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I'd rather Conti just drop the whole argument, and I'll just live with him existing there.

Despite the fact that he barely even RPs, obviously he's going to drag this argument out forever.

Tip to you council, you might want to keep active, because if you cross the 25 day mark this time, you're done for.

Also, IC, i probably won't recognize you and will keep an active border patrol.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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I'd rather Conti just drop the whole argument, and I'll just live with him existing there.

Despite the fact that he barely even RPs, obviously he's going to drag this argument out forever.

Tip to you council, you might want to keep active, because if you cross the 25 day mark this time, you're done for.

Also, IC, i probably won't recognize you and will keep an active border patrol.

PM sent.

Just for the record The Bailiwick of Conti comprises RL Channel Islands and Brittany, as ceded by King Penchuk of Scotland on the 14th June. The Declaration of Existence, posted the same day, can be found here.

The rest of France is not a concern to me.

Edited by Council of Ten
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We recgonaize Conti's right to exsist but strongly urges them not to pull a dick move and country sit and post once every week. Because I and others will take it to GMs

Over the issue of the islands: Thats been chimairan territory for longer then youve been around, I urge.

EDIT: Sounded alittle too hostile for an OOC comment, which I should be keeping sepearte from IC. Sorry.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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Both the Channel Islands and Brittany, then scottish protectorate after the demise of the Welsh Empire, have been ceded by King Penchuk on the 14th June 2009.

Both are still territories of Conti today. End of the matter as far as the Council of Ten is concerned. May peace finally prevail in Europe.


OOC: King Penchuk's original PM still available. Can be provided to anyone curious...

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Both the Channel Islands and Brittany, then scottish protectorate after the demise of the Welsh Empire, have been ceded by King Penchuk on the 14th June 2009.

Both are still territories of Conti today. End of the matter as far as the Council of Ten is concerned. May peace finally prevail in Europe.


OOC: King Penchuk's original PM still available. Can be provided to anyone curious...

A PM is hardly legit. If not at all. I think that it has to be a genuine tread so everyone can see it. But when have you been using your land in RP btw ?

I am dreadfully sorry for you, mate, but you have just lost your land.

Perhaps you should look for some land elsewhere ?

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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You were inactive because you didn't post. Simple as that, really. You can't throw up a claim here, post a DoE then go post around everywhere EXCEPT here. It doesn't work like that.

I'll repeat myself although the matter is vastly documentated in the previous pages of the thread. I've been inactive from the 27th June to the

15th July (due to holiday), well within the 25 days of inactivity frame. I'm not "claiming" land, I continue RPing with the one I acquired from Scotland on the 14th June.

A PM is hardly legit. If not at all. It has to be actual RP for as far as I know (and I am sure that I am not the only one that thinks that).

I am dreadfully sorry for you, mate, but you have just lost your land. And you are hardly rping anyways for as I can see.

Perhaps you should look for some land elsewhere ?

Read again the original DoE posted on the 14th July. RL Channels Islands are explicitly mentioned.

As per the talk I had over PM with TheStig [The Map Maker], Conti's claim is invalid.

He essentially stated, regardless of vacation, there are NO special conditions.

Everyone is equal, and 20 days inactivity is inactivity all the same.

It's 25 days of inactivity. As In-Game.

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No they're not. This is from YOUR THREAD:

The Great Council of the Bailiwick of Conti and the Council of Ten hereby urges the Welsh Empire to publicly renounce to its suzerainty over our island (RL Jersey – Channel Islands).

You never claimed them in your DoE, and unless I see proof of Welsh giving you the islands, I'm not budging.

Edited by N Reeki
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I'll repeat myself although the matter is vastly documentated in the previous pages of the thread. I've been inactive from the 27th June to the

15th July (due to holiday), well within the 25 days of inactivity frame. I'm not "claiming" land, I continue RPing with the one I acquired from Scotland on the 14th June.

Link me to that declaration. I just visited your profile.

