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Slavorussian Events

Justinian the Mighty

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ooc: this is a continuation of the Slavorussian International Broadcasting Network, Slavorussian News Network, and Slavorussian News threas. It will contain changes and events in my country that don’t really require a new thread. Please feel free to comment ic or ooc.

It’s that time of year again, the time when Slavorussian children and young adults return to the country’s fine institutions of learning. While the starting date of the new school year draws closer many wonder what’s new this school year under the Medvedev reforms?

One of the things students can expect to see are a stricter more standardized school uniform code. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union public schools have gradually relaxed their uniform codes, but reforms originally proposed by the Kolesnikov government were picked up and implemented by the Medvedev government. The new uniforms were introduced for public purchase earlier this month, when government programs set up to provide low income families with the means to buy the uniforms began paying out money.

Male uniforms consist of black, navy blue, brown or gray slacks, jacket and matching tie depending on the local public school district’s color preference. Ladies uniforms consist of a black, navy blue, brown or gray jacket matching tie or bow, and the option of slacks and a solid or plaid skirt.


In addition to the new uniform, the Regional Governorates (ooc: since modern oblasts are so damn small many are grouped into Governorates: equivalent to US States.) have been ordered to step in and take direct control over schools with the lowest test scores, this includes over 250 elementary and secondary schools throughout the country. The Education Reform Act allows for the local Governorates to completely overhaul Slavorussian schools and fire or replace anyone and everyone in the local districts. Although the decision has been met with varying degrees of support, the imperial government maintains it’s position that the job will get done one way or another.

Post-secondary students attending state owned universities won’t see much of a change. State still assures free tuition for students attending state universities, however completion to get into the institutions is greater than ever due to the arrival of thousands of refugees from the Baltic and Belorussian Governorates living in Russia proper. The Minister of Education says the government hopes to counter this by providing incentives to private universities who lower tuition costs, as well as providing state run grant and scholorship programs.

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Due to recent tensions in Europe the military concerned that in a worst case scenario the armed forces wont know how to respond in time. The General Staff ordered the various military branches to begin routine defensive drills. The Ministry of Defense promised that the border would stay open, but rules and regulations at border crossings have been tightened.

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Who said anything about military movements? All defensive drills are being done on or near bases and airfields. Some wires seem to have gotten crossed. Perhaps it would be a good idea to pull out your current informants and send in new ones.

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The Molakian Border with Finland is the only area on hair trigger, maybe a few Airbases inland. Feel free to use our border for exercises, just do tell us a few days before so we dont Nuke your cities. Molakian Forces there, if not told, will take it as an attack, and attacks by allies are met with harsh responses in Molakia.

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The Molakian Border with Finland is the only area on hair trigger, maybe a few Airbases inland. Feel free to use our border for exercises, just do tell us a few days before so we dont Nuke your cities. Molakian Forces there, if not told, will take it as an attack, and attacks by allies are met with harsh responses in Molakia.

We thank you for the offer, but our soldiers can train near their bases. However threats of nuclear retaliation get thrown around too often by nations that should know better. We take these very seriously In our opinion this is not how two allies should talk to each other. Your tone feels very threatening, is Molakia failing in it’s struggle to prevent the Nordic rebels from gaining power, because if so, that means what remains of the Molakian Royal Family could be in danger giving us justification to restore the rightful government.

***Fallowing is Classified***

- In response to the increasing nuclear threat, Slavorussian spy satellites are scanning likely locations where these weapons could be found. The government has increased intelligence and heightened national security measures (aka DefCon 4)

- The "Berlin Project" Slavorussia's nuclear weapon program has been reavtivated. The Army expects to be able to detonate a nuclear weapon sometime next month.

ooc: I wunt n00kz :nuke:

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Engineers inspect the border

In response to increased tensions in Yacrania, Slavorussian engineers are being sent to the border to inspect border defenses and make sure all is in working order.

Slavorussian General Linked to the Dark Hand

In internal leak from the Ministry of the Interior suggest that a little known General named Gregory Zorin is suspected of having strong ties to the Dark Hand terrorist group that has been operating in Arkhangelsk and the Komi Republic. The general disappeared in early April after Molakian troops captured St. Petersburg, and was assumed dead, but recent claims from within the ministry debunk this story. Although the Ministry refuses to comment officially, our sources indicate that the General was arrested a little over a month ago, and has been interrogated rigorously by Slavorussian Intelligence.

