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Scotland plans to Invade the Empire of Krieg.

Colerich Krieg

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The Scottish government has declared they are moving troops to Spain as we speak. This is an act of aggression, as the Kreig Empire was formed from the REBEL ARMY PROCTERATE, LEGALLY. The Krieg Empire only asked the postion of the Scottish government on the Scottish procterate of Western Spain; and now they are going to Invade.

All Mutual Defense Nations of the Empire have been warned, and Nuclear warfare shall be discussed soon.

We now point the finger at the Aggressive Scottish Government and blame them for a soon to be Nuclear Holocaust in Europe.

EDIT: Added quote.

The Scottish government are the rightful protectors of the Scottish protectorate of Spain/Portugal. As attempts to negotiate your recognised presence within the region of Scottish protectorate come long after your unwelcomed declaration, we see this action as an act of aggression.

The Scottish Empire does not support fascist regimes and sees them as a plight upon the European people. The Spanish and Portuguese people living within the Scottish protectorate are not Scottish citizens by law, but we are duty bound to protect them. You are not welcome within our protected land and the Empire of Krieg shall not stand.

You are branded as illegal aliens and criminals within an otherwise peaceful, growing nation. You will leave immediately or the Scottish military will take action.

- King Penchuk

The Empire will not allow the Scots to come into our Legally established Nation, and at the least we shall achieve Mutually Assured Destruction.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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The Caliph facepalmed when he saw this announcement.

OOC: And I assume this part is public

The Scottish government has declared they are moving troops to Spain as we speak. This is an act of aggression, as the Kreig Empire was formed from the REBEL ARMY PROCTERATE, LEGALLY. The Krieg Empire only asked the postion of the Scottish government on the Scottish procterate of Western Spain; and now they are going to Invade.We now point the finger at the Aggressive Scottish Government and blame them for a soon to be Nuclear Holocaust in Europe.
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"We urge both sides to calm down. There is no need nor the reason for Scotland to commit aggressive actions against the Krieg Empire just because they are 'fascist' or because they asked about the status of your protectorate (note, asked, not demanded or anything). We believe both sides should enter negiotations, not least for any land acquistions but to achieve understanding and peaceful relations."

Edited by JEDCJT
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Your quote says otherwise, and if one Military troop comes across the border we will take action; we have made many an Allie who will not hesitate to wage FULL scale war on Scotland. That also applies to your workers who are going to be building a Wall between our borders. This is the kind of action that deemed the Soviet Union of many years past a tyrant.

We have allowed and CONTIUNE to allow forgien news agencys to come and witness our nation grow in happyness and to dispell the lies of the Scottish Government.

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Your quote says otherwise, and if one Military troop comes across the border we will take action; we have made many an Allie who will not hesitate to wage FULL scale war on Scotland. That also applies to your workers who are going to be building a Wall between our borders. This is the kind of action that deemed the Soviet Union of many years past a tyrant.

We have allowed and CONTIUNE to allow forgien news agencys to come and witness our nation grow in happyness and to dispell the lies of the Scottish Government.

Your words imply anticipated aggression that concerns the Scottish government. The Scottish protectorate of Spain/Portugal is under our jurisdiction and protection, and we have the right to move troops into this territory as we please. We will not be threatened by anyone.

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Your words imply anticipated aggression that concerns the Scottish government. The Scottish protectorate of Spain/Portugal is under our jurisdiction and protection, and we have the right to move troops into this territory as we please. We will not be threatened by anyone.

I will ONCE AGAIN Quote you on what you said.

The Scottish government are the rightful protectors of the Scottish protectorate of Spain/Portugal. As attempts to negotiate your recognised presence within the region of Scottish protectorate come long after your unwelcomed declaration, we see this action as an act of aggression.

The Scottish Empire does not support fascist regimes and sees them as a plight upon the European people. The Spanish and Portuguese people living within the Scottish protectorate are not Scottish citizens by law, but we are duty bound to protect them. You are not welcome within our protected land and the Empire of Krieg shall not stand.

You are branded as illegal aliens and criminals within an otherwise peaceful, growing nation. You will leave immediately or the Scottish military will take action.

- King Penchuk

This implies you are going to Invade. Our response is just.

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UPDATE: Two of our Allies have agreed to use Nuclear weapons if Scotland invades.

Your threats are meaningless. Scotland possesses a robust nuclear arsenal of her own, but unlike the savages that exist in rogue states such as your own we will not use ours unless there is no other choice.

