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Therapy – Who Needs It?


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Yuriko took out her Yamato practitioner's license from her skirt (gasp!) pocket.

"There's nothing suspicious about this, Generalissimo-chan~. As for you being lonely, I just figured that no one would live in this barren place except for the occasional fisher."

Sitting herself on a rock, she slowly crossed her legs, her white..... nearly showing.

"Anything you want to discuss? I might really just be a repressed memory of your sexual frustration because of your mother."

If she was a repressed memory Generalissimo was having another metal breakdown, like at Laura Kingswell’s World Peace Conference, but worse.

She was tangibly in front of him; Generalissimo didn’t need further evidence. She was playing with him, might as well play along. It didn’t make it any less awkward, that sort of statement from someone old enough to be his daughter (granddaughter) was uncomfortable. She might have also been coming on a little too strongly, flirting with an old man like that - kids these days have no respect, no shame, that sort of behavior is inappropriate for a young lady. Generalissimo couldn't hold it against her, who knows what such an adult career would factor in a schoolgirl’s development? This profession would bring a degree of maturity that wasn’t natural, it still felt off, but she wasn’t the one who needed a therapist

“Your credentials are acceptable, might as well start picking my brain.

Yes, I’m mostly the only person here, but I’ve had a transmitter for a long time.

It’s still not the same as actual human interaction, it’s easy to change the channel, or even turn it off entirely.

Thanks for coming by I might actually need the company, but you’re the professional you should be picking the topics."

Edited by Generalissimo
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“Well let's see.... From what I've seen since I got here, I would say that you have paranoid schizophrenia, a fetish for Yamato school girls, and a want for decent food.

You're probably thinking I'm an assassin from Martens or the Black Hand, which backs up the paranoia diagnosis. You've managed to hire two school girls as foreign ministers, one of whom (Chidori Kaname) was also once the foreign minister for the United Francoist Empire, and schoolmate of mine in university. Lastly, it's obvious that you aren't using the cash from Yamato very well, since not only is this place a wasteland, but your body is too thin for a multimillionaire.

That's my analysis so far. Any part that is wrong?”

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“Well let's see.... From what I've seen since I got here, I would say that you have paranoid schizophrenia, a fetish for Yamato school girls, and a want for decent food.

You're probably thinking I'm an assassin from Martens or the Black Hand, which backs up the paranoia diagnosis. You've managed to hire two school girls as foreign ministers, one of whom (Chidori Kaname) was also once the foreign minister for the United Francoist Empire, and schoolmate of mine in university. Lastly, it's obvious that you aren't using the cash from Yamato very well, since not only is this place a wasteland, but your body is too thin for a multimillionaire.

That's my analysis so far. Any part that is wrong?”

“I’m not paranoid, Kaiser Martens is really out to get me and the Dark Hand is really everywhere.

Even now Kaiser Martens out there watching, waiting, calculating. . . he knows I know he knows what I know. Paranoia, that’s what Martens wants you to think, you’ve been manipulated. . . You’re not an assassin from Kaiser Martens, you’ve been influenced by the people working for Martens.

It’s lies, all lies, just like everything else from the deceiver - why can’t you see that?

Do I have a want for decent food? You must have never heard my hit radio show Cooking with Generalissimo on Procinctia Broadcasting Corporation transmission, frequency 103.9- I was starving. One episode I actually tried to turn a contaminated can of contaminated cola, a package of powered milk, and a vitamin supplement into something barely edible.

Yamato’s financing is banked, we’re not spending it until reconstruction, and the rebuilding won’t start until the contamination is cleared.

Money, you’re right I don’t have any, the office of Generalissimo is an unpaid office. Who really needs money? I've err. err. err... transcended material desires, yeah that’s the ticket... transcended, all enlightened like. Don’t worry about your payment, because these secessions are subsidized by the government of Procinctia.

Your information is only partially correct, proving your sources are compromised.

I’ve only have one schoolgirl minister, that’s Liska Atka. I admit Chidori Kaname was the inspiration, at age sixteen she has already been the foreign minister for two countries, Kaname is amazing . . but that doesn’t mean I have a Yamato schoolgirl fetish."

Edited by Generalissimo
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Yuriko blinked at the part about banking all the money that Yamato had paid.

"Okay, Generalissimo, would you mind if I cook for you? My job is supposed to be a comprehensive service, and this includes taking care of my patients. Of course, if you're worried I might poision you, I'll just send for some stuff."

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Yuriko blinked at the part about banking all the money that Yamato had paid.

"Okay, Generalissimo, would you mind if I cook for you? My job is supposed to be a comprehensive service, and this includes taking care of my patients. Of course, if you're worried I might poision you, I'll just send for some stuff."

You’ll overwhelm this old man if you make that many claims at once, then change the topic as I reply, next time try making one or two assertions at a time.

It’s not a problem, I enjoy talking about food. Did I tell you I had my own cooking show?

I’m getting sick of rations. I’ll trust you enough for food, if it’s real food.

I don’t worry about poison because I always carry portable toxicology kit, otherwise I wouldn’t have survived the contamination.

I’ll demonstrate my goodwill by not analyzing your cuisine

I wouldn’t send out for anything though, you might be drugged by Dark Hand agents hired by Kaiser Martens.

Edited by Generalissimo
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“I hope you like seafood, since it's my specialty!”

Out of thin air appeared a full kitchen, filled with all the gadgets one could possibily want. Putting on a apron and picking up a knife, Yuriko smiled at the old Generalissimo.

“Shall I make sashimi or salmon filet?”

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Generalissimo gawked, it couldn’t have been out of thin air. . . unless this really was another hallucination, Yuriko was too corporeal to be another figment of the imagination. It was time to rationalize, or fall further from sanity.

Manipulating the perceptible and perpetuating optical inconsistencies, the girl has to be an illusionist. Everything that doesn’t make logical sense was set up in advance, tricks from a magician’s hat. Confusion and misdirection, as a politician Generalissimo know this game too well.

“Errr. . . sashimi, whatever that is.”

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