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Romanov Pact

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“Is there anything else I have to do today Alex?” Premier Medvedev says to his chief of staff as he tosses his pen on his desk and loosens his tie.

Alex takes a document from his briefcase and lays it in front of the Premier. “One more thing sir, the papers from Molakia. It came from the palace a few minutes ago. All it needs is your signature. Oh, and you wanted me to remind you to call your wife about dinner tonight.”

The Premier groans, “Oh dammit that’s right we’re going to the opera tonight. Heaven forbid we go one night without spending my paycheck… Where do I sign?”

“Um, at the bottom, sir, right under the Dowager’s name.”

The Romanov Pact

Article 1- Non Aggression/Limited Offensive

The two Signatories of this pact hereby proclaim that no aggressive actions will be taken against each other.

Article 2- Mutual Defense

The Two Signatories agree to defend each other in times of war. Should either party choose to attack another nation and be attacked, this Article is voided

Article 3- Optional Aggression

In following with Article 2, Article 3 states that if one party is to engage in war, the other party is to be informed. The second party then has the choice of helping the first in combat, in both aggression and defensive operations

Article 4- Preservation of the Romanovs

Should the Romanov Family of either nation be in danger, be it from outside or internal action, both parties agree to preserve the Royal Bloodline by any means deemed needed. For example, if Slavorussia has a civil conflict in which the royalty is threatened, Molakia may militarily intervene to protect the Royal family, or vice versa

Article 5- Economic Assistance

Molakia will also pay any damages caused by the NC as a result of the recent war. We feel responsible for it, as we attacked your city of St. Petersburg.

Article 6- Cancellation

If either side wishes to cancel this treaty, the other side must be given 72 Hours notice. Following this period, Article 1 will be in effect until a further 72 period. This is to prevent sneak attacks from either side.

Signed for the Kingdom of Molakia

Tsar Nikolai Romanov

Tsarina Anna Ivanova-Romanov

Signed for the Empire of Slavorussia

Dowager Regent Maria Romanov

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

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Statement from the Palace

Our family, once divided is now again united. The preservation of our proud family coupled with the friendship of our two nations is a major step forward in Europe. Although we had fought on opposite sides of the war, we've come together today as friends. Let this be proof that peace does not have to be created by shooting guns and dropping bombs.

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Statement from the Palace

Our family, once divided is now again united. The preservation of our proud family coupled with the friendship of our two nations is a major step forward in Europe. Although we had fought on opposite sides of the war, we've come together today as friends. Let this be proof that peace does not have to be created by shooting guns and dropping bombs.

Indeed. Let us hope others on your continent can learn this little-heeded fact.

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