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Another GATO DoW

Ryan Greenberg

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Must have missed this one a long time ago. If you'd like to get your facts straight, I suggest talking to your spies again, because you clearly have been getting false information.

Don't pay any attention to him, hes not in any of those alliances.

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GATO is an RE protectorate. This is just them returning the favor.

I don't see anything to complain about and a lot to honor.

It's not the fact that they attacked, that I can handle. It was more the statement that I quoted.

Thanks MHA for trying to form a bloc with NOIR against RE, TPF, and TF. :)

This is false, and I'd like to hear why people believe otherwise.

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I was just sort of making a general statement, not really aiming it at you. A lot of people are accusing them of bandwagoning on MHA for RE, and that's not true since they are an RE protectorate. RE protects them, so them fighting alongside RE is very appropriate. Sorry if it looked like I was aiming right at you, lonewolfe2015.

On the NOIR thing I don't know. TPF had sort of figured by the way that the NOIR gov were talking smack, that MHA kind of had to be one of the ones they'd rounded up. Who else could help them fight RE? I've no idea for sure though.

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On the NOIR thing I don't know. TPF had sort of figured by the way that the NOIR gov were talking smack, that MHA kind of had to be one of the ones they'd rounded up. Who else could help them fight RE? I've no idea for sure though.

That's the problem, that no one really investigated this then. Because it's obvious NOIR contacted everyone in TE (practically) to get involved, but there was really no way of knowing who in particular was involved, and just assuming someone was outside of NOIR really was a big mistake.

I hate to be a broken record about this, but why do people keep assuming MHA is some pathetic alliance that they can just talk down about? If you don't have first hand accounts of a situation, and you are speculating, say so. Don't claim to know something when it could very well be false, as it was in this instance. (Not aimed at you)

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I could see a mutual defense thing between NOIR and MHA in regards to RE though. I mean, I have no proof of anything, this is just total speculation. NOIR is mad at RE and MHA pretty much HAS to figure they are at the top of RE's list just by them being 1-2 most of the round. Together, before NOIR got hit by TPF and MHA got hit by RE, they have a good chance at RE. Stats wise at least.

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