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End of Round - Thanks and Thoughts


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TO all CN:TE members,

I must say the round ended pretty quick and for all those playing in SE I'm sure it wasn't a moment too soon. This has been an interesting round with both FARK and HARMFUL staying above the 200 member levels. Unless 25-30 people decided to join Harmful out of the blue the by tomorrow Fark will win this round.

First, I want to congratulate FARK for a well fought war both times around. It was fun to fight against you guys twice this round. I wish all FARKers the best in round 5 and regardless whether we fight together or against next round, I look forward to seeing you back on the field.

Second, I also need to thank LE. I learned a lot of the war we had against each other. They are truly one of the best alliances in the game.

Third, My staff. Through thick and thin my current staff members and past members, you have also taught me many things as well. It was fun fighting and working by each and everyone of you.

Fourth, all Harmful members that have remained loyal through out this round even under 2 full blitzes when the odds were stacked against us. It is that kind of loyalty that makes Harmful what it is. I hope to see all of you back next round. To all those leaving harmful next round, I wish you all the best.

Last, Thank you Sethly. I know that in round 3 you asked if you could see how harmful operated. Little did you know you would be #2 in command. Harmful's success is as much yours as it is mine. From helping with the website to development, you did a great gob buddy. It was a privilege working with you this round.


My Thoughts:

* This round went too fast but 3 months is a little long. maybe admin could do 75 days?

* I liked the cost changes that took effect this round made it more fun.

* I hope people can keep SE and TE separated because since the epic war began in SE, it's been like dead on the TE side.

* Looking forward to seeing MI, IDIOT, NAAC back in action.

* Cheers for finally popping my Nuke cherry on BOTH ends this round!!!

Cheers to everyone in Round 4. May Round 5 be a fresh clean slate filled if anarchy, chaos, blitzes, but most of all GOOD FUN!!!

o/ Harmful

o/ FARK & LE

o/ CN:TE


Executive Director

Mostly Harmful Alliance

Edited by thaisport
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Part 2:

To GDA and RE,

You guys have been friends with Harmful for several round and will always be considered blood brothers/sisters. May we all have success in future rounds/

To TPF and Burning Glory,

I wanted to say I'm glad we have worked hard to repair relations between our two alliances. I wish you all the best in future rounds.


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No mention of the OAC :(

Guess we're just going to have to make a bigger impact in round 5, I guess getting Sanctioned in less than a month and being in the Blackwater war wasn't enough

Looking forward to next round :)

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No mention of the OAC :(

Guess we're just going to have to make a bigger impact in round 5, I guess getting Sanctioned in less than a month and being in the Blackwater war wasn't enough

Looking forward to next round :)

LoL... I haven't really talked to you guys and don't really know ya. That said I look forward to seeing you guys in action in Round 5.

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On my last day as LE leader, I will say this round was a lot of fun.

Great fights with SWAT, MHA, TPF, TRG and others.

We did some serious ghostbusting also.

Good friends were made, no grudges carrying over that I am aware of.

Many quality leaders in the game - a joy to work with you folks.

LE rotates leaders. Former leaders are active alliance members, new ones step

forward and instill their personalities into our group.

Thanks all in round 4 for the good times.



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