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The Diberian Wasteland


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The sound of tracks smashing vegetation and grinding the fallen plants into pulp had every Grey Knight focusing their weaponry in the direction of the vehicle. None of the soldiers present had seen a zombie drive, but it was far better to be safe then sorry and, consequently undead.

A military-looking vehicle crashed through the foliage and stopped at the edge of the clearing. The two groups had a stare-down for several seconds, neither sure what to do. The Grey Knights used the time well and brought several high-velocity Bolter Variants to the fore, targeting the vehicle and awaiting the order to fire.

The Imperial Chaplain stepped forward. "Speak now foul construct lest we purge you from this jungle in the name of the Emperor, praise him and all of his doings."

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The sound of tracks smashing vegetation and grinding the fallen plants into pulp had every Grey Knight focusing their weaponry in the direction of the vehicle. None of the soldiers present had seen a zombie drive, but it was far better to be safe then sorry and, consequently undead.

A military-looking vehicle crashed through the foliage and stopped at the edge of the clearing. The two groups had a stare-down for several seconds, neither sure what to do. The Grey Knights used the time well and brought several high-velocity Bolter Variants to the fore, targeting the vehicle and awaiting the order to fire.

The Imperial Chaplain stepped forward. "Speak now foul construct lest we purge you from this jungle in the name of the Emperor, praise him and all of his doings."

Tercero Brand popped out of the top. "Howdy fellers, I'm Tercero Brand of the Andonian Skywolf Brigade, hows ya'all doin'!"

Edited by freakwars
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At this moment, one of the troopers from Promised Land walked into the room containing Jerrey and the opthers. He oepened his mouth to speak, then saw the others.

"Vesker? Steve?" He shifted his glance to the others. "Roxas and Sentinel? We thought you guys were dead!"

A smile lit up his tired face, removing at least ten years from his appearance.

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Roxas gave the soldier one of his tired grins, and Sentinel bared his teeth in the rictus that passed for his smile.

"We were actually just talking about that, you know. Barely escaped that collapsing warehouse with our skins. Our controllers in the Imperium managed to lead us through the least infested areas to rest while Sentinel healed; but we lost contact with higher after getting signals of a rebellion."

The troubled nature brought about by worrying for his home nation came to the fore, and Roxas' personal clouds closed in once again.

"I don't know what's going on in the Imperium and as far as I know nobody in the Rebellion has managed to raise them on the Vox."

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"You're not the only ones, mate. None of us know what's been going on back home. For all we know...Promised Land is a nuclear wasteland. Though that seems unlikely..." he added with a chuckle.

"Oh, wait just a minute...the boys will want to know you're here..."

He spoke into his walkie-talkie, telling the other troopers to "get your @$$es over here straightaway!"

"Especially Perez. You don't know it, Sentinel, but you saved his life when you decapitated one of the zombies--it was within a milimeter of biting him."

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Jerrey watched the conversation, and put in his two cents about the vox. "Diberia was pretty backward before the wars, and never got much better. Diberia did launch two satellites, but they were hacked and crashed into Diberia. Landlines and radio towers have been built, destroyed, and rebuilt over the last decade, but a combination of constant warfare and Aperture Science commando's have severed our means of control." Jerrey pulls out a map of Diberia onto a nearby table, showing avalible communications devices.

"Aperture Science has troops all around us, except parts of the southern lands where infected soilders from Diberia and the Imperium are vast. The rainforest there may as well be called stormforest there, with zombies hiding in the water and jumping upon passing boats, or dropping from the massive trees that even have made "layers" of leaves in some places. That is the fastest way to the Imperium, but the most hazerdous." He points to the rest of the lands. "Where there are not zombies, there are Aperture Science fortifications and traps. No landlines go here so far away from civilization, and Aperture Science destroyed parts of them all anyway. We have built radio towers, but Aperture jam's all the channels with static and noise, making all communications impossible. We have no aircraft. Well, we did but they got destroyed by Aperture's much more advanced MiG fighters." On the map, there is a final symbol that Jerrey has forgotten to mention.

OOC: Hey guys! Finished my final exam today and the summer is now mine! :awesome:

I'll RP something with Aperture Science in the next couple of days.

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Roxas nodded at each explanation while Sentinel conversed with the Promised-Land soldiers. They exchanged war stories, claiming feats that were just shy of ridiculous. Ridiculous, that is, for anyone who hadn't gone through the hell of Diberia.

