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Why? Why did you do this to me?

Sarah Tintagyl

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“Is it unfair to kill millions to save billions?

I’m not giving excuses, but there’s more to it.

Kane’s little Tiberium pet has potential, she might even one day match your strength, I prevented them from creating more like Katrina Zykova.

One is more than enough and she’s already interfacing with N-17, it’s that machine’s designation if you didn’t already know.

Without Temple Prime, or Kotka for that matter, Kane doesn’t have the same resources to support N-17.”

Edited by Generalissimo
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"Tiberium cannot match my powers. Not if I ever come across her; she can't prevent me from taking the fight to the Dark Realm, where regardless of anything she does, I win. Besides, with each passing day I grow stronger. Did you know that this is now within my power?" Dark wisps of energy rose from the ground, swirling about until they formed A Dark Thorn, one of the greater beasts of Darkness.

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"You align your pieces along the axis of a hero of light who still doesn't know how to use her powers; who has a weakness for collateral damage; who's conscience may forestall the killing stroke until it's too late. And you both delay my own goals, making me not particularly inclined to assist you, but also slaughter innocents. I suppose you don't realize though; everything begins in Darkness, and everything will end with it."

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"Your sort of darkness can’t exactly exist in a vacuum; it’s the darkness that resides in the heart of all men. Your natural disposition limits sight through a false dynamic, the prism of a light-dark dichotomy. There are other forces at work beyond Darkness and Light; each with their own personifications, champions, and avatars. Order and Chaos is one such alternative configuration of contention, but neither is inherently dark or light.

Lady Tintagyl doesn’t realize her potential because she hasn’t fully conceptualized the foundation of her power. . . what’s the hurry? I'm not particularly worried.

I haven’t delayed your goals, because nearly everything would have eventually happened with or without my interference."

Edited by Generalissimo
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Valdis was still leaning against the wall, watching the two people as they talked of things unknown to her. regardless, they seemed important enough, and as such she filed them away in a corner of her mind for the moment she might be able to put it into the proper context. She tilted her head, cracking some joints in her neck before continuing to listen.

The shadowy creatures were interesting, and she wondered how they'd fare in a battle against one of her undead constructs. Still, the similarity in their powers told her that he most likely shared the same weaknesses. Yes, a match would most definitely be interesting to watch.

But not now though. Answers were being given, and even though she did not know the questions they answered it would still come in useful to know.

Edited by Amyante
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Through the eyes of Vicis Superstes...

Vicis Superstes prepared to leave with a few others to start finding the beings they needed for their mission, and to investigate them for the Empire. Majousor, a carbine-wielding and very smart Artures who was curious of the beings of planet earth, used the World Wide Web to learn what seemed to be a dominant language: the English language. Along with Maj came Ufornum, carrying a missile launcher and loved to tinker with various things, and was an excellent hacker.

The three would head out to a far away location...

Vicis, Majousor, and Ufornum prepared to land on Saint-Paul island. "Weapons at the ready." commented Vicis on the internal com. The other two Artures clicked their tongues in agreement. He scanned the island for threats and possible allies, spoting the group. "Land half a click away." The other two again clicked. Majousor moved ahead to land first.

"Be wary. There are some sort of turrets down there, and they ain't hackable." Ufornum's voice came through the com. "But theres no punch in them. I'd advise either evasion or destruction."

"We may get a responce with destruction, and the super's are the closest. Ufornum, fire your weapon at those in our way. But none of the others."

"Roger that." Vicis watched Ufor brought his weapon to bear, braced, and fired. Then again. And again. The three turrents in their way got pierced, then crushed themselves in sharp kraks, like lightning. Debris nearby also crushed the turrets.

They landed, then walked in the direction of the super's.

Edited by JerreyRough
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OOC: I'm waiting for Sarah or anybody else. :(

OOC: Well then, I'll come in on the conversation then. /OOC

The three Artures approached the location of the super humans, weapons drawn and watching their corners for movement. Ufornum reloaded his weapon to its max capacity of 5 rockets in a revolver-like fashion, while Majousor picked up half a cell phone to investigate it. Vicis moved up to a higher piece of debris to get an eye on the super's a block from their current location.

Vicis watched two super humans bicker and talk, and seeing some darkness rippling around on fellow he opened up one of his pockets. His lower hand rummaged around attempting to find what he was looking for, finding it near the bottom: a small handgun, just barely big enough for the Artures to handle. His other lower hand raced down a tube, a very long tube, until he found its counterpart: a globe of pure swirling blackness, the ammunition for the human-made weapon attached to it. The Darkness inside was not bullets nor' rockets, but creatures of darkness that were propelled a short distance before becoming themselves once more and lashing out in great anger at the closest thing. Effective to kill something, but afterward you yourself need to deal with it; thus why Vicis kept the globe as a trophy (and also why the alter-universe humanity stopped creating the weapons after a short period of time). It was the same gun that threatened him for five years before the uprising.

After pondering the weapon and remembering its owner, he pocketed it once more and looked in the direction of the super beings. By this time Majousor threw away the cell phone screen in not finding anything, making his way to Vicis. Ufornum hacked a satellite and through his suit flipped through different channels.

