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Xaristan Military Announcement

Michael McBride

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Director Louis Egon walks out to a podium draped in an emerald cloth, flanked by Supreme General Francis McCutcheon and Secretary of Intelligence Simon Cox. He places a large folder on the podium, clearing his throat and speaking.

"Good evening. We have a couple of important announcements concerning our military that I figured I should deliver in person. The first of which is that our military rebuilding is progressing faster than expected. Apparently at the beginning of the civil war, the Generals locked up much of the military hardware in Xaristan in secret bunkers, not wanting it to fall into enemy hands. Unfortunately for government forces, they also locked these codes up and hid them deep within computer systems before fleeing, not informing Kenneth Persons of the code needed to open these bunkers."

"Fortunately for my faction, Simon Cox was able to find these files and then crack this code protecting them, and release the hardware in our area, which we used during the retaking of Redemptio. Now that we are here, he and his agents have cracked the rest of the code and we are currently unlocking the rest of this military hardware. After it is checked for sabotage and explosives, it will be returned to active service of defending this nation."

"Along with these tanks and planes and other hardware that we are currently freeing up, we have also freed up three other crucial pieces of equipment. Firstly, we have regained control of our satellite and missile defense systems. We now have eyes in space again, and can protect ourselves with the experimental missile defense system, which testing has shown can shoot down up to 30% of incoming missiles."

"The second piece of hardware that has been re-engaged is our Strategic Defense Initiative, or SDI. This system has an approximately 60% chance to block incoming nuclear warheads fired at, or over, Xaristan. This improvement is essential to our safety as a nation on this continent, where we are in the minority of independent nations."

"And this brings me to my third and final announcement regarding military hardware. Today we cracked the code for both our remaining nuclear missiles and nuclear missile silos. We now have full command of the remaining nuclear arsenal from the Federation of Pravus Ingruo."

"Finally, I move on the issue of national sovereignty. We understand that we are on the minority on this continent, and that we are seen with skepticism and mistrust by others close to us. I tell you now, we will not tolerate any hostile moves towards our nation. We will attack or use nuclear weapons preemptively should there be a credible and significant threat to our nation. We will not wait to be fired upon first, we will hit you with a first strike. Do not test us on this policy. Our nation was born from the fires of war, like a phoenix, and we will rise again and again to the challenges that face us. It doesn't matter who you are or how strong you are... threaten us or our sovereignty and we will respond to our fullest extent, including nuclear weapons."

"The floor is now open to questions."

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"Pre-emptive strikes? Are you mad? You're threatening to destabilize the entire goddamned continent! Xaristan is a mad nation run by mad people threatening to use nuclear weapons on other nations as a 'pre-emptive strike' on 'credible and significant threats'. What if you have faulty information? What if you're being played? There are so many things that could possibly go wrong with your mad scheme."

Edited by Sargun
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"Pre-emptive strikes? Are you mad? You're threatening to destabilize the entire goddamned continent!"

"Stay in your part of the continent and we'll stay in ours. Give us our space, and no problems will come at all. We will not be bullied by larger powers however."

OOC: My response remains the same for the edited post.

Edited by Pravus Ingruo
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The United States is the largest destabilizing influence on the continent. Your repeated belligerence and unprovoked invasion of Mexico proves this. If the United States was concerned about stability, it would immediately withdraw from Mexico. Not to mention the repeated civil strife in the SRA and elsewhere shows how internally unstable the United States is becoming.

On that note, we are glad our friends in Xaristan have rearmed in order that they may to defend themselves against the encroaching United States, which seeks only to conquer and destroy.

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The United States is the largest destabilizing influence on the continent. Your repeated belligerence and unprovoked invasion of Mexico proves this. If the United States was concerned about stability, it would immediately withdraw from Mexico. Not to mention the repeated civil strife in the SRA and elsewhere shows how internally unstable the United States is becoming.

On that note, we are glad our friends in Xaristan have rearmed in order that they may to defend themselves against the encroaching United States, which seeks only to conquer and destroy.

Immediately withdraw so that Mexico can lose all American support? Even if it was a mistake, according to you, at this point withdrawing would do more harm than staying. In addition, it was Tahoe's idea to start attacking American troops! Tahoe is more bloodthirsty than the United States - you just haven't had someone to give you the opportunity to throw around a little weight. We won't be threatened by you, Tahoe. Or Xaristan. These threats and subtle hints from you, New Jersey and Tahoe are all designed to 'keep us in line', maybe? No matter. The United States is for preservation of stabilization on this continent.

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The United States is the largest destabilizing influence on the continent. Your repeated belligerence and unprovoked invasion of Mexico proves this. If the United States was concerned about stability, it would immediately withdraw from Mexico. Not to mention the repeated civil strife in the SRA and elsewhere shows how internally unstable the United States is becoming.