Every lane back to his home-country seemed fraught with peril; all around the wolves of death waited to snap up the fragile sphere of civilization left within Diberia known as the Rebellion. He sagged in his chair, wishing that somehow he could contact his home and support the rebels more than his own not-inconsiderate experience and soldiering skill.

But he noticed that one symbol remained unexplained.

"And this one?"

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Roxas nodded at each explanation while Sentinel conversed with the Promised-Land soldiers. They exchanged war stories, claiming feats that were just shy of ridiculous. Ridiculous, that is, for anyone who hadn't gone through the hell of Diberia.

Every lane back to his home-country seemed fraught with peril; all around the wolves of death waited to snap up the fragile sphere of civilization left within Diberia known as the Rebellion. He sagged in his chair, wishing that somehow he could contact his home and support the rebels more than his own not-inconsiderate experience and soldiering skill.

But he noticed that one symbol remained unexplained.

"And this one?"

Jerrey looks at the map again. "Oh. That one. Those are known, and secretive, ancient cell phone towers. They were built a long time ago and are meerly a satellite dish attached to a phone. Some have been destroyed by Aperture Science, while others remain. The remaining ones are kept secret and hidden away from Aperture's nearly all-seeing eyes. One of them is quite close to us actually, but a natural cliff formation nearby got Aperture Science to construct a heavily fortified position atop the cliffs."

He taps his belt, and a cell phone is positioned there. "You may be wondering why I don't use this thing. Well, for starters every single cell phone in Diberia was built by GTI, therefore Aperture Science can do what it wants to your cell phone as soon as it connects to any access point, including emitting extreamly high-pitch noises and forcing the phone to wipe its own memory. 'Course, it needs to be turned on, and this bugger won't be turning on untill Aperture Science is gone. Then I'll get unlimited...everything on my cell phone." Jerrey smiles. "I've also heard rumors that they'll fire a cruise missle at your location, but I doupt they have any left; if they did, there would be more craters in this town." He reviews the map again to be sure he didn't miss anything, then remembers Roxas' previous question on the status of the Rebellion.

OOC: Damnit, its 2:34 A.M.! Shall continue tomorrow.

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Vesker disengaged himself from a conversation with one of the Promise Land soldiers and ambled over to the map. Before he looked at it, he gave a last glance at Steve. He hadn't jumped back onto Sentinel, but he was following Sentinel like a lost puppy. Vesker shrugged. He'd seen weirder. Looking back at the map, he gave it a good looking over.

"Excuse me, Mr. Rough, Roxas. I'm not sure if this helps any, but I thought you might want to know that while Steve and myself was making our way here, we spotted a AP small re-supply base just a few dozen kilometers south of our location." He took out his trusty, if not blood smeared, knife, and marked it's location. "It's about two and a half days walk. I spotted humvees with .50 cals and MK. 19s and two or three bradlys. There were some cargo trucks as well. Me and Steve watched it for a few hours and noted two convoys come through. From what we saw, they had an armory, a small machine shop, and a fuel depot. The defenses are designed to keep out wandering survivors and zombies, but a small commando team might be able to sneak in. It'd make a great place to restock. Especially if we're going on a trip." He said. "One last thing, the vehicles are marked as Aperture Science. This might work to our advantage. Interested?" He asked.


OOC:I'm settling into my new unit, so I'll be a little spotty. But I should have internet set up by the month's end. Mabye the middle of next month at the very most.

Subtle, I forgot the names of your guys. What where they again?

Btw, its 7:04 PM where I'm at right now

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Roxas nodded at each explanation while Sentinel conversed with the Promised-Land soldiers. They exchanged war stories, claiming feats that were just shy of ridiculous. Ridiculous, that is, for anyone who hadn't gone through the hell of Diberia.

Every lane back to his home-country seemed fraught with peril; all around the wolves of death waited to snap up the fragile sphere of civilization left within Diberia known as the Rebellion. He sagged in his chair, wishing that somehow he could contact his home and support the rebels more than his own not-inconsiderate experience and soldiering skill.

But he noticed that one symbol remained unexplained.

"And this one?"

The soldiers were at first surprised, then elated, that more survivors had been found. They would have considered some of the stories Sentinel, and they themselves, told as tall tales, had they not personally experienced everything. In truth, much of what they talked of was understated, and they knew it.

But they didn't care, losing themselves in the comaradie...

