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The Queen and the Musician


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Kotka, Molakia

Imperial Palace

Tsarina Romanov's Quarters


"So you are saying the Senate wants me to see a doctor?" Anna says, sipping on her mixed drink.


"Aye, they seem perplexed that you and the Late Nikolai never produced an heir..." Garrus Vakarian says, noticing the cringe from Anna at the mention of the Late Tsars Name. He takes a sip of his own drink and continues.

"The Senate, and indeed the people, have many questions: Is the Radiation in Molakia causing harm? Will the Family Continue? I believe going to see this Doc will be a good idea." He continues, lighting a Cigar.

Anna Lights her own, a Habit she picked up from Alexei Romanov, The Tsars Brother. "If you all must know, I blame the world. The few times we were...intimate....Well id rather not say. As for other times, we never saw each other. One of us was on Diplomatic Missions or Combat Missions."

"I hear ya...I havnt been in Kotka for weeks. Slavorussia was having issues with the southern areas. My Wife almost shot me, asking who I was!" He says, laughing.

Anna laughs as well. It has been a long time since she could relax. Garrus Vakarian was one of the Soldiers who helped found New Molakia, as he is a Vetrean of the Helsinki Cleanup. He also Helped Save the Tsarina from Hanseatic Rebels and Irish Forces.

"Alright...Ill do it." She says, slamming her drink down.

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Kotka University

Modern Music Studies

"Mr. Tankian, very Good! Very Powerful song! What do you call it?" The Professor asked, barely containing his joy.


"I call it BOOM!" He says, putting some anger in the word 'Boom'.

"Very good! What do you call your song Katrina, I forgot to ask you earlier."


"Misery Loves Company, Professor." She says, in a rather low tone.

"Very Nice, everyone! I have an announcement! In a few days, a few of you will be performing your various music types for the Queen! Ive picked several others already, but the last two will be Katrina and Serj! Congrats!"

The class is dismissed as Serj and Katrina pack up their equipment.

"Is it me, or does he seem very...happy?" Serj says, putting away his guitar.

"Aye. Makes me rather sick." Katrina responds, treating her Violin like a small child.

"Im not sure, its pretty cool seeing a Professor get into his work."

"That, or he is trying to get some credentials to get out of this vox hole." Katrina says in a snide tone.

"You know, you really need to get out more. You have a really negative outlook on the world."

Katrina almost smashes her violin over her head. She just smiles and walks away.

(OOC Notes: This is the same character from CNRPH, Katrina Zykova. CNRPH was a test run to see how I would make her character here. Serj is, of course, an actual person. I used his real name due to the Eastern Euro sounding-ness. Molakia has/had close ties to Armenia and Georgia, so there are a few thousand in and around the capital. Also, OOC Commentary is welcomed...to an extent. That means YOU Subtle. Take it easy on that stuff >.>)

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OOC: What, me abuse OOC? I would never! :P

OK, I'll admit I sometimes go overboard...

Anyway, i wondered if that was the same character you used in CNRPH, when I saw the name... :D You know, I actually have a cousin that has the same first name who happens to be getting married in a few weeks... *senses glares.* I know, I know, relevent comments only!

So...nice work, and all that jazz. :)

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Kotka Military Hospital


Doctor Dreznhov Ivanov Opens the door to the Room with Anna and her close friend Garrus.


"Lady Romanov, it is good to see you again. I have the results of your testing here."

"Alright...spill it Doc. Whats up?" She says, holding Vakarian's hand.

"According to these test, the Intense Radiation caused by the Cobalt Bombs of Helsinki, The Nuclear Attack of Helsinki, the Exposure to Radiation after and the Leftovers in Molakia have taken their toll. Im afraid that your body cannot conceive children, And even if you could, cannot carry to term." The Doctor says, sitting next to her.

Anna's face goes pale while Garrus nods his head. He cries into his shoulder as the Doctor leaves, preparring to shread the paperwork for this. The Senate does not need to know this...yet.

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Imperial Palace

Music/Movie Hall


As he finishes, Anna halfheartidly claps, not out of boredom or non-interest, but she is just tired. After the doctor appointment, she just does not have the energy to do anything.

The Next Performer, rather performers, take the stage. They set up their instruments and begin to play their song, called Beautiful Tragedy.

Anna is rather amused.


Theme to my life. She thinks to herself.

Several other performers later, a rather Gothic looking woman appears on stage. Anna is perplexed: While Molakia is a haven for dark stuff, rarely do you see someone that dedicated to their looks.


"Hello. My Name Is Katrina Zykova. Im here to play a song for the Tsarina. Hope you all enjoy it." She says, her soft voice echoing from the microphone. The Crowd expects more angsty rock....

They are Wrong.

