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A Violation of Principals

Michael McBride

Should Louisiana Be Annexed By Xaristan  

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WHEREAS Xaristani Oil, Inc. has taken a vested interest in improving the economy of Louisiana, including but not limited to, hiring Louisiana workers, management conferences and vacations in Louisiana, and oil revenue funneled back to Louisiana,

WHEREAS the Xaristani government feels this money could be better served for both Louisiana and Xaristan as a joint venture,

WHEREAS Xaristan wishes to have a free and open land border, so as to not be completely cut off from the outside world by land due to the Orwellian border closures put in place by Ardoria,

THEREFORE the matter is put before the people of Louisiana on whether to be annexed by Xaristan and become part of Xaristan. To pass, the votes in favor must equal or exceed 60% of the tally. This poll shall remain open these next 48 hours.

This vote is done in accordance with Viniland wishes and regulations regarding their protectorate.

The Xaristan Foreign Ministry Releases a Statement

Today we offer our hand in friendship to the people of Louisiana. We let them know that we consider them brothers and recognize their hard work in our economy, even though they are not citizens. Since the beginning of Xaristan, those in Louisiana have been friends to us, and now we wish to formalize that friendship by bringing them into the fold as citizens.

We also should mention that we, once again, air our protests against Ardoria, who has continued to shackle our citizens by land, not allowing them free travel out of our country. This has forced us to violate one of our most core principals, because we shall not be held hostage by a single nation. We will have a free and open land border, and the Orwellian practices by Ardoria to try and restrict that will come to an end.

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The Holy Imperium fails to see the necessity of Xaristan coming anywhere near Louisiana, as travel can also be by boat and airplane. This seems to be nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt at gaining more land, perhaps the opening preparations for a war against Ardoria.

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OOC: If you want to try and work around Ardoria's refusal to open a border... go ahead. This is pretty easily spun as a humanitarian/necessity gesture than anything else.

OOC: Heh, that's where propaganda comes in. :P



"Oh! Congratulations to you! You condemn us all these times for all of our 'expansionist actions' and still expand yourselves! Oh, how it sets a wonderful precedent, a honorable example of anti-expansionism and anti-imperialism! Oh, how we applaud your honorable hypocrisy!"


A State Department official applauds 'sarcastically' upon hearing of the news.

Edited by JEDCJT
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The Holy Imperium fails to see the necessity of Xaristan coming anywhere near Louisiana, as travel can also be by boat and airplane. This seems to be nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt at gaining more land, perhaps the opening preparations for a war against Ardoria.

This move, as stated, is to open up a free and passable land border with the rest of the world, mostly the Americas. While shipping is the most cost effective way of transporting goods across the globe, it is not cost effective for us to do that to ship to inner New England or to Tahoe. To do this, we must ship by automobile, and Ardoria continuing to keep our northern border closed has affected our economy and our sovereignty. No more. If the people of Louisiana choose to join, then we will welcome them with open arms.

OOC: Heh, that's where propaganda comes in. :P



"Oh! Congratulations to you! You condemn us all these times for all of our 'expansionist actions' and still expand yourselves! Oh, how it sets a wonderful precedent, a honorable example of anti-expansionism and anti-imperialism! Oh, how we applaud your honorable hypocrisy!"


A State Department official applauds 'sarcastically' upon hearing of the news.

However, unlike your "elections", these actually have international observers and are being run by Viniland. The question was merely posed, it is up to the people to decide. Instead of trying to smear us as expansionist, look at the real reason behind the situation, which is Ardoria's continued insistence on keeping our land borders closed for no reason. But that would be inconvenient for you, wouldn't it? Please, continue with your sarcastic responses while we stick to facts, facts that support us in this matter.

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However, unlike your "elections", these actually have international observers and are being run by Viniland. The question was merely posed, it is up to the people to decide. Instead of trying to smear us as expansionist, look at the real reason behind the situation, which is Ardoria's continued insistence on keeping our land borders closed for no reason. But that would be inconvenient for you, wouldn't it? Please, continue with your sarcastic responses while we stick to facts, facts that support us in this matter.

"Have we prohibited international observers from entering our nation? Feel welcome to send observers into New England (this goes for anyone). But the point is, your position of anti-imperialism and anti-expansion have now been severely compromised, in our views, because of this. As for Ardoria, have they really prevented you from crossing their borders? Wouldn't simple negotiations achieve the same result? But no! You have to expand! Please, continue with your hypocrisy."

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"Have we prohibited international observers from entering our nation? Feel welcome to send observers into New England (this goes for anyone). But the point is, your position of anti-imperialism and anti-expansion have now been severely compromised, in our views, because of this. As for Ardoria, have they really prevented you from crossing their borders? Wouldn't simple negotiations achieve the same result? But no! You have to expand! Please, continue with your hypocrisy."

Well, our position has been tarnished in the views of New England. We must stop what we are doing at once and correct course!

