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The Harmless War Wiki

Updated as of: 8:05AM CT June 7th

red = June 5th 1:30ishAM

Blue = June 7th 8:10ish AM

Harmless kids

Orange = at war with all Anti-MHA Forces

Mostly Harmful Alliance: 699,613 -> 481,357

Area 51: 57,839


699,613 -> 539,196

The Anti-MHA Forces at war with MHA

green = Retro Romans (At war with MHA)

Pink: SOS (At war with MHA)

Orange: UN Peace keepers (At war with MHA)

Light Green : 18+

Redro Urug:52,460 -> 51,223

Roman Empire:336,605 -> 299,958

Fellowship: 414,462 -> 371,560

SWAT: 229,895 -> 204,928

SoS Brigade: 17,972

United Nations: 111,190

ADULT: 54,146


1,033,422 -> 1,110,977

Beavis and Butthead (at war with MHA and the Fellowship)

Beavis and Butthead: 8,418

I will add more stuff such as nations,Nukes,etc etc later on ;P just putting up thr basic's right now.

Edited by KenoDurkster
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I think you can hardly compare MHA:TE to NPO:SE. Other than strength gaps there was nothing in common. Anyway, the statistics are fun! Let's see them :popcorn:

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LE took down mha last round almost single handedly, somehow I don't expect that a huge amount of alliances are going to have a problem :P

Hmmm . . I don't remember it quite like that. They put up a good fight but iirc it was FARk who did all the work.

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Get your facts straight, buddy. Have we ever needed another alliance to help us? 2 minutes of your time, looking around these same forums you're so blindly posting on, would refute your statement.

Research > posting. K?

Edited by Ferrie
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Get your facts straight, buddy. Have we ever needed another alliance to help us? 2 minutes of your time, looking around these same forums you're so blindly posting on, would refute your statement.

Research > posting. K?

It doesn't matter if you ever had. The fact is it's been stated LE called in Fark and whatsername over there to come in against TPF. Critical reading skills ftw? Perhaps simple logic and connecting the dots just escapes you or did you just not take the time to mull over my post before trying to show off some bravado in defending your alliance mate's hypocritical statement?

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Are you crazy?

NPO lost! There is no comparison :D

By the way we're Harmful, not Harmless, thats SE.

Edited by Optical
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Are you crazy?

NPO lost! There is no comparison :D

By the way we're Harmful, not Harmless, thats SE.

It was an intentional pun buddy.

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I don't know why you posted this considering LE never called in two others to fight TPF.

From your various posts in this thread I have gathered that you pretty much know nothing about TE and the way it has been played the last round. You are just making a fool out of yourself and your alliance. LE is not the all-powerful overlord of TE and never have been so please, stfu.

Also, MHA is nothing like NPO. They are a great group of people who don't involve themselves in curbstomps, unlike NPO.

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It was just LE :|

Might have been two rounds ago, I cannot ever keep track :P

I Must correct you there Ender, it was last round and it was about 2 weeks after we where blitz by fark.

You got us once we had been weakened.

Not to take anything away from you guys it was still an awesome blitz, but we never cracked and kept our core members and gave a bloody good fight back.

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It doesn't matter if you ever had. The fact is it's been stated LE called in Fark and whatsername over there to come in against TPF. Critical reading skills ftw? Perhaps simple logic and connecting the dots just escapes you or did you just not take the time to mull over my post before trying to show off some bravado in defending your alliance mate's hypocritical statement?

Oh ye of a much larger "bravado", as you put it... Thanks for proving my point by having absolutely no evidence to back up your statment. These sir, are the facts.

I had to check back through our forums, but Ratnp is correct. This is what I asked him to do:

"See if they are willing to assist if we get hit by the whole world. They are good people, fight hard, and are able to maintain with a small alliance. We don't have anything to offer other than some fun and protection once the doo-doo hits the fan, but it would be nice to have them prepped to assist if we have 400 nations hitting us at once (like I hope we do)."

And that is what he did and the Rodents did. I will take full responsibility for the Rodents entering the war. They are our friends regardless.

Nothing was ever said on our behalf to Fark. The Rodents were contacted before TPF ever attacked. This was solely a precautionary measure, just in case we were hit by multiple large alliances. Which, as you can see, we were hoping for.

Now, fabricating events to make them sound real, does not count as research. The intelligence you have displayed in your posts leads me to believe that your opinion is biased, and verbally sparring with you would be a waste of time.

I have nothing against you. I am merely asking that along with your "fictional" statments, your provide some "non-fictional" proof.


Edited by Ferrie
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As a seldom poster here I would like to echo some sentiments from others. Ammon has been upfront and honest with the info regarding RD/FARK coming into this conflict. We did inquire about support prior to the TPF blitz the other night. Since the blitz we have made no such inquires.

Please keep in mind the forum landscape and the threats from many against LE due to our own aggressive actions. We would be remiss in our roles if we did not consider the possibilty of multiple alliances coming against us. Which is why I tip my hat and applaude TPF for coming at us alone. I for one think TPF has conducted themselves bravely and honorably in the past few days. I <S> the bunch of ya's.

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Oh ye of a much larger "bravado", as you put it... Thanks for proving my point by having absolutely no evidence to back up your statment. These sir, are the facts.

Nothing was ever said on our behalf to Fark. The Rodents were contacted before TPF ever attacked. This was solely a precautionary measure, just in case we were hit by multiple large alliances. Which, as you can see, we were hoping for.

Now, fabricating events to make them sound real, does not count as research. The intelligence you have displayed in your posts leads me to believe that your opinion is biased, and verbally sparring with you would be a waste of time.

I have nothing against you. I am merely asking that along with your "fictional" statments, your provide some "non-fictional" proof.


So you provided one statement from a member of your own alliance stating otherwise? I'm sorry but that's hardly rock solid proof of anything. I've heard otherwise but it seems neither of us have logs (unless you'd like to provide some) so you claiming my statement as false is contrary to your own lack of evidence.

Anyways, so you admit you contacted the Rodents in order for help in the case of war correct? Would this not make your alliance mate's statement hypocritical? He tries to bash us for bringing in allies but can't say anything about LE doing the same thing right? I'm sorry, but have you actually read my serious posts or are you just trying to tow in a non contextual attack on my intelligence. If you wish, I'd be happy to prove my debate skills against you if you feel so intellectually superior. I believe you'll be in for quite the surprise.

Finally, you accuse my opinion of being bias. What does that make you? A neutral bystander? The content of your posts are also one sided as you are obviously supporting the opposite side of the conflict because of your AA. You have honestly just accused me of something you clearly exhibit. Next time, I'd try a different point of attack if I were you.

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LE have been active all round fighting alone and was recently involved with a draw out slug-fest with the no.2 alliance in TE. NO POLITICS Swat built all round and then attacked the big friendly MHA bear (which appears to be leaderless right now) with a coalition that was nearly double its NS. I think the contrast speaks for itself. If you want to believe that LE went running for help, thats your choice, but its not what happened. From my viewpoint, LE was pretty happy with the war and welcomed the challenge.

I didnt bash anybody, but I was laughing at the huge numbers you needed to attack MHA and the sudden cancellation of NO POLITICS! that Swat espoused since its inception. You guys organised a curb stomp, we didn't

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