Vesker disengaged himself from a conversation with one of the Promise Land soldiers and ambled over to the map. Before he looked at it, he gave a last glance at Steve. He hadn't jumped back onto Sentinel, but he was following Sentinel like a lost puppy. Vesker shrugged. He'd seen weirder. Looking back at the map, he gave it a good looking over.

"Excuse me, Mr. Rough, Roxas. I'm not sure if this helps any, but I thought you might want to know that while Steve and myself was making our way here, we spotted a AP small re-supply base just a few dozen kilometers south of our location." He took out his trusty, if not blood smeared, knife, and marked it's location. "It's about two and a half days walk. I spotted humvees with .50 cals and MK. 19s and two or three bradlys. There were some cargo trucks as well. Me and Steve watched it for a few hours and noted two convoys come through. From what we saw, they had an armory, a small machine shop, and a fuel depot. The defenses are designed to keep out wandering survivors and zombies, but a small commando team might be able to sneak in. It'd make a great place to restock. Especially if we're going on a trip." He said. "One last thing, the vehicles are marked as Aperture Science. This might work to our advantage. Interested?" He asked.


OOC:I'm settling into my new unit, so I'll be a little spotty. But I should have internet set up by the month's end. Mabye the middle of next month at the very most.

Subtle, I forgot the names of your guys. What where they again?

Btw, its 7:04 PM where I'm at right now

OOC: Actually, no one was named, except for Lieutenant Dickenson. And he's dead... :( Feel free to name a couple of them yourself, if you wish... :D

IC: Second Lieutenant Stone, they guy who'd stumbled on them all gatehered here, acknowledged Roxas's breaking off of their conversatio, though he followed.

"I wish I or my boys could add to the useful intelligence...but we were more focused on staying alive. And the only enemies we ever encountered were the zombies."

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OOC: Well, looks like as good a place as any...


Ix'Chimalxochitzin made her way through the forest, pillaged M4 in hand. She didn't recall whom the original owner had been, only that she pried it from his dead fingers when the handgun she had previously 'owned' had run out of ammo. Perhaps he had been turned into a zombie, perhaps not, she did not care for such things. The M4 was an improvement, at least, as ammo seemed to be easier to get for it.

Taking a deep breath, the mayan tribeswoman peered through the foilage to the Aperture Base in front of her. Her own men were waiting a little further back, as always while she was scouting: They were a little hard to control when there were enemies in the area, and she didn't want to alert Aperture to her presence just yet. That would be at a moment of her choosing, not theirs. Judging by what she saw, they were too well defended for a direct assault though...

The wind carried a few zombie moans to her, and she looked over her shoulder, slinking back into the cover of the forest unseen. They were getting a bit too close, it seemed, forcing her to call off her scouting run in favor of remaining undetected.

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OOC: I am just going to assume that the GLS troops had dealt with the AP soldiers in the tower. JerreyRough can finish that.


IC: Not much was going on in the base. The soldiers had finished repairing the base and upgrading it. It would be nearly impossible for a zombie horde to break through the defenses considering the amount of machine guns, mini guns, stationary sniper rifles, napalm rocket launchers, rocket launchers, mortars, and artillery guns were placed in the defense walls, towers, and behind the walls.

Some of the cargo ships were completely unloaded and headed directly back to GLS. 10 of the cargo ships left the base to reclaim the devastated coastal Heskan base located north of them.

Meanwhile, three search and rescue helicopters took off (painted red, with a while circle that has the red cross symbol in it. Marked Great Lakes State Search and Rescue), with the escort of three military attack helicopters. 15 cargo, 20 passenger helicopters, and 25 attack helicopters took off to reclaim the devastated Inland Eastern Central Heskan base...


In one of the search and rescue helicopters:

"No signs of uninfected in the grass land. Seems like there are only zombies. Returning back to base." said the pilot while speaking into the radio.

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In the waters off the coast of Diberia, a helicopter-carrier class destroyer, the E.I.F. Unyeilding idled about. It had a mission, launch a heavily modified UH-60 carrying an extraction team. The UH-60 took off, and headed for land. Somewhere around forty kilometers north of Esmeralds, the chopper started taking fire from AP positions.

