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Alaskan Deployments


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"The hypothetical negotiation in Anchorage could be televised, no problems. Although we'd prefer that only Tahoe and Procintian participated, a wholly neutral party (ergo, not ourselves or the World Congress due to obvious conflict of alignments) would be acceptable to mediate the talks - Viniland would merely provide the grounds and security, which happen to be near the zone of tension."
These are acceptable terms for a conference, I’ll spend someone over as soon as you host the event (post the thread)

– assuming Tahoe approves of these conditions.

Edited by Generalissimo
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Xaristan offers to serve both as mediator and provide the necessary television equipment for this international broadcast. We have no vested interest in either side of this dispute, and have held relatively good relations with both Procinta and Tahoe to this point.

Also, we invite Procinta citizens to come to the sandy beaches of Xaristan for their vacations... it would be a welcome change from the chilly Bering.

Edited by Pravus Ingruo
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How is Tahoe's acts of defending its sovereignty and Viniland's acts of supporting its ally "despicable"?

This is no longer about the islands, but Proctinctian sovereing waters that Tahoe sent vessels into.

"Quite honestly, as we review the situation, this seems to be a storm in a teacup. We're not even sure anymore what the main issue is here, so we invite both Tahoe and Procinctia to settle the dispute in Anchorage.

Viniland has recalled its troops from the Alaskan coast, but will maintain a force of 2,000 men and women belonging to the East Alaskan militia along the area."

We commend Viniland for this move.

We are not committing any offensive action against Procinctia and their government playing the victim is only distracting from the real issue: the sovereignty of the islands along the Alaskan Coast, all of which belong to Tahoe with the sole exception of the Aleutian Chain. The despicible acts of cowardice shown by the Procinctian government are nothing more than trying to cover up their illegitimate claims that started this dispute. Their characterization as Tahoe as the agressor here is patently false as we have taken no offensive action against Procinctia and instead are merely sending forces to demonstrate that the people of Alaska will not be oppressed by a foreign power.

As a token of our goodwill, we invite Procinctia to talks hosted by Viniland in Anchorage.

So you deny sending fishing and military vessels into Proctinctian waters?

"Seems like we have a mediator and both parties consenting to negotiate. Arrangements will be made in order to accommodate the talks."

OOC: I'll make a separate thread in a few.

EDIT: OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65513

OOC: In that case, this thread can probably be closed...

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