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Dragon Empire: The Imperial Congress and its daily actions.

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"Lady Valerie Kingswell, it is your responsibility under the Terms of Surrender signed by you on the behalf of the new government of your state to inform the Imperial Observer of all actions. The other evening he asked if you had any concerns you wished to address. You told him no and that you would notify him of any need for him. You then proceeded to send a peacekeeping force into the Slavorussian/Drakorian conflict zone without informing him or the Empire? Is this correct?" Anthony Davis inquired.

"Actually I did send a message informing Mr Clarence that I was sending a peace keeping mission to Slavorussia and it was meant to be hand delivered by one of my staff. That staff member did deliver the message to the hotel that Mr Clarence was at but it seems the message never reached him as a search of the hotel found that the message had been forgotten and thus not taken to him. I seeing no reply from Mr Clarence thought that he had passed it on with no problem and seeing as Slavorussia needed the help urgently I sent the peace keepers" replied Valerie.

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"Next time you will contact him by phone or get a signature on such an important matter returned to you to validate that it has been received as a safe guard. We understand your desire to help Slavorussia, believe us, but the last thing we want is to plunge Asia into another war. Please consider consulting us before you take such action.. and do not depend on us to defend you if you make a mistake that does cause a war.. more than likely we will see that as a reason to permanently dissolve your state instead. You want peace? Act like you mean it.. stop playing Globocop when you just managed to get your affairs in order at home. The vote to go to war with Pax Pacis is rescinded.. however.. you are now on strike 4.. and that is because the Empire is merciful and righteous in its might to realize everyone.. even it.. makes the occasional error. Do not let this happen again. Unless you have more to say, the proceedings on this matter are concluded unless another member of this alliance wishes to bring a subject matter relating to Pax Pacis to the floor."

"Oh, one last matter. Melvin Republic has noted its will to have a sit down meeting, I'll let the two of you work out the arrangements. Also, please try to stay out of the conflicts of other states until you are released from under terms. We were getting close to a point where we might have been able to do that, but this has delayed the time table."

Davis sighed.. he was not happy, but the slap on the wrist and the forced recall of the troops should advert the war and be a sufficient solution.

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"Very well next time I will ensure that the Dragon Empire's permission is guaranteed before making any such action however, you won't have to worry about that as Pax Pacis forces will not be leaving our nation anytime soon" turning away Valerie and her guards walked over to the exit but she stopped just before leaving and turned around to look at Davis with a cold glare "I had thought we could trust one another to speak about any problems first before taking action but you willingness to go to war with my nation has shattered that trust. So send Mr Clarence back as soon as you wish but there will never be any chance of us ever being allies or friends every again" and with that Valerie and her guards left the Imperial Congress to head back to Pax Pacis.

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ooc: You think we're going to let a state exist on our border where no trust and friendship will ever be had? That'd be like the United States letting North Korea sit in Florida, lol.

OOC: That would be if they were hostile to you, you almost declared war on me without even trying to talk to me first what you think I would be fine with that. Also your comment above is stupid Valerie isn't there anymore.

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"Very well then, that means we must indeed destroy your state for our own safety. The Vote to go to war with Pax Pacis is again resumed. It now stands at 2 votes for and one against."

"Whoa, whoa! Just because a nation is not willing to ally with you does not equal hostility! Stop the vote, please!"

"I'm afraid you just hit strike five out of the ballpark."

"Er...I believe that's a contradiction in terms..."

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ooc: You breached surrender terms. It's your duty to maintain your treaties. The comment is not stupid. The comment could be made to your back as you're leaving or have left to emphasize a point before the general assembly. You must interpret the statement in context or not at all. Enough ooc. Make your case IC.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Very well next time I will ensure that the Dragon Empire's permission is guaranteed before making any such action however, you won't have to worry about that as Pax Pacis forces will not be leaving our nation anytime soon" turning away Valerie and her guards walked over to the exit but she stopped just before leaving and turned around to look at Davis with a cold glare "I had thought we could trust one another to speak about any problems first before taking action but you willingness to go to war with my nation has shattered that trust. So send Mr Clarence back as soon as you wish but there will never be any chance of us ever being allies or friends every again" and with that Valerie and her guards left the Imperial Congress to head back to Pax Pacis.

"I repeat, at no point did she declare enmity. merely the fact that at this moment in time, she sees no way she can trust you. I can see your position, but I can also see hers. give her time to let her temper cool again."

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ooc: You breached surrender terms. It's your duty to maintain your treaties. The comment is not stupid. The comment could be made to your back as you're leaving or have left to emphasize a point before the general assembly. You must interpret the statement in context or not at all. Enough ooc. Make your case IC.

OOC: What where did I breach the surrender terms? Show me that!

