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NAAC 'roach problem


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As of 6/9/2009 11:59:56 PM a few rulers first experienced this black infestation reaching into our alliance and attempting to make the place unsightly.

(TF Rogue attacks on 3/4 NAAC top nations)

In discussion with two of the rogues a dialog had opened between ourselves I also informed NeoGandalf about this to no avail. In between talks Itolav one of the TF rogues nuked my nation.

Now you see normally I would have outright flattened the guy for declaring war on myself and my alliance mates but due to the talks between our nations I withheld from doing so. Affording him the opportunity to sneak in a low blow.

These sorts of underhanded tactics are not appreciated in the NAAC. They're not really appreciated anywhere. And it is for this reason that NAAC will be bringing the TF rogues in question to justice.

The 'roach infestation will be dealt with accordingly. B)

Our IRC channel is #TENAAC

Forums are here http://z10.invisionfree.com/The_NAAC/index.php?act=idx

Edited by Blacky
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What can I say...our guys saw NAAC taking advantage of our war with MHA to run away with the round and obviously felt it prudent to hit you before you were out of range since nobody else seemed to be doing so. The same thing would have happened to me by now had we not DOWed MHA. It's nothing personal :P

Interesting that you would choose roaches though. What had the best odds of surviving a nuclear war? Roaches. With SDIs, we're basically super-roaches.

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I was called a coward last night but it's obvious who the real cowards are.

Aww be nice Zoomy - how are we cowards? Choco and Itolav decided they were willing to sacrifice their nations to stop NAAC jumping out of everyone's range. I'm pretty sure no amount of semantic gymnastics are finding a way to fit that under the definition of 'coward'. I'd be over 4000 infra by now if we hadn't DOWed MHA...again, doesn't seem like a cowardly action when I could have sat back and sent in the troops while I jumped out of range.

I'm really not comfortable getting into a flame war with a nation I've fought side by side with, but I can't sit back when two of the most decent nations in TF - and indeed TE - are being dissed...

I was nearly in anarchy this morning by the way - unlucky that would have paralyzed me ;)

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You're not the first person to say that to me this round ;)

You'll need to aim the majority of your nukes at me because my SDI was trained by Boris Becker. Yes, I know I'm setting myself up for an epic fail...

Anyway, I got my collection in so I'm $25 mill better off :D

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Talks!? WTF are you on about? This is about being number one at the end, not alliance politics. At this point it is open season on the top nations in the game, no matter what alliance they are in, just because they are the top nations. As it relates to alliances, bring your alliance in for support, that is it.

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At this point it is open season on the top nations in the game, no matter what alliance they are in, just because they are the top nations. As it relates to alliances, bring your alliance in for support, that is it.

I don't tell you how to rule your nations or govern your alliance and at the same time I don't invite you to tell me how to rule mine.

We were discussing the issue he stalled for a day escaping attacks under the guise of the talks which I initiated and then after the 24 time limit expired alerted me that it would be on for certain with a friendly nuking. Normally I would have flattened his nation by then but due to common courtesy I withheld.

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You really are unbelievable.

And to clarify the OP, we did not declare war on TF, just the nations involved. Zoomx3 is not supported by NAAC politically.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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Talks!? WTF are you on about? This is about being number one at the end, not alliance politics. At this point it is open season on the top nations in the game, no matter what alliance they are in, just because they are the top nations. As it relates to alliances, bring your alliance in for support, that is it.

^ The winner ^

I've lost track of this thread a bit with the talk of Zoom and politics, but for the avoidance of doubt, TF does not interpret this as an alliance dow and as such we will not be attacking a 33 man alliance...if that's what you are seeking to avoid. We're do try not to be hypocritical.

But blacky...you really couldn't flatten a nation in the first 24 hours... minus 100 infra is about your best case scenario...

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You know, having been at the top or near the top in every round except for this one, I have to ask what did you all expect? If you're in one of the top positions, you get hit. You plan for it. Someone's gonna get you. So with that in mind, you should hope to minimize your losses to build back (trust me, it can happen).

What you shouldn't do is get angry and lash back at anyone else around to try to take them down with you. You're not going to get anywhere that way.

Edited by sammykhalifa
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You know, having been at the top or near the top in every round except for this one, I have to ask what did you all expect? If you're in one of the top positions, you get hit. You plan for it. Someone's gonna get you. So with that in mind, you should hope to minimize your losses to build back (trust me, it can happen).

What you shouldn't do is get angry and lash back at anyone else around to try to take them down with you. You're not going to get anywhere that way.

Actually, NAAC is angry because your alliance leadership pretended this was something else. They were going to defend their nation, but instead, your alliance leaders lied about their intentions and delayed the NAAC response. This is about lack of honour and truthfulness.

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Actually, NAAC is angry because your alliance leadership pretended this was something else. They were going to defend their nation, but instead, your alliance leaders lied about their intentions and delayed the NAAC response. This is about lack of honour and truthfulness.

NAAC *cough Blacky cough* keeps trying to cast TF in a bad light, but he keeps forgetting that we radiate our own light...

All kidding aside, I want to set the record straight. TF leadership had absolutely NOTHING to do with these ROGUE attacks.

Edited by NinjaPirate
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