"Set us down, quick!" The NCOIC called. The pilot managed to set the bird down and allow for the extraction team to leave. As it attempted to take off, enemy fire smashed into it, and it spun off and crashed elsewhere in the wastes. The NCOIC, First Sargent Nick Haymaker grimaced. "There goes our easy way out." He grumbled. His soldiers didn't complain, as he knew they wouldn't. The soldiers in question were six of the newest versions of the Happy Smilers research program. Superior to the original versions in every respect, the Happy Smilers also had most of their mental facilities in place. They were able to do anything from carry on a conversation to learn how to build a computer from scratch. They still had the bloodlust of the original Happy Smilers, kept it better under control.

"Come on fellas. Time to finish the mission." Haymaker said. The Happy Smilers nodded, and they headed towards the Esmeralds base. Their mission: Find Steve and extract him. Whether they would reach him was a different story.

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OOC: I'll reply to the posts in time. @HHYAD, assume that they surrendered and taken into questioning. They won't know anything though.

Also, DrKintobor if its 40km north of Esmeralda (zoom out a bit), then that is smack dab in the middle of Rebellion territory (and you would be on top of a mountain). Instead of rewriting it to accomidate those facts, we can put in an additional plot twist: your RP still happens, but the anti-aircraft fire came from the Rebellion, as the rebellion has no aircraft but Aperture Science does. A case of mistaken identity, where the Rebellion thinks they are elite Aperture commandos while they think the Rebellion's soilders are Aperture infantry. If you agree, tell me OOC-wise and I'll fashion an RP for it.

And I'm sorry for my "no RP then wall-o-text" RP style. D: /OOC

Aperture Science Diberian HQ – Codename Operations Base 204, Uknown location within Western Diberia

The facility was in a flurry of activity. The new and unexpected assult by the Imperium of Man forced them to redivert soilders on the front lines near the Rebellion to Diberia's northern edge. Many of their plans and research needed to be sped up to meet this new assult. Not only that, but the latest recruitment efforts only found a handful of people per trip, wasting hundreds of thousands on fuel. Aperture's debit from their spider web of innocent, small chains of companys was getting too large to support. The HQ was, like most instalations, hidden in the jungle and connected by only a few dirt roads and a camoflauged airfield. But unlike the other secretive instalations, this one had a massive underground section and housed cruise missiles filled with the MK2 disease (MK3 created smarter and stronger zombies, but had a higher “survivor rate”), ready to be deployed if the Imperium gets too close. To further distract the enemy from this important location, 4 other installations – one near Diberia's western shore, the others north west, north east, and south of the Rebellion – were constructed . They are not as important and mostly had ammunition and supplies (but not cruise missiles). They did not fear attacks by the rebellion; the Rebellion's chief advantage was entrenchments and immobile artillery and antiaircraft weapons.

“Move the infantry regiments inbetween 134 to 140 from the Rebellion front lines to the southern IOM frontlines to protect the retreat. They won't do much, but at least they'll slow them down.” Commanded the White Suit. Several men clad in white lab coats rushed to do the CEO's bidding. He sighed and opened up the document of the first Aperture soilders to die at the hands of the Imperium of Man. His plan to dominate Diberia and destroy most of mankind was fleeting like a million dollar bill dropped in a strong breeze. The MK4 machine-based disease was still in development, even though it was the very first one they started with, and if they had their way the final disease to come out of Aperture Science. The White Suit wished to wipe out most of mankind, to rebuild anew with a select group of people, a group that included no one in the building he was residing in. (*Lorebit: the White Suit, and other fellow men, think that humanity is destroying the world, and the only way to cure the cancer (humans) without killing the body (earth) is via zombie virus.)

His office was clean and tidy, nearly spotless; nothing like what it was three weeks ago when the Imperium begain its assult, reminders that he was not a dull and unlikable man like what the men thought we was. When he got stressed out, he found it enjoyable to clean up his personal mess. Many of the rooms were still dirty, unclean, and frowned upon by Aperture Science at any normal time. But Aperture's emplyees did not care when they were rushing to run for their lives, to not go upon against the court of “justice” in the world. They were leaving Diberia, at least for a time, to Diberia's islands. They hoped that the Imperium was too busy with Aperture's soilders and twin zombie attacks in the north to pay attention to a few boats and planes in the west. Many thousands of men and scientists would leave for the boats and planes; but only a select couple hundred would be allowed to leave, with the rest forced to be zombiefied as soon as the craft make it safely to the Diberian islands. (*Lorebit: the purpose of this is so then if they come under attack, then they have “replacements” for important personel).