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"Scotland is correct in the fact that it has full sovereignity over its protectorate, and the Krieg Empire through the fact that it has the right to defend its sovereignty and independence against what it perceives as a threat. However, there is no need for military posturing and aggressive words and actions on both sides."

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Use them as you wish, we are not going to stand for such aggression. Your statement CLEARLY showed you were going to wipe us out. Until you formally apologize for the misunderstanding we will percive it as a pending Invasion, and will be elevated to DEFCON-2

EDIT: I was PM'd and ask for a link to the Scottish comment for proof. Here it is.


Edited by Colerich Krieg
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Then I am sad to say that the Scottish aggression will lead to massive Death for our Allies, your Allies, and the European Continent. It is a sad day in Europes history as yet another Aggressive nation threatens the Soverignty of a DECLARED non-aggession peacetime country simply formed to escape such Imperialist jestures in Eastern europe.

May God watch over us all on this day; I shall now make preperations to have my people secured in Bunkers, and my troops ready to defend the homes they so dilligantly fought to keep over the decades.

all further broadcasts will be done from the Imperial Bunker in undisclosed location.

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Use them as you wish, we are not going to stand for such aggression. Your statement CLEARLY showed you were going to wipe us out. Until you formally apologize for the misunderstanding we will percive it as a pending Invasion, and will be elevated to DEFCON-2

"We urge the Krieg Empire to simply ignore Scotland's actions and let everything be. If they attack, or the Krieg Empire does so first, then we will know who's the first aggressor and it would be unfortunate to have a war break out in Europe, wouldn't it? Once again, we urge both sides to calm down."

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Then I am sad to say that the Scottish aggression will lead to massive Death for our Allies, your Allies, and the European Continent. It is a sad day in Europes history as yet another Aggressive nation threatens the Soverignty of a DECLARED non-aggession peacetime country simply formed to escape such Imperialist jestures in Eastern europe.

May God watch over us all on this day; I shall now make preperations to have my people secured in Bunkers, and my troops ready to defend the homes they so dilligantly fought to keep over the decades.

all further broadcasts will be done from the Imperial Bunker in undisclosed location.

OOC: Your technology is 5, you have no bunkers. You have not RPd the construction of bunkers.

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For the record if war breaks out the nation that uses nuclear weapons first will not live to see another day. When we say that we believe we have the support of the vast majority of nations around the world. Also Prime Minister Medvedev will be pulled out of the Kreig Empire immediately.

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The Krieg Empire refuses to be seen as the Aggressor and has stated from the beginning we are defending our legal soverignty. It is clear who is the Aggressor. The Empire asks for the EFTA and other nations to place sanctions on Scotland.

- Broadcasted from the Emperors Nuclear fallout Command Center. -

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OOC: Your technology is 5, you have no bunkers. You have not RPd the construction of bunkers.

OOC: It is for RP Realistic effect. If you were a Leader faced with Nuclear War, would you be above grounds?

Also, Civilians In Bunkers doesnt affect a War, other then them being Incerated.

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The Krieg Empire refuses to be seen as the Aggressor and has stated from the beginning we are defending our legal soverignty. It is clear who is the Aggressor. The Empire asks for the EFTA and other nations to place sanctions on Scotland.

- Broadcasted from the Emperors Nuclear fallout Command Center. -

OOC: Nor do you have a nuclear fallout command centre. These buildings seem to be magically sprouting throughout your territory without any prior mention of their construction. This is not how you RP ;).

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OOC: Once again read what I said. If your going to be a dick and expect me to fill the RP forums with "OH WE BUILT A BUNKER" then I have no buisness RPing here. Also, We took over Spain, and Im sure Spain has fall out shelters. I understand I dont have bunkers, and I dont try to say I do ( In CN Real ). I once again say this is for EFFECT.

However if your implying your going to attack me for REAL and not in RP, then Im truely confused myself, and Im also a memeber of the [VE], But Im pretty sure this assumption is wrong, and this is staying in RP, but just in case..

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OOC: Once again read what I said. If your going to be a dick and expect me to fill the RP forums with "OH WE BUILT A BUNKER" then I have no buisness RPing here. Also, We took over Spain, and Im sure Spain has fall out shelters. I understand I dont have bunkers, and I dont try to say I do ( In CN Real ). I once again say this is for EFFECT.

However if your implying your going to attack me for REAL and not in RP, then Im truely confused myself, and Im also a memeber of the [VE], But Im pretty sure this assumption is wrong, and this is staying in RP, but just in case..

OOC: Nah, dont worry. Nobody would attack you ingame for RP reason...

...most of the time, anyways. :awesome:

Edited by JEDCJT
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