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Why? Why did you do this to me?

Sarah Tintagyl

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Someone had some explaining to do...

Sarah could still decently remember what Generalissimo had said to her in Jerusalem, that he had known about her, the dragon, the dark warrior that had become of the Imperator, everything. She had never gotten an answer there, but this time, she decided that she was entitled to one. Everything thing had changed in one defining moment, one moment she was on a tour of a chemical plant, the next, she was being enveloped in a green gas. One moment she was was reading a book in her library, the next moment, she was writhing in pain on the floor as she watched her body, her muscles beginning to grow. In less then two days, she had become superhuman and adding that to an already hectic lifestyle, plus the powersuit that Qin had given to her. Sarah wasn't even Sarah anymore. She was entitled to an explanation.

Leaving Giza again, she turned towards the north and blasted off through the air as quick as she could, the wind whistling across her armored body, nearly at the speed of sound. Sarah looked below her, watching the deserts of the Middle East, change into the jungles of Southern Asia, into the steppes of China and the desolation of Siberia. Finally hours later, she beheld the destruction that existed as Procinta. Saint-Paul island to be exact. It was a game of networking for her, which she wouldn't have been able to do without Qin's armor. Recently, the destruction of a Molakian location could be traced with extreme patience back to Procinta. This couldn't be done by Molakia, or even the Dragon Chairman's nano-bots. Sarah possessed something different, she had the technology of the Brii and no one else had that.

Her feet landed on the gravel of the ruins of Saint Paul Island as she scanned the surface of the ruined city. It was her first time on the island and to be honest, she was horrified at what had become of the people. She stepped forward trying to uncover the fading signal, unsure at just what was in front of her.

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Saint Paul City Wasteland, Saint Paul Isand

If Sarah had ever bothered to read through her copy (a leather-bound, first print, third edition, signed by Generalissimo, given to her in person by Generalissimo himself) of Generalissimo’s Saint Paul City Wasteland Survival Guide she would have known this was one the few parts of the island not cleared by the White Cross reclamation teams – it’s something Sarah would have known if she spent more attention to the weekly subcommittee reports of the organization she managed.

It was the same inhospitable wasteland Generalissimo survived a year in absolute isolation, with the same hazards.

As soon as Sarah’s feet touched the ground, four of the Republic of War automated turrets which had been previously idling waiting to kill anything larger than a cat opened fire on the perceived intruder.


Reverse engineered from the Slavorussia Imperial Palace’s automated defenses the Republic of War sentry guns are equipped with auto-tracking, two cameras infrared and night vision, zooming capabilities, sophisticated pattern recognition to detect the difference between humans and objects, ceramic armor plating, and a 5.5mm machine-gun with a ridiculous rate of fire.

Edited by Generalissimo
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Kevin stepped out of a swirling Corridor of Darkness still drinking a carton of Blood. He had come to find an explanation for the destruction of Molakia. He noticed the presence of Auto Turrets and promptly cloaked himself in a cloud of Darkness. The aura absorbed radar waves, equalized temperature, and scrambled targeting systems. This gave the guns a few seconds of hesitation, in which Kevin blasted them to their constituent molecules with Dark Energy.

He noted the sound of firing nearby and went to investigate.

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Valdis overlooked the destruction in Procinctia. Though she did not know it was Procinctia, or even whether or not this had been a battleground similar to the ones in Giza, Jerusalem and more recently Hong Kong, fact remained that it was obviously a battleground of some sorts. Still, that hadn't been what had drawn her to this place. What drew her was the sense of death from Sarah as well as several others that had been present in the fighting over Hong Kong.

She landed on the ground, calmly walking up to where she sensed it but interrupted by gunfire to her side. The gunfire didn't bother her that much, mainly because none of it was aimed at her. She was dead already, showing up on the sensors as a human shaped object giving off the same amount of heat as a random tumbleweed would have. And so, she kept on walking over to where she could sense Sarah, or rather the cycle of decay and rebirth that her cells naturally went through. It was a far more efficient way of tracking than trivial things of a physical nature like heat or movement as long as she kept focusing on the signal.

