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Another (probable) Spy Bug


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The Freeze DEFCON operation has been removed from this update and is unlikely to make it into the game.

After additional research and testing, there were just to many possible exploits that it opened.

Once we split the DEFCON switch and Freeze into 2 ops to reduce the overall power, it meant we could have possible situations where, if a nation were frozen in DC5 in war and didn't want to collect (due to anarchy, military setup etc), they may have been tempted to try and exploit it by trying to get a friend to try and switch them into a more defensive DEFCON, alternatively, nations who had been frozen in DC1 during a war, could be tempted to try and get someone to spy them out of DC1 after the war to help their collection.

We started down the road of closing these exploits by making it that you could only switch an opponents DEFCON if their DEFCON was not already frozen, but this meant you would be able to exploit that in an even worse way, to get a friend from another AA to Freeze you in DC1 either before you went to war, or shortly after you get attacked, meaning no opponents could switch your DEFCON during war as long as you didn't collect.

These concerns, and a few others, in addition to still having concerns on the overall power of the switch and freeze together, have made us revisit this one and at this stage it won't be going in.

Its a shame, I had high hopes for the strategies this would present, but this isn't the first time where ideas which have potential to spice things up have had to be shelved due to possible exploitation.

Based on this post I was under the assumption that this situation would not occur -

You may change your DEFCON level once per day. DEFCON 2 - Due to recent spy operations against your nation you must collect taxes in order to change your DEFCON Level.
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