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Looking for an alliance.

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My needs:

1. Democratic, but not slow on the decision making.

2. Part of a team filled with trades.

3. Tech deals and donation sales.

4. Well developed gov't.

5. Strong military.

6. Small to medium in size.

7. Competent diplomats.

8. Respected.

9. Easy to advance in.

Global Defense Group Is the alliance for you.


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My needs:

1. Democratic, but not slow on the decision making.

2. Part of a team filled with trades.

3. Tech deals and donation sales.

4. Well developed gov't.

5. Strong military.

6. Small to medium in size.

7. Competent diplomats.

8. Respected.

9. Easy to advance in.


1. Fully democratic, Alliance run by the General Assembly of member nations, who elect a Congress and Assembly Chairman to represent them. The AC appoints Ministers to run Defense, Finance, Domestic Affairs and Foreign Affairs.

2. Brown team, lot's of trades, GATO also fosters many in-house Trade Circles

3. Many Tech deals in the Ministry of Domestic Affairs, Tech Corps Department.

4. Oldest Alliance in the game, lot's of experience.

5. Well organized military, split into battalions according to NS.

6. About 100 active members.

7. Under the Ministery of Foreign Affairs.

8. Well respected, oldest alliance on planet Bob, lot's of History and traditions, most of CN's greats have been in GATO at one stage or another.

9. If you are active, competent and willing you will go far.

GATO Forums

GATO Greetings,


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Welcome fellow player,

I am the member of an alliance called White Knights Entente, we are a brand new alliance compared to some of the other alliances, who would like to ask you to join us. I would like you to join White Knights Entente and help us grow and prosper, in return we offer you protection from Tech raiders and rogues and we offer you friendship and aid to help you grow and become superior in the game. We aid new member’s 3,000,000 each who join White Knights Entente. Our Alliance is new, therefore you can get a alliance positions and your ideas will help shape the alliance.

Our Forums: http://z8.invisionfree.com/WKE/index.php

You need to go there and register and post an application to join our alliance.



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Will people stop with the recruitment? I get this without this thread. <_<

If you're going to pitch your alliance to me, you need to explain, in depth, how your alliance matches my list of requirements. Otherwise I'd just join the 1st alliance to PM me in-game.

One a final note, don't bother trying to bribe me. I won't say no to $3 Mil, but once upon a time I was on the top 100 list (different nation). $3 Mil isn't alot of money to me. :P

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My needs:

1. Democratic, but not slow on the decision making.

2. Part of a team filled with trades.

3. Tech deals and donation sales.

4. Well developed gov't.

5. Strong military.

6. Small to medium in size.

7. Competent diplomats.

8. Respected.

9. Easy to advance in.

I think the USN(United Sovereign Nations) fits everything you want.

1. We are a fully democratic alliance. We have elections every 2 months. Our alliance is run by the AC and High Council. The HC is composed of the MoE, MoFA, MoR, SG, and MoIA. The HC appoints their deputies.

2. We are on the Maroon team. We have plenty of trades, and our MoE will set them up for you so you don't have to do any work :D

3. We have registered tech deals with CSN. They are 3x3 deals and they make a great profit. We also have a Donation Circle that is going on right now.

4. Our gov't is very well developed. We are one of the oldest alliances around and we are known to be one of the most honorable too.

5. We also have a great military. We are split into 3 brigades that are organized by nation strength.

6. We have 123 nations in our alliance as of now.

7. We have many diplomats to many different alliances. Our MoFA handles all of it.

8. We are one of the most honorable, respected alliances in the game.

9. If you are active, then you have a great shot of advancing. I was appointed as DMoR in my first 2 weeks in the alliance.

USN Forum

If you are interested or have any questions just ask!

Edited by Rocknraider
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