As for Ardoria, yes, they have. We have spoken to them numerous times and protested numerous times on an international level, and the borders still remain closed. The time for negotiation is gone, and action had to be taken. It was either asking the people of Louisiana to vote, or war. This seemed to us to be the more viable alternative.

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"We find it eerie how Xaristan is being called an "imperialist" in this case, whereas the country has exerted a great deal of positive influence upon Louisiana and brought great benefits to its economy as well as going through the most peaceful, democratic and justified means of expansion, if it is proven to be compatible with the wishes of the Louisianian people."

The Holy Imperium fails to see the necessity of Xaristan coming anywhere near Louisiana, as travel can also be by boat and airplane.

"The Imperium itself has plenty of places accessible only by boat and airplanes, as well as having been once divided into two landmasses. Not having land access does not necessarily mean that a locality cannot become an integral portion of a nation."

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All across New England, news corporations and outlets were covering the current situation with focus and intensity as they leapt on this unprecedented opportunity. Xaristan's bid to annex Louisiana quickly became breaking news, and newspapers circulated throughout the country contained headlines such as: XARISTAN SEEKS TO ANNEX LOUISIANA?, XARISTAN OPPOSES EXPANSION, YET EXPANDS?, XARISTAN BEING A HYPOCRITE?, and even IS XARISTAN PLOTTING TO ATTACK ARDORIA FROM BOTH SIDES? Blogs and journals covering this were rampant as overzealous bloggers and journalists churned out countless reports and updates, often condemning, criticizing, and mocking Xaristan for its aspirations. News channels in many households covered this event.

Edited by JEDCJT
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In a rare move, Director Louis Egon appeared on a live morning television program to show his support for the Louisianian people and explain the country's reasons for something that has been reacted to with skepticism by both those at home and abroad. The show would be opened up for questions by phone after the Director made his opening statements.

"Look, I know that this seems out of character to many people, and that's because it is. We didn't want to do this. But, currently, we have no options. We do not want war on the North American continent and that seems what Ardoria is intent on forcing to happen by continuing to keep our only land border sealed. Those citizens of ours who cannot afford a plane ticket to someplace in the world or cannot wait for days on a ship to get to their destination are being locked into our nation. It is hurting our economy. Our car manufacturers are suffering because no one wants to buy cars just to get around our little peninsula. Our product shipments to the middle of the North American continent are suffering immensely because we have to fly everything there. Not only does this limit what we can ship, it is also prohibitively expensive, and is making our companies less competitive with their world counterparts. Our protests have been ignored, both in public and in private by the Ardorians. As far as we know, we are their only border that they keep closed, which can only been seen as targeted passive aggression to try and hurt the quality of life of the average citizen in Xaristan."

"Further, our largest corporation, Xaristani Oil Incorporated has been hiring Louisianian workers to work on their oil rigs. With these jobs, XOI has been pumping millions and millions of dollars into the Louisianian economy. We have been improving their livelihoods. As much as those in the world such as New England try and falsely paint us as imperialist, we have simply asked the people what they would like. We have no forces there, we are not even running the election. Viniland is running the election, as the land is their protectorate. They have recognized the improvement in people's lives in the Louisiana area due to the influx of Xaristani monies, and that is the reason they agreed to allow this to take place."

"As Director, I can promise the people of Louisiana and the world this: we are not expansionist. We are not going to act like New England and start gobbling up the center of the North American continent. We do not hold protectorates for our own personal gain. We have recognized that we have been improving these people's lives, and we will continue to do so if they join us. Louisiana is ripe for opportunity in terms of becoming a transport and economic center for the Americas."

"Anyone who wishes to call in with a question is welcome to do so."

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"As Director, I can promise the people of Louisiana and the world this: we are not expansionist. We are not going to act like New England and start gobbling up the center of the North American continent. We do not hold protectorates for our own personal gain. We have recognized that we have been improving these people's lives, and we will continue to do so if they join us. Louisiana is ripe for opportunity in terms of becoming a transport and economic center for the Americas."

"Way to smear us for our 'expansionist actions' when in fact you are actually expanding, no matter how much you gloss it over. You call us imperialists and yet dont call yourselves imperialists? Yay for double standards!

And just to say, we have been improving the livelihoods of the populace in the territories too, and we have been pumping millions of dollars into the region too. Exactly what Xaristan is supposely doing in Louisiana."

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"Way to smear us for our 'expansionist actions' when in fact you are actually expanding, no matter how much you gloss it over. You call us imperialists and yet dont call yourselves imperialists? Yay for double standards!

And just to say, we have been improving the livelihoods of the populace in the territories, and we have been pumping millions of dollars into the region. Exactly what Xaristan is supposely doing in Louisiana."

OOC: I'll assume this is a phone call. Next time follow the format or don't participate.


