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Therapy – Who Needs It?


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Her mouth opened and closed like a gaping fish, for a few seconds, before she managed to gather her wits and take the offered seat, smoothing out her skirt self-consciously as she did so.

"M-Martens? Do you m-mean am I a Martenist?" She stuttered a little over the first sentence, gaining a little confidence as she continued to speak. "Martenism is banned in P-Promised Land. I've never heard of the Dark Hand. And I thought the Republic of war didn't exist any more?"

"No, I'm not married, and I consider myself single. I am a proffessional therapist, here on business. The time of my stay is until my business." She paused before blurting out, "You are...Generalissimo, I presume? I was told you needed a therapist."

In the suitcase were several ordinary items--several days' worth of clothing, two bottles of fresh water, two pairs of shoes, her passport, a driver's license with picture ID (from Promised Land), and her business licence (also from Promised Land).

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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“You are correct for I am Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia!!!

What gave it away? Was it my stylish yet functional generic paramilitary uniform of indeterminate rank, my awesome Castro hat and trademark cigar, my distinctively vague Caribbean accent, or maybe the fact I’m the only other person it sight? From television to the Internet images of an international figure wouldn’t be hard to come by, of course there is also whatever data you might have collected from your colleagues, so it was probably an incredibly easy conclusion.

Who told you I needed a therapist? Sorry about that, force of habit. Wait, I might actually need someone to talk to. I’m curious as to why you came to the Saint Paul City Wasteland when your office would have probably sufficed, not that I mind the companionship, there are so few visitors to the island these days."

Edited by Generalissimo
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"To be honest...it was the cigar, hat and u-uniform that told me who you are."

She blushed lightly as she answered another question. "I c-came here because I wanted to see for myself what the city r-ruins looked like. And..." the next part was spoken in a lowered voice, as if she was ahamed of this fact, "I don't have my own office yet."

She turned away in an attempt to hide the blush, but unsuccessfully--Generalissimo would still be able to see it.

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””So you want to see a city in ruins? You’re a morbid lady, Kidding.

When we’re done with business I can give you the tour, our seven remaining freestanding structures are worth the visit but everything else is mostly rubble. [sarcasm]Our extensive and varied collection of rubble is planned to be the centerpiece of Procinctia’s new tourist industry.[sarcasm]

It’s a shame more people don’t experience these things; maybe they wouldn’t be in such a hurry to ignite pointless conflicts.”

What’s there to be ashamed of? So you don’t have an office, you could always set up a desk on a dirt airfield and call it an office, it works for me.”

Edited by Generalissimo
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She smiled, attempting to make a joke. "Would y-you be able to spare a piece of your 'office' here for me? It would work just as well as anywhere else."

She bent down to rummage through here suitcase (unconsciously giving Generalissimo an--interesting view, to say the least), and withdrew her passport, Driver's license, and practitioner's license. "I just remembered, you haven't checked my passport or ID yet..."

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She smiled, attempting to make a joke. "Would y-you be able to spare a piece of your 'office' here for me? It would work just as well as anywhere else."

She bent down to rummage through here suitcase (unconsciously giving Generalissimo an--interesting view, to say the least), and withdrew her passport, Driver's license, and practitioner's license. "I just remembered, you haven't checked my passport or ID yet..."

Generalissimo was definitely processing something, but it wasn’t her documents.

Decades of military and political leadership allowed Generalissimo composure enough to avoid overtly ogling his visitor outright.

Mechanically stamping her passport Generalissimo was barely able to glean a name from the ID.

“Your papers appear to be in order, enjoy your stay.”

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The name on the ID read Angelina Young.

"Thank you," she said, smiling broadly. "I'm sure I w-will enjoy it." The stutter was almost gone. She was slowly gaining confidence. Yes, the area was a wasteland, but from what she could see, that only made her job easier. Her...was 'client' the right word? He was unlikely to run off anywhere, as he was undoubtedly desperate for someone to talk to.

"Now, do you m-mind if we have our first session right here?"

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A (rather) large ship stopped at Procinctia, when a small figure jumped from the rails onto the (rotten) harbor. Brushing herself off, the girl then looked out onto the island, her eyes filled with fun.

"So this is Procinctia. Let's see if I can treat a poor soul today."


Yuriko Omega had arrived.

OOC: Hmmm..... I wonder what Generalissimo would think of this......

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The name on the ID read Angelina Young.

"Thank you," she said, smiling broadly. "I'm sure I w-will enjoy it." The stutter was almost gone. She was slowly gaining confidence. Yes, the area was a wasteland, but from what she could see, that only made her job easier. Her...was 'client' the right word? He was unlikely to run off anywhere, as he was undoubtedly desperate for someone to talk to.

"Now, do you m-mind if we have our first session right here?"

Generalissimo replied without hesitation, “Sure, why not? Can you think of a better place?

Generalissimo is standing by," *salute*, "we can start whenever you’re ready.”

Whenever Angelina was finished collecting her thoughts they would begin.

