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:. Received Message

To: Damian55 From: Tiberius12 Date: 3/13/2009 5:06:57 PM

Subject: A warning

Message: When the war with the Initiative is over, we are coming for you guys. Just a warning.

Really? So its true, that when pressured your true personality is shown. 1 question though, is this a threat? just wondering? :P

But really? Really?!!!!

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God what a quote... I enjoy it.

Down with UN... You're still insignificant, and you still don't scare me.

Hey, we don't have to scare you to best the best :P UN is were its at :P

maybe not yet, but hey its all good, Just remember the UN is back on board

boat and were not getting off this cruise baby B)

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Received Messages Sent Messages

:. Received Message

To: Damian55 From: Tiberius12 Date: 3/13/2009 5:06:57 PM

Subject: A warning

Message: When the war with the Initiative is over, we are coming for you guys. Just a warning.

Really? So its true, that when pressured your true personality is shown. 1 question though, is this a threat? just wondering? :P

But really? Really?!!!!

Umm, yeah, that's a threat. You guys decide to join in on a curbstomp because you don't have the guts to fight a decent, honorable war. I don't really care that the Initiative attacked us, they thought they were threatened, and they responded accordingly. You guys jump in on a war that's obviously one sided because you think it'll make people believe you're good fighters. Well, judging by the above posts, people think you're fail.

P.S. We figured we'd give you advance warning so it could be something of a fair fight. Not so you could cry about it on the OWF.

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Umm, yeah, that's a threat. You guys decide to join in on a curbstomp because you don't have the guts to fight a decent, honorable war. I don't really care that the Initiative attacked us, they thought they were threatened, and they responded accordingly. You guys jump in on a war that's obviously one sided because you think it'll make people believe you're good fighters. Well, judging by the above posts, people think you're fail.

P.S. We figured we'd give you advance warning so it could be something of a fair fight. Not so you could cry about it on the OWF.

HAHA. Was that suppose to scare me or something, GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT, we join this war beacuse we are allies with TPF so we fight by there side whether the are wining or losing, all love to TPF, And your in no postions to call the UN fail if we were so bad, why did you try to take our alliance? If you don't know ppl don't think so highly of RE anymore. And Just for you info you cliam that your gonna fight us, and yet the person who wrote the message isn't even your leader. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=51347

Next time you try to talk down on us, make sure you know what your saying. :)

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HAHA. Was that suppose to scare me or something, GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT, we join this war beacuse we are allies with TPF so we fight by there side whether the are wining or losing, all love to TPF, And your in no postions to call the UN fail if we were so bad, why did you try to take our alliance? If you don't know ppl don't think so highly of RE anymore. And Just for you info you cliam that your gonna fight us, and yet the person who wrote the message isn't even your leader. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=51347

Next time you try to talk down on us, make sure you know what your saying. :)

Lol, coming from the person who comes onto the OWF to whine and complain about every little threat to his alliance? Whose alliance couldn't hold off SWAT, with about half the members? Who surrendered three days into the war? Who ran around begging every alliance they could find to join them in the fight? For gods sake, one of your so called "leaders" asked RE to war slot fill UN nations! Your alliance is fail. Your best opportunity came when we tried to take you guys in (which we did for your members, who we feel sorry for, being led by such a sorry bunch).

And as for opinion of RE, judging by the number of people who have called your alliance pathetic, and complimented RE on fighting a good fight for our allies, I'd say public opinioin swings the other way.

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HAHA. Was that suppose to scare me or something, GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT, we join this war beacuse we are allies with TPF so we fight by there side whether the are wining or losing, all love to TPF, And your in no postions to call the UN fail if we were so bad, why did you try to take our alliance? If you don't know ppl don't think so highly of RE anymore. And Just for you info you cliam that your gonna fight us, and yet the person who wrote the message isn't even your leader. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=51347

Next time you try to talk down on us, make sure you know what your saying. :)

Is it my imagination or does Damian55's writing remind you of English Empire's prose?

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Lol, coming from the person who comes onto the OWF to whine and complain about every little threat to his alliance? Whose alliance couldn't hold off SWAT, with about half the members? Who surrendered three days into the war? Who ran around begging every alliance they could find to join them in the fight? For gods sake, one of your so called "leaders" asked RE to war slot fill UN nations! Your alliance is fail. Your best opportunity came when we tried to take you guys in (which we did for your members, who we feel sorry for, being led by such a sorry bunch).

And as for opinion of RE, judging by the number of people who have called your alliance pathetic, and complimented RE on fighting a good fight for our allies, I'd say public opinioin swings the other way.

tsk, tsk,.

First of all, to start things off we were blind sighted by swat and they are cowards for that, all props to them though that was a nicely executed plan. And were are not lead by a sry bunch. We have ppl with more leadership when they sleep then you have ever had, and you don't believe me, who's winning the war, who tried to steal our alliance, who has members GHOSTING THEIR OWN LEADER, who is threatening the UN but have no chance against us. We have a leader who has stuck with us from the beginning, shadow is a respected leader, and a much better leader than you are or will ever be, ppl actually trust him. No one respects you anymore Ceasar not because your a bad leader,actually thats probably it, and because you act like then UN and other alliances are below you. You don't scare the UN anymore. WE are family and WE will not back down.

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What the hell is it with UN members and the misuse of the Enter key?

