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Vintovka DoE


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You could try by boat in the summer? I think you can avoid sailing into Slavorussian national waters. Although you still have to cross Hanseatic/Buryatic protectorate waters. Depends on what they have stationed there. You could try through Crimea ISO.

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Message to the Communist Leadership:

Though we are a fledgling government we are willing to support any Communist army and so we are willling to supply money, weapons, and vehicles to the Communist army. Please reply with any details we might need.

-Gena Korsunsky, premier of Communist Diadochoi.

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You could try by boat in the summer? I think you can avoid sailing into Slavorussian national waters. Although you still have to cross Hanseatic/Buryatic protectorate waters. Depends on what they have stationed there. You could try through Crimea ISO.

OOC: yeah, can Hanseatic/Buyatia confirm what kind of situation is prevalent in the protectorate...is it partially lawless?

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OOC: yeah, can Hanseatic/Buyatia confirm what kind of situation is prevalent in the protectorate...is it partially lawless?

OOC: The protectorate would be garrisoned by both Hanseatic and Buyatian soldiers. I think I would have about 75,000 scattered about and Impy probably more, so it is managed effectively well.

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-- Secret Memo --

To: Euzkadi Armed Forces High Command

From: Colonel Imanol Etxegarai

Head of the Euzkadi advisors team, Vintovka.

Regret to inform you that our supply routes have dried up, it is imperative that we find some other way to keep the supply line intact. Slovorussia and the Hanseatic/Buryat protectorate are no go's. I am formally requesting orders on how to proceed.

Col. Imanol Extegarai.

OOC: yo TV9078! time for you to elaborate your civil war, i think with a few of us supporting the DA and the commies you have plenty to go on ;).

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