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SU Becomes INT Protectorate

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NV congrats INT and SU! As diplomat for NV to SU we too were in consideration by SU to protect them, in my time there SU and it's members have shown great respect, I hope small issues of ideology don't shine a bad light upon it's leadership and members.

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It's not a real INT announcement thread until TL trolls it.

Congrats to INT and SU


Indeed, I'm getting sick of us LSFers not having anything for me to announce and thus have the legendary Litler grace us like obliged children visting a dear relation in a nursing home.

Far be it from me, an originator of the International's old foreign policy of "Absorb new leftists, and ask questions later" (aka Mastabo-Gelibolism), to question such a step by INT to essentially validate the existence of the SU. In fact, I think I'll spark up a tree to this.

In Solidarity,


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Sad to see that the Soviet Union AKA the Evil Empire (Ronald Reagan) has acquired a protector.

The United States of CN has recalled it's forces... :P

Congrats all and Velken whom I've spoken with....but not in a while...hmmmm is he up to something?

sorry, RED SCARE

take care SU

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...I'm going to do you a favor and inform you here and now that this isn't how things work on the world stage. You don't decide when this issue is over. Having brought the issue into the spotlight, I, however, do get to decide when I am satisfied with the explanation you've given me. For the moment, I am not satisfied.

Let me explain how it works to you, comrade. Your opinions, decisions, and satisfaction are irrelevant here. The International does not consult Tom Litler on its foreign policy decisions, nor is your satisfaction (or even your existence) a consideration.

The door is right behind you. Kindly use it. And don't let it smack you on the way out.


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