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ooc: Subtle, read back several posts where Anthony lays out the conviction of violation of Article 6. He did violate the terms. He had talked his way out of it by giving a good reason.. then he does this. Note article 7 that at any time the Empire may rescind the terms. That is there for a reason. If they are given to feel a need to resume the war because of failed compliance they have the right to. It is the responsibility for Pax Pacis to ensure the delivery of its diplomatic messages just as it is for any other state.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Valerie spun around with an angry look on her face as she stormed back into the room after just hearing Davis' comment. "You !@#$%^&!!! What the hell do you want from us!! We attempted to help a freindly nation deal with some problems and then you almost decide to declare war on us for it and then when I say we won't be friends or allies you again decide to go to war. What the hell is wrong with you!!" roared Valerie her face red with anger and her fists clenched at her side. Her guards had surronded her with their guns ready incase anyone decided to try to attack her.

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ooc: Subtle, read back several posts where Anthony lays out the conviction of violation of Article 6. He did violate the terms. He had talked his way out of it by giving a good reason.. then he does this. Note article 7 that at any time the Empire may rescind the terms. That is there for a reason. If they are given to feel a need to resume the war because of failed compliance they have the right to. It is the responsibility for Pax Pacis to ensure the delivery of its diplomatic messages just as it is for any other state.

OOC: Yes, but you also cancelled the vote, interpreting it as an unintentional failure. it seems a little premature to declare the vote open again so soon based on one coment that did NOT violate the terms.

Valerie spun around with an angry look on her face as she stormed back into the room after just hearing Davis' comment. "You !@#$%^&!!! What the hell do you want from us!! We attempted to help a freindly nation deal with some problems and then you almost decide to declare war on us for it and then when I say we won't be friends or allies you again decide to go to war. What the hell is wrong with you!!" roared Valerie her face red with anger and her fists clenched at her side. Her guards had surronded her with their guns ready incase anyone decided to try to attack her.

The representative sighed, leaning back in his seat and rubbing at his head. he was getting a migraine from trying to prevent his nation's friends from tearing each other apart.

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"You see how you are acting right now? That is what is wrong. That anger. You earlier this week according to one of our filed reports were wondering why the Melvin Republic cannot move on from the events of the previous war.. and yet here you are, red faced.. angry.. shouting at the top of your lungs.. decrying us for hypocrisy when the only person who has done anything wrong is you. Until you opened that very loud, fat, trap of yours and started spewing filth I was going to let you leave this place and go on your way content.. happy.. and your government and state in one piece without a hair harmed and a genuine hope for peace. You had received your discipline for your mistake and the matter was settled."

"Then in the likes of those who have gone before you in Asia such as the Yamato government.. you storm out after we demonstrate grace.. not with thanks.,.. not with gratitude.. but with nothing but a vile conceit and a deeply rooted hate. It is obvious now this hate will not be removed from you after so many chanceS. i will give you this opportunity now to spare your people. You will allow the Empire to annex your state as a protectorate zone. You will leave Laos along with the administration members of your government and go into exile.. and you will never return. We will let the people of Laos determine their fate.. and there will be no need for conflict. You will simply be out of power. It is your choice. You have the chance to prove you have some shred of dignity."

He offered a pen and paper to sign over her state and to accept defeat and exile.

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"You see how you are acting right now? That is what is wrong. That anger. You earlier this week according to one of our filed reports were wondering why the Melvin Republic cannot move on from the events of the previous war.. and yet here you are, red faced.. angry.. shouting at the top of your lungs.. decrying us for hypocrisy when the only person who has done anything wrong is you. Until you opened that very loud, fat, trap of yours and started spewing filth I was going to let you leave this place and go on your way content.. happy.. and your government and state in one piece without a hair harmed and a genuine hope for peace. You had received your discipline for your mistake and the matter was settled."

"Then in the likes of those who have gone before you in Asia such as the Yamato government.. you storm out after we demonstrate grace.. not with thanks.,.. not with gratitude.. but with nothing but a vile conceit and a deeply rooted hate. It is obvious now this hate will not be removed from you after so many chanceS. i will give you this opportunity now to spare your people. You will allow the Empire to annex your state as a protectorate zone. You will leave Laos along with the administration members of your government and go into exile.. and you will never return. We will let the people of Laos determine their fate.. and there will be no need for conflict. You will simply be out of power. It is your choice. You have the chance to prove you have some shred of dignity."

He offered a pen and paper to sign over her state and to accept defeat and exile.

Valerie reached over still with anger and grasped the pen before leaping forwards and ramming it into Davis' eye until it was fully in and then she leapt aside as her guards raised their wguns and poured a torrent of bullets into Davis and as his body collasped to the ground riddled with bullets Valerie smiled as her guards turned her guns on the rest of the members attending.

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