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Everything posted by TechCom

  1. :( since when did you leave UINE
  2. no such thing as fail. I have less casualties on SE and I'm being ZIed and constantly in wars
  3. it is the best show ever. watched the entire season one in a weekend
  4. exactly can not be allowed. CN can easily be exploited at school computers, library computers, and then all send to it. Horrible idea
  5. i would only call one person in that chat a moron, and that isnt arrnea. besides, im friends with SOS Brigade and we will protect them if necessary
  6. yeah but where does the tech that gets raided come from? If its too expensive to even buy or if CMs/Nukes destroy tech, well then, the amount of tech is lowered.
  7. srsly dude, unless you want to condemn your alliance and all your buddies, don't mess with us
  8. perhaps people will actually like OON next round other than despise them. don't make enemies mate, and we can all be buddies.
  9. don't mind them arrnea this always happens
  10. Comrade stay together Ashen. watch for some missiles your way tonight ashen =D. just cuz i have more important matters to do doesn't mean i have forgotten about you
  11. in the name of our goddess destroy them!
  12. you again? ugh i dont want to completely annialate you ashen
  13. all opposition shall be crushed o/ the something something alliance
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