What is it with the UN wanting to be allies with an alliance & then sucker punching them the following week? Oh yeah, UN wanted a treaty with us.

How's it going, are you part of government in the GDA? If so I would like to start work on a possible treaty with the UN and GDA.

Now the UN is attacking us! WTF?!

Note to everybody in this thread, If the UN wants to be your friend get to DEFCON 1 real fast :D

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What is it with the UN wanting to be allies with an alliance & then sucker punching them the following week? Oh yeah, UN wanted a treaty with us.

Now the UN is attacking us! WTF?!

Note to everybody in this thread, If the UN wants to be your friend get to DEFCON 1 real fast :D

I'd ask you if you wanted to join our crusade against them, but I'm pretty sure that we could lose 90% of our members and still take them.

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The UN is not attacking the GDA, .............. The only alliance that were are attacking is pretty much the RE beacuse our leader has only told us that we may attack RE and others in defense of our alliance. But i did see that on our war page the members of GDA are attacking our members and as far as I know, we have no treaty that says if GDA attacks us, we can't attack that member in defense. Do you know any treaty that said that? I didn't think so.


Edited by Damian55
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The UN is not attacking the GDA, .............. The only alliance that were are attacking is pretty much the RE beacuse our leader has only told us that we may attack RE and others in defense of our alliance. But i did see that on our war page the members of GDA are attacking our members and as far as I know, we have no treaty that says if GDA attacks us, we can't attack that member in defense. Do you know any treaty that said that? I didn't think so.


So the informal non agression pact that we had is pretty much out the window I guess? At least the world can see that there is no honor in the UN.

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The UN is not attacking the GDA, .............. The only alliance that were are attacking is pretty much the RE beacuse our leader has only told us that we may attack RE and others in defense of our alliance. But i did see that on our war page the members of GDA are attacking our members and as far as I know, we have no treaty that says if GDA attacks us, we can't attack that member in defense. Do you know any treaty that said that? I didn't think so.


Now that's a load of crap. It just get's deeper doesn't it?

Your also attacking your ally, FAN.


Everybody feast your eyes on the "Honor" of the UN.

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tsk, tsk,.

First of all, to start things off (repetition) we were blind sighted by swat and they are cowards for that. All props to them though; that was a nicely executed plan. And we are not lead by a sorry bunch. We have people with more leadership when they sleep then you have ever had. If you don't believe me, ask yourself who's winning the war, who tried to steal our alliance, who has members GHOSTING THEIR OWN LEADER (what does that even mean?), and who is threatening the UN yet have no chance against us. We have a leader who has stuck with us from the beginning. Shadow is a respected leader, and a much better leader than you are or will ever be. People actually trust him. No one respects you anymore Ceasar. Not because your a bad leader. Actually that's probably it. Plus, you act like then UN and other alliances are below you. You don't scare the UN anymore. WE are family and WE will not back down.

Sorry, I just had to make that post readable before I could respond to it.

1. The whole point of TE is awesome, mindless wars. Just because we were more coordinated than you and got a quick victory after just three days of war does not make us cowards. It makes us organized.

2. You are not winning the war. The Initiative is. Do not take credit for the well executed blitz that your alliance was not a part of.

3. The reason they have "no chance" against you is not by your own skill. Rather, it is because you have allies like TPF with sufficient skill to defend you.

4. Really? Do you honestly think flame baiting Ceasar by calling him a bad leader is going to get you anywhere? I was hoping this war would stay respectful. You just shattered that hope.

Edited by Alpha One
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Now that's a load of crap. It just get's deeper doesn't it?

Your also attacking your ally, FAN.


Everybody feast your eyes on the "Honor" of the UN.

HAH FYI Fan attacked us by mistake and they have said they will request peace as soon as they can, they attacked us we pmed them they siad there sry were getting it fixed, period.

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HAH FYI Fan attacked us by mistake and they have said they will request peace as soon as they can, they attacked us we pmed them they siad there sry were getting it fixed, period.

And the saga of UN failure continues...

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Sorry, I just had to make that post readable before I could respond to it.

1. The whole point of TE is awesome, mindless wars. Just because we were more coordinated than you and got a quick victory after just three days of war does not make us cowards. It makes us organized.

2. You are not winning the war. The Initiative is. Do not take credit for the well executed blitz that your alliance was not a part of.

3. The reason they have "no chance" against you is not by your own skill. Rather, it is because you have allies like TPF with sufficient skill to defend you.

4. Really? Do you honestly think flame baiting Ceasar by calling him a bad leader is going to get you anywhere? I was hoping this war would stay respectful. You just shattered that hope.

1.Actually if you lose a war it doesn't mean your organized, its means you weren't ready, which mean your disorganized.....

2. I'm pretty sure were not taking credit for winning this war, cause half if not more was fought by others

3. Hey, thats true but the fact is they have "no chance" so it really doesn't matter

4.Haha this war stopped being respectful when ceasar started calling us cowards, and when ppl with the same ideas as you said were coming into the war to be on the winning side, when were just helping allies. This war WAS respectful until the RE and GDA told ppl we had no "honor", and it stop being respectful when all the alliance from the outnumbered side started complianing, and saying "it's not fair" life isn't fair, belive me i know. If anyone shatter the hope it was RE and the ppl who follow in their footsteps......


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