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Slavorussian Events

Justinian the Mighty

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OOC: First sentence is spoken in a sarcastic tone

IC: Nope, just being our usual contrary selves.

Seriously, just because people have access to information doesn't guarantee they will use it unless they are reminded from time to time.

SNP reply:

Obviously the point has completely gone over your heads. This shrine to communism needs to be torn down. It people want to learn about Vladimir Lenin then they can crack open a history textbook, that’s what they’re there for.

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SNP reply:

Obviously the point has completely gone over your heads. This shrine to communism needs to be torn down. It people want to learn about Vladimir Lenin then they can crack open a history textbook, that's what they're there for.

"No, we understand you perfectly. But how many people actually retain what they learn of history? From what we can see of the world's affairs, not many. People need a constant, VISIBLE reminder of the mistakes of the past."

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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"No, we understand you perfectly. But how many people actually retain what they learn of history? From what we can see of the world's affairs, not many. People need a constant, VISIBLE reminder of the mistakes of the past."

SNP reply

We fail to see how an 87 year old corpse reminds cautions people about past mistakes without knowing the history of what the corpse represents. Without a prior understanding of history it’s just some John Doe lying in a glass case with 87 years worth of morticians makeup and embalming fluid.

Molakia again warns Slavorussia that destroying this historic monument could bring up issues from Scholarly Circles in Molakia, preventing the discussion between our Academic systems.

Statement from the Prime Minister:

Slavorussia is a sovereign nation which means our statues, monuments, and landmarks are ours to do with as we please. In addition to the National Party’s point of view I also have to consider the wishes of Comrade Lenin’s descendents as well as 90 million other Slavorussians, and nobody else. The decision will not be dictated by any outside influences.

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Earlier this year the question of whether or not to hold the annual Victory Day parade in Moscow was on shaky ground. We all recall back in May, when the parade is usually held there wasn’t much to celebrate. The economy was in pieces, the vast majority of the country was occupied by a foreign nation and the future of the nation was shrouded by the unknown. The question was settled by Premier Medvedev upon being elected Prime Minister, and today, true to his word the monolithic parade was held.

Red Square was more elaborately decorated than ever before, Just like Soviet parades of years past huge banners covered the walls surrounding the square. Keeping with tradition of all public holidays schools, government offices and services, embassies, and businesses gave their workers the day off to celebrate the continuing independence of the Russian people from foreign aggressors.


During his opening speech Premier Medvedev drew some inspiration from the victory speech he gave on the night he was elected, he said, “…We‘ve traveled so far from where we were to get to where we are, but our journey will continue. However we’re stronger now. It‘s because of you, the people in this square and all over the country, because of your determination and hard work we‘re stronger than we were before. Generation after generation will remember the sacrifice made this year so that freedom could reign eternally. We are confident any aggression against our nation will be quickly repelled, and the future of Slavorussia will be serene fruitful and joyful. Glory to the Veterans of the Great Patriotic wars, Glory to the victorious people. Congratulations on victory. Ourrah pobieda!”


After the speech and applause subsided the General of the Army gave the command for the parade to begin. It was clear from the beginning that all the stops had been pulled out for this years celebration Red Square turned different shades of black and blue as waves of soldiers marched down the square with their heads held high saluting the victory banner, and the Tricolor.



After the marching of the soldiers the Army displayed column after column of military hardware. Over 250 vehicles rolled victoriously down the street in a stunning display of the nations power. A new item made it’s debut in this year’s parade. A procession of Topol-M missile launchers valiantly moved through Red Square as reminder of just how far the nation’s military had progressed. The parade concluded with a brilliant air show and a flyby of over 100 fighters, bombers and helicopters



Those in attendance agree that this year’s parade shamed many of it’s predecessors. The amount of soldiers and military hardware displayed this year shadows last year’s, making it look like “a kindergarten class walking down the road.” In truth the government says that this year’s parade didn’t const much more than parades of the past, most of the decorations were able to be reused, and the planners came in under budget. When asked what the government planed to do with the extra money the Prime Minister said all the left over money would go toward the preservation of Lenin’s Tomb in Red Square.

Truly this year’s festivities were grander than any in recent memory. The bar has been set pretty high and everyone is wondering just how they’re going to top this year’s parade next year. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

ooc: Pics courtesy of BR.

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Molakia salute's its ally and her military might, while also sighing with relief over the preservation of Lenin's Tomb. Molakia will gladly contribute some money to this endeavor.

We also hope to talk with Slavorussia over military exercises and other joint operations....Joint Molakia-Slavorussian Polar expeditions anyone?

-General Garrus Vakarian, Commander of Molakian Armed Forces

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Yacrania in the Aftermath


The war with Yacrania may be but recent reports coming from Wildingrad imply that pockets of Marcus Wilding’s supporters are still continuing the fight. Despite this military officials are still sighing in relief. During the planning stages everyone planned for a massive resistance from thousands of Yacranian citizens, but in reality Wilding‘s remaining supporters make up only a fraction of the original projections.. In fact recent opinion polls from the Yacranian population indicate that between 65%-70% support Slavorussia’s intervention, and nearly 80% support Slavorussian troops staying until recovery can be completed.