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As of the 9th, the 25-day rule was not firmly established in RP. You don't seem to realize that. At the moment I claimed your land inactivity was usually considered between 20-25 days, and my claim was accepted by many due to this.

From the PM i received, Stig is handing me your lands. And no, you did not claim the Welsh islands. I saw the PM and everything, it was still an OOC agreement not posted.

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No they're not. This is from YOUR THREAD:

You never claimed them in your DoE, and unless I see proof of Welsh giving you the islands, I'm not budging.


[...]Conti is a city of craftsmen, merchants, sailors and adventurers. A tight knit community of industrious men bound together by the audacity of their enterprise. The early days of our existence have been marked by this very spirit. Soon our ships were diligently scouting the seven seas for new treasures, spices and riches to trade. Subsequently, the rise of our merchant navy, the growth of our commerce, the consolidation of democratic institutions upheld by the Instrument of Government have all been a testimony to our determination. But they have been obtained patiently, quietly. [...] By nature, we have little inclination for grand politics and we always have been wary of its entrapments. However the reality of our world is that more than ever before, trade and international politics are inherently imbricated, are now part of each other’s fabric. Therefore the pursuit of our commercial interests now commands a shift in our policy, the time of isolationism has come to end. Change may have been forced upon us by the course of events but we must embrace it for it is the promise of a new era of prosperity.

Our diplomatic attempts to settle this matter via private channels have been so far ignored by the Welsh Empire. Conti will therefore be left with no alternative but to publish this document, for all to see. The Great Council of the Bailiwick of Conti and the Council of Ten hereby urges the Welsh Empire to publicly renounce to its suzerainty over our island (RL Jersey – Channel Islands). Our very existence is a fact of life and said suzerainty is nothing short than illegitimate. We call upon the Empress to formally put an end to this historical fiction. Conti must take its rightful place among nations of the world.

Today the demise of the Welsh Empire marks effectively the fall of the last obstacle standing between Conti and its legitimate aspirations. On this day, the Bailiwick of Conti becomes a rightful member of the international community. Conti hereby reaffirms its existence to the world and wants to congratulate the Proxian Empire for achieving its long time ambition of uniting the island of Great Britain. It goes without saying that Conti does not harbour any territorial ambitions over any part of Great Britain. We are looking forward to establishing commercial and diplomatic ties with our northern neighbours. END QUOTE

Action replay: Welsh Empire goes bust, Scotland takes control and establishes a protectorate. King Penshuk then cedes the Channel Islands to Conti (hence the reference to the island of Great Britain reunited) . By the way Scotland's protectorate in the Iberic Peninsula are former possessions of the late Welsh Empire as well...

Now if you want further evidence, you can freely ask Scotland directly.

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[...]Conti is a city of craftsmen, merchants, sailors and adventurers. A tight knit community of industrious men bound together by the audacity of their enterprise. The early days of our existence have been marked by this very spirit. Soon our ships were diligently scouting the seven seas for new treasures, spices and riches to trade. Subsequently, the rise of our merchant navy, the growth of our commerce, the consolidation of democratic institutions upheld by the Instrument of Government have all been a testimony to our determination. But they have been obtained patiently, quietly. [...] By nature, we have little inclination for grand politics and we always have been wary of its entrapments. However the reality of our world is that more than ever before, trade and international politics are inherently imbricated, are now part of each other’s fabric. Therefore the pursuit of our commercial interests now commands a shift in our policy, the time of isolationism has come to end. Change may have been forced upon us by the course of events but we must embrace it for it is the promise of a new era of prosperity.

Our diplomatic attempts to settle this matter via private channels have been so far ignored by the Welsh Empire. Conti will therefore be left with no alternative but to publish this document, for all to see. The Great Council of the Bailiwick of Conti and the Council of Ten hereby urges the Welsh Empire to publicly renounce to its suzerainty over our island (RL Jersey – Channel Islands). Our very existence is a fact of life and said suzerainty is nothing short than illegitimate. We call upon the Empress to formally put an end to this historical fiction. Conti must take its rightful place among nations of the world.

