and frankly I wouldn’t trust an iceberg in the hands of the a child, let alone an entire country. I’m young, and I’ve made mistakes in my life, however even I know the most idiotic thing I could do when I want something is to mistreat the people who are in a position to give me what I want.

I strongly believe diplomacy is an art form, which is fundamentally based on the principles of compromise, give and take. Apparently Vauleo-Buryatia doesn’t know what it means to compromise, and they know less about diplomacy. Vauleo-Buryatia wanted us to give them something without offering anything in return. We suggested what they could give in a compromise, but they turned it down outright. Frankly they have nothing we want, therefore we have no incentive to come to the negotiating table, and we have even less of a reason now that we clearly know they think they can tell us what to do. All this coupled with the military buildup in Novaya Zemlya, that they apparently think we don’t notice, are not providing us incentive to sit down and talk.

I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but nobody can solve this situation except the Vauleo-Buryatians. Since they will not communicate with us I would like to ask a favor of you. Let the east know I will not have conditions dictated to me before or after I come to the negotiating table. I am the Emperor of Slavorussia, not one of President Anyatevich’s lackeys. The only people I take orders from are God, the Slavorussian people, and although I hate to admit it, my wife.

If the new regime in Yakutsk wants to see Slavorussia come to the negotiating table, then they need to approach us with some respect. As the saying goes you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Emperor Justinian of Slavorussia

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"Your Majesty?" Hannah's head turned as she walked with Marshall MacDohl through Lillia Palace, as one of the chamberlains walked up to her with a letter from the Tsar of Slavorussia. "They've replied to your letter Highness."

"Ah very good. Well Marshall, we'll just see how this is going to fall out."

The Marshall nodded as Hannah opened the letter and let out a sigh as she finished. "Not as you expected Highness?"

"No, just as I expected. Even when I wrote the first letter to the Tsar I knew those demands would not be met. The Vaulos were much, much too aggressive. Its as the Tsar has stated, you do need some measure of compromise to get anywhere, they had none."

"Then why did we send it in the first place?"

"Hope. Christopher, hope."Hannah began walking back to her quarters. "But if you will excuse me, I have to draft a response."


Your Imperial Highness,

I understand completely where you are coming from. Even when I was composing the first letter I understood that it was a small chance that you would come to such a demanding table, please do not let the people of Vaule lessen your opinion of myself or the Queendom as a whole. I only do this to improve the relations between two nations I consider allies and that it would tear my heart out to see fight one another. However as you have clearly stated and as I fully agree upon reading further into this. The current situation cannot be solved by a third party unless the first two parties are willing to come to terms and even speaking terms for that matter. Having a middle-person like myself will not help that in anyway. Yet, in the accordance of my predecessor, Lady Tintagyl I will convey your message to Vaule for one last chance that you both my be able to come to a neutral table in the current situations without a change to the status quo.

There is only hope that your nations will avoid active conflict, however if it does come down to this, know that your sign of defense will not go unnoticed by myself. Aggressive war in any situation is dangerous, especially over such a trivial piece of land that indeed did invade your people. However, I am not going to talk about things that happened before my ascension to power. In addition, I believe that the Hansa itself has wronged Slavorussia multiple times in the past, especially over the territory of Belarus as it was once part of your Empire. There is nothing I can do about that now, however as a show of respect I would like to offer you as a bodyguard for your person and your wife in thanks and partially as a wedding gift, one of my Lillian Guards. Perhaps, the friendship of one will lead to the ceasement of hostility with another and I hold the same logic to Vaule. I do hope that everything will work out in the end and if it is still within the philosophy of Tintagylism, to prevent war from erupting.

Sincerely Yours,


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