To increase support for Slavorussian soldiers in Yacrania teams of special investigators were sent in yesterday with the first rotation of troops, so that they could gather more accurate opinions to better serve the Yacranians demands. Primer Medvedev stated that those who don’t support Slavorussia’s presence in the country are the main point of focus for the investigation. He says he hopes the investigators will have a cohesive report sometime next month.

In regard to securing Yacrania General Orlov, the commander of the Slavorussian expeditionary force in Yacrania, says the problem isn’t with the Yacranians. He says the problem is illegal privateering and illicit arms and drug-trafficking, which has experienced a steep increase since the removal of the Yacranian Kreigsmarine from Yacranian waters. As a result the general requested support from the Northern fleet in the prevention of illegal activities in Yacranian waters. On orders from Primer Medvedev, Admiral Feliks Abramov, commander of the Northern Fleet plans to have his ships leave port within 24 hours. Deputy Primer Vladimir Putin has scheduled to visit Yacrania over the coming weekend.

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OOC: What does Santa say about that? :awesome:

OOC: Santa is going to die in two weeks after being shanked in the neck in a Norwegian prison. It's part of the fun, Holiday related RP I've been cooking up.

Because nothing says Christmas like a flow of blood from Santa's throat glistening in the moonlight :awesome:

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OOC: Santa is going to die in two weeks after being shanked in the neck in a Norwegian prison. It's part of the fun, Holiday related RP I've been cooking up.

Because nothing says Christmas like a flow of blood from Santa's throat glistening in the moonlight :awesome:

OOC: :o

/organizes to send in Special Forces to rescue Santa

lol :P

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OOC: :o

/organizes to send in Special Forces to rescue Santa

lol :P

OOC: Soon there will be a new Santa, and he shall deliver the toys, and rule the north pole with an iron fist eat cookies and be jolly...

Now, we should stop this now before it gets out of hand. Don't want to clutter this thread with unrelated stuff too much.

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OOC: Soon there will be a new Santa, and he shall deliver the toys, and rule the north pole with an iron fist eat cookies and be jolly...

Now, we should stop this now before it gets out of hand. Don't want to clutter this thread with unrelated stuff too much.

OOC: Okey-dokey :wub:

/leaves thread

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OOC: I thought that the North pole would constitute international waters.

OOC: Nope, as owner of a considerable amount of of far north Territory, a direct, year long connection to the ice sheets, and due to need of a station to run temporary radar stations, I claimed the North Pole back when I was ADI, both as waters, and the ice above the waters.

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OOC: Nope, as owner of a considerable amount of of far north Territory, a direct, year long connection to the ice sheets, and due to need of a station to run temporary radar stations, I claimed the North Pole back when I was ADI, both as waters, and the ice above the waters.

ooc: I think RL Russia does the same thing, and nobody takes them seriously.


***Breaking News***

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to issue a message from the Imperial Slavorussian Meteorological Authority. ISMA has just confirmed the storm system we’ve been tracking through the Tula and Ryazan Oblasts has formed a tornado funnel just 20km southeast of the city of Ryazan. ISMA report the storm is moving toward the city’s southern districts with winds 180-200km/h.

Local authorities advise all citizens to say indoors, get to the lower level of your homes, away the windows and tall furniture. If you spot the tornado in your area quickly take cover under a piece of sturdy furniture. Remember to protect your head and neck, and stay tuned for further announcements.

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OOC: you cant claim the land under water past a certain point. Thats just being a greedy foo.

OOC: I still did it <_<

Also, it wouldn't be all too hard to get permission. To get civilians in, you would need to apply for a permit. And to get military in, well... you would have to get a different permit...

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OOC: In this case, Molakia needs a baltic water path and we claim the land underneath the waters leading to the atlantic. You never needed to claim the waters anyway, its open seas past a certain point...claiming them is just being greedy.

OOC: I'm not really sure what case you're talking about there...

But once again, regardless of if it's customary, or common, or greedy, I already did it. If you have a problem with it, I encourage you to take up an IC move, because OOC, on issues like this, won't get us anywhere.

If you wish, feel free to make a thread for a conference, or we can just do it in my news/ General RP thread, if that's more convenient.

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Ryazan Tornado Aftermath


The assessment of yesterday’s tornado places it as the worst tornado to impact central Russia in 25 years. The tornado’s path put dozens of cities and towns directly in harms way, including southern neighborhoods of the city of Ryazan, leaving dozens dead, and many more injured or missing. Official numbers still haven’t been given, but local officials and disaster relief officials believe the death toll is already over 100, and they only expect that number to grow. Disaster relief and rescue missions are working frantically working, day and night, to rescue hundreds of citizens who’re trapped under the debris. Rescuers remain hopeful their efforts will be successful.

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