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"Shi-" She couldn't even get the words out of her mouth before the turrets opened fired on her. Being caught totally off guard, Sarah had barely time to run, let alone devise a plan and as she did so the bullets from the turret caught her hard against the chest and pushed her back into the rubble of an abandoned building. She screamed in pain as the bullets bounced and pinged again the power suit and felt her legs leave the ground as she tumbled back and the firing stopped.

Sarah opened her eyes, she was still alive and while the pain was throbbing in her chest, there was no real internal damage to her body. Her internal status appeared on the sensor near her eyes. No damage at all. But now she was stuck, the turret was no doubt still aiming at her and any move she made she would be blasted by a hail of bullets again. She thought for a moment and closed her eyes as her fingers gripped the trigger of the laser cannon. "One shot. That's all I need is one shot." Charging up the laser, she took a deep breath before jumping off the ground as the bullets hailed towards her again, but they were met by a steady river of laser power coming from the cannon and when the smoke cleared, there was no contest to see who had won the challenge. Sarah stood once again alone in the rubble as she bowed her head and continued walking across the desolation.

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Kevin eyed the distant figure in power armor with suspicion; that kind of power was not built on this world. First superheroes, and then alien technology? It was a strange, strange world he lived in. But, all things being equal, Kevin had to start contact with the figure. 'And,' he thought with a grin, 'that can be with a show of force.'

A Dark Corridor swirled open in front of him, and Kevin stepped through only after spending the time to draw up his deep hood over his head. He emerged a scant ten feet in front of the mechanical construct and wasted no time. An orb of Darkness formed itself in his hands, and he smashed it into the ground. Shadows raced out from the impact, covering the ground in a murky black darkness before arcing overhead to block out the sun. With the supervolcano already dimming the rays of light, there would be no way out.

Dark Creatures began rising up out of the mist; Neoshadows and their brothers rising up from the ground like soldiers made of earth. They hopped from foot to foot, eager to tear the newcomer limb from limb as soon as their master granted them permission.

Kevin faded into the Darkness, his voice being amplified by the Darkness and coming from every direction. "State your purpose on this island."

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Kevin faded into the Darkness, his voice being amplified by the Darkness and coming from every direction. "State your purpose on this island."
A finger poked Kevin’s supposedly incorporeal insubstantial doppelganger on the back of the head, “I live here” Edited by Generalissimo
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"State your purpose on this island."

Though the sound would have come from every direction from Kevin's point of view, this was not true for everyone. Valdis had been standing quite a bit further away, and as such would have been able to hear many voices shout out as one from a general area to the west of her. Though she did not recognize whom they belonged to there was still a sense of familiarity from the area, and figuring the turrets weren't in a talkative mood she decided to go and see who it was. Well... aside from Sarah, apparently.

She walked towards where the three people stood with no fear, the few turrets that were still standing in the area not firing a single shot at her despite the fact that she didn't seem to bother taking cover. Taking a deep breath -- even if she didn't need to breathe, habits were hard to break -- she leaned against the ruins of a nearby wall, waiting for the situation to unfold as she focused on the deaths of the three in front of her. They seemed to have powers as well, and it never hurt to be able to find them later on...

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Before Kevin could stop it, his Doppelganger snarled out at the being which walked up to the outside of the barrier. "Stay away, spawn of Hell! This does not concern you." The Darkness swirling in a barrier around both himself and the technologically advanced intruder swelled to an impenetrable barrier of Shadows, uncrossable to any but himself.

In effect, he had just moved the confrontation to the Dark Realm.

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Note to Self - maybe poking entity of darkness in the back of head isn’t a good idea.

Generalissimo was about to realize the significant difference between knowing of the Dark Realm and experiencing the Dark Realm.

All Generalissimo could perceive was an endless expanse of darkness, overwhelming and penetrating. . . it was too much, Generalissimo faded from consciousness and retreated into the deepest depth of his psyche.

Edited by Generalissimo
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It seemed like hours, days, maybe months. . . but Generalissimo eventually reoriented himself.

“Do you think the Realm of Darkness is enough to ensnare me?

! ! ! Just Who The Hell Do You Think I Am ? ? ?

I am Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia!!!

With this the darkness slowly faded into the wasteland and both Kevin and his reunited doppelganger faced Generalissimo.