Today the demise of the Welsh Empire marks effectively the fall of the last obstacle standing between Conti and its legitimate aspirations. On this day, the Bailiwick of Conti becomes a rightful member of the international community. Conti hereby reaffirms its existence to the world and wants to congratulate the Proxian Empire for achieving its long time ambition of uniting the island of Great Britain. It goes without saying that Conti does not harbour any territorial ambitions over any part of Great Britain. We are looking forward to establishing commercial and diplomatic ties with our northern neighbours. END QUOTE

Action replay: Welsh Empire goes bust, Scotland takes control and establishes a protectorate. King Penshuk then cedes the Channel Islands to Conti (hence the reference to the island of Great Britain reunited) . By the way Scotland's protectorate in the Iberic Peninsula are former possessions of the late Welsh Empire as well...

Now if you want further evidence, you can freely ask Scotland directly.

Provide the link as well please so we can use it to verify that claim.

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The Great Council of the Bailiwick of Conti and the Council of Ten hereby urges the Welsh Empire to publicly renounce to its suzerainty over our island (RL Jersey – Channel Islands)

You just basically asked them for it, you didn't claim it. So regardless of how this DOES swing in the end. Channel Islands are mine.

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As of the 9th, the 25-day rule was not firmly established in RP. You don't seem to realize that. At the moment I claimed your land inactivity was usually considered between 20-25 days, and my claim was accepted by many due to this.

From the PM i received, Stig is handing me your lands. And no, you did not claim the Welsh islands. I saw the PM and everything, it was still an OOC agreement not posted.

As of the 9th August my last post was barely 14 days old (26th July). I'm willing to believe it was just a mistake...

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As of the date you returned, the inactivity was over 20 days, thus making your claim invalid. Your nation was thus purged.

While my claim was made early, i was willing to give the land up if you returned before the 20 day mark, however, you did not. Thus the land and the ruling stands, I will not argue this further, I've made my point. You passed the 20 day mark, when I still had the land. The claim stands, regardless.

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As of the date you returned, the inactivity was over 20 days, thus making your claim invalid. Your nation was thus purged.

While my claim was made early, i was willing to give the land up if you returned before the 20 day mark, however, you did not. Thus the land and the ruling stands, I will not argue this further, I've made my point. You passed the 20 day mark, when I still had the land. The claim stands, regardless.

It creates an interesting precedent. We can now claim lands preventively.

I'm done for tonight. Sweet dreams CN.

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As of the date you returned, the inactivity was over 20 days, thus making your claim invalid. Your nation was thus purged.

While my claim was made early, i was willing to give the land up if you returned before the 20 day mark, however, you did not. Thus the land and the ruling stands, I will not argue this further, I've made my point. You passed the 20 day mark, when I still had the land. The claim stands, regardless.

You are not a GM.

You don't get to say who stays or goes.

GMs are the ones with the final say. Period. Let them figure what is or isn't valid.


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You are not a GM.

You don't get to say who stays or goes.

GMs are the ones with the final say. Period. Let them figure what is or isn't valid.


The Stig has told Elrich that Council of 10's claim is void. Thus, he no longer exists on the map. I think if the mapmaker says the claim is invalid, it's invalid.

EDIT: <_< There's only one mapmaker...

Edited by N Reeki
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The Stig has told Elrich that Council of 10's claim is void. Thus, he no longer exists on the map. I think if the mapmaker says the claim is invalid, it's invalid.

EDIT: <_< There's only one mapmaker...

So if the mapmaker decided that he wanted to make room in South America, it'd be alright, right? No, that logic is entirely flawed. We have GMs for a reason. We all appreciate the work mapmakers put into the maps, but that doesn't grant them powers beyond that of any other RPer. Again, we have GMs who have such powers to decide how the rules are carried out.

To be honest, whether or not a GM validates or invalidates the claim is inconsequential to me. I just find it incredibly annoying when people speak in finality when they do not sit in the right spot in the chain of command to do so.

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