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Question about spies


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Can someone explain what these things mean when spying?:

Destroy Infrastructure (Max 5) = $500,000 + (5 x enemy nation strength)

Does this mean you pay $500,000 to have it done? What does the 5 x enemy nation strength mean? And why would you do this just to destroy 5 infra?

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If you are spying on a nation with 1500 NS it will cost you $507,500.

Cost = $500,000 + (5*1500)

Cost = $500,000 + 7,500

Cost = $507,500

Oh, I get it, Thanks. But what about the destroying a max of 5 infra, is that per spy?

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Oh, I get it, Thanks. But what about the destroying a max of 5 infra, is that per spy?

5 infa may not sound like a lot, but in the upper levels where 1 level could cost as much as 500k, it is a lot.

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