OOC: A picture of pre-war "La Esmeralda" (the real name).


The area would be full of buildings on stilts from the Rebellion.

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In Northeast Coastal Heskan base:

The military decided to retake the base to serve as a stepping stone to reach deeper into Diberia...

GLS cargo ships begin to dock at the crumbling base as attack helicopters lift off to spray napalm around the base to prevent more zombies from entering the base.

As the helicopters finish up with the napalming, soldiers stormed onto the docks and slowly approached the buildings...


Message to Holy Imperium of Man:

We are going to deploy 20 military cargo ships to the west side of Diberia in order to extend our search and rescue operations. We request that you to allow our ships to cross through Panama canal.

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In Northeast Coastal Heskan base:

The military decided to retake the base to serve as a stepping stone to reach deeper into Diberia...

GLS cargo ships begin to dock at the crumbling base as attack helicopters lift off to spray napalm around the base to prevent more zombies from entering the base.

As the helicopters finish up with the napalming, soldiers stormed onto the docks and slowly approached the buildings...


Message to Holy Imperium of Man:

We are going to deploy 20 military cargo ships to the west side of Diberia in order to extend our search and rescue operations. We request that you to allow our ships to cross through Panama canal.

OOC: Hmm. That could be the use of OOC knowledge for IC use, but at the same time can be argued that its a logical IC step. No matter (remember I said this). Aperture Science has a few tricks up its sleve, yet to be revealed.

'Course, that is if you make it in time. Shadowsage is gone for a couple days, and Aperture's important personel will be gone by then.

Edited by JerreyRough
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OOC: Hmm. That could be the use of OOC knowledge for IC use, but at the same time can be argued that its a logical IC step. No matter (remember I said this). Aperture Science has a few tricks up its sleve, yet to be revealed.

'Course, that is if you make it in time. Shadowsage is gone for a couple days, and Aperture's important personel will be gone by then.

OOC: The GLS military doesn't know, all they know is that the search and rescue coverage is too small. ;)

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Three months ago, Operations Base 204.

The White Suit stood with several others in lab coats infront of several big computer screens and keyboards, almost like NASA/Houston, with the center screen showing the New Aztec Empire and its recently rebuilt cities. The White Suit spoke. "Are we ready for test firing our new weapon?"

A sergeant standing infront of one of the terminals replied. "Yes sir! The cruise missiles are loaded with the Zombification Virus mark 3 and await your command, sir!"

"Good good. Fire!" The sergeant hit the fire button, and 25 cruise missiles rose one after another from the base, directly for their designated targets in the New Aztec Empire.

The missiles signified the doom of another nation, an additional country that has surrcumed to the disease. Aperture Science knew that the country would not try and enter Diberia, but they needed to test their new cruise missile-bourne zombie disease to be sure it worked. And it did. (*Lorebit: they suspected that the Imperium would attack at some point soon, but they didn't know when; there were some indications of the Imperium taking military actions at this point, so the missiles were shot)


Just another news agency...

Two months ago...


"The recently formed country of the New Aztec Empire has ceased all comunication with the outside world, after a brief and desperate communication of an attack from an unknown agressor. The commmunication, made a month ago also claimed that cruise missiles with a seeminly harmess disease fired upon them as well. One of the final communications indicate that two thirds of the population have turned into "zombies", and are fighting a loosing war against them. The country was part of Diberia and later assisted by GTI, and it is suspected that the bankrupt company had something to do with it. But with major conflicts in the globe happening, it has been paid no heed."

"Stock prices fell today as..."


The White Suit stands by his desk reading the report of the New Inca Empire being zombified. His back is to a very frightened scientist, with guards wearing gass masks posted at the door. He reads the estimated time for an individual to be zombified, yells, and runs to the scientist, shoving a hand gun to his throat. "The disease needs to act quicker. At the current pace, we'll be overrun by the time the enemy has been completly zombified. And that just won't do, will it?"

"N...n..no, s...s...si...sir!" He struggles for breath as the White Suit presses the gun against his throat, as he is pushed against the door. The soilders still look ahead and seemingly pay no attention.

The White Suit gets even more mad. "Get it working to affect them in 72 hours. SEVENTY TWO HOURS! DO YOU GET ME?"

"Gckk..eeesh...ss..ahh..r!" The scientist nearly faints. The White Suit releases the scientist, and smirks as the weak man falls to the ground gasping for breath.