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A (rather) large ship stopped at Procinctia, when a small figure jumped from the rails onto the (rotten) harbor. Brushing herself off, the girl then looked out onto the island, her eyes filled with fun.

"So this is Procinctia. Let's see if I can treat a poor soul today."


Yuriko Omega had arrived.

Generalissimo received what was allegedly Yuriko Omega’s picture without any message or appointment information,

the picture contained a pop-deco drawing of a school girl in front of an exaggerated background, it hard to take seriously. Two weeks Generalissimo nearly forgot the incident entirely.

Today was a typical day in the Saint Paul City Wasteland with Generalissimo sitting in front of his transmitter surfing the international diplomatic frequencies, until he interrupted by an emergency military communication.

This is Rat Islands Command, Nerrivik System gas detected what appears to be a rather large ship already anchored in Saint Paul Sector 7.

“So much for early warning, what do we have?”

Alert Code Red Alert- 3 Unknown Sir, the unidentified vessel has made no attempt to establish communication.

“Prep an Exocet just in case, but don’t lock on to anything yet, we’re not trying to provoke anyone. I’m going to take a look, try to talk to them, if I’m not back on the line in 30 consider them a hostile force.”

Equipped with bayonettedM1 Garand battle rifle Generalissimo embarked to greet the interlopers.

Upon reaching the beach Generalissimo tracked movement, aiming his riffle a single warning was issued “Halt, you are trespassing on sovereign Procinctian territory, identify yourself immediately or. . . Yuriko? You actually came? Sorry about that, you might want to call next time.”

She was here, just like the picture, even the ridiculous schoolgirl uniform.

Looking ‘Yuriko’ over Generalissimo considered the following possibilities

A ) Yuriko Omega is a schoolgirl who moonlighted as a therapist, with Liska as acting Minster of Foreign affairs this made a disturbing about of sense

B ) Yuriko Omega is some sort of schoolgirl fetishist, kind of self explanatory

C ) Yuriko Omega is a cosplaying therapist?

D ) Yuriko Omega is the Empire of the Rising Sun's psionic commando engineered by Shiro Sanitarium’s experiments to battle Soviet war bears

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Yuriko blinked at the Generalissimo with large liquid eyes.

"I would say choice A, Generalissimo. I'm just 15 years old now."

Watching as the old man went into panic, she giggled.

"It's always the same old thing, people thinking I'm either a cosplaying therapist, or that strange psionic commando from a game. I'm just your average brainy schoolgirl who just happens to have a bit of talents moving things around with her mind."

Just as she stopped speaking, rocks began to lift from the ground, and swirled around her for a moment before settling down on the ground.

"So, what seems to be the problem, Generalissimo? I've heard you're very lonely these days."

OOC: I assume that Angelina Young is still around.

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Yuriko blinked at the Generalissimo with large liquid eyes.

"I would say choice A, Generalissimo. I'm just 15 years old now."

Watching as the old man went into panic, she giggled.

"It's always the same old thing, people thinking I'm either a cosplaying therapist, or that strange psionic commando from a game. I'm just your average brainy schoolgirl who just happens to have a bit of talents moving things around with her mind."

Just as she stopped speaking, rocks began to lift from the ground, and swirled around her for a moment before settling down on the ground.

"So, what seems to be the problem, Generalissimo? I've heard you're very lonely these days."

What seems to be the problem? You’re floating [expletive redacted] rocks, that seems to be the problem. Oh God, Yuriko Omega really is a psionic commando. Choice A, how could she know? Could she really read his mind? Generalissimo swore he didn’t say any of that out loud, did his internal dialog bleed over again?

“I posted a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl as my country’s chief diplomat, I’m not in any way judging you," [please don't kill me] "but I’m going to need to see your practitioner's license. Fifteen. . . Fifteen, most anyone else would consider that a little odd.

More importantly, WHO TOLD YOU I WAS LONELY!!! Generalissimo is never lonely, he stands with the Procinctian people?”

OOC: I assume that Angelina Young is still around.
Out of Character Response:

I’m going to try to keep my therapists separate lest they overwhelm me.

They’re mostly Kaiser Marten’s most elite agents, do you really think I would give them the opportunity for a numerical advantage? That’s exactly what Martens wants.

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Out of Character Response:

I'm going to try to keep my therapists separate lest they overwhelm me.

They're mostly Kaiser Marten's most elite agents, do you really think I would give them the opportunity for a numerical advantage? That's exactly what Martens wants.

OOC: If you say so... :D

So they might be on the island at the same time, but never in the same place...am I correct? :D

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Yuriko took out her Yamato practitioner's license from her skirt (gasp!) pocket.

"There's nothing suspicious about this, Generalissimo-chan~. As for you being lonely, I just figured that no one would live in this barren place except for the occasional fisher."

Sitting herself on a rock, she slowly crossed her legs, her white..... nearly showing.

"Anything you want to discuss? I might really just be a repressed memory of your sexual frustration because of your mother."

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