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The Return of Karl van Zyl


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Karl van Zyl

Colonel Karl van Zyl, the former Deputy Minister of Interior of Transvaal, had been keeping a low profile.

His unfortunate and misunderstood arrest last summer (January) by troops of the Tahoe Armtha-SS and subsequent secret detention at their embassy had proven convenient as it removed him from the attention of the Federal Government. His disappearance in the end had been written off by the government as one of many missing casualties of war from the Azarian Insurrection. Eventually he was able to quietly slip out of the embassy when the Tahoans’ attentions were focused on how to dispose of the two executed assassins in their custody without raising any public alarm.

Which made the Reverend’s announcement in March just that more odd.

The crippled Erasmus Du Toit had lost his fire and brimstone during the assassination attempt against him. After a long rehabilitation and against all odds, the Reverend was able to get up from his wheelchair and walk around – albeit with a limp requiring the aid of a cane. The cane had its usefulness, such as shaking it at those to make a point with who disagreed with him.

But the bullet which had grazed his spine and the coma had worn the outspoken Reverend out. He no longer had it in him to speak out against the social depravities of the modern world. He still loved his church and his bible, but the politics of defending white right in Transvaal had become a burden he could no longer bare. “Indeed, this is what my saviour the Lord Christ must have felt during his journey to Golgotha” the reverend would often ponder.

‘No, I shall devote the rest of my days to the church and turn the Verwoerd Front over to younger blood.’

So when Reverend Erasmus Du Toit, Chief Pastor of the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk and Leader of the white supremacist Verwoerd Front announced on national television that he would be stepping down, he passed the torch on to the presumed dead Karl van Zyl, proclaiming that “…if Van Zyl is alive and steps forward to claim the reigns of the party, then that is God’s sign that our movement is blessed and it shall go forth. If the party remains leaderless, then we accept God’s decision to wash away our movement.”

That was almost three weeks ago - and almost all political oberservers in Transvaal had written off the VF as dead and past its time.

Karl van Zyl looked at himself in the mirror and straightened his tie. He still wore his old Interior ministry uniform, as far as he was concerned he still retained his post – although he suspected as soon as the Federal Government found out they would find a new replacement.

The Party was his now for the taking. Today he was going to answer the Reverend’s prayers to God and reveal himself to the nation as its new saviour for the white man. He would lead the Party in the upcoming Federal Elections to victory reformed under a new banner and would sweep aside the National Party and its pandering to the Africans and coloureds. The days of old - where the black man bowed in servitude to the Afrikaner - would be restored.

Karl van Zyl put on his tunic and left his hotel room. He flagged down a taxi, “To the Volksraad please!”

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Private Report to Taoiseach O'Deaghaidh

Subject: Karl van Zyl

Karl van Zyl, a former colonel in the Interior Ministry of Transvaal manipulated Armtha-SS commanders during the Azzarian Revolution for his own political gains including the establishment of a radically white supremacist regime in Transvaal. Eventually discovered and taken into custody by the Armtha SS and held for over a month in our embassy in Pretoria. Escaped, method unknown. Ministry of State Security investigating possible assistance within the embassy by SS personnel sympathetic to his cause *ATTACHMENT ON PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE OF SS PERSONNEL*

Expected to be violent. Amount of support is currently unkown although appears to be increasing. National Security Threat Level considered to be a code yellow threat.

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Somewhere in Tahoe, a forensics technician was at her desk at the processing laboratory of Ministry of State Security.

She had run the same tests three times and still got the same result.

Frustrated, she leaned back from her desk, calling for her superior. “Sir, I’ve got something unusual here… you might want to have a look.”

Her superior walked over.

“What is it?”

“It’s the Van Zyl blood samples you wanted me to run a search against.”


“Well, I ran the sample against all the DNA samples we have collected in our database of Transvalers and I got a partial match – in that the match is coming up as the offspring of Van Zyl. Problem is the information we have on the subject match doesn’t seem to corroborate with the person’s identity what we have in our intelligence database.”

“Let me see what you have.”

The technician tore off the print-out and handed it to her superior. “According to records, we collected a sample from her when she was admitted to hospital in December 2007 for measles. She was the daughter of the Transvaler ambassador back then…”

The supervisor stared at the printout. It was the face of an eight-year-old Transvaler girl whose name was Joanne de Ruijters van Matteus.