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Kevin eyed the newcomers with distaste. The four-armed creatures would likely put up a hell of a fight, and the technology apparent even just looking at them was far beyond the kind of capabilities Earth had. And something about one of them screamed 'Darkness'; the leader was very near a source of the stuff.

"Mind telling me what you're doing here, I'm very busy." Kevin conjured up a ball of Darkness in one hand and flicked it into the air. It idly began orbiting around him almost lazily, ready to speed off in a self-immolating ball of destruction at a moment's notice.

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OOC: Just an update, but my char is still trying to figure why everyone's getting these powers all of a sudden, and is still listening to Kevin and Generalissimo. So yeah... still RPing here as well.

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OOC: Heh, I was a block away before :P. I'll assume the Artures closed the distance. /OOC

Kevin eyed the newcomers with distaste. The four-armed creatures would likely put up a hell of a fight, and the technology apparent even just looking at them was far beyond the kind of capabilities Earth had. And something about one of them screamed 'Darkness'; the leader was very near a source of the stuff.

"Mind telling me what you're doing here, I'm very busy." Kevin conjured up a ball of Darkness in one hand and flicked it into the air. It idly began orbiting around him almost lazily, ready to speed off in a self-immolating ball of destruction at a moment's notice.

Vicis ignored the ball and walked closer, stopping several meters away from Kevin.

"My, is that a way to treat an alien you know nothing about?" He shook his head. "Watch movies more often, shadow leader." Vicis took the darkness globe out and his trophy gun. "My name is Vicis, watching defender of the Arturan Expedition on this planet. This here," he points to Majousor, "Is my loyal friend Majousor. Behind him is Ufornum."

Vicis chuckles. "I would like to know what your name is, and I would like knowing what you think of us." He tossed the sphere up and caught it in his right hand.

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Something about the orb in the alien's hand beckoned to Kevin, whispering its' seductive tales of ever-growing power over Darkness. Power radiated from the ball on spectrums invisible to human eyes and Kevin saw it all. There was something in that sphere, something which very much warranted obtaining.

"An exchange, then. Give me that sphere and I will answer any questions you may have."

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OOC: Forgot ma teal text! Also, damn the c-word filter! :( /OOC

Something about the orb in the alien's hand beckoned to Kevin, whispering its' seductive tales of ever-growing power over Darkness. Power radiated from the ball on spectrums invisible to human eyes and Kevin saw it all. There was something in that sphere, something which very much warranted obtaining.

"An exchange, then. Give me that sphere and I will answer any questions you may have."

Vicis continued to juggle the ball.

"Without knowing even your name? We have no indication that you will not answer any questions whatsoever, especially if you are who we have gathered you are." He stopped juggling the ball, c***ing his head sideways. "But trust has to start somewhere, doesn't it? Especially for one in your position." Vicis walks forward with the ball outstretched in one hand. As he got closer, the Artures height and mass was clearly dormant; he was 8-foot 10-inches in height, and each arm was visibly larger in the chain mail-like cloth in the undersides of the armor. Vicis still held his rifle in his lower arms, but it was lowered at the ground.

Ufornum attached his launcher to his back, eying the other people nearby. Then he beckoned at Kevin with his right hands. "Don't you try anything silly with your darkness. I do have a weapon that you would find...distasteful."

Vicis opened a private channel with Ufor. "Careful, Ufor. Even with the Beacon it would be a hard fight if he finds us too threatening." Ufornum detached from the channel, then grunted for all to see. He didn't like the look of Kevin at all.

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Generalissimo decides to intervene, saving the newcomers from an end worse than most possible deaths,

“No need to unleash the darkness on the three stooges here, they’re expected guests.”

Turning to Vicis, Majousor, and Ufornum Generalissimo continues,

“Can’t you see the adults are trying having a conversation here; I was trying to explain the dynamics of metaphysical manifestations until you interrupted.

I’m surprised Kevin didn’t notice, but now that nearly everyone’s here we can almost really get started.”

*Generalissimo lazily points his cigar towards Valdis’ concealment*

“I’m talking to you, the person hiding behind one of the three freestanding walls on the island, nearly the loveliest lady in this wasteland.”

Edited by Generalissimo
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Kevin's eyes flicked angrily to the Generalissimo, but outwardly he showed no signs of preparing any sort of attack. Indeed, he was trying an ideal experience for him; negotiating without any intended violence. He stalked forward to the four-armed alien, and stood with an arm outstretched in front of him.

"I will answer all your questions." His voice started to take on the double timbre indicating both personalities were active. "Anything within my power."

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Figuring that she might as well come out into the open now that her presence had been made known, Valdis stood up, pulling herself up and over the wall she had been hiding behind. Though swuch would have put her in plain sight of virtually every remaining turret in the area, they did not fire, nor did Valdis appear to acknowledge them as a threat.

Once over the wall, she brushed the rubble off her hands before looking at those present, shrugging as if to say 'Well, now that i'm here, what's next?'. The words that came out of her mouth partially answered her own silent question however.

- "I'm Valdis."

And with that, she leaned against the wall again, waiting for the others to start talking.

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