"We are leaving here in a few weeks. Get your act together and FINISH THAT DAMN FORMULA, OR YOU WILL SEE A ZOMBIE NICE AND CLOSE!" He yells at the scientist, still clutching his throat. White Suit sighs and waves at the door. "Get him out of here." The soilders grab the scientist and throw him out of the door.

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OOC:Sounds good to me Jerry.


IC:Nick crouched behind a fallen log as bullets wizzed over his head. His men had pulled a 360 perimeter and were repelling oncoming infantry. The Happy Smilers never wasted a round. They only fired when they knew they had a kill shot. The result was the waves of attacks were becoming weaker and less frequent. Although Nick feared something worse such as tanks or mortars were on the way.

Such thoughts were interrupted as a new foe entered the fray. Three zombies burst out of seemingly nowhere, and headed strait for Nick. He hadn't even brought his gun to bear before all three of the zombie's heads exploded almost in unison. He looked back and saw two of the Smilers facing him, smoke wafting from their gun barrels. He gave them a thumbs up. They nodded.

"Alright. We gotta go. Nobody want's to stick around to be zombie chow, right?" He asked. The others nodded. They proceeded to high crawl away from their former position. They had gotten about 300 meters when an earth-shaking roar tore through the air. The ground shook as whatever it was found enemy positions that had been firing at the extraction team. "CHEESE IT!" Nick yelped, and the team sprang to their feet and took off in a mad dash away from what had to be at least three elephanbies began devastating rebellion positions.

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Ir was a scene straight from hell. All across the path of the Crusade's Advance, Aperture Science troops had used time bought in blood by their comrades to dig a massive series of trenches and improvised earthen structures. As soon as the screening elements of the expedition came within range the undisciplined soldiers manning the defenses opened fire, changing a potentially threatening ambush into a more conventional open combat arena.

The scouting maniples suffered moderate losses before successfully exfiltrating the area and making contact with the main body of the Imperial force. They sought out the Chaplain commanding the expedition and tendered their report with haste. Other than snapping out the orders to halt the advance, the commander listened impassively until the scouts finished their reports, at which time he stood up heavily from his chair. The servos in his armor whined ominously as he shouldered a weapon and activated the Vox communicator.

"Men of the Imperium! Your Holy Emperor demands of you selfless sacrifice in his name, your duty being eternal vigil in stomping out the unholy enemies of His Divine Will. His is a harsh purpose to serve, but one which will ensure the safety of your families and our survival as a species.

"If we are to see our children grow, if we are to stand by and appreciate the passage of time from season to season these abominations and their protectors," the Chaplain practically spat the words, "Aperture Science must be expunged permanently from Diberia with His Imperial Flame. Onwards, to Glory!"


The defending soldiers of Aperture Science in the trenches never stood a chance. The conventionally equipped soldiers in the crusade, numbering a little over 10,000 commenced assaulting the defensive works in the way of the expedition. These soldiers, while highly trained and well equipped were fighting with practically zero intelligence on their opposition. As if to add to their disadvantage, the Aperture Soldiers were heavily dug in.

The battle had just begun to warm up when high in the sky a pair of Blacksword Bombers attached to the expedition led a column of troop transports. The Strategic Bombers dropped hundreds of thousands of pounds of high explosives on a portion of the trenches; erasing both the crenelations and any troops within.

The remaining planes opened back hatches and began spilling out armored soldiers equipped with the Cthulhu Fast-Landing retro-jet system which allowed them to jump in their heavy armor from extremely high altitude. They were meant to infiltrate the trenches through the devastated portion and compromise the defenses.


*Response to the Great Lakes State*

Permission Granted. See you on the other side, boys.

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East side of Diberia:

Search and rescue helicopters were flying over forests in search of any uninfected people. So far, they only found a group of people that were heavily armed at the base...


Search and rescue helicopter SR3412:

"This is Pilot George speaking, no survivors have been found yet..." said George as he continues to fly the helicopter deeper into Diberia, not knowing that he just flew over a group of Happy Smilers...


West side:

Whatever was happening, AP was going to get a nasty surprise when GLS extends their search and rescue operations over into the west side of Diberia. 20 military cargo ships wers e sailing straight for the abandoned Boomstown port. Once they got close, attack helicopters took off to spray napalm around to place to avoid having to fight zombies that came from outside of the port.

Edited by HHAYD
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