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Khmer Falling... the Battle for Phnom Penh

Maelstrom Vortex

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Centcom HQ, Khmer Front

"General Rong, word has it the enemy is implementing scorched earth policies and are using ferocious urban guerrilla tactical retreat tactics. They're firebombing their own buildings and collapsed the sewers." The Lt. stated. "We're estimating 200 dead, several hundred more casualties. What are your orders, sir?"

"Scorched Earth, eh?" Release the Dobermans.. it'll delay their sabotage attempts and give them away in their retreat.

"Yes Sir! Sending in the War Dog Brigade." the Lt. Replied.

The War Dog Brigade was another of Dragonisia's atypical and asymmetrical battlefield tactics. The Dragonisian Army was a master at exploiting the resources in its environment to capitalize upon during times of conflict. The War Dog brigade was a masterful representation of this. The Dogs were trained in a number of missions, but this particular brigade was an attack brigade. The dogs roles were to silently enter the city.. when they identified enemy forces by uniform or insignia, they were trained to bark.. and act kind of playful to keep the enemy off guard and to make them seem more of an inconvenience. The dogs carried no markers and wore the tags of pets with addresses from within the city. The dogs.. were doing a covert attack. By barking when they identified an enemy unit, they would give away the enemy's positions and since only Dobermans were being used.. a very distinct bark would act as clear markers to the Dragonisian Military. They would signal where there enemy was and what they were doing.

"Speed up the advance.. if they're using scorched earth.. they're desperate. Our best bet to stop their butchery is to over-run them. Begin the assaults from the other cardinal directions around the city.. begin operation pressure cooker. The enemy is encapsulated, surrounded, cut off from the world. Soon they will be out of ammunition. It is time we destroyed them. Just to be on the safe side.. make sure that our ground sonars are in use to make sure we're not missing any active subterranean supply tunnels that may be in use at this time by our enemies. Inform the 2nd Armored Division spearheading the northern assault that I want them downtown by sunset tomorrow if possible."

The Lt. saluted and went to perform his duties.

Rong was a master of the 3 dimensional battle space. He had learned from Anthony Davis during his time serving in Dragonisia. If he won this battle decisively.. he would go home a war hero and a political juggernaut.

The Streets of Phnom Penh about Noonish: Day 2

A cute doberman strode up to a group of resting Khmer troops around an ad-hoc grill trying to catch a meal amidst the fray. It danced around playfully and barked a few times acting like it would like some of the food. It had a dog tag which in Khmerian read that it belonged to a family a couple of blocks down the street. However, only about half the dogs were serving in this role.. and while many might be shot.. the few that lived to alert approaching forces saved many lives..

The other half were back with the advancing infantry being managed by their handlers.. and helping hunt down the scorched earth teams fielded by the Khmerians which were destroying their own city.

ooc: A tribute to the real hounds of war.

The streets of Phnom Penh were red with blood. Bodies of civilians, troops and animals lined the streets. The stench was appalling as the rotting carcasses began to disintegrate. There were holes in the ground from where charges had gone off from where the sewers had been used as death traps for the Dragonosians. Buildings now were in flames or destroyed. There was no where left to hide. It was over. With Ammunition exhausted, food and water contaminated there was nothing left to do.

To the Dragon High Command
Its over

You win

-The Khmer High Command

With that, what was left of the Khmer High command Commited suicide.

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The Dragonisian troops took prisoners from among the surrendering. They were fed, given water, disarmed, and transported to a temporary prison for processing and the regular soldiers were then released. The imperial engineers immediately began the task of working on restoring the broken city to habitability. The only soldiers kept in custody were any remaining survivors of the high command.. if any.. and members of the government. They were held for war crimes to be held once data was collected on who had issued orders for the murdering of the Cochin Diplomats. Those found not in some way responsible for that order were later released after they made a pledge not to incite rebellion in the protectorate.

The Dragonisians occupied the city for a time, military police were brought in until civilian police could be trained. It would not be til several months to nigh a year later that this city would come to see its new sovereign, Acca Dacca.

The dogs were recalled and put in there kennels. The army would try to tread as lightly as it could on the rights of the citizens. They were only bystanders in this whole affair and the army had no desire to earn themselves future enemies. The Dragonisian Salvation Army arrived not more than a day after the city fell. It began to distribute supplies and resources. The Imperial Comptroller released new currency as the old currency of the old regime in occupied Khmer was slowly replaced and gradually all evidence that it had been.. slowly erased.

ooc: Good fight Chris, well written.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: It's over? That was too quick

OOC: It was. Check Lavos thread ;) You cant RP two entities at once.

The Dragonisian troops took prisoners from among the surrendering. They were fed, given water, disarmed, and transported to a temporary prison for processing and the regular soldiers were then released. The imperial engineers immediately began the task of working on restoring the broken city to habitability. The only soldiers kept in custody were any remaining survivors of the high command.. if any.. and members of the government. They were held for war crimes to be held once data was collected on who had issued orders for the murdering of the Cochin Diplomats. Those found not in some way responsible for that order were later released after they made a pledge not to incite rebellion in the protectorate.

The Dragonisians occupied the city for a time, military police were brought in until civilian police could be trained. It would not be til several months to nigh a year later that this city would come to see its new sovereign, Acca Dacca.

The dogs were recalled and put in there kennels. The army would try to tread as lightly as it could on the rights of the citizens. They were only bystanders in this whole affair and the army had no desire to earn themselves future enemies. The Dragonisian Salvation Army arrived not more than a day after the city fell. It began to distribute supplies and resources. The Imperial Comptroller released new currency as the old currency of the old regime in occupied Khmer was slowly replaced and gradually all evidence that it had been.. slowly erased.

ooc: Good fight Chris, well written.

OOC: Thanks but your RP > mine by a long shot. Sorry I ended so quickly and poorly.

Edited by Marquis Chris 1
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