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Goodbye CN


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Well, the time has come to say goodbye to my empire. My academic pursuit of engineering has left me with no time to spare for my great nation. So it is with a tear in my eye that I say goodbye. However, as ruler, I would like to give back to CN. I have 500 tech left; before I delete it shall be given away to any nation, any color, that chooses to ask for it. Send me a message, and tech shall rain from the heavens. Goodbye CN...it was fun.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
The Republic of Lenahan lives without toasters, microwaves, or ovens.

We cook our food with fires like the cavemen before us.

Technology of any kind would be appreciated... B)

but I thought you roasted the bodies of your children and ate them? Here in the nation I own we eat our own legs raw :P

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