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Helzan Military Moves

King Kevz

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Military equipment orders have been increased over the last couple of weeks and a large number of weapons and light armoured vehicles have been produced by Helzan factories and recruitment has been on the rise to. Regular combat drills have been undertaken with any sign of weakness being stamped out and now with the drills complete Helzan soldiers have boarded a number of converted landing ships and the airforce has been ordered to provide support. The boarding process should take roughly two hours to complete.

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Loading is complete and the vessels have set sail out of their ports heading towards the RV point in the south pacific from where they will head to their target area. E-3 sentry planes have been outfitted with high definition cameras from high altitude recon and will be over the target zone shortly.

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With the recon images in an invasion plan has been drawn up for the commanders of the assaulting Helzan forces. The East army will invade following the red highlighted route moving to quickly occupy and defeat any encountered hostiles or civilians in the areas upon reaching their assigned objectives they are to dig in and establish beach heads. The West army will follow the blue highlighted route and will advance follwoing the same orders as the east army and will again establish beach heads whilst two arms of each army will link up so that there is no split that the enemy can exploit. Once an airfield is under our control fighter aircraft will be flown over to provide aerial support. This is total war gentlemen there is to be no prisioners.

Edited by King Kevz
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"All vessels Prey has been sighted, Hawks may now attack"

With the message for the attack sent out across the entire fleet as the land of the Andonian Remnant came into sight the soldiers of Helzan lowered thier Landing Boats down into the water before climbing down cargo nets and taking their place in them. Once each boat was full they launched off and began to circle just off shore whilst the waves of boats gathered and then they advanced towards their target beaches whilst the LCT® or the Landing Craft Rocket as they were known unleashed a massive bombardment of three inch rockets against the beaches in case of any beach defenses, seeing a show the recon images hadn't been good enough to see if they had any or not, and with the dust still being blown in the air the first wave of each army readied themselves for hitting the beach.

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The 6,260 men of the Andonain Guerilla Army moved into the mountains surrounding Vaer Rannar, setting thousands of low-tech traps after evacuating every person from the city. The tiny Andonain airforce was moved ino the caves and hidden, as they had no chance for survival against the enemy numbers.

A message was dispatched to the Dragon Bloc, imploring them for assistance in defending against the unprovoked Helzan attack.

OOC: Luckily I was still at DefCon2

Edited by freakwars
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OOC: I don't think IG Defcon levels are taken into account in CNRP.

IC: The Helzan soldiers in the first wave were overjoyed to find that they were not going to be facing a hostile landing and upon landing immediatly spread out to allow for the second wave to land on the beaches. The recon units were already been dispatched to run scouting missions ahead of the armies whilst the soldiers moving through the towns and villages destroyed any resources that they could find such as farms and water systems.

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The Army moved south, to contest the reports of enemy troops moving into the area. They spread out over a very wide area, small platoons laying out ambushes for enemy patrols. They would sting the enemy, then retreat into the terrain.

OOC: It was not IG DefCon,My RP nation was at level 2

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The far eastern section of the East army whilst being cautious were not use to the terrain and walked straight into a number of ambushes and traps which caused a few fatalities amongst the soldiers but more importantly caused the entire force to bog down as they had to sweep the area whilst unconfirmed it is estimated that a number of enemy soldiers might have been killed by Helzan return fire and it was certain that the Helzan were facing a much smaller force. In response to this the rest of the Eastern army swung round in a hook hoping to catch the enemy force in thier grasp. Meanwhile the Western army continued its advance whilst Helzan aircraft flown over were now taking up CAP positions above the armies.

OOC: Nice job with the map.

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After striking the enemy, the army moved back towards Vaer Rannar laying traps until they finally stopped in a small town and set up a few pillboxes. The majority of the army continued north, toward the coast nearest Dragonisia, in case help came.

OOC: Thank you for the compliment

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The Western and Eastern armies continued thier advances though the Western army progressed faster as they didn't encounter any traps or obstacles and continued with destroying the infrastructure of the land. The Eastern army did the same though at a much slower speed. Also the enemy soon found they faced another serious problem as Helzan H-16 aircraft constantly flew combat missions against the retreating enemy using both cannon fire and unguided bombs. Half of the aircraft targeted the enemies vehicles and soldiers which should force them to move in small groups without any form of motorised support whilst the other half bombed and destroyed any important roads, railways and bridges that the enemy would have to use which again would slow their retreat.

*Short wave radio message to the Andonain military and government*

"We the forces of Helzan hereby offer your civilians and soldiers the chance to unconditionaly surrender to our armed forces. If you wish to surrender then approach any Helzan force unarmed with your hands above your head. If you refuse then you will be shown no mercy."

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OOC: My soldiers don't retreat in groups and all motorised vehicles were left in Vaer Ranna, which is probably in the hands of the enemy. Also, all the infrastructure was focused in the mountains around VR, which is not the area my people are retreating through. Also, what are you going to do about that little holding force that I left in that small town?

A small detachment left the main force and headed to the underground aircraft. The entrance was sealed and the soldiers set up positions to defend the aircraft if necessary.

