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War is upon us


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"Both of you seem to be so ignorant and full of anger you are not seeing or thinking straight.

THE PEOPLE DO NOT CONTROL WHAT GOVERNMENT MEMBERS DO. You are killing innocent civilians who did nothing to you. Thier government did it and if they knew the true colors of who they voted into office they would not have done it. You sirs are not thinking clearly. Lu Empire fired missiles into cities knowingly killing civilians. That sir is extremely condemable. I refuse to recognize governments who knowing kill innocent civilians. Put your dog on its leash, so it keeps from biting the innocent."

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There is no such thing as innocence; only degrees of guilt. So speaks the Holy Writ.

The Bible doesn't say that...

And no, if the people are innocent, then they wouldn't surrender, because that would show that they are guilty of the Casus belli, which was not Jus ad bellum.

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Clearly you haven't dealt with Pax Pacis. If you've read the news lately, you'd see they only conceded when a large coalition of nations was coming against them.

Don't assume you know the situation when you clearly do not. The Vice President of Dragonisia was murdered by the leader of Pax Pacis, in a peace conference. This is a de facto declaration of war. I'm sure if your leader was assassinated, you'd be out for blood.

The brotherhood is actually a group of leaders, a parliament if you will. And if one or even all were to be assassinated, or even the Queen, it would be handled with good judgement rather than rush it in an act of hate, revenge.

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People make no room for diplomacy. An act of war is simply justification. A Casus belli is only justified after all diplomatic actions are exhausted. Although the act of war happens, the war isnt justified till diplomacy is made.

Actually war can occur at any time with or without justification as it is just another extension of the political struggle that rages between nations. No justification is needed as there is no internaitonal law which governs war. There was a convention which defines war crime, and indirectly governs war which the dragon empire participated in. However it permits pre-emptive war when a nation has demonstrated intent to threaten the sovereignty of a nation, or the safety and welfare of its people. By assassinating a member of a nation's leadership, the murder being the sovereign of a nation the act itself is a violation of sovereignty and therefore this war would be justified under the convention. As it doesn't specify a requirement for any and all diplomatic courses to be exhausted but leaves that matter up to the signatories judgement it is of no concern.

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"You're right! It could have been avoided. By that crazy-woman not pulling the trigger and by the people of Siam having their governments screened for lunatics.. like ours does. Mandatory.. psychological.. exam." He grumbled..

"We have suffered enough from them. We did our best to give them peace and harmony. They returned it with.. daggers and pens. Live by the sword, die by the sword."

"The people of this government are not innocent. Their first government collapsed due to the assault they waged on us. Then they back another government that assassinates our leaders. I am remorseful for those who had no say in this in Laos who are having to see this done to their military. The citizens are not being harmed. But we are not going to allow a random state with the potential to be hostile to raise in this land again. It will be under our protection.. and we will wait to see rulers with good minds rise to give them power once more."

"Any person who wants to wipe their hands of this in Laos has but to surrender to our forces. They will not be harmed. And the people of Laos are not to be punished for even two government's failures, but WE must defend OURSELVES."

"No, they can surrender if they are truly innocent."

"Like the military vessels escorting the refugee fleet did? No, they were destroyed, though they offered no resistance. Yes, we see this war as justified, but some of your actions have gone TOO far."

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The brotherhood is actually a group of leaders, a parliament if you will. And if one or even all were to be assassinated, or even the Queen, it would be handled with good judgement rather than rush it in an act of hate, revenge.

Then what, in your supposedly 'good judgment', justifies a war? How many people must die? How many government officials must fallen victim to an assassin's blade?

Anthony Davis was loved by the people of Dragonisia. He was, without a doubt, one of the most influential leaders in their history. Had the government of the DE failed to act, there would have almost certainly been riots, which would have led to further deaths.

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