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The Beginning


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Vladimir Kaine was furious, he had ceased to be Thomas's friend long ago... if he had ever been his friend. Bursting into the office of the Regent he approached Devereaux's desk. He was closely followed by the other Executive's on the Executive Committees. "Thomas, I have served you because of your father, Michael was a man I trusted, and someone who I still respect today, but this has gone too far." Thomas raised his eyebrow. "Today I got a report from Stephen's office, that you have set up an internal committee to study Orange and to weaponize it. You didn't even discuss the matter with us!"

"Since when do I have to discuss anything with you all?"

"You are not a king Devereaux, I have looked the other way too many times, when you and my son nationalized all the business and artfully subjugated the conquered territories tunning them into provinces, when you set up the puppet democracy that sits in parliament now. When you raised your private army and subverted parliament's authority, and now you have taken the single most dangerous chemical agent every created and handed it over, not to me and the rest of the government, but to your private forces. I am threw tolerating you." That being said he tossed a document to the table. Lifting it he saw it was an order of deposition declaring Devereaux illegitimate, and formally removing him from the throne. Thomas laughed.

"This is illegal. I am sovereign."

"Read your own books, we are challenging you." Vladimir spat. As he did so the sound boots could be heard down the hall. Soon after a group of fully armed red berets entered. Upon doing so they turned and pointed their weapons at the group of Executives. Close behind them the Lord Marshal Marc Stephens entered the room.

"Captain, arrest these individuals; they are traitors." Devereaux's mind was racing. The group was escorted out of the room. "Marc... I figure we have about seventy two hours before their own personal forces can be marshaled to enforce this order of deposition. We need to move quickly. Assemble your generals, awaken the CGP officials, get Matthew, have them meet me in the main conference room here. Also... mobilize the army."

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*Internal Meeting*

Once the group had assembled Devereaux stood to address them. "I thank you all for coming here, today is probably one of my darker hours... a few hours ago the members of the Internal and External Ministry's Executive committees came to my office and delivered the a letter of deposition, seeking to remove me from power. Ironically each of them were former members of the Imperium's Oligarchy, and are each very powerful in their own right. With a few days their respective house's paramilitaries will be mobilized and will stand to challenge this government. Unfortunately they may be successful and it is likely they may carry with them some foreign support. We could mobilize our own army, and make use of the Royal marines, chances are we could lose out badly; or we could make the best of a bad situation. I am planning to take those who are interested with me to Province III a heavily fortified, and very independent economic position. Once there we will formally leave the Alliance. Expansion was a mistake... we should have kept ourselves small and heavily concentrated I won't make the same mistake again. Are you all interested in this, those who are not may leave without anyone thinking ill of them." The Room remained silent. "Good, then we will make three moves within swizterland. First The royal marines will clear out the royal swiss bank as well as the Alliance Central bank of its gold stores and begin transporting it to the Kergulens. Second, a team will remove ALICE and begin transferring her to her secondary terminal in Province III. Third the Royal marines and the Scientific corp will begin packaging and moving all files on technological advances and inventions to Province III. Anything dangerous or classified is to be destroyed. Fourth Intelligence and internal security are to shred any incriminating documents or evidence regarding the policing methods of the state. Fifth government officials will begin moving, and sixth the military will begin transferring itself to Province III. As Province III was formerly our capital, and is setup to function as such it should be a rather smooth transition."

*Internal Memo*

The Articles of Order are hereby dissolved, the Alliance is now under Martial law.

OOC: Civil war? :unsure:

OOC: Not exactly, more like a major downsizing. :v: (i'll irc you)

Edited by iamthey
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OOC: Re-rolling on the Kergulens.

All steps of the move plan had been completed exceedingly fast, and the final major officials and Royal Marines were the last to board planes to Province III. Issuing one final series of directives Devereaux faxed a copy of the following paper to the government of the world.

Due to an impending coup of the Alliance's Government the Alliance is hereby dissolved. With this the following final orders are issued.

*Norfolk "embassy" is hereby returned to the nation of Ardoria.

*The Madeira Islands are hereby returned to the University.

*Switzerland and Romania are left to the CEU.

*North Western Siberia is left to the Slavorussian Empire to whom it originally belonged.

We retain our hold on the Kerguelen Islands, as it will be the site of a new successor state.

Thomas Devereaux:devereauxsignature-1.png

Imperial Regen of the Alliance

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Premier Medvedev was pleasantly surprised by the fax he received from Thomas Devereaux. He smiled knowing that the reunification of Slavorussia was nearly complete and more importantly so far it was done peacefully. He knew Belorussia was happy with independence, and so were many Slavorussians. He hoped the Baltic States, still suffering under the iron fist of Nordic Fascism, would go the way of Belorussia, which would leave southwestern Russia as the last peace of the puzzle. But there was little time to think about all that now Nenetsia had to be brought back into the motherland’s warm bosom.

Within an hour of the Alliance withdrawing from Nenetsia, Slavorussian troops marched into the province to preserve the peace and order. Slavorussian loyalists were overjoyed when they saw the Imperial Flag flying proudly over Naryan-Mar the administrative center of Nenetsia.

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"So what is our official positon, sir?"

Davies leaned back in his chair. "None. Right now many nations in the world would rather not hear from us. As this is being settled peacefully, and there is little to comment on, we should have no problem with this. We are making no official statement."

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