"Allow me to reiterate a point that seems to have escaped you: We know what we're doing goes against things that we've said in the past. We've admitted to that. We're man enough to admit to that. However, what we see as a key and fundamental difference in the actions of New England and us is that we are doing this out of necessity. Our hand is being forced on this issue and we are currently playing with the cards on the table. As stated, our options are basically asking this or war. Imperialism is generally seen as extending one's rule over foreign countries. We have not done this. We have asked, and the people are deciding. There are no troops, no Xaristani observers, nothing. There is no Xaristani presence in Louisiana at the moment. Viniland is running this election, not us. As to your comment to what we are 'supposedly doing', Viniland has come out and stated that we have. Are you doubting their claims?"

"Next caller."

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OOC: Format? I see only one tiny statement saying how thise are taken. Public opinions can be expressed by governments in ways other than phone calls.

IC: "The point my government sees it is this; the 'annexed' areas of New England are currently getting the same kinds of benefits as the area you will be annexing will get if they join you--increased physical and economic security."

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: Format? I see only one tiny statement saying how thise are taken. Public opinions can be expressed by governments in ways other than phone calls.

IC: "The point my government sees it is this; the 'annexed' areas of New England are currently getting the same kinds of benefits as the area you will be annexing will get if they join you--increased physical and economic security."

"I fail to see your point. We never said anything about the land. We're doing this for completely different reasons than New England did. While our move is for economic and security reasons, New England had no such concerns when they went on their spree through the northeast part of the continent."

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"I fail to see your point. We never said anything about the land. We're doing this for completely different reasons than New England did. While our move is for economic and security reasons, New England had no such concerns when they went on their spree through the northeast part of the continent."

"That is largely a matter of opinion--yours and yours only. We all have seen the results of the polls conducted by the people of each state in question, and never has New England forbidden international observers from overseeing the voting process."

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"That is largely a matter of opinion--yours and yours only. We all have seen the results of the polls conducted by the people of each state in question, and never has New England forbidden international observers from overseeing the voting process."

"It's our opinion? Please show us where New England had security or economic reasons for annexing those lands."

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"Maybe not, but there is no denying that they did receive economic benefits, at the very least. And the biggest issue is not that New England annexed the lands...it is that the people stepped forward with a request to JOIN the nation of New England."

"Ah, so you admit that New England annexed those lands for mostly selfish reasons. Thank you. So you condemn us when we do it for safety reasons and they do it for selfish reasons and they get off scott free? That makes a lot of sense. This vote will decide whether or not the people of Louisiana wish to join Xaristan. If they had approached us, they would have simply been accepted. We are asking them out of respect to Viniland."

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You may call it safety reasons, but rest assured everyone sees through the thin veil you attempt to cloak your greed in.

"Attempt to cloak our greed in? Tell us, please, what are we greedy for, exactly? More land? That's more expense in defense, infrastructure, etc. We have admitted that, yes, this would help us economically, but the benefits to our security as a nation is much greater than any economic benefit."

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And remember that one time you bashed us for being unable to fully crush the annoying TUO when the discussion came up that we should control parts of the former UAS after it collasped? Why should you expand when you still have to deal with the Green Flag? The irony is epically priceless.

Edited by HHAYD
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And remember that one time you bashed us for being unable to fully crush the annoying TUO when the discussion came up that we should control parts of the former UAS after it collasped? Why should you expand when you still have to deal with the Green Flag? The irony is epically priceless.

"If you can provide proof that the Green Flag is simply a Xaristani problem, we would be happy to see it. So far, they have attacked us, Ardoria, the Pope, and countless other places. Do you have information on Green Flag bases inside Xaristan? Because we'd be happy to see this information if you do. Otherwise, your comparison fails. The TUO attacked your nation and was based in your nation, not to mention they were also exceptionally incompetent. The Green Flag have shown themselves to be exactly the opposite, carrying out extremely coordinated attacks on high profile and visibility targets. Once you provide this evidence, we will reconsider our proposal to the people of Louisiana."

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"Ah, so you admit that New England annexed those lands for mostly selfish reasons. Thank you. So you condemn us when we do it for safety reasons and they do it for selfish reasons and they get off scott free? That makes a lot of sense. This vote will decide whether or not the people of Louisiana wish to join Xaristan. If they had approached us, they would have simply been accepted. We are asking them out of respect to Viniland."

"So...respecting the people's wishes is selfish? How interesting. Perhaps we will have to recheck the definition and principles of democracy and sovereignty."

"Attempt to cloak our greed in? Tell us, please, what are we greedy for, exactly? More land? That's more expense in defense, infrastructure, etc. We have admitted that, yes, this would help us economically, but the benefits to our security as a nation is much greater than any economic benefit."

"So you admit you want more lands? And how would the annexation of Louisiana bring benefits to your nation in terms of security? To launch an attack on Ardoria from both sides, perhaps?"

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