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GFSN Annoucement (Yes Us Again, And This Time You May Care!)


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A Mutual Defense Pact between the Global Federation of Sovereign Nations and the 26th of April.


To promote mutual friendship between the Global Federation of Sovereign Nations and the 26th of April, as well as peace and prosperity throughout the world of Planet Steve and its people.

Article I: Sovereignty

With the signing of this agreement, we, the undersigned, agree that each shall remain sovereign entities, separate from each other in state Government and affiliation.

Article II: Non-Aggression

a) Neither signatory shall initiate any hostilities against the other. Any government-ordered attack upon either signatory alliance by the other shall be considered an act of war, rendering this treaty null and void.

b.) Any nation belonging to either party engaging in unsanctioned offensive actions against a nation of the other party shall be forced to stop attacks and pay reparations for all damages done through offensive action. Refusal to comply will result in discipline through expulsion from the aggressor?s alliance.

c) No member of this treaty shall execute or condone any acts of espionage against the other. Any sanctioned acts of espionage found shall be considered acts of aggression towards the other party and render this agreement null and void.

d) No member of this treaty shall aid by any means, including but not limited to financial, military, and diplomatic agreement, an enemy of either signatory. Enemies include any nation(s) or alliance that is at war or had been declared an enemy of the state of either the Global Federation of Sovereign Nations or the 26th of April.

Article III: Friendship

The members of both alliances shall treat the members of the other undersigned alliance with the same respect and decency as they would give to their own Grandfather. Constructive criticism is encouraged.

Article IV: Intelligence

Any intelligence gathered by a member of this pact pertaining to the development of new enemies or the whereabouts of old enemies, or intentions of alliances that will affect the other alliance shall be immediately shared with the other alliance.

Article V: Defense

In the event that either signatory is attacked, assuming the defending alliance is not the irritant, it is to be considered an attack on both signatories of this treaty, and the other alliance is to immediately go to war against aggressor alliance. If the attack was in fact provoked by the defender, it is not mandatory that the other alliance come to the aid of the defender. If the provocation is in question, then the signatory is obligated to receive the benefit of the doubt.

Article VI: Cancellation

If either signatory wishes to cancel this agreement, they are required to remain neutral by means of aggression against the other signatory for no less than forty-eight hours. During this period of time, this treaty is still in effect. If any article of this pact is violated, then it shall be dissolved immediately.

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Yes this is something 30 people care about. The 17 of us and the 13 of the GFSN with two people who actually read the forums ^_^

Edited by Z3000
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Because TE isn't kisses and cuddles.

If you want diplomacy, go back to SE.

I realize it's about war, but please for once get over yourselves.

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If you're going to make a pact, just make it secret. Nobody wants to hear about your treaties, we dislike you for it, and you'd have the element of surprise with a secret pact anyway.

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This treaty is lame.

Also why did nobody sign it? I'm no expert on treaties but I thought alliances normally sign them.

we're so awesome we don't need to sign it

If you're going to make a pact, just make it secret. Nobody wants to hear about your treaties, we dislike you for it, and you'd have the element of surprise with a secret pact anyway.

I personally agreee with this. If I was the one writing this I wouldn't announce it. I have done treaties before and I never announced them.

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Thank you for providing a war target.

C'mon Pops they provided two war targets

Why is everyone on CNTE such A**holes?

meh, I blame Murder Inc

Because TE isn't kisses and cuddles.

If you want diplomacy, go back to SE.

But your sig is just so cute it makes me want to start diplomacy

If you're going to make a pact, just make it secret. Nobody wants to hear about your treaties, we dislike you for it, and you'd have the element of surprise with a secret pact anyway.

Yep this way you can sleep around a lot but no one will know who you're sleeping with >.>

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