If these accusations turn out to be true the Gregory Zorin could be charged with treason and promoting acts of terrorism, and since the military doesn’t operate by civilian laws he would surely face execution. Tatiana Zorin, the general’s wife chose not to answer any questions, but she did say that since her husband’s disappearance her husband hasn’t tried to contact her. She went on to add that she could neither confirm or deny her husband’s involvement in any organization besides the Slavorussian military.

ooc: I wish you could Jed. :(

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Anchor: Ever since Igor Kovalenko, a communist insurgent leader in Rostov City, surrendered his forces several days ago Channel One news and our competitors have been feverishly trying to get an interview with him. When we caught up with Mr. Kovalenko during a transfer he gracefully agreed to give us an interview, and our own Viktor Baranov was on the scene.

[cuts to an outside balcony overlooking the Sea of Azov. Baranov and Kovalenko sit across from one another with a small round tea table in-between them.]

Baranov: Mr. Kovalenko, thank you for taking the time out to give us this interview. There’s a lot of questions I’d like to ask, but because of time constraints, I’ll skip to the most important. Anyway Mr. Kovalenko I think the question that’s on everyone’s mind is, what exactly were you and your comrades fighting for?


Kovalenko: We were fighting to maintain order, much like your government, only we wanted to preserve the communist ideals the C.S.S.R. had brought to us. I honestly believed the doctrine of the communist party in the Ukraine, and I wanted to protect that.

Baranov: You say you were fighting to maintain order, but when Slavorussian troops first arrived you were starting riots, and harming civilians. What do you have to say to that.

Kovalenko: I am not the highest commander in the insurgent army, and my regiment wasn’t the only one operating in that area. I don’t know who was responsible for the riots, but I can assure you It wasn’t me. I wish all my comrades were dedicated to the cause as I am, but some are just in it for money and power.

Baranov: If you’re not the highest commander, then who is?

[an intelligence agent off camera begins interrupts before Kovalenko can answer the question, causing Baranov to become slightly aggravated.]

Agent: Due to security concerns and an ongoing investigation Mr. Kovalenko is not at liberty to discuss that. However we can assure the public that the insurgent leader is on the run and is no longer a threat.

Baranov: Mr. Kovalenko, there have been rumors that you’ve cut a deal with the government to avoid prosecution, can you elaborate on that?

[again the intelligence agent interrupts]

Agent: That’s also classified, but Mr. Kovalenko is cooperating with the government and it’s investigation.

[now visibly aggravated Baranov asks his last question]

Baranov: Well sir, thank you for your time, is there anything else you wish to say?

Kovalenko: I’d just like say that despite my actions, and the actions of my former allies, I was fighting for something I truly believed in, to those suffering from our actions I sincerely apologize. I feared that Ukrainian communists would be wrongly persecuted by the Slavorussian government, but I was wrong. We used violence to achieve our ends, and we hurt more people than we helped.

Baranov: Thank you Mr, Kovalenko.

[cuts back to news room]

Anchor: you can find out more about this interview and ask questions of your own at www.!@#$.com.

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War With Yacrania!

The Ministry of Defense has confirmed reports of a Yacranian invasion from the northeastern by land and sea. Slavorussian soldiers stationed in the southern bases of the Komi Republic have begun moving to what the military’s first line of defense. 50,000 of the Imperial Reserves, nearly half, have been called for active duty. The remaining 70,000 were informed today to be on stand by incase their service is needed.

Government and military officials stated that the nation will be at DefCon 1 until further notice. This means that Slavorussian territorial waters all non allied military and trade vessels, with the exception of Grøenlandian vessels heading for Arkhangelsk, but Slavorussia’s EEZ remains open for all non military vessels.

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Another War?!

Slavorussia calls up those 70,000 reserves and an additional 80,000 regular army to defend the HRE from the Dutch. The nation’s territorial waters remain closed, with the exception of the route to Arkhangelsk, however with the threat of the war spreading and possible Grøenlandian involvement we can no longer allow navy vessels to travel through our waters.

