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Vaule leaves RUSSIAN pact with a bang

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VNN News: Vaule leaves RUSSIAN with a bang!

The government of Vaule chose today, National Revolution day to unveil a number of major policy changes. The first change was regarding the nation’s continuing membership in the now defunct RUSSIAN pact. In a fiery speech to the nation, President Karolekov announced that “Vaule will once again reassert fully our sovereignty and chart an independent course for the future.”

The President clarified his statements and confirmed that he will be withdrawing Vaule from the RUSSIAN pact, in a highly symbolic move. This means that after 72 hours, Vaule will no longer be a member of the pact, and all RUSSIAN flags in Vaule are to be immediately lowered. The President sought to assure the populace that Vaule will continue its membership in the ComIntern, despite the decision.


-MiG 29 approaching target

As the President spoke, the Vaule Air Force deployed 5 MiG 29s across the nation in a highly timed precision maneuver. At exactly 12:00 noon, the fighters bombed their targets, after receiving the all clear that civilians were cleared from the zone. Less than five minutes later, the military released flight data and positions on an outdated map to confirm the targets that were hit. Several branches of the RUSSIAN railway that ran through Vaule were hit from inside Vaule territory.


-Old map showing the outlines of the RUSSIAN railway network (note territorial boundaries have changed significantly since this map was produced) and the areas bombed (red dots)

The President, who had left Parliament to attend a military parade in the capital, confirmed that he ordered the precision strikes on the RUSSIAN railway network. The railway has been a source of popular discontent since it was used during the last war to violate Vaule’s sovereignty. As a result of the precision bombing, it is now impossible to use the RUSSIAN railway to enter Vaule. The President expressed his regret about the situation, but maintained that the “removal” of sections of the railway was absolutely necessary.

In preparation for Vaule’s departure from the RUSSIAN pact, the government approved the necessary legislation to revoke the benefits granted to citizens from former RUSSIAN pact member nations. This process included the creation of new Vaulian Rouble banknotes which are expected to enter circulation shortly. At the specified cutoff date, all Old Vaulian Rouble notes shall be rendered worthless. So what was once the option for the RUSSIAN common currency is once again solely the currency of Vaule.

In celebration of the announcement of Vaule’s formal departure from the RUSSIAN organization, a crowd of people gathered in front of the Presidential palace where they waved the national flag, and the flag of the VFP. The mood across Vaule has lightened significantly as Independence day approaches. A man who we spoke to on the streets of the capital summarized the national sentiment best: “Yesterday we were RUSSIAN, but tomorrow we shall be only Vaulian once more!”

This is Re Porter, reporting for VNN News.

*News credits*

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It's sad, the RUSSIAN pact showed true promise. Unfortunately a NAP overrides a MDP these days.

A short reply is sent from the Vaule Diplomatic Corps:

“The government of Vaule Socialist Republic has nothing to apologize for. The government followed all Constitutional processes in what was a particularly difficult situation. Our previous government was bound by both a MDP and a NAP. However despite our declared neutrality, the RUSSIAN pact sought to undermine our position by moving forces through a neutral nation clearly in violation of an explicit government order sealing Vaule’s borders.

After the NAP in question was cancelled, Vaule honored its requirements under the RUSSIAN MDoAP right up until the government of Slavorussia decided to surrender. While it is still a matter of debate as to why there was such a long delay in the process which led up to the NAP’s cancellation it is simply clear that the government did in fact honor its obligations under the RUSSIAN pact.”

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A short reply is sent from the Vaule Diplomatic Corps:

“The government of Vaule Socialist Republic has nothing to apologize for. The government followed all Constitutional processes in what was a particularly difficult situation. Our previous government was bound by both a MDP and a NAP. However despite our declared neutrality, the RUSSIAN pact sought to undermine our position by moving forces through a neutral nation clearly in violation of an explicit government order sealing Vaule’s borders.

After the NAP in question was cancelled, Vaule honored its requirements under the RUSSIAN MDoAP right up until the government of Slavorussia decided to surrender. While it is still a matter of debate as to why there was such a long delay in the process which led up to the NAP’s cancellation it is simply clear that the government did in fact honor its obligations under the RUSSIAN pact.”

We never said, nor implied you have anything to apologize for. We simply said it’s sad that a NAP, that was in a way violated only hours after it was signed, kept Vaule from coming to the aid of an ally.

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