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Classified Message to RUSSIAN


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OOC: Assuming everyone has gathered

IC: Almaty, RUSSIAN Protectorate

The Altin Urda representative spoke to the RUSSIAN delegates.

"Esteemed delegates, Atlin Urda wishes to join RUSSIAN, to help bring prosperityto the region. However, our land has less than 50% of the land that is considered RUSSIAN, making us unqualified. Is there any way to solve this problem?"

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Ambassador Ushakov offers a temporary suggestion,

"The government is Moscow have been very interestid in Altin Urda. The country shows great promise as a potential regional partner. However I think the Slavorussian government would like a chance to warm up to the Altin Urdan government before we make any final decisions. I propose we grant Altin Urda observer status in the RUSSIAN Pact, and then discuss how to go about this issue. The way i see it, we could amend the charter to fit Altin Urda's situation, or sell them a chunk of the RUSSIAN Protectorate."

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Ambassador Ushakov offers a temporary suggestion,

"The government is Moscow have been very interestid in Altin Urda. The country shows great promise as a potential regional partner. However I think the Slavorussian government would like a chance to warm up to the Altin Urdan government before we make any final decisions. I propose we grant Altin Urda observer status in the RUSSIAN Pact, and then discuss how to go about this issue.

"An observer status would be a good start for us."

The way i see it, we could amend the charter to fit Altin Urda's situation, or sell them a chunk of the RUSSIAN Protectorate."

"I suppose we can discuss that after time has passed. We would prefer reunifying Turkestan, but that might make us too big for the comfort of some people."

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A bit in a hurry a woman entered the Conference.

"I am sorry I am late but it was hard to get on a plane here. I would like to request the orange part on the map for a new nation the Federal Republic of Bosporan"

OOC: The conference is here. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...0&start=120 , this thread is a classified communique between Sumeragi and RUSSIAN.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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The new ruler of Estovakia enters the room, dressed in dark clothing.

"Greetings, friends," he says, in a thick Uralic accent. "I do believe there has been a miscommunication regarding Bashkortostan and Orenburg. The lands of Oktyabrskyy and Neftekamsk belong to Slavorussia, and our troops had evacuated the Orenburg region completely. So therefore I must vote against this division."

OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1331760 - I didn't want Orenburg. Centurius can have that if he wishes. If Slavorussia is willing to give up that part of Bashkortostan, fine, but otherwise, he should be left with it. If I have to give up Sverdlovsk, so be it.

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