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A Quick Message from France


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A Message from France

Hello World. Take 2.

As anyone who reads these forums knows last night FRANCE assumed a state of war with OON for crimes against the Empire/Republic/Cluster$%&@.

After one night of war, FRANCE is ready to declare victory, and announce a white peace with OON. To be clear, as an entity France know longer considers nations flying the OON AA to be enemies. We never had the intention to force the disbandment of OON, and were very surprised to see it when we logged in today. (Although I admit, them coming to us soon after the blitz to ask if they could merge into FRANCE was even more shocking).


Please note that nations within France who engage in war from this point on are doing so not due to a state of war, but due to a desire to steal some techz. And well, I'm cool with that man.


Coolgreen44, Sun God


Acrux, Cptn Rogue


We would also like to Thank NOIR for the military support they offered. Carry on now.

Edited by Zikawe
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I can't take anyone seriously who posts unfunny George W. Bush picture in their post. :(

I thought you already didn't take me seriously.

And honestly we don't intend to be taken seriously. I PICKED THE NAME FRANCE FOR MY ALLIANCE!!! And if anyone checked I linked to like 3 sites full of jokes about France in my first DoW ;D

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I thought you already didn't take me seriously.

And honestly we don't intend to be taken seriously. I PICKED THE NAME FRANCE FOR MY ALLIANCE!!! And if anyone checked I linked to like 3 sites full of jokes about France in my first DoW ;D

I never take anyone seriously, life is just fun and games afterall. I like your sassy avatar btw. Can i hug you?

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Oh look its you again in another topic. Hai. Lets spam. :lol:

Done! ^_^ well shouldn't i be here, after all its my alliance that CG is talking about...

Edit: Typo... :(

Edited by mcboy
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This war isnt done :D we are gonna Bandwagon any alliance that wars France and our reason for falsely warring the OON in the past :). So technically not bandwagoning... and accepting a Surrender term from a non-gov OON =\

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Pssh >> << we are spread out :D like how NVO jumped 12k in 1 day? and LPE went up among other alliances ^^ but dw we havent DOW'ed France yet :) but are u willing to try and attack us while we are legitiment members of other alliances?

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what if we dont use the correct AA as a trick? :) to cover up our true size?

On another note the OOn and Redro are discussing a possible protection treaty Redro protecting OON but redro need to speak with the Roman Empire first :o

Edited by KenoDurkster
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I'm not sure if you have trouble reading, or what, but the post at the top of this thread says we are know longer at war with OON. So OON can change AA, change back AA, get treaties, do whatever they hell they want. It is of no concern to me.

Your sure trying hard to fight a war with an alliance that already offered white peace.

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Why should we peace you when we have nothing to gain from this peace? We could just go rogue on France be like Vox and just eat at some of your members weaken them a tad and get rif of your Sanction or at the least slow ur growth?

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Why should we peace you when we have nothing to gain from this peace? We could just go rogue on France be like Vox and just eat at some of your members weaken them a tad and get rif of your Sanction or at the least slow ur growth?

Then do it. All I have seen if mass changing of AA's and lots of peace offers. If you want to fight at least fight.

Oh, and about the sanction, I will cry for days when we lose it. :lol: Oh wait...we joined this to fight random wars, so you would kind of be accomplishing the the goal of the game for us, so I for one welcome your rogues. ^_^

But to I do find it funny, you want to go rogue on us for 20 rounds all because your so hurt over the CB we used. :lol: I actually feel kind of good about it to be honest. I really do well early in these rounds. Last round I coup'd UN and they were pissed and wanted to war me all round, then I got in a fight with RE and they wanted to fight as well, and now this round I get you. I really do feel accomplished.

I'll be Mr. Day 3 from now. :D

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