On that note, we are glad our friends in Xaristan have rearmed in order that they may to defend themselves against the encroaching United States, which seeks only to conquer and destroy.

You speak this when you, yourself, invaded Mexico? I have no time for such propoganda.

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"Well, damn, we could be looking at another nuclear war. DO YOU KNOW HOW FREAKIN LONG IT TAKES TO RECOVER FROM THOSE?!?!?!?!?!?"

"Once again, we reiterate that we will only consider using our nuclear weapons when presented with a credible and significant threat from a larger nation. Do not antagonize or bully us, and you have nothing to worry about."

"We also thank Tahoe for their continued support and look upon them as a voice of reason on the North American continent."

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**OOC: Considering this later in the day. Also, I'm bored. This is a rough outline of my military... and when I say rough, I mean rough. This is mostly just to give people an idea about numbers and equipment... you can use this old thread as a reference for what the planes can do (minus the bombers) and what the tanks can do. Troop stuff will change a little.**

The extent of the military might that Xaristan possesses was revealed by their defense forces.


333,000 total

160,000 active

170,000 reserve

3,000 special forces

Tanks and Vehicles:

2,280 tanks

1,500 Viper MBT

780 Black Widow MBT

2,280 APCs, Artillery

1,300 Bat APCs

400 Cobra LBT/AAPs

300 MLRS units

280 Artillery pieces

Aircraft (60 squadrons, 720 planes)

2 squadrons of Bombers (14 planes, no picture yet)

35 squadrons of Air Superiority Fighters (420 planes, AS-37 Mamba)

3 squadrons of Cargo Planes (36 planes, CT-76 Grizzly)

7 squadrons of Troop Transports (84, TT-41 Spooks)

13 squadrons of Fighter/Bombers (156 planes, FB-66 Hellfire)

Bomber Squadrons

1st Bomber Squadron – Monster

2nd Bomber Squadron - Zombie

Air Superiority Squadrons

1st Interceptor Squadron - Black Knights

2nd Interceptor Squadron - Dueces

3rd Interceptor Squadron - High Flight

4th Interceptor Squadron - Gundam

5th Interceptor Squadron - Red Dawn

6th Interceptor Squadron - Monkeywrench

7th Interceptor Squadron - Shamrock

8th Interceptor Squadron - Cougar

9th Interceptor Squadron - Jackal

10th Interceptor Squadron - Dragon

11th Interceptor Squadron - Stick

12th Interceptor Squadron - Bonus

13th Interceptor Squadron - Steel

14th Interceptor Squadron - Lion

15th Interceptor Squadron - Yodel

16th Interceptor Squadron - Cheetah

17th Interceptor Squadron - Moonshine

18th Interceptor Squadron - Zeke

19th Interceptor Squadron - Dasher

20th Interceptor Squadron - Bear

21st Interceptor Squadron - Winter

1st Homeland Defense Squadron - Ace

2nd Homeland Defense Squadron - Defender

3rd Homeland Defense Squadron - Topgun

4th Homeland Defense Squadron - Pandora

5th Homeland Defense Squadron - Whiplash

6th Homeland Defense Squadron - Victory

7th Homeland Defense Squadron - Nomad

8th Homeland Defense Squadron - McFly

9th Homeland Defense Squadron - Knuckle

10th Homeland Defense Squadron - Countdown

11th Homeland Defense Squadron - Chance

12th Homeland Defense Squadron - Tiger

13th Homeland Defense Squadron - Kid

14th Homeland Defense Squadron – Backdraft

Cargo Plane Squadrons

1st Heavy Lifter Squadron - Big Papa

2nd Heavy Lifter Squadron - Dime

3rd Heavy Lifter Squadron - Gorilla

Troop Transport Squadrons

1st Airborne Squadron - Transport

2nd Airborne Squadron - Dropper

3rd Airborne Squadron - Friendly

4th Airborne Squadron - Silence

5th Airborne Squadron - Mystery

1st Deep Insertion Squadron - Wraith

2nd Deep Insertion Squadron - Invisible

Fighter/Bomber Squadrons

1st Assault Squadron - Bruiser

2nd Assault Squadron - Fire

3rd Assault Squadron - Pillage

4th Assault Squadron - Chaos

5th Assault Squadron - Disorder

6th Assault Squadron - Rock

7th Assault Squadron - Paper

8th Assault Squadron - Scissors

9th Assault Squadron - Burden

10th Assault Squadron - Madman

11th Assault Squadron - Quantum

12th Assault Squadron - Dropkick

13th Assault Squadron - Slaughter

Edited by Pravus Ingruo
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