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The Northern Red Army


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Sarah continues to remark how a peaceful revolution will be conducted by the parties. Yet, revolts still occur as Loyalists and Communists face off in the streets.

An unexpected guest with the intent to help has come although from America...Amanda Chavez. (OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...st&p=692305 Yeah...I'm going to be using references from alot of nations...very detailed...enjoy :) )

When Mark met with Amanda, her only words were with a smerk on her face:

"We are comrades in arms, we share a common struggle. For far to long the likes of Emperor Mykep and others have oppressed the proletariat. I would do everything in my possible power to spread the revolution threwout The Northern Empire and Russia as a whole."

Mark was astonished but as her and the ICP supporters flew into the country, she walked off without either saying a word.


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"You continue to say that your 'revolution' will be carried out peaceable. Why, then, do we still see violence?"

The Communist party of Promised Land has withdrawn its support to this movement, and is calling now for Promised Land to support the Emperor if things get any worse.

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Sarah on 1014 Satellite Radio:

We dont support these revolts! We have asked our people to act peacefully, but I can promise you it is not us! It is the loyalists who define us as terrorists, treason, and other labels that are negative. They rally at our rallies to stop us...we are not the ones starting the violence!

John on PTV (Patriot TV):

Your slander of the Emperor is not bad enough? Now you lie to government officials and leaders of other countries? Trust me if we were the ones attacking you we would be going against what we stand for. The lawfulness and honouring the country and its laws. You betray them with every remark and opinion...

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Sarah on 1014 Satellite Radio:

We dont support these revolts! We have asked our people to act peacefully, but I can promise you it is not us! It is the loyalists who define us as terrorists, treason, and other labels that are negative. They rally at our rallies to stop us...we are not the ones starting the violence!

Whether or not your people are starting the violence, you don't seem to be doing much to put an end to it. it takes two to tango, to use some slang that seems appropriate at this time.

We will be sending a division to help keep the peace if this violence continues and the Emperor has no objectioon.

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The CSSR is willing to provide our comrades with training within our advanced university programs in political organization and peaceful resistance against the oppressive classes. We believe with the proper education, a peaceful revolutionary Vanguard can arise in the Northern Empire.

Classified to the New Worker's Party

Other training can of course be given.

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GTI Spy Satelite, codename Harmless 9, has been moved above Aperture Science-controlled factories to check out what has happened there.

\\Aperture Science\\

About 25,000 soilders were inside of AS-ghosted Factory's. 300 tanks were also inside, with 4 apache helicopters. Their status was moved to active, in case of a riot. Defense turrets were deployed on the factory installation's defensive walls where there should be no persons. Several mice were shot dead.


GTI shall take no sides in this.

Edited by JerreyRough
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The two groups were greated by another, more rural group. Leading a charge into the revolts in the cities, this heavy leftist militia raised arms in a unfied manner. It was beyond the militaries control with the city running with communists, socialists, and now leftists with guns... The revolts and people in them were now fully insane.

Some say the communists shot the loyalists first...Others say the military shot both. Either way, the firing started...and it wasnt stopping. In 17 major cities, blocks turned into battlefields. Men and women shot from windows screaming "Comrades! Fight for your freedom!" or "Die traitors!"

Sarah and Mark were arrested and the radio was put down. Thier nonviloent supporters went from protest to fighting the second they saw thier peaceful attempt had gone wrong.

In the end, the revolts were "quieted" and the fighting stopped...20,000 were dead. 100,000 were killed. Supporters on both side, and even members of high ranking military positionsd were arrested.

The beginning chapter had ended.

- - - -

Chapter Two: Beginning.

When Sarah and Mark were released, they saw thier supporters dwindle. More and more of thier peaceful organizations had turned to the ICP. It was a long drive home for the both of them. Yet, when they arrive at thier dwelling, three individuals were seated at thier kitchen table, one of which was Amanda Chavez. Amanda smirked and looked to the couple, "Have a seat." They pulled up a chair and they were introduced to the two others sitting in thier home.

"This is Comrade Ryter. He is the leader of the Red Fist. (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=38009&view=findpost&p=997306)

He will be assisting on us in our more...violent matters.

And this...this is Bako Sahakyan. (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=41832)

He will be assisting in the more formal proceedings..."

Before she could continue, Mark went to speak against the proposal.

"Are you mad? A terrorist organization and handling this violently? We will not make it out alive if we do this! 120,000 lives destroyed because of this already! You REALLY think..."

Sarah brought him into the other room without another word and whispered.

"Mark, honey, we can do this. We can take this revolution to a whole new level! With our supporters, The New Workers Party, The International Communist Party, The Red Fist, and now a former president? We also have support from other leaders as well! We can do this...better than before!"

"Sarah...we are talking thousands of lives..."

"Sacrifices must be made for freedom..."

With that, the couple walked into the other room and discussed thier plans.

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OOC: My friend, you make a well-played story.

<<Classified to New Worker's Party

A few Yuke Spetsnaz members will be sent your way in a few days. We have reason to believe that a former Yuke PM has found asylum here. If you ever happen to come across former PM Nikanor, kill him.

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***Classified to Mykep***

Do you wish our assistance in this matter? We can send a portion of our forces to aid you if you but speak the word.

And if, on the off chance this all goes south and you are ousted, you would be welcome to stay in Promised Land.

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OOC: My friend, you make a well-played story.

<<Classified to New Worker's Party

A few Yuke Spetsnaz members will be sent your way in a few days. We have reason to believe that a former Yuke PM has found asylum here. If you ever happen to come across former PM Nikanor, kill him.

OOC: Thank you


<<We shall, but we will request your assistance if this matter turns into a war. Deal?>>

***Classified to Mykep***

Do you wish our assistance in this matter? We can send a portion of our forces to aid you if you but speak the word.

And if, on the off chance this all goes south and you are ousted, you would be welcome to stay in Promised Land.

I do not believe it will end violently. I am not opposed to thier views, it is simply how they conduct them. If they do turn violent, they will be put down. But thank you for the assistance...and hospitality.

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What facilities and why are wen not informed about them?

GTI has had many, many factories in the Northern Empire for quite some time. We never bothered putting up signs, but the information has been availble on our web site. Furthermore, local workers have been working there; due to recent events involving the Great Nuclear Nuclear War, we have had to station it with our own personel.

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GTI has had many, many factories in the Northern Empire for quite some time. We never bothered putting up signs, but the information has been availble on our web site. Furthermore, local workers have been working there; due to recent events involving the Great Nuclear Nuclear War, we have had to station it with our own personel.

<Private Transmission from an unknown source.>

Thank you for this....information.

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