“Next time you might want to be a little more careful with that, someone could have gotten hurt.”

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The Darkness had faded only because both the alien had refused to speak with him and Kevin agreed with his Doppelganger that confronting the General would be the most prudent course of action. In a pinch, he could always just dissolve the island under a sea of Dark Creatures, wiping it from existence.

"Generalissimo. You have some explaining to do."

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“You’re the one who has to do the explaining, as the only government official on the island I am responsible for processing all new arrivals.

With the authority of the Procintia Aviation, Customs, Excise, Fiscal, Revenue, Maritime, Port, Service, Tariff, Tax, Trade Services Administration I would like to ask you a few questions.

Are you an agent of Kaiser Martens, a Dark Hand cell, or the Republic of War infiltrating Procintia?

Are you here on a business, tourist, or immigration visa?

How long to you plan to stay in Procintia. . ."

Generalissimo continues the pointless immigration and customs questions.

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"The answer to those last few questions," Kevin's eye began twitching slightly, "depends entirely on how long you take answering MY questions. And, admittedly depending on the answers, how long it takes to rip your soul out of your body." He flicked a wrist, and Darkness swirled and formed a blade.

"So, tell me. Were you responsible for the destruction of Molakia?"

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Generalissimo shrugged, noticeably unimpressed by Kevin’s display of power.

"Sure, why not? It sounds like something I would come up with.

I have other visitors – they’re already on the island. I think you can already guess who.

They’ll here soon and want the same answers to the same questions, and I hate answering questions more then once."

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Molakian Naval Task Force

Off The Coast of Procinta

Garrus Vakarian puts down his Binoculars as he looks out to the Islands of Procinta. The Corvettes of the Molakian Navy fire off Missles as Several dozen Marines unload onto the Island. Their Mission: Capture Generalissimo Dead or Alive.

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"Was there a purpose to this...wanton destruction?" As he struggled to control his rage and hatred, Kevin's eyes slowly shifted to an infected yellow color. Darkness began steaming off of his form like smoke from a smoldering fire. His boots slowly oozed out shadows which twisted the ground beneath him into a mocking specter of what it was, dirt rendered sterile and the rubble recomposing itself into jeering statues of creatures not known to man, Things-That-Should-Not-Be.

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Generalissimo didn't flinch an inch.

“Mol is Nod, Boris is Kane, Kotka was Temple Prime – what is there to know?”

Garrus Vakarian puts down his Binoculars as he looks out to the Islands of Procinta. The Corvettes of the Molakian Navy fire off Missles as Several dozen Marines unload onto the Island. Their Mission: Capture Generalissimo Dead or Alive.
Generalissimo knowingly laughs to himself because time passes differently in the Wasteland.

It would take days (if not weeks) for a single marine or missile to reach anywhere near here.

Out of Character: Conversation thread, no external battles here – just talking, one one one confrontation, and the typical wasteland hazards.

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"Simple. You condemned the innocent people of a nation to a horrible death for little reason aside from destroying a few people you didn't like." Kevin's zone of Darkness began seeping deeper into the soil. Its' touch began to twist the very air to his will.

"Do you believe yourself protector of the human race? No. Not even beings of my, and admittedly Sarah's caliber can claim that title."

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"I don’t presume myself protector of the world - this world is beyond saving in it’s current form.

I didn’t destroy Kotka, the liquid Tiberium Nod was stockpiling under Temple Prime destroyed Kotka.

If Nod was allowed to carry their plan to its ultimate conclusion a decade from now this world would have been rendered uninhabitable to human because of an insignificant green rock. It was already going to happen eventually, I just moved the destruction up few years ahead of schedule."

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"I don't care about this world, it's one in an ocean of billions!" Kevin glared angrily at the Generalissimo. "There are ways to destroy Tiberium; such as simply eroding it with my powers. Much less what a concerted governmental effort could do. You destroyed a NATION. Millions of people. All the while ignoring the threat of that Dragon Creature and hindering my own efforts to find answers."

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Generalissimo took a moment to light his trademark cigar.

“You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

So I killed millions, on a whim.

I thought the avatar of darkness would be more understanding, look into the depth of my soul and you’ll find something as dark as you are.”

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