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Ceasefire Signed

Primer Medvedev signed a ceasefire with the Kingdom of Drakoria, the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia and the United Netherlands, and requested official peace talks begin before the situation in Europe spirals out of control. Prior to the ceasefire Slavorussia had promised to send 150,000 soldiers to defend the HRE from the Dutch invasion, but that plan was ruined by the blockade of the Adriatic Sea.

The Prime Minister assured the public that all government services will remain to operate in an orderly and timely manner. He said in his speech to parliament, “The mail will continue to run and police will continue to maintain law and order, nothing has changed. Our way of life will remain constant, uninterrupted and routine. The services the people expect this government to provide will not disappear.”

In the face of another daunting war in Europe many Slavorussians are not surprised. The constant warring in Europe seems to have desensitized the Slavorussian people, making war an everyday occurrence. Elizabeth Metov, a resident of Moscow’s Ramenki District said, “It’s like the leaders of Europe have nothing to do but make all our lives a living hell. It’s gotten so bad that we had to build an add-on to our bomb shelter…”

Slavorussians are mostly divided on the war in Bavaria. While a majority support Slavorussia defending an ally many find it to be a war we just can’t win. Some complain that Slavorussia’s attempts to thrust itself into international politics in the past two and a half years is what has pulled the country into so many wars lately. For now though the Prime Minister continues to plead for peace in Europe, and only time will tell if Europe truly wants peace.

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3... 2... 1 Blast Off!


The official opening of the Slavorussian Imperial Space Agency’s new Kapustin Yar-2 launch site was started by the agency’s long awaited space launch. When SISA first started planning a series of space missions in early 2007 they were hindered because of low government funding and a gross shortage of cosmonauts. At the time the government was more focused on eliminating the Dark Hand and not space exploration, however SISA eventually got their funding.

The unmanned rocket lifted off from its launch pad around noon, while enthusiastic onlookers witnessed the momentous occasion from the viewing stations. While many bask in the moment, SISA director Anatoly Perminov remembers the many people past and present who made this possible. “The mission that started with the Sputnik Program continues today and will continue for generations to come. The Russian people are natural space explorers, and I expect our space program to do great things”

After today’s successful launch the government promises to increase funding for future SISA objectives including a manned return to the moon, and putting the proposed space station Mir-2 in orbit. SISA says it will have to replace the Soyuz rockets and spacecrafts before manned missions begin, but they plan to have a functional prototype by the end of the year.

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OOC: Lemme guess...Space Program?

IC: Promised Land congratulates Slavorussia on this achievement, and wish them the best in similar future endeavors.

ooc: yeah, I bought the Space Agency a month ago but I’m just getting around to making it public now.

ic: Thank you. Incidentally Slavorussia is interested in cooperating with our neighbors to create a joint space agency.

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<<A message (or letter) to the Slavorussian government.>>

To whoever this may concern,

I am planning a tour across Europe and I would like to know if I could plan a stop in Slavorussia, My people are quite intrested in your culture and I could learn a lot from a more experienced leader like yourself.


-Catherine Reznov

Prime Minister of Yuktobania

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<<A message (or letter) to the Slavorussian government.>>

To whoever this may concern,

I am planning a tour across Europe and I would like to know if I could plan a stop in Slavorussia, My people are quite intrested in your culture and I could learn a lot from a more experienced leader like yourself.


-Catherine Reznov

Prime Minister of Yuktobania

To: Catherine Reznov
From: MoFA Sergey Lavrov
Subject: Visit

We would be honored to become a host country during your tour through Europe. Diplomatic visitors visas for you and your staff will be mailed to you as soon as they get approved.

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Star Wars?! No not quite.

The Ministry of Defense reported that they were testing a new missile defense system in the Gulf of Finland. The new anti-ballistic missile system reported to have shot down 6 out of 10 ballistic missiles that were traveling at various speeds and at various locations. The Navy reported that 10 test SLBM’s were launched from Slavorussian submarines in the gulf, toward unpopulated parts of eastern Slavorussia and Yacrania. The Defense Ministry says they’re happy with the first round of tests and plan to begin deploying the new anti-ballistic missile systems throughout the country in the near future.

ooc: Bought an SDI on the 26th

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