Anna Ivanova stands at the end of the song and gives the first Standing Ovation of the night. Katrina bows politely and locks eyes with Serj. He gives a thumbs up. She then makes eye contact with The Tsarina.

She was dead the whole night...and she gets excited over me? Huh... She thinks to herself.

(OOC: Many of you ask why Molakia is so Emo. This will be touched on in my next RP storyline, a Quasi-Canon history of Molakia. It will be filled with appearances from Ares, Zeus, The Roman Empire and various other historical peoples.)

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Imperial Palace

Kotka, Molakia


Anna, Serj, Garrus and Katrina all walk into the private den of the Imperial Palace.

"Well, what you think? I decided to add this cozy little room to use during the winter. Isnt it great?!" Anna exclaims, showing everyone to a seat. Serj looks at the Tsarina with "little boy crush" eyes as Garrus grabs some vodka and Katrina grabs the recliner seat on the larger couch. She takes the drink from Garrus and smiles. The Tsarina sits between the Young Woman and the Military Guardian.

"You may be all wondering why i asked you two here. Well, it is simple: Molakia needs more names! Besides our lovely military and politcal people, Molakia has few stars to call its own. Now, Ive asked the Record Companies in Molakia for a favor! Let me be the first to congratulate you both on getting onto a label. But, before I get ahead, you are free to decline or postpone this until after you both leave the University." Anna says, drinking her glass.

Serj yells in excitement as the Queen and General look on. Katrina just smiles and looks away from the group. Garrus notices this.

"Id never expect you to have nothing to say after that! I would be thrilled beyond words too, thou." He says, trying to bring this odd flower to life.

"It...its just that ive never thought I deserved something like this. I cannot thank you enough." she says, looking at the Tsarina.

"No problem girl! Now drink! Consider yourselves guest of the queen tonight, have fun! Now, excuse me and Garrus for a second.." She says, grabbing her friend and soldier. They both leave, as Katrina and Serj begin to talk about what they hope to do.


"What is it my queen?"

"I have an odd feeling Garrus..." she starts, looking down.

"I know, I feel it too. Ill look into Serj for you tonight before lea..." he starts, getting his laptop before Anna stops him.

"No. Not him. Its Katrina...I just got all...Happy when I saw her. Last time I felt this was....when Nikolai..." she says, starting to cry at the end.

"When he did what Anna?"

"When he told me he loved me before he left for Hansa. I think I have feelings for this woman...." She says, looking back into the room at the Musicians.

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(OOC: Ever since ive created the character during the Cobalt Bombings of Helsinki ive been planning something along these lines. The Epicness of my writing will only get better in the Final chapter of the Romanov Saga....muhahahaha.)

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After they finish, Katrina and Serj give the Queen a standing ovation. Anna smiles at the two as Garrus puts down his guitar.

"How did you two like it?" She ask, looking away from Katrina.

"Very Nice, I didnt realize our Queen had the voice of an Angel." Serj Says, while Katrina nods. She looks at the Tsarina and notices that she averts her eyes. Serj does not notice this, and ask Garrus about his guitar skills. Anna gets up and mixes another drink, while Katrina just listens to Garrus and Serj.


Several Hours Later

Imperial Palace

Guest Quarters

Breaking Point


"Here you are Mr. Serj! You are guest of the Crown, so you will be treated as such!" Anna says, opening the door to a rather lavish room. Inside is not only Tankian's stuff but some gifts including a Ceremonial Kar98k Rifle from Garrus and a Guitar Signed by The Queen.

Garrus helps Serj unpack while Anna and Katrina walk down to the next Room. It is even more lavish then the last. It contains a Custom Sword from Garrus and a Violin from Anna.


"Here you go Katrina! I picked this one just for you!"

Katrina's eyes go wide as she takes in the room. She walks around and lightly touches the furniture. She goes to the Sword and picks it up. She gives it a few swings and places it back down. She runs over to the Queen and gives her a giant bear hug, surprising the Queen.

"Thank you so much Anna! Ive always wanted to actually stay in a room like this...feel like I actually belong in a time other than this!" she says, squeezing the life out of the girl.

"You're....Welcome!" is all Anna can say, not realizing how muscular and strong this woman is. Katrina turns around and walks away...but doesnt get far before Anna grabs her and plants a strong kiss on her lips.

(OOC: DUN DUN DUN! Watch your step, its a long fall.)

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(OOC: Im moving this RP quicker then I want to in order to beat out the start of College.)

Katrina backs away from the Tsarina, a part shocked and part questioning look on her face. She backs away from the door and closes it, then slides down the door into a sitting position. On the other side, Anna does the same.

Wow. Is all katrina thinks to herself, staring at the wall.

Vox! I can't believe I did that! Anna says, punching herself in the face lightly in fustration.

Katrina gets up and walks to her bed. Thousands of thoughts run through her head. Her hateful mother, her drug addict father...all the boys that broke her heart and the girls who made it worse.

"I dont know anything about her...but..." she says, tears starting to form. Anna gets up from her position and walks from the room. Katrina opens the door as she walks and grabs her arm, pulling her into the room.

"What was that?!" Katrina says, shaking a little.

"I don't...Im sorry Katrina! Im just so tired of being alone and I have feelings for you, even thou I do...." is what Anna manages to say before being pulled into a kiss only seen in certain movies.

"It's ok..." Katrina says, breaking the lock. "I know what its like...lets just see where this goes then, eh?"

Anna looks at katrina and smiles, locking the door behind her as music is heard throughout the room for the night.

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Anna wakes up the next morning, a smile on her face. She looks over to the sleeping figure next to her and giggles. She gets up and makes some coffee for herself. She notices Katrina stir and eventually wake up.

"What the heck happened?" Katrina asked, holding her head.

"Little bit of drinking, little bit of music and alot of...other things." Anna says with a smile. She walks over to Katrina and hands her a cup of coffee. She gives katrina a kiss on the cheek and walks over to the closet to get changed.

"How are we going to explain this to your people? The World?" Katrina says, also changing.

"Simple. We tell them and vox the response. My biggest worry is the Senate. Because of them problems of making an heir between us...they could force me to abdicate the throne." Anna responds, pulling her corset tight.

"Doubtful. The people would murder them...and I would too!" She says with a laugh. Anna hugs her from behind and gives her another kiss.

"So...we do this today?" Katrina ask in a low voice.


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Imperial Palace

Kotka, Molakia

Press Room

MNN Special Report!

Tsarina to address nation and World.


Greetings people of Molakia, Europe and the world. Many of you know me already from several other speechs and statements. For those who dont, I am Anna Ivanova-Romanov, Tsarina of the Molakia. Several weeks ago, my husband and Tsar of this land Nikolai Romanov killed himself for unknown reasons. Since then.....Life has been horrible. Many of you share my pain, losing friends, loved ones in the wars that raged across mother europe, Asia and africa.

Heed my words. Life goes on. Continue to move on with your life. My husband knows this, and his soul rests easy in the afterlife. Many of you have questioned who the woman next to me is over the last few days.


He name is Katrina Zykova, and we are in love. Her music is beautiful...and I just fell from there. She loves me just as much I do her. We care not for the opinions of the world at large...only of our nation. The people have shown their support for the crown in months long ago, and we hope for their support now. I ask the Senate to follow the peoples will.

What are our plans? Run this country side by side as best we can. I hereby, by Royal Decree, name Katrina Zykova Viceroyal of the Kingdom of Molakia, Placing her second in the line of succession. It is the least I can do for the woman who has stolen my heart.

Thank you.

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"We, the Church, really don't have a choice when it comes to our opinion on this because of previous declarations made by the Church. So please don't take it too badly when we say that we think you're confusing love with extremely strong friendship."

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I would respond to that, but you assume I care what a church thinks. Insulting heads of state is a rather bad idea.

Office of the Vice Royal, Katrina Zykova

The office of the Tsarina agrees with the statement from the office of the Viceroyalty.

Office of the Tsarina, Anna Romanov

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God-Empress Haruhi Suzumiya and Crown-Princess Sakuya Hayashi wish to congratulate this perspective couple on their announcement. Our Empire does not view same-sex marriages within the negative light, and tolerates them. They do not contradict either our society, or our religion. Other nations should be quick to review their thoughts and perceptions, before using their religion or national beliefs to bash those of another.

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Other nations should be quick to review their thoughts and perceptions, before using their religion or national beliefs to bash those of another.

"Firstly, we aren't a nation. Secondly, religion is the only thing we have. Thirdly, we didn't have a choice when approving or disapproving. Fourthly, we tried to make it so that it would be polite. We don't want to bash anyone."

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Imperial Retreat

Classified Location

Anna and Katrina both stand out on the deck of their mountain retreat. They observe the surrouding land with a smile.

"Whats next love?" Anna says, holding Katrina from behind.

"Life." Katrina replies, looking out to the Molakian Special Forces Helicopter overhead, waving at the troops heading for training.



Now, the Final Act in the Romanov Saga....Atleast a snippit!


"Brother. Have you ever wondered why you could not kill me during the civil war?"


"It is because our family is stubborn...our curse is to bring ruin to the world at any cost. If one of us dies....the ruin cannot be complete. Antonev knew that."

"What about Antonev? What does he have to do with this!"

"Oh brother.....Sergei was not only our brother in arms..."

"You mean..."

"Yes Brother. Frolov was one of us....an actual brother."

"You sick.....It doesn't matter now. Lets finish this, Alexei. Only one of us can lead Europe and Molakia to the golden age."

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