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Dr. Karl van Zyl, the leader of the Verwoerd Front who had been presumed dead, re-appeared this morning on the steps of the Volksraad at Government House to proclaim the disbanding of the Verwoerd Front and its reformation as the Sosiaalnasionalis Party (SNP).

“The SNP is the secular successor of the VF. We have eschewed the rabid Christian Nationalism of Reverend Du Toit and will now be embracing the modern science of eugenics as our guiding light. We strive to clean our homeland of social stains and depravities of liberalism and will take back all our former territory which is rightfully ours.”

Critics and political observers at the Volksraad laughed off the so-called Doktor. “Another madman at the helm of the far right, just what we need to keep them out of power” said one member of the Volksraad who was watching and listening toVan Zyl's proclamation.

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Dr. Karl van Zyl, the leader of the Verwoerd Front who had been presumed dead, re-appeared this morning on the steps of the Volksraad at Government House to proclaim the disbanding of the Verwoerd Front and its reformation as the Sosiaalnasionalis Party (SNP).

“The SNP is the secular successor of the VF. We have eschewed the rabid Christian Nationalism of Reverend Du Toit and will now be embracing the modern science of eugenics as our guiding light. We strive to clean our homeland of social stains and depravities of liberalism and will take back all our former territory which is rightfully ours.”

Critics and political observers at the Volksraad laughed off the so-called Doktor. “Another madman at the helm of the far right, just what we need to keep them out of power” said one member of the Volksraad who was watching and listening toVan Zyl's proclamation.

Kaiser Rukia, from his residence in Lusakya had this to say: "Insane, simply insane. Let us hope I don't find any Verwoerd Front/Sosiaalnasionalis members in my country, because they'll be on the first bus to Helstaad Prison."

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Some people in Arctica have reacted with shock, others with amusement. The government had this to say:

"After realizing that Erasmus du Toit's mad ravings were doing their cause more harm than good, the VF have decided to reform themselves, this time disguising their intentions under a scientific idea that could be backed with reasoning instead of threats of hellfire. Their goal still remains the same: white supremacy, racism, the subjugation of blacks, the return of apartheid or even the introduction of something worse. It is our hope that the people of Transvaal have progressed enough socially to recognize that this new party is just the VF with sunglasses and a fake moustache."

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Somewhere at Arctica’s intelligence bureau:

“It’s really strange sir, this Van Zyl fellow… we cannot find any reference to him prior to last October. He just sort of appeared from nowhere out of the shadows. I had our embassy do some covertly research on him at their government department which handles birth and immigration records. There was nothing on him. No birth certificate nor any intake-processing information if he were an immigrant. Strange. Either there were no records or all information pertaining to him has been removed and destroyed.”

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The man's supervisor thought this over. He quickly reached the conclusion that Van Zyl had used his past position in Transvaal's Interior Ministry to erase his identity. "Thank you, carry on," he said and walked to his office. While none of them at Arctica Information Command were too fond of du Toit, they had never considered him a security threat. Van Zyl, however, from the moment of his announcement was considered a moderate security threat, and finding out that he didn't exist in the records only added to their suspicion. So he decided to authorize spies to enter Transvaal.

"Three agents, sent over the next month. I want them to infiltrate the new party in Transvaal. The SNP." He twirled a pen between his fingers as he spoke into the phone. "All white, all Afrikaans speakers. No, sex doesn't matter. The first one I want sent as soon as you can get him ready. If he obtains citizenship, have him infiltrate the organization at a low level. A desk job at their headquarters or something. The second one I want sent sometime in the next couple of weeks, have him do the same thing. The last one I want to rise through the ranks as quickly as possible without being exposed, I want him in by June at the latest. Once the party is infiltrated, I want reports from the first two at least once a month. Find a way to get the updates through to our embassy without drawing attention. Is that all understood?"

"Will do," came the reply from the other line before the other hung up.

The intelligence officer put down his own phone and prepared a report to send to the Director. Since Info Command was one of the agencies under the direction of Lord Thadon, the director would write up his own report and pass it up to him.

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The agents had been selected and were being briefed on their mission. The first two agents were being codenamed Impala and Cheetah, and the last one, the key to the operation was codenamed Cuckoo. The party was Mantis and Van Zyl was Swordfish.

False papers and records were created for the agents and Impala would be ready to board a ship to Transvaal on Saturday. The other government agencies had no way to tell by looking at the records which was false and which was not; only a few intelligence officers and the Director had access to a database that properly tagged which records were false.

OOC: How long would it take for them to gain citizenship if they're posing as immigrants?

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OOC: How long would it take for them to gain citizenship if they're posing as immigrants?

Depends on the mood of the Immigration Department as well as the political climate. Transvaal’s bureaucracy can be pretty sloppy and careless at times. If they can prove Afrikaner ancestry then it will speed things up considerably. Probably their best bet would be to pose as former residents from Südenreich, Association, or Mozambique (the independent part) wishing to be repatriated.

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Ministry of State Security Headquarters

"...yes sir, yes... No, we are 100% certain in our DNA analysis is correct."


"Yes sir, I would reccomend we bring the family in for questioning if at all possible....thank you."

With that, he hung up the phone and went back to his work, this time reviewing DNA profiles of suspected insurgents in Cuba.

Downtown Cruachan

A black SUVs pulled up in front of the stately embassy of Transvaal, located a few blocks from the National Capitol building, whose golden dome was visible over the treetops lining the street, on which a few other embassies from various nations were located. A few cars were parked on the mostly traffic free street, with pedestrians walking and admiring the sights.

Four men in the black uniforms of the Armtha-SS exited the SUVs, walking up steps into the embassy. Two of the men, one with the insignia of a major and the other with the insignia of a junior lieutenant approached the receptionist.

"Excuse me, ma'am, but we require your cooperation in an ongoing national security investigation. We need to speak with the Ambassador."

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The receptionist was taken aback by the appearance of the four Armtha-SS men walking into the embassy. ‘This doesn’t look too good’ she thought and pressed a hidden panic button.

As the four Tahoan men stopped at the reception counter, four Krygsmagte soldiers and two Interior ministry officers made their appearance known. However, unlike the startled government civilian working the front desk, the Krygsmagte and Interior men had a comfortable working relationship with the Tahoan authorities. The senior Interior officer nodded at the major in acknowledgement, an unspoken ‘we are here in case things get out of hand, but carry on with your business.’

"Excuse me, ma'am, but we require your cooperation in an ongoing national security investigation. We need to speak with the Ambassador."

The receptionist glanced at the Interior ministry men, who nodded back to her. “Why… uh, yes sir – let me contact Ambassador Andries Joubert and see if he is busy right now.”

The woman then spoke in one of Transvaal’s native African languages, an easy and quick means to hide what she was speaking about on the telephone. She put the phone down and said: “Mr. Joubert will be pleased to meet with you in five minutes, please wait over there and his assistant shall come and take you to his office.”

A few minutes later, a medium dark-skinned man appeared. He looked to be of possible mixed-blood, either a Cape Coloured or one of the Griqua - people who decended from the and Khoi (Hottentot) bushmen but had adopted Afrikaans as their language hundreds of years ago. Joubert was the secondmost senior member of Transvaal’s ambassadorial staff at the Foreign Ministry.

“Gentlemen, I am Ambassador Andries Joubert… how can I be of service to you?


Ambassador Joubert

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The major pulled a picture out of a cream colored folder marked Top Secret-Rúnda in bold red letters. Showing it to the ambassador, he said, "Sir, this picture is of the daughter of the former ambassador to Tahoe. Her name is Joanne de Ruijters van Matteus and is linked to Karl van Zyl, whom our governments, as you know, are both investigating."

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Impala finishes his journey to Mozambique, making landfall undetected* near the border with Transvaal. He has some rand given to him by his government to acquire transportation and other things. He commandeers an automobile without any difficulty and drives it to the border after disposing of the driver and his effects.

The man is dressed in normal civilian clothes. He is actually of German-Dutch ancestry but claims to be mostly Afrikaner, and introduces himself as Bart Hacker, a former Transvaler citizen who used to work as an accountant but circumstances forced him to stay in Mozambique when it was granted independence. He seeks to regain his citizenship.

OOC: *Since Mozambique's player hasn't posted since February, I decided to use my overwhelming ingame spy odds against him to expedite the process of sneaking in.

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"Sir, this picture is of the daughter of the former ambassador to Tahoe. Her name is Joanne de Ruijters van Matteus and is linked to Karl van Zyl, whom our governments, as you know, are both investigating."

Ambassador Joubert looked at the picture somewhat dumbfounded. “I actually wasn’t aware that my government was seriously interested in this Van Zyl chap, I never heard of him until a few days ago when I received a dispatch from our Foreign Minister informing us here of his new party and the demise of the Verwoerd Front. Everyone here on staff was like ‘who is he?’” The ambassador showed his obvious dislike of the VF by the manner he uttered the party’s name.

“Now this girl here,” he said, repeatedly tapping his finger at the photgraph, “I know who she is. I have seen her before, she is the daughter of Annetjie van Matteus, I am sure you are fully aware who she is, who was also my predecessor here as Ambassador to Tahoe. I’m not quite sure how she, the girl, would be linked to Van Zyl however, as the rumour going around was her father was the late Uys Rooyan de Ruijters, another Verwoerd Fronter, actually its founder I believe. He committed suicide in South America back during the whole Boereguay mess around six months ago. I say ‘rumour’ as Van Matteus has never disclosed and always publicly denied any questions regarding her daughter’s parentage although the surname including De Ruijters seems to be an obvious, dead give away. Unusual practice actually doing that, Afrikaners never double-barrel their surnames, they always take their father’s.”

The Ambassador paused to allow this to all sink in for his Tahoe visitors.

“I’m really very sorry I am not much help here… is there anything else I can do for you? Just ask.”

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Impala finishes his journey to Mozambique, making landfall undetected near the border with Transvaal. He has some rand given to him by his government to acquire transportation and other things.

Bart Hacker quickly finds out that all the currency which was issued to him is completely useless.

“We no longer accept these bills, the government withdrew them all from circulation around a week ago.”

It was the one hurdle he did not expect – especially after the border guards and the immigration official which processed him at the Mozambican frontier issued him with a temporary work visa no questions asked.

Finally, an old Boer noticed the frustrated Hacker desperately trying to find transportation. “Waar gaan u, seun? Where you go, son?” says the old farmer with the huge grey beard which would make Karl Marx envious. “Ek gaan Pretoria en Bloemfontein toe. I go to Pretoria and Bloemfontein. I can take you there” he says, pointing towards his old pick-up truck filled with vegetables.

OOC: (not one, but two in-game events in the last six weeks where my currency has to be redesigned due to counterfeiters… sorry, give me a means and excuse to play out an in-game event)

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Abandoning the vehicle he took from the Mozambican before he got to the border, Impala walked the rest of the way. After the border guards processed him, he encountered an unexpected obstacle. The money he had been given wasn't accepted anymore. Hopefully by the time Cheetah was deployed, his government would have noticed their mistake.

But he would now have to find some way to his objective that was free and didn't involve walking hundreds of miles. It seemed a very difficult task at first, but luckily for him, an old farmer had seen him and offered transportation.

"I need to get to Pretoria."

OOC: At least I think that's where the party's HQ is.

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"I need to get to Pretoria."

"Ja, then to Pretoria go we" said the farmer in his broken English.

The ride would be a long one, in a truck which seemed to have the worst suspension in all of Africa. The farmer smoke like a chimney and had old Boeremusiek blaring on the radio. "You like the accordion, ja? It is good." he asked.

The truck hit another bump. It then swerved suddenly around a blind bend, almost hitting a group of half a dozen African women walking the other way with their market purchases piled on their heads.

"Ach, stupid kaffirs...!" the farmer yelled at them out the window. "I run you over next time!"

It was just then that Impala noticed the crinckled-up VF handbill crammed down the front window on the dashboard.

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“I’m really very sorry I am not much help here… is there anything else I can do for you? Just ask.”

"No, that is all. Thank you for this information, Mr. Ambassador, this meeting was of great assistance."

The major shook Ambassador Joubert's hand and walked out with his men, leaving the quite perplexed embassy staff behind.

Quickly driving back to the Ministry of State Security headquarters on the other side of the Sacramento River, the DNA analyis of the girl as well the information that she was the daughter of Van Zyl and Van Matteus was sent to the government of Transvaal.

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The man didn't care much for the music, but didn't say anything one way or the other. He was going to be pretty sore by the time this drive was over. He chuckled when the old man yelled at the black women, and as his eyes followed them he noticed something near the windshield.

Impala reached over and took the flyer. "Ah, you like the Verwoerd Front? It is good to see an Afrikaner with his heart in the right place. I'm actually headed to Pretoria to find a job with them, help out the cause in my own way."

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the DNA analyis of the girl as well the information that she was the daughter of Van Zyl and Van Matteus was sent to the government of Transvaal.

OOC: Who exactly in the Transvaler government are you notifying this information?

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