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OOC: Well I thought your forces would retreat in groups seeing as you don't really have time for your army to fall back in small units seeing as how my forces are pushing forwards at full speed. As for that holding force Il RP the fighting here though I am afraid it probally won't go well for you as the odds arnt so good in your favour B). Also by infrastructure I literally mean any buildings and farmland, forests etc.

IC: When the scouts for the Eastern army encountered the enemy blocking force they stopped and went to ground and waited for the main army to catch up. Once they had artillery guns and mortars were readied to unleash a rolling bombardment into the town whilst H-16's dropped their payloads from the sky. With a signal given the Helzan artillery unleashed their firepower on the town as the shells fell they blasted craters in the terrain for which the infantry would use for cover. Then the shells landed in the town itself and blasted the buildings apart as hundreds of shells dropped onto the enemy. Then with the bombardment complete the infantry with armoured car support advanced towards the town.

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OOC: what is this war about anyway?


*Ultimatum to the Helzan*

This unprovoked attack on our Dragon Bloc ally must be halted at once, and reparations paid immediately. The Dragon Bloc will not tolerate such brash invasions of our members.

*End Ultimatum*


The ten thousand troops in the newly attained Northern lands are ordered to mobilize immediately to prepare for potential invasion. Messengers have been sent to the BZ-RK fortress in South Eastern Dranagg that war may be breaking out.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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News had reached The Republic that Sri Lanka has become the host of a war. The Archon made a statement:

"This unjust war deserves nothing less than the aggressors being destroyed, if the Andonains wish it, we shall engage Helzan's troops in thier favour."

Edited by mykep
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OOC: About time people responded!!! :lol1:

IC: "To all nations thinking of coming to the rescue of the Andonians please be aware that we have recently came into possession of a number of documents that has revealed to us that the Andonians were behind the terrorist attacks against our nation and our High General. This is unacceptable and they must face the consequences of their actions".

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The first of the traps began to take effect, as several of the AC's were caught in large pitch-filled holes, disguised by vegatation. A native man fired flaming arrows into the holes, releasing copius amounts of smoke, blinding the enemy. The surviving machine-gunners began firing through the smoke, taking down many of the infantry men. Several of more the AC's were taken down by the few rocket launchers the force had.

OOC: The town itself will be reeeealy fun :war:

IC: Andonia would be glad to accept any offer of help.

Edited by freakwars
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OOC: About time people responded!!! :lol1:

IC: "To all nations thinking of coming to the rescue of the Andonians please be aware that we have recently came into possession of a number of documents that has revealed to us that the Andonians were behind the terrorist attacks against our nation and our High General. This is unacceptable and they must face the consequences of their actions".

No diplomacy was tried. Your first action was war. You want war so bad? You got it.

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OOC: Armoured cars not tanks, I don't have any tanks in game.

IC: The advance came to an immediate halt as the Helzan soldiers hit the dirt to avoid the sweeping machine gun fire whilst the armoured cars retreated out of rocket range. It was clear that the town was going to be much more of a problem than anticipated and so the artillery guns were wheeled forward until they were facing the enemy over open sights and then they targetted and engaged each separate machine gun position until they stopped firing.

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No diplomacy was tried. Your first action was war. You want war so bad? You got it.

"Diplomacy!! You want us to offer them diplomacy!!! They attack our nation, kill our soldiers and almost kill our leader and not to mention almost start a war with another nation and you want us to offer them diplomacy. No we could not afford to give them an early warning. We have offered them unconditional surrender which if they accept then we will pull out and resolve this problem".

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"Diplomacy!! You want us to offer them diplomacy!!! They attack our nation, kill our soldiers and almost kill our leader and not to mention almost start a war with another nation and you want us to offer them diplomacy. No we could not afford to give them an early warning. We have offered them unconditional surrender which if they accept then we will pull out and resolve this problem".

"I'm giving you one chance to remove yourself from thier lands. One chance. Its one more chance that you didnt give them so I see it plenty fair. This could have easily been avoided if you sat down and talked. What did this invasion do if you are offering unconditional surrender? Nothing. Get out."

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The 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 10th armored companies are ordered to mobilize and move to the southwest border of the Helzan. 2nd division (the 10k troops up north) is ordered to begin moving to the Western border and dig in. The BZ-RK have begun mobilization of a yet unknown sized force (Theres only 7k tops in the fortress), and they are expected to make the southern border if they leave their fortress.


*Response to the Helzan*

There are proper channels to bring this to light. Assulting a Dragon Bloc member is not one of them. If you are so against diplomacy then we will react to you the same as you have reacted to our fellow Bloc Member.

We suggest you reconsider your war against the Andonias immediately.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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"I'm giving you one chance to remove yourself from thier lands. One chance. Its one more chance that you didnt give them so I see it plenty fair. This could have easily been avoided if you sat down and talked. What did this invasion do if you are offering unconditional surrender? Nothing. Get out."

"And then what about those that supported the terrorist attacks on our government who will be able to disappear and all we have left are bodies and bad memories. What then?"

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