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Last word from the Lafayette Escadrille, Round 5


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First, let me say that I am not really as big an <insert acceptable word here> as I have made myself out to be in the last couple of months. It has been an effort to further our goals, as follows.

Lafayette Escadrille ran this round with the following goals:

Fight a war every 2 weeks.

Get attacked so that we could work on a defense strategy.

Go for number one to get our flag in, if it appeared we had a chance at the end.

Those were the goals I laid out for the round, and we made our run at each. I declared war on the world early, and could not get anyone to attack us until TPF stepped up late in the round. I accept responsibility for the failure of that war; I was trying to ramp up the fun for some smaller alliances and it got politicked into a War spoiler. At least they had the gumption to attack us, Salute The Phoenix Federation!

All of our wars were well fought with the exception of the one with the Idiots. Instead of fighting back they turtled. A bad strategy on their part, I think. Regardless, Jim and I talked it out, and I Salute them for their attempt at shaking things up early in the round. As for the rest of the battles and Wars, 99% were fought with skill and respect, and I salute everyone that Lafayette Escadrille had the honor of fighting.

Let's blow up various items of military value in round 6!

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I declared war on the world early, and could not get anyone to attack us until TPF stepped up late in the round. I accept responsibility for the failure of that war; I was trying to ramp up the fun for some smaller alliances and it got politicked into a War spoiler. At least they had the gumption to attack us, Salute The Phoenix Federation!

Well, we did the best we could and thank you for appreciating it :P

We felt you guys were the greatest challenge we could find and that's why we picked you out. It was an honor to face you on the field of battle; our warriors found y'all to be completely worthy of the highest respect. Good luck in round 6!

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I know that you had a lot of critics, but I like LE. I think that you guys do a great job. Also, so many people talk about leaving things behind from round to round. I am interested to see if those same people will walk their own